770 resultados para Communication and sports marketing
Music is a rich form of nonverbal communication, in which the movements that expert musicians make during performance can influence the perception of expressive and structural features of the music. Whether the actual skill of a musician is perceivable from vision of movement was examined. In Experiment 1, musicians and non-musicians rated performances by novice, intermediate and expert clarinettists from point-light animations of their movements, sound recordings, or both. Performances by clarinettists of more advanced skill level were rated significantly higher from vision of movements, although this effect was stronger when sound was also presented. In Experiment 2, movements and sound from the novice and expert clarinettists' performances were switched for half the presentations, and were matched for the rest. Ratings of novice music were significantly higher when presented with expert movements, although the opposite was not found for expert sound presented with novice movements. No perceptual effect of raters' own level of musicianship was found in either experiment. These results suggest that expertise is perceivable from vision of musicians' body movements, although perception of skill from sound is dominant. The results from Experiment 2 further indicate a cross-modal effect of vision and audition on the perception of musical expertise. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Context: Despite the fact that most deaths occur in hospital, problems remain with how patients and families experience care at the end of life when a death occurs in a hospital. Objectives: (1) assess family member satisfaction with information sharing and communication, and (2) examine how satisfaction with information sharing and communication is associated with patient factors. Methods: Using a cross-sectional survey, data were collected from family members of adult patients who died in an acute care organization. Correlation and factor analysis were conducted, and internal consistency assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Linear regression was performed to determine the relationship among patient variables and satisfaction on the Information Sharing and Communication (ISC) scale. Results: There were 529 questionnaires available for analysis. Following correlation analysis and the dropping of redundant and conceptually irrelevant items, seven items remained for factor analysis. One factor was identified, described as information sharing and communication, that explained 76.3% of the variance. The questionnaire demonstrated good content and reliability (Cronbach's alpha 0.96). Overall, family members were satisfied with information sharing and communication (mean total satisfaction score 3.9, SD 1.1). The ISC total score was significantly associated with patient gender, the number of days in hospital before death, and the hospital program where the patient died. Conclusions: The ISC scale demonstrated good content validity and reliability. The ISC scale offers acute care organizations a means to assess the quality of information sharing and communication that transpires in care at the end of life. © Copyright 2013, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: To understand patients' preferences for physician behaviours during end-of-life communication.
METHODS: We used interpretive description methods to analyse data from semistructured, one-on-one interviews with patients admitted to general medical wards at three Canadian tertiary care hospitals. Study recruitment took place from October 2012 to August 2013. We used a purposive, maximum variation sampling approach to recruit hospitalised patients aged ≥55 years with a high risk of mortality within 6-12 months, and with different combinations of the following demographic variables: race (Caucasian vs non-Caucasian), gender and diagnosis (cancer vs non-cancer).
RESULTS: A total of 16 participants were recruited, most of whom (69%) were women and 70% had a non-cancer diagnosis. Two major concepts regarding helpful physician behaviour during end-of-life conversations emerged: (1) 'knowing me', which reflects the importance of acknowledging the influence of family roles and life history on values and priorities expressed during end-of-life communication, and (2) 'conditional candour', which describes a process of information exchange that includes an assessment of patients' readiness, being invited to the conversation, and sensitive delivery of information.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that patients prefer a nuanced approach to truth telling when having end-of-life discussions with their physician. This may have important implications for clinical practice and end-of-life communication training initiatives.
Global migration of healthcare workers places responsibility on employers to comply with legal employment rights whilst ensuring patient safety remains the central goal. We describe the pilot of a communication assessment designed for doctors who trained and communicated with patients and colleagues in a different language from that of the host country. It is unique in assessing clinical communication without assessing knowledge.
MethodsA 14-station OSCE was developed using a domain-based marking scheme, covering professional communication and English language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in routine, acute and emotionally challenging contexts, with patients, carers and healthcare teams. Candidates (n = 43), non-UK trained volunteers applying to the UK Foundation Programme, were provided with relevant station information prior to the exam.
