351 resultados para Confluence
Serviços dos ecossistemas prestados pelos estuários : especiação e capacidade de retenção do fósforo
O fator nutricional presente nos sapais não é só importante para os organismos que nele habitam como também apresenta uma importância ecológica a uma maior escala. Exemplifica-se este fato com a capacidade de retenção do Fósforo (P) por parte das plantas podendo estas competir como produto químicos para sua imobilização através da incorporação da sua fração biodisponível para cumprimento dos mecanismos básicos de sobrevivência. O rizosedimento dessas plantas é uma importante fonte de nutrientes necessários para garantia básica da perpetuação de todos os serviços (regulação, provisão, cultural) gerados pelo ambiente. A perda de áreas de sapal foi o motivo principal para a elaboração desta tese visto a preocupação em relação aos impactes que a perda de serviços associados à área de estudo escolhida, o sistema lagunar da Ria de Aveiro, poderá vir sofrer caso aconteçam alterações hídricas (naturais ou antrópicas) mais acentuadas no futuro. Essa tese assume como compromisso chamar a atenção para essa questão como também investigar os mecanismos do ciclo do P este importante nutriente considerado essencial para a manutenção da vida em nosso planeta. Para este estudo foram escolhidas 3 espécies de plantas halófitas representantes do sapal amostral, são elas: Bolbochenous maritimus, Spartina maritima e de Juncus maritimus. As questões levantadas buscam compreender o papel do P nas transformações que ocorrem no rizosedimento das halófitas em 3 diferentes contextos: (i) quando comparados os valores da biomassa de P associado às halófitas estudadas (estudo realizado nos sapais povoados por Spartina maritima e Juncus maritimus) em toda extensão da Ria de Aveiro (ii) quando da disponibilidade de P perante a presença de poluentes inorgânicos no Largo do Laranjo, que corresponde a uma zona historicamente contaminada por metais (estudo realizado no rizosedimento das espécies Bolbochenous maritimus e Juncus maritimus) e (iii) quanto à intrusão superficial da água salgada da laguna (estudo focado na avaliação da perda do P próximo às raízes das halófitas que habitam a zona externa do dique do Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) que corresponde à zona de confluência do Rio Vouga com a Ria de Aveiro). Por meio da análise do rizosedimento e da biomassa das diferentes halófitas predominantes do sapal foi possível verificar que, em relação à carga nutritiva fosfática, de Norte (Canal de São Jacinto/Ovar) a Sul (Canal de Mira) da Ria de Aveiro, a cota do sapal é mais importante do que a natureza espacial do sistema. Esta informação é primordial para a assertividade de futuras medidas de criação e reabilitação das áreas de sapal na Ria de Aveiro. Os estudos realizados nas áreas impactadas (Largo do Laranjo e BVL) incidiram na análise do perfil vertical rizosedimentar das halófitas pertencentes ao sapal médio-alto. Estes estudos revelaram que o rizosedimento dessas halófitas possui características peculiares que definem a dinâmica do ciclo do P de forma bastante característica. O rizosedimento das halófitas presentes no Largo do Laranjo apresentaram teores biodisponíveis de P equivalentes àqueles presentes no rizosedimento de área mais afastada da fonte pontual de contaminação para as mesmas espécies. Numa visão otimista, os resultados revelam que ambos sapais, Largo de Laranjo e Cais do Bico, apresentam condições equiparável para perpetuação dos serviços por eles gerados, que nesse caso se tornam ainda mais valiosos devido a garantia da fitoestabilização dos contaminantes (prevenção da entrada de contaminantes na coluna d’água e na cadeia alimentar). No Baixo Vouga Lagunar a análise espacial do sapal na zona exterior ao dique revelou a perda da diversidade das espécies bem como o aumento da área de vasa e consequentemente a perda dos teores de P associados ao rizosedimento das halófitas mais expostas aos efeitos da compressão costeira intensificados pelas ações naturais e antrópicas a que a Ria está sujeita. Em geral, a degradação dessa área de sapal devido aos fenômenos de assoreamento ou de erosão não pode ser separada dos processos sedimentares na área envolvente, principalmente no caso da Ria de Aveiro que tem sofrido constantes mudanças para atender às necessidades das atividades humanas. Essa tendência provavelmente não mudará no futuro próximo. Consequentemente, a evolução da laguna será principalmente dependente do resultado direto das ações humanas que deverão sempre encontrar formas de compensar os danos causados no âmbito de intervenções de reabilitação do sistema hídrico. A recriação de áreas de sapal pode ter lugar como medida mitigadora no âmbito de intervenções de reabilitação de áreas degradadas e ainda poderá servir como forma de captura de P para programas de utilização de fertilizantes naturais (componente desejável para a agricultura moderna o que é particularmente importante para as regiões altamente dependentes do mercado de importação). Deste modo, recomenda-se que a recuperação das áreas de sapal seja enquadrada no âmbito de intervenções mais amplas de valorização dos sistemas estuarinos e lagunares.
