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Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental history of deep and surficial waters of the Japan Sea are addressed using sequences recovered from the floor of the backarc basin. The study is divided into two parts: (1) foraminifer biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental assessment of sedimentary sequences recovered from above igneous basement at the four sites and (2) detailed planktonic foraminifer paleoenvironmental analysis of Quaternary and Pliocene sequences from Sites 794 and 797 in the Yamato Basin. A total of 253 samples were examined for the foraminifer biostratigraphy and 325 samples for the detailed paleoenvironmental study of Quaternary and Pliocene sequences. Low abundance and sporadic occurrence of foraminifers limited interpretation of results. Foraminifer-bearing intervals were correlated where possible to diatom and calcareous nannofossil zonations, and the sequences were successfully assigned to the foraminifer zonation of Matsunaga. Unfortunately, extensive barren intervals and sporadic occurrences of planktonic foraminifers prevented zonation of Quaternary and Pliocene intervals, although some interesting conclusions about paleoenvironment were possible and are listed below. A sequence of Neogene (sensu lato) paleoenvironmental events were identified: (1) deepening of the Yamato basins to middle bathyal depths by the early to middle Miocene, an event contemporaneous with the age of some deep basins known from uplifted sections adjacent to the Japan Basin; (2) cooling of the Japan Sea in the early middle Miocene; (3) oxygenation of deep waters in the late Miocene; (4) further cooling of surficial water masses between the Olduvai Subchron and the Brunhes/Matuyama Boundary; and (5) extermination of lower middle bathyal faunas and replacement by upper middle bathyal faunas near the base of the Quaternary.


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The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas have Sr and Nd isotopic ratios intermediate between those of Indian Ocean MORBs and those of the very enriched Kerguelen hot spot. In an Nd-Sr isotope diagram, they also plot close to the fields of St. Paul Island lavas and of the early magmatism on Kerguelen Archipelago. The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas were generated by mixing among at least three components: a depleted, MORB-type component, such as the one erupted today on the Southeast Indian Ridge; a very enriched, high- Sr/ Sr, low-epsilon-Nd, OIB-type component (the Kerguelen hot spot); and an OIB-type component comparable to that sampled from the St. Paul (and Amsterdam) lavas. The Ninetyeast Ridge lavas show a typical Dupal anomaly signature and Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic systematics indicate that the Kerguelen hot spot was involved in the ridge's formation as the Indian plate moved northward. The different sites cored during ODP Leg 121 show a trend in their isotopic compositions, from less radiogenic Pb/ Pb ratios and intermediate 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/**Nd ratios in the oldest lavas (Site 758) toward more radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb, higher epsilon-Nd, and lower 87Sr/86Sr values in the youngest lavas (Site 756). The lavas from Site 757 have 206Pb/204Pb ratios intermediate between those of the lavas from Sites 756 and 758 and higher 87Sr/86Sr and lower epsilon-Nd values. The relative proportions of the hot spot(s) and MORB component have evolved with time, reflecting differences of tectonic setting: the relative proportion of the Kerguelen hot spot component appears lower in the younger Site 756 lavas than in the older lavas from Sites 757 and 758. Site 756 coincides with the beginning of rifting at the Southeast Indian Ridge, about 43 Ma ago. The formation of the early Kerguelen Archipelago lavas may have drained most of the plume-derived material toward the Antarctic plate. Alternatively, the proximity of the spreading-ridge axis may account for the isotopic similarity of the Site 756 lavas to young lavas erupted on the Southeast Indian Ridge, from 33? to 37?S. The older lavas of Ninetyeast Ridge may have formed when the hot spot and ridge axis did not exactly coincide. The involvement of the third component, a St. Paul hot spot, in the genesis of the Ninetyeast Ridge lavas, especially for the Site 756 lavas, is clearly indicated by Sr, Pb, and Nd isotope systematics and also by trace element ratios. These data, together with those from the Kerguelen Plateau, indicate that the Kerguelen hot spot has been active more or less continuously in the South Indian Ocean for at least 115 Ma. This could indicate that the plume, and by inference the Dupal anomaly, is deep seated in origin.