ResultsThe criteria for passing the test included achieving the pass score and passing 10 or more of the 14 stations. Of the 43 candidates, nine failed on the station criteria. Two failed the pass score and also the station criteria. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.866.
ConclusionThis pilot tested ‘proof of concept’ of a new domain-based communication assessment for non-UK trained doctors.
Practice implicationsThe test would enable employers and regulators to verify communication competence and safety in clinical contexts, independent of clinical knowledge, for doctors who trained in a language different from that of the host country.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-03
This presentation intends to show to what extent the Portuguese municipalities’ commitment, from the first decade of this century, in cultural facilities of municipal management and which has provided 12 of the 18 district capitals of mainland Portugal with equipment, resulted in a regular, diverse and innovative schedule. Investing in urban regeneration, local government has tried to convert cities’ demographic changes (strengthening of the most educated and professionally qualified groups) in effective cultural demands that consolidate the three axes of development competitiveness-innovation-creativity. What the empirical study to the programming and communication proposals of those equipment shows is that it is not enough to provide cities with facilities; to escape to a utilitarian conception of culture, there is a whole work to be done so that such equipment be experienced and felt as new public sphere. Equipment in which proposals go through a fluid bind, constructed through space and discourse with local community, devotes a diversified and innovative bet full filling development axis. This paper presents in a systematic way what contributes to this binding on the analyzed equipment.
Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação de Professor Doutor Freitas Santos
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação do Prof. Paulo Alexandre Pires
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação de Doutor José Freitas Santos
Double degree. A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA- School of Business and Economics and Warsaw School of Economics
The question of the social usages of culture and its links with social groups continues to be a topic of discussion today. The aim of this article is to contribute to the debate by examining coherence in the choice of physical activities and sports. The study focuses on the upper social groups, questioning, from a macro-sociological standpoint, their possible omnivority and their dissonance of choice with regard to these activities. Based on a quantitative survey of the sports participated in by the French, the study shows that omnivority and massification of activities are major phenomena. However, the upper social groups in France remain distinguishable both in terms of their "high level of omnivority" and their choice of distinctive activities. Dissonance is another of their characteristics but to a lesser extent.
Perinteisten markkinointiviestintäkanavien menettäessä jatkuvasti tehoaan mediakentän ja kohderyhmien sirpaloituessa yhä pienempiin yksiköihin markkinointiorganisaatiot etsivät vaihtoehtoisia tapoja tavoittaakseen kohdeyleisönsä. Yksi vaihtoehtoinen markkinointiviestintäkeino on tuotesijoittelu (product placement), jossa (merkki)tuotteita sijoitetaan erilaisten viihdetuotantojen, kuten elokuvien, televisio-ohjelmien ja tietokonepelien, tarinan yhteyteen, jotta yhä medialukutaitoisempi kohdeyleisö ei pystyisi välttämään kaupallista viestiä esimerkiksi vaihtamalla televisiokanavaa tai kääntämällä lehden sivua. Koska tuote on sijoitettu kerrottavan tarinan sisään, markkinointiviestin — eli tuotteen havaitsemisen — välttäminen on huomattavasti vaikeampaa kuin perinteisten markkinointiviestintämenetelmien kohdalla. Lisäksi, sijoitellut tuotteet ovat tavallisesti kiinteässä yhteydessä tarinan juonen ja henkilöhahmojen kanssa siten, että tuote saa näistä yhteyksistä positiivista vahvistusta imagolleen. Pro Gradu-tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää tuotesijoittelun käyttökelpoisuutta markkinointiviestinnässä sekä miten kulutushyödykemarkkinoijat voivat hyödyntää menetelmää markkinointiviestintästrategioissaan. Tuotesijoittelun poikkeava luonne markkinointiviestintävälineenä tuotti kysymyksen miten tuotesijoittelua voitaisiin hyödyntää yhteistyössä muiden markkinointiviestintäkeinojen kanssa. Tätä varten tutkimuksessa tuotesijoittelu yhdistettiin integroidun markkinointiviestinnän (IMC) viitekehykseen. IMC-konsepti syntyi markkinointiviestinnässä vastaamaan samaan tarpeeseen kuin tuotesijoittelukin: pirstaloitunut mediakenttä ja yksittäiset kohderyhmät vaativat kehittyneempää ja yhtenäisempää markkinointiviestinnän suunnittelua ja toteutusta. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä tuotesijoittelu todettiin käyttökelpoiseksi markkinointiviestintäkeinoksi mikäli viestinnän tavoitteena on muu kuin tuotteen myyntiin suorasti vaikuttaminen. Tuotesijoittelu on sen sijaan erittäin tehokas tuotetietoisuuden lisäämisessä, erityisesti tunnistamisen kohdalla. Tuotesijoittelu voi myös tuottaa suoran ostotarpeen mutta tällöin viestin vastaanottajalla täytyy olla vallitseva tarve kyseisen tuoteryhmän osalta ennen altistumista ko. markkinointiviestille. Tuotesijoittelu voidaan sisällyttää IMC-suunnitteluprosessiin markkinointiviestintästrategian kiinteänä osana. Integraatio markkinointiviestinnässä siten, että tuotesijoittelua tuettaisiin muilla viestintäkeinoilla yhtenäisen kampanjan kehittämiseksi on kuitenkin paljon ennakoitua harvinaisempaa, johtuen ehkä eniten tuotesijoittelun poikkeuksellisesta luonteesta ja kyseisen viestintämuodon vaikeasta hallittavuudesta markkinoijan taholta. Tutkimus toteutettiin normatiivisena case-tutkimuksena pääasiassa sekundäärisiä tietolähteitä hyödyntäen. Case-tutkimuksia varten kerättiin primääristä tietoa kyselylomakkeella kahdesta tuotesijoittelua käyttävästä kansainvälisestä yhtiöstä, jonka lisäksi myös sekundäärisiä tietolähteitä hyödynnettiin case-osan tiedonkeruussa.
This exploratory, descriptive action research study is based on a survey of a sample of convenience consisting of 172 college and university marketing students, and 5 professors who were experienced in teaching in an internet based environment. The students that were surveyed were studying e-commerce and international business in 3^^ and 4*'' year classes at a leading imiversity in Ontario and e-commerce in 5^ semester classes at a leading college. These classes were taught using a hybrid teaching style with the contribution of a large website that contained pertinent text and audio material. Hybrid teaching employs web based course materials (some in the form of Learning Objects) to deliver curriculimi material both during the attended lectures and also for students accessing the course web page outside of class hours. The survey was in the form on an online questionnaire. The research questions explored in this study were: 1. What factors influence the students' ability to access and learn from web based course content? 2. How likely are the students to use selected elements of internet based curriculum for learning academic content? 3. What is the preferred physical environment to facilitate learning in a hybrid environment? 4. How effective are selected teaching/learning strategies in a hybrid environment? The findings of this study suggest that students are very interested in being part of the learning process by contributing to a course web site. Specifically, students are interested in audio content being one of the formats of online course material, and have an interest in being part of the creation of small audio clips to be used in class.
Parent-child sexual health communication can be beneficial. Many factors affect such communication in Chinese immigrant families. This qualitative study explored the influences of acculturation, parenting, and parental participation in the Raising Sexually Healthy Children Program (RSHC) on such communication. With a hermeneutic framework, the purpose was to develop understanding based on the topic, context, and researcher interpretations. Twelve interviews elicited data from six parent-child dyads, three from the RSHC. Analysis involved coding processes; data were compared repeatedly and organized into themes. Perceived personality differences between generations were confounded with cultural communicative differences. Parents used implicitness observed in Chinese culture to establish "open" communication; children expected explicitness observed in Western culture. Post- RSHC, parents perceived themselves as more open to talking about sex; children did not perceive such parental changes. Future research should include joint interviews and longitudinal program evaluation. Future practice should focus on cross-cultural communication and involving children in RSHC.