The function of the vascular endothelium is to maintain vascular homeostasis, by providing an anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory interface between circulating blood and the vessel wall, meanwhile facilitating the selective passage of blood components such as signaling molecules and immune cells. Dysfunction of the vascular endothelium is implicated in a number of pathological states including atherosclerosis and hypertension, and is thought to precede atherogenesis by a number of years. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) is a crucial mitogenic signaling molecule, not only essential for embryonic development, but also in the adult for regulating both physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Previous studies by our laboratory have demonstrated that VEGF-A activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), the downstream component of a signaling cascade important in the regulation of whole body and cellular energy status. Furthermore, studies in our laboratory have indicated that AMPK is essential for VEGF-A-stimulated vascular endothelial cell proliferation. AMPK activation typically stimulates anabolic processes and inhibits catabolic processes including cell proliferation, with the ultimate aim of redressing energy imbalance, and as such is an attractive therapeutic target for the treatment of obesity, metabolic syndromes, and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic diseases are associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes and AMPK activation is reported to have beneficial effects on the vascular endothelium. The mechanism by which VEGF-A stimulates AMPK, and the functional consequences of VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation remain uncertain. The present study therefore aimed to identify the specific mechanism(s) by which VEGF-A regulates the activity of AMPK in endothelial cells, and how this might differ from the activation of AMPK by other agents. Furthermore, the role of AMPK in the pro-proliferative actions of VEGF-A was further examined. Human aortic and umbilical vein endothelial cells were therefore used as a model system to characterise the specific effect(s) of VEGF-A stimulation on AMPK activation. The present study reports that AMPK α1 containing AMPK complexes account for the vast majority of both basal and VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activity. Furthermore, AMPK α1 is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum when sub-confluent, but translocated to the Golgi apparatus when cells are cultured to confluence. AMPK α2 appears to be associated with a structural cellular component, but neither α1 nor α2 complexes appear to translocate in response to VEGF-A stimulation. The present study confirms previous reports that when measured using the MTS cell proliferation assay, AMPK is required for VEGF-A-stimulated endothelial cell proliferation. However, parallel experiments measuring cell proliferation using the Real-Time Cell Analyzer xCELLigence system, do not agree with these previous reports, suggesting that AMPK may in fact be required for an aspect of mitochondrial metabolism which is enhanced by VEGF-A. Studies into the mitochondrial activity of endothelial cells have proved inconclusive at this time, but further studies into this are warranted. During previous studies in our laboratory, it was suggested that VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation may be mediated via the diacylglycerol (DAG)-sensitive transient receptor potential cation channel (TRPCs -3, -6 or -7) family of ion channels. The present study can neither confirm, nor exclude the expression of TRPCs in vascular endothelial cells, nor rule out their involvement in VEGF-A-stimulated AMPK activation; more specific investigative tools are required in order to characterise their involvement. Furthermore, nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP)-stimulated Ca2+ release from acidic intracellular organelles is not required for AMPK activation by VEGF-A. Despite what is known about the mechanisms by which AMPK is activated, far less is known concerning the downregulation of AMPK activity, as observed in human and animal models of metabolic disease. Phosphorylation of AMPK α1 Ser485 (α2 Ser491) has recently been characterised as a mechanism by which the activity of AMPK is negatively regulated. We report here for the first time that VEGF-A stimulates AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation independently of the previously reported AMPK α1 Ser485 kinases Akt (protein kinase B) and ERK1/2 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2). Furthermore, inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC), the activity of which is reported to be elevated in metabolic disease, attenuates VEGF-A- and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-stimulated AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation, and increases basal AMPK activity. In contrast to this, PKC activation reduces AMPK activity in human vascular endothelial cells. Attempts to identify the PKC isoform responsible for inhibiting AMPK activity suggest that it is one (or more) of the Ca2+-regulated DAG-sensitive isoforms of PKC, however cross regulation of PKC isoform expression has limited the present study. Furthermore, AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation was inversely correlated with human muscle insulin sensitivity. As such, enhanced AMPK α1 Ser485 phosphorylation, potentially mediated by increased PKC activation may help explain some of the reduced AMPK activity observed in metabolic disease.