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The mineralogy and chemistry of altered basalts and the stable isotopic compositions of secondary vein carbonates were studied in cores from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 843B, located in 95-Ma crust of the Hawaiian Arch. Millimeter- to centimeter-sized dark alteration halos around veins are 5%-15% altered to celadonite and Fe-oxyhydroxides, plus minor saponite and calcite. Adjacent gray host rocks are about 15% altered to saponite and calcite. The dark halos are enriched in H2O+, CO2, FeT, K2O, MnO, and Fe3+/FeT and depleted in SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, and TiO2 relative to gray host rocks. Brown alteration halos occur around veins where veins are more abundant, and are similar to dark halos, but contain more Fe-oxyhydroxides and exhibit greater Fe2O3T contents and higher Fe3+/FeT. Stable isotopic compositions of vein carbonates are consistent with their precipitation from seawater at temperatures of 5°-40°C. Crosscutting relationships of veins and zoned vein and vesicle fillings reveal a sequence of secondary mineral formation and alteration conditions. Celadonite and Fe-oxyhydroxides formed and dark alteration halos developed relatively early, under oxidizing conditions at low temperatures (<50°C). Saponite formed later at lower seawater/rock ratios and under more reducing conditions. Calcite and pyrite formed last in veins and vesicles from more evolved, seawaterderived fluids at temperatures of 5°-40°C. A second stage of celadonite, with compositions distinct from the early celadonite, also occurred relatively late (within the "calcite stage"), and may be related to refracturing of the crust and introduction of less-evolved seawater solutions into the rocks. Trends to higher K2O contents are attributed to alteration, but high K/Ti, Ba, and Zr contents indicate the presence of enriched or transitional MORB. CO2 contents of Pacific ODP cores exhibit a general increase with age suggesting progressive fixation of CO2 as calcite in the crust, but this could be complicated by local heterogeneities in fracturing and calcite formation in the crust.


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Late Eocene microtektites and crystal-bearing microkrystites extracted from DSDP and ODP cores from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans have been analyzed to address their provenance. A new analysis of Nd and Sr isotopic compositions confirms previous work and the assignment of the uppermost microtektite layer to the North American tektites, which are associated with the 35.5 Ma, 85 km diameter Chesapeake impact structure of Virginia, USA. Extensive major element and Nd and Sr isotopic analyses of the microkrystites from the lowermost layer were obtained. The melanocratic microkrystites from Sites 216 and 462 in the Indian and Pacific oceans possess major element chemistries, Sr and Nd isotopic signatures and Sm-Nd, T CHUR, model ages similar to those of tagamite melt rocks in the Popigai impact structure. They also possess Rb-Sr, T UR, model ages that are younger than the tagamite TCHUR ages by up to ~1 Ga, which require a process, as yet undefined, of Rb/Sr enrichment. These melanocratic microkrystites are consistent with a provenance from the 35.7 Ma, 100 km diameter Popigai impact structure of Siberia, Russia, while ruling out other contemporaneous structures as a source. Melanocratic microkrystites from other sites and leucocratic microkrystites from all sites possess a wide range of isotopic compositions (epsilon (143Nd) values of -16 to -27.7 and epsilon (87Sr) values of 4.1-354.0), making the association with Popigai tagamites less clear. These microkrystites may have been derived by the melting of target rocks of mixed composition, which were ejected without homogenization. Dark glass and felsic inclusions extracted from Popigai tagamites possess epsilon (143Nd) and epsilon (87Sr) values of -26.7 to -27.8 and 374.7 and 432.4, respectively, and T CHUR and T UR model ages of 1640-1870 Ma and 240-1830 Ma, respectively, which require the preservation of initially present heterogeneity in the source materials. The leucocratic microkrystites possess diverse isotopic compositions that may reflect the melting of supra-basement sedimentary rocks from Popigai, or early basement melts that were ejected prior to homogenization of the Popigai tagamites. The ejection of melt rocks with chemistries consistent with a basement provenance, rather than the surface ~1 km of sedimentary cover rocks, atypically indicates a non-surficial source to some of the ejecta. Microkrystites from two adjacent biozones possess statistically indistinguishable major element compositions, suggesting they have a single source. The occurrence of microkrystites derived from a single impact event, but in different biozones, can be explained by: (1) diachronous biozone boundaries; (2) post-accumulation sedimentary reworking; or (3) erroneous biozonation.