De nouveaux modèles cellulaires in vitro par transfert de milieu et par coculture ont été mis au point afin d’évaluer la capacité des HDL à éliminer l’excès de cholestérol des tissus périphériques et de le transporter vers le foie afin d’être excrété par le foie, un processus nommé le transport inverse du cholestérol (TIC). Le système cellulaire par transfert in vitro où des macrophages J774 sont gorgés de LDL acétylées et marqués au 3H-cholestérol a été préalablement établi afin de mesurer par scintillation l’efflux de cholestérol marqué vers le milieu de culture contenant des accepteurs de cholestérol. Ce milieu conditionné est transféré sur des cellules HepG2 afin d’étudier l’influx du cholestérol marqué. Ce dernier nous permet d’observer un transport de cholestérol de 25 % hors des J774 et un transport de 39 000 cpm dans les HepG2 en utilisant un milieu contenant 2 % de sérums humains mis en commun. Une stimulation des cellules J774 par l’AMPc augmente l’efflux et l’influx d’environ 45 %. Des tests de preuve de concept ont été effectués sur le système cellulaire par co-culture qui utilise des chambres de Boyden où les J774 sont localisées au fond d’un puits et les HepG2 dans un insert, et où le milieu est partagé entre les deux types cellulaires. On a déterminé qu’une confluence densité de 60 000 cellules/cm2 sur un insert constitué d’une membrane de polyester avec des pores de 3,0 μm, sans autre revêtement, permet d’observer un influx spécifique au sérum d’environ 6 000 cpm associés aux cellules HepG2, où 50 % des comptes radioactifs sont dans les cellules et l’autre moitié présente à la surface cellulaire.
O presente projeto tem como principal objetivo a Classificação como Conjunto de Interesse Público (CIP) dos Vestígios Arqueológicos de Lourosa, associando ao estudo o potencial turístico que advém da ligação aos recursos patrimoniais. Outros objetivos: A Criação de um Centro Interpretativo da Cultura Judaica e o Reconhecimento e Notoriedade Internacional. O Turismo Cultural e Religioso, considerado como um produto emergente e inovador e uma das apostas do Plano Estratégico Nacional do Turismo (PENT) 2013/2015 continua a ser um recurso turístico do projeto Turismo 2020. A presença judaica em Portugal é tida pela comunidade científica como muito significativa e o seu valor patrimonial muito relevante. Constituem aspetos deste património histórico-cultural: as comunas e as judiarias, as sinagogas e os armários sagrados, as inscrições e as marcas de simbologia judaica e cristã-nova, as tradições e os costumes. A confluência entre a cultura, a religião e o turismo dá origem ao denominado Turismo Cultural e Religioso. A Organização Mundial do Turismo, identifica o turismo cultural como sendo: O movimento de pessoas essencialmente por motivos culturais, incluindo visitas de grupo, visitas culturais, viagens a festivais, visitas a sítios históricos e monumentos, folclore e peregrinação (OMT, 1985, citado por McKercher e du Cros, 2002). O turismo cultural tem sido considerado a área de maior crescimento no turismo global. O turismo religioso tem igualmente uma relação forte com o património existente sendo que, o principal objetivo é a participação em rituais de culto. Assim sendo, o turismo é uma atividade multifacetada que apresenta uma forte ligação com o património material e imaterial existente contribuindo desta forma, para o desenvolvimento económico e social de uma determinada região.
Set in 2008 Puerto Rico, this novel aims to explore the relationship between constructed masks of personal identity, the increasingly interconnected nature of community, and their confluence in the worlds of politics, media, social activism, and business through a narrative examination of the ways in which three primary characters affect the lives of those around them. Jaime, a meditative young man with a penchant for planes, comes home to find the power shut off and his drug-addict mother gone. His best friend, Yarique, a disaffected stoner with a false sense of machismo, becomes an overnight sensation after an escalating series of violent run-ins with his abuelo’s neighbor. Ravolo Soto, a reclusive pitorro distiller, drinks to keep The Other in check, but takes off into the jungles of Lares, hiding out in his father’s mountain shack, after a violent encounter with the police leaves one officer dead.
A 66-year-old female with history of endometrioid endometrial carcinoma was admitted to our institution with abdominal and pelvic pain. A CT scan revealed a mass within the right upper kidney with a tumour thrombus that extended through the right renal vein up to the point of confluence with the inferior vena cava (IVC). The imaging features of the mass strongly suggested a diagnosis of renal angiomyolipoma (AML) with renal vein thrombosis. The patient was proposed an open radical right nephrectomy with right renal thrombectomy for histopathological confirmation of the diagnosis of AML with extension to the right renal vein and preventing complications such as potentially fatal pulmonary thromboembolism. The implantation of a temporary IVC filter before surgery was recommended.
Current trends in broadband mobile networks are addressed towards the placement of different capabilities at the edge of the mobile network in a centralised way. On one hand, the split of the eNB between baseband processing units and remote radio headers makes it possible to process some of the protocols in centralised premises, likely with virtualised resources. On the other hand, mobile edge computing makes use of processing and storage capabilities close to the air interface in order to deploy optimised services with minimum delay. The confluence of both trends is a hot topic in the definition of future 5G networks. The full centralisation of both technologies in cloud data centres imposes stringent requirements to the fronthaul connections in terms of throughput and latency. Therefore, all those cells with limited network access would not be able to offer these types of services. This paper proposes a solution for these cases, based on the placement of processing and storage capabilities close to the remote units, which is especially well suited for the deployment of clusters of small cells. The proposed cloud-enabled small cells include a highly efficient microserver with a limited set of virtualised resources offered to the cluster of small cells. As a result, a light data centre is created and commonly used for deploying centralised eNB and mobile edge computing functionalities. The paper covers the proposed architecture, with special focus on the integration of both aspects, and possible scenarios of application.
In this Clinical Practice Guideline we discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of adult patients with constipation and abdominal complaints at the confluence of the irritable bowel syndrome spectrum and functional constipation. Both conditions are included among the functional bowel disorders, and have a significant personal, healthcare, and social impact, affecting the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. The first one is the irritable bowel syndrome subtype, where constipation represents the predominant complaint, in association with recurrent abdominal pain, bloating, and abdominal distension. Constipation is characterized by difficulties with or low frequency of bowel movements, often accompanied by straining during defecation or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Most cases have no underlying medical cause, and are therefore considered as a functional bowel disorder. There are many clinical and pathophysiological similarities between both disorders, and both respond similarly to commonly used drugs, their primary difference being the presence or absence of pain, albeit not in an "all or nothing" manner. Severity depends not only upon bowel symptom intensity but also upon other biopsychosocial factors (association of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms, grade of involvement, and perception and behavior variants). Functional bowel disorders are diagnosed using the Rome criteria. This Clinical Practice Guideline has been made consistent with the Rome IV criteria, which were published late in May 2016, and discuss alarm criteria, diagnostic tests, and referral criteria between Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. Furthermore, all the available treatment options (exercise, fluid ingestion, diet with soluble fiber-rich foods, fiber supplementation, other dietary components, osmotic or stimulating laxatives, probiotics, antibiotics, spasmolytics, peppermint essence, prucalopride, linaclotide, lubiprostone, biofeedback, antidepressants, psychological therapy, acupuncture, enemas, sacral root neurostimulation, surgery) are discussed, and practical recommendations are made regarding each of them.