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Observations of hummock and string-like microrelief features were made in High Arctic hydric meadows. Thermal shearing of thick bryophyte mats, and subsequent roll back during spring flooding appears to be one way in which this topography is formed. Hummocky and non-hummocky (flat) meadows show distinct floristic differences which may in part be due to observed differences in temperature, nutrient concentrations and moisture relations.


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Drilling at Ocean Drilling Program Site 802 in the central Mariana Basin, northwest Pacific Ocean, revealed an unexpected 222-m-thick sequence of well-cemented tuff of Miocene age. The deposits are unusual in that their source is presumably an unmapped seamount and they exhibit several peculiar petrological and mineralogical features. The well-developed secondary mineral sequence which includes analcime is rare in such relatively young, unburied deposits, in an area where there is little other evidence of hydrothermal activity. The massive tuff section also contains abundant fissure veins made of a rare silicate carbonate sulfate hydroxide hydrate of calcium, called thaumasite, which has not before been described in deep submarine deposits. The smectite-zeolite-thaumasite paragenesis coincides with the presence of chloride and calcium-enriched interstitial waters. The diagenetic evolution of the deposit appears to have been largely controlled by the depositional mode. The discharges of disaggregated and rejuvenated volcaniclasts seem to have been abrupt and repeated. The Miocene tuff at Site 802 thus provides new insights on the interactions between basaltic glass, biogenic phases, and seawater, in a specific deep-sea environment.


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Results of pedogeomorphological, geochronological and paleobotanical investigations are presented covering the last ca. 4,000 years. The study sites are located in the heavily degraded Kyichu River catchment around Lhasa at 3,600-4,600 m a.s.l. Repeatedly, colluvial sediments have been recorded overlying paleosols. These deposits can be divided into i) coarse-grained sediments with a high proportion of stones and boulders originating from alluvial fans and debris flows, ii) matrix supported sediments with some stones and boulders originating from mudflows or combined colluvial processes such as hillwash plus rock fall, and iii) fine-grained sediments originating from hill wash. The IRSL multi-level dating of profile QUG 1 points to a short-time colluvial sedimentation between 1.0 ± 0.1 and 0.8 ± 0.1 ka. In contrast, dated paleosols of profile GAR 1 (7,908 ± 99 and 3,668 ± 57 BP) encompass a first colluvial episode. Here, the upper colluvial sedimentation took place during several periods between 2.6 ± 0.3 and 0.4 ± 0.1 ka. For the first time in Tibet, a systematic extraction, determination and dating of charcoals from buried paleosols was conducted. The charcoals confirm the Late Holocene presence of juniper forests or woodlands in a now treeless, barren environment. A pollen diagram from Lhasa shows a distinct decline of pollen of the Jumperus-type around 4,140 ± 50 BP, which is interpreted as indicating a clearing of forests on the adjacent slopes. It is assumed that the environmental changes from forests to desertic rangelands since ca. 4,000 BP have been at least reinforced by humans.


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Benthic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199 Holes 1215A, 1220B, and 1221C were examined across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary. Assemblages were studied in 240 samples. The benthic foraminiferal extinction event that correlates with the Paleocene/Eocene epoch boundary was recognized at these sites. Benthic assemblages before the event are characterized by high diversity, but those after the event are low in diversity. An assemblage of agglutinated foraminifers without carbonate cement was recognized at Sites 1220 and 1221. These assemblages were typically found after the event. The discovery of such agglutinated assemblages has never been reported before at this boundary.


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At Site 535, the four lithologic units of Cretaceous age are controlled by two types of sedimentologic facies: (1) the massive light-colored limestones or marly limestones in which the total organic carbon (TOC) content is low and the organic matter more or less oxidized and (2) laminated dark facies in which the TOC content is higher and associated with a well-preserved organic matter of Type II origin. Very little typical Type III organic matter occurs in the whole series from late Berriasian to Aptian and Cenomanian. Fluctuations from oxidizing to reducing environments of deposition are proposed to account for the variations in properties of the Type II organic matter between the different facies. Dark laminated layers are good but immature potential source rocks: petroleum potential is often higher than 2 kg HC/t of rock.