This study focuses on the building ensemble of Avenida Roberto Freire, a main road in Natal, Brazil, as a material expression of the confluence of various factors among which the following may be emphasized: high level of accessibility due to urban spatial re-structuring and the growth of the real estate market, in view of the increasing number of consumers, who arrived in Natal within the last decades. The intense urban modification process that has been going on in Natal since at least the 1980s, has engendered the formation of long axial lines which express the expansion dynamics and some of the forces subjacent to it. Avenida Roberto Freire has been an iconic example of an urban thoroughfare where architecture becomes primarily a communication support that can be perceived by fast moving passers-by, what brings it close to the venturian concept of strip (Venturi at al, 1972). The building types that line the road not only respond to the dynamics in process but also contribute to intensify it, as they house a variety of uses which attract people and generate more movement. The dynamics is further strengthened by the action of the real estate business which benefits from the increase of highly accessible locations, and from the private and public investments and incentives to tourism that aim to insert this city into the globalized world. Although the intention of reconstituting part of the history of density increase on this avenue in a diachronical perspective was attempted within the limits of the available references and documentation, the central contribution of this study is to understand the relations between topological accessibility and the typological nature of the building ensemble. By observing the synchronic morphological frame resulting from the spatial configuration analysis pertinent to this avenue (cf. Hillier and Hanson,1984) and the inventory and classification of the building ensemble there existing, this study aims to understand how architecture responds to accessibility in view of the real estate pressure, boosted by a cosmopolitanizing process brought about by the continuous flow of foreign and Brazilian arrivals as visitors, temporary or permanent residents
O Teatro de Operações Kosovo localiza-se numa região caraterizada por séculos de confluência de rotas comerciais, culturas, etnias e religiões distintas e que, por essa e outras razões tem sido assolada por inúmeros conflitos. Numa fase pós Guerra Fria, as forças internacionais, dada a escalada da violência, intervieram neste cenário integrando também forças portuguesas, entre as quais e por diversas vezes, o 1º Batalhão de Infantaria Mecanizado. Desde o início desta intervenção, desde os finais da década de noventa, até à atualidade, o teatro de operações referido experimentou diversas alterações de cariz social, politico e étnico que se traduziram por vezes em conflitos e fenómenos violentos. Dada a intervenção portuguesa num ambiente de conflitualidade volátil e em permanente mutação, inserida no âmbito das Missões de Apoio à Paz, o trabalho de investigação desenvolvido assume como objetivo descrever as alterações ao nível do emprego do 1º Batalhão de Infantaria Mecanizado, para fazer face à tipologia Kosovo do período pós Guerra Fria (2000-2014). Pretende-se que estas alterações sejam compreendidas e interpretadas através da implementação de um modelo de análise baseado nos fatores de decisão militares1, que sistematiza e organiza informação constante em documentos resultantes de cada um dos empenhamentos abordados, bem como no depoimento de militares presentes nesses mesmos contextos, no período abordado. No que a este último aspeto concerne, a aplicação do método indutivo usando como instrumento de opção metodológica o Estudo de Caso, permite a recolha de dados qualitativos resultantes das respostas obtidas nas entrevistas semiestruturadas, a militares presentes no Kosovo no período compreendido entre 2000 e 2014. Após toda a investigação realizada, parecem ganhar evidência alterações ao nível do emprego do 1º Batalhão de Infantaria Mecanizado no TO Kosovo, evidências essas materializadas nos fatores Missão, Ameaça, Tarefas, Viaturas, Efetivo e Orgânica, como consequência quer das restruturações efetuadas da Kosovo Force (KFOR), quer das oscilações de conflitualidade inerentes ao próprio teatro, que, ao longo do lapso de tempo estudado, atravessou períodos de menor e maior estabilidade.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Mestrado Profissional em Administração Pública, 2015.
Introduction : La fécondation in vitro est de mieux en mieux connue et en amélioration constante, cependant les taux d’implantation et de grossesse sont encore bas (environ 35% par fécondation in vitro). Un des enjeux de l’amélioration de la fécondation in vitro est le développement embryonnaire et l’implantation. Pour cela, la co-culture des embryons sur un tapis de cellules endométriales maternelles autologues peut être utilisée pour améliorer le développement embryonnaire (taux d’embryon se développant jusqu’à J5 : blastocyste) et l’implantation. L’objectif de l’étude est d’étudier le lien entre la qualité du tapis cellulaire et le développement embryonnaire. Matériel et méthodes : Cette étude est une sous analyse de l’essai clinique randomisé en double aveugle OvoGen, comparant le taux de blastulation et de grossesse dans deux groupes randomisés : le groupe étude, dans lequel les embryons se développent sur un tapis cellulaire endométrial maternel et le groupe contrôle, dans lequel les embryons sont cultivés dans du milieu conventionnel. Nous avons analysé la qualité des tapis cellulaire du groupe étude (confluence des cellules, taux de cellules épithéliales et vitalité des cellules stromales) par rapport au développement embryonnaire et au taux de grossesse. Résultats : 50 tapis de cellules endométriales maternelles et 291 embryons sur les puits ont été analysés de 2012 à 2015 à la clinique ovo (Montréal, Québec). La qualité des embryons n’était pas changée par la qualité des tapis (p=0,65 pour la confluence, p=0,25 pour le taux de glande et p=0,92 pour la viabilité des cellules). En revanche, le taux de grossesse augmentait quand la confluence diminuait (p=0,022) et lorsque la viabilité des cellules stromales augmentait (p=0,001). De plus, la qualité des tapis était dépendante de la date de la biopsie : la biopsie faite à J7 après l’ovulation permettait une meilleure qualité de puits (confluence augmentée, p=0,045, taux de glande augmenté p=0,004 et viabilité stromales augmentée p=0,001) que la biopsie faite à J5 post ovulation. Discussion : Aucune des nombreuses études sur la co-culture ne porte sur la qualité des tapis cellulaire. Il est intéressant de noter que le taux de grossesse augmente avec la diminution de la confluence et l’augmentation de la viabilité des cellules stromales dans les puits contenant les embryons transférés. Comme il a déjà été démontré, (1)le jour de la biopsie endométriale influe sur la qualité du tapis cellulaire en coculture et pour que celui-ci soit de bonne qualité, il faut que l’endomètre soit réceptif (après J19 du cycle). Conclusion : Nous avons montré que la qualité des tapis cellulaires dépendait du jour de la biopsie d’endomètre et que cette qualité pouvait influencer le bénéfice de la co-culture. Il serait intéressant d’étudier la réceptivité de l’endomètre au moment de la biopsie avant utilisation des cellules en co-culture pour optimiser la qualité du tapis cellulaire.
Placer miners in Alaska’s interior were part of the last great gold rush in North America. As word of gold in the Fairbanks Mining District traveled down the Yukon River, a wave of miners from the Klondike placer fields in Dawson, along with a assortment of speculators and inexperienced green horns from the Lower 48 converged on the confluence of the Tanana and Chena rivers hoping to strike it rich. The steamers coming from Dawson were integral; they carried miners with experience working the frozen subarctic placer deposits of the Klondike. These miners encountered new environmental challenges that required the development of new technologies and mining methods to efficiently harvest gold. These methods and machines were brought into Fairbanks and further perfected to account for the local conditions. This thesis describes the local mining technologies and methods employed in the Fairbanks district and the landscape patterns created during the placer mining boom years of 1903-1909, decline years of 1910-1923 and recovery of 1923-1930.
Introduction : La fécondation in vitro est de mieux en mieux connue et en amélioration constante, cependant les taux d’implantation et de grossesse sont encore bas (environ 35% par fécondation in vitro). Un des enjeux de l’amélioration de la fécondation in vitro est le développement embryonnaire et l’implantation. Pour cela, la co-culture des embryons sur un tapis de cellules endométriales maternelles autologues peut être utilisée pour améliorer le développement embryonnaire (taux d’embryon se développant jusqu’à J5 : blastocyste) et l’implantation. L’objectif de l’étude est d’étudier le lien entre la qualité du tapis cellulaire et le développement embryonnaire. Matériel et méthodes : Cette étude est une sous analyse de l’essai clinique randomisé en double aveugle OvoGen, comparant le taux de blastulation et de grossesse dans deux groupes randomisés : le groupe étude, dans lequel les embryons se développent sur un tapis cellulaire endométrial maternel et le groupe contrôle, dans lequel les embryons sont cultivés dans du milieu conventionnel. Nous avons analysé la qualité des tapis cellulaire du groupe étude (confluence des cellules, taux de cellules épithéliales et vitalité des cellules stromales) par rapport au développement embryonnaire et au taux de grossesse. Résultats : 50 tapis de cellules endométriales maternelles et 291 embryons sur les puits ont été analysés de 2012 à 2015 à la clinique ovo (Montréal, Québec). La qualité des embryons n’était pas changée par la qualité des tapis (p=0,65 pour la confluence, p=0,25 pour le taux de glande et p=0,92 pour la viabilité des cellules). En revanche, le taux de grossesse augmentait quand la confluence diminuait (p=0,022) et lorsque la viabilité des cellules stromales augmentait (p=0,001). De plus, la qualité des tapis était dépendante de la date de la biopsie : la biopsie faite à J7 après l’ovulation permettait une meilleure qualité de puits (confluence augmentée, p=0,045, taux de glande augmenté p=0,004 et viabilité stromales augmentée p=0,001) que la biopsie faite à J5 post ovulation. Discussion : Aucune des nombreuses études sur la co-culture ne porte sur la qualité des tapis cellulaire. Il est intéressant de noter que le taux de grossesse augmente avec la diminution de la confluence et l’augmentation de la viabilité des cellules stromales dans les puits contenant les embryons transférés. Comme il a déjà été démontré, (1)le jour de la biopsie endométriale influe sur la qualité du tapis cellulaire en coculture et pour que celui-ci soit de bonne qualité, il faut que l’endomètre soit réceptif (après J19 du cycle). Conclusion : Nous avons montré que la qualité des tapis cellulaires dépendait du jour de la biopsie d’endomètre et que cette qualité pouvait influencer le bénéfice de la co-culture. Il serait intéressant d’étudier la réceptivité de l’endomètre au moment de la biopsie avant utilisation des cellules en co-culture pour optimiser la qualité du tapis cellulaire.
International Relations theory would predict that central governments, with their considerable material resources, would be unlikely to face a challenge from a substate government. However, substate governments, and particularly Indigenous governments, are pushing back against central government control in both domestic and international spheres. Indigenous governments are leveraging their local mining sectors to realize their interests and express local identities—interests and identities that may not be congruent with those of the central government. Applying the case study of the resource extraction sector in Canada, this thesis asks: under what conditions are substate governments able to challenge the authority of central governments in the international arena? Canada’s reliance on the global extractive resource sector is a major driver of its international policy preferences, but the increased engagement of Indigenous governments in the sector challenges the control of the federal government. Focusing on the resource extraction sectors in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Ontario, this thesis argues that there is a mutually reinforcing relationship between Indigenous governments’ international engagement and their domestic autonomy; both challenge the parameters of state authority. Both force the state to respond to claims of control from multiple sites and to clarify convoluted policy environments. A confluence of factors—including increased Indigenous connections to the globalized economy, new Canadian regulatory frameworks, and recent Supreme Court of Canada cases regarding Indigenous lands—have all altered the space in which Indigenous governments in Canada participate in the resource extraction sector and produce overlapping or multilevel governance structures. This thesis demonstrates that Indigenous international engagement entrenches the authority and political legitimacy manifest in Indigenous governments’ insistence on equitable and horizontal negotiations in Canada’s lucrative resource extraction sector. A cumulative process occurs in which domestic and international expressions of political autonomy reinforce each other, produce further opportunities to express authority in both environments, and trouble the state’s capacity to fully realize its international policy preferences.