418 resultados para Cinzas


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The knowledge of how animals deposited chemical components as water, protein, fat and ash in the carcass is importance for the formulation of a balanced diet, allowing maximum performance with a low environmental impact. So, the study was carried out to evaluate the influence of different tilapia strains (Chitralada, Commercial, Red and Universidade Federal de Lavras [UFLA]) on the deposition of bodily chemical components in the carcass. The bodily components analyzed were water, protein, fat and ash. For the determination of the bodily chemical deposition curves by age, the exponential, Brody, logistic, Gompertz and von Bertalanffy models were adjusted. The Commercial and UFLA strains deposited water at a faster speed (P<0.05) compared with the remaining strains. As for protein, the Red strain had a lower estimated maturity weight (49.37 g), and was more precocious (202 days) with regard to maximum deposition in comparison to the other strains (Chitralada, UFLA and Commercial) in which there was an estimated maturity weight of 231.5 g and maximum depositionfor 337 days. There were no differences (P>0.05) for the logistic model parameter between Red, UFLA and Commercial strains for fat, which presented a maximum fat deposition (0.23 g) at 310 days of age. Regarding ash deposition, the Commercial strain presented a higher maximum deposition (0.10 g) at 337 days, occurring later than the other strains that presented maximum deposition (0.033g) at 254 days of age. Thus, it was concluded that the genetic strains evaluated differ in chemical deposition curves of water, protein, fat and ash.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of isofl avones supplementation of a fermented soy product on its sensory acceptance, physicochemical properties and probiotic cell viable count. Additionally we also investigated the ability of the mixed starter cultures (Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 and Lactobacillus helveticus 416) to modify the isofl avones profi le of soy product during the fermentation process. Three products were analysed: soy product fermented with E. faecium CRL 183 and L. helveticus 416, isofl avonessupplemented soy product (fermented with E. faecium CRL 183 and L. helveticus 416; 50mg/100g, Isofl avin®, Galena, Brazil) and unfermented soy product. A panel of judges evaluated the acceptability of the samples on a nine point structured hedonic scale. The chemical composition namely fat, protein, ash and total carbohydrate contents, pH, enumeration of viable Lactobacillus spp. and Enterococcus spp. and quantifi cation of isofl avones using HPLC were investigated. All determinations were conducted after 7 days storage at 10°C. The sensorial acceptance was reduced in the isofl avones-supplemented soy product, but this effect was not signifi cant compared to the sample without isofl avones addition. Chemical composition did not differ (p<0.05) among the samples. Cell viable counts were reduced and total fermentation time was longer in the isofl avonessupplemented soy product, suggesting that the isofl avone addition could inhibit the starter cultures. However, all the products may be considered probiotic since they exhibited lactic acid bacterial populations varying from 2.3 x 109 up to 1.22 x 1010 CFU/mL. Fermentation of soymilk did not change the isofl avones profi le. In conclusion, it was possible to obtain a fermented soy product containing a high isofl avones concentration, adequate sensory and chemical characteristics and lactic acid bacterial viability suffi ciently high to characterize the product as a probiotic. The mixed starter culture was not able to convert the glycoside isofl avones into aglycone or produce equol during the fermented soy product processing.


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The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) leaves flour in beef burger during storage for 120 days. Six hamburger formulations were processed: one control (without the use of additives), four with addition of Moringa leaves flour (0.10, 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25 g/100 g aggregate), and one with addition of synthetic antioxidant Propyl Gallate (0.01 g/100 g aggregate). The products were analyzed for their chemical composition with determinations of moisture, protein, dietary fiber, lipids, ash, carbohydrate, and caloric value after preparation. Microbiological and acceptance testing were performed at the beginning and after 120 days of storage. Determination of pH, instrumental color and lipid oxidation (TBARS) were performed at 1, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of storage. All samples showed physical-chemical and microbiological tests in accordance with the Brazilian legislation. pH measurements were between 5.48 and 5.90; however, the intensity of red has changed according to the treatments and storage periods. The addition of Moringa leaves flour had no antioxidant effect on burgers, but its inclusion not only contributed to the improvement of nutritional quality, but also did not harm product acceptance.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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It was evaluated bone mineral density of turkeys submitted the vaccination against coccidiosis. Used 420 turkeys of one day, divided in 4 treatments with 5 repetitions: T1 – control diet; T2 - diet and anti coccidiosis drugs; T3 - diet and commercial vaccine; T4 - diet and recombinant vaccine. To the 28 days the birds had been submitted to the challenge of coccidiosis, carried through inoculation of oocisty talked back directly in the esophagus of the birds. The bone quality was evaluated to the 21, 35, 49 and 72 days of age. For this, 8 birds for treatment had been collected, in each age of collection that had been sacrificed by cervical displacement. The tibiae and femura had been radiographed and tomographed for evaluation of the bone density, had been later evaluated texts of dry substance, bone ashes, calcium and of phosphorus. It had differences only between the ages, being that the treatments had not caused alterations of the bone characteristics. To the 56 days the birds had presented bone quality worse. The treatments had not influenced the studied parameters. What it allows to conclude that the vaccination against coccidiosis promotes good mineralization of the bones.


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The objective of this work was to typify, through physicochemical parameters, honey from Campos do Jordão’s microrregion, and verify how samples are grouped in accordance with the climatic production seasonality (summer and winter). It were assessed 30 samples of honey from beekeepers located in the cities of Monteiro Lobato, Campos do Jordão, Santo Antonio do Pinhal e São Bento do Sapucaí-SP, regarding both periods of honey production (November to February; July to September, during 2007 and 2008; n = 30). Samples were submitted to physicochemical analysis of total acidity, pH, humidity, water activity, density, aminoacids, ashes, color and electrical conductivity, identifying physicochemical standards of honey samples from both periods of production. Next, we carried out a cluster analysis of data using k-means algorithm, which grouped the samples into two classes (summer and winter). Thus, there was a supervised training of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using backpropagation algorithm. According to the analysis, the knowledge gained through the ANN classified the samples with 80% accuracy. It was observed that the ANNs have proved an effective tool to group samples of honey of the region of Campos do Jordao according to their physicochemical characteristics, depending on the different production periods.


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The objective of this work was to calculate the energetic values in passion fruit commercial beverages (whole juices, reconstituted juices, tropical juices, and nectars) by their centesimal composition. Then, the energetic values were compared to the caloric values as described on the nutritional facts from the beverageslabels. Analyses of moisture, protein, lipids, ashes, and carbohydrates were done in 25 commercialbeverages samples. In order to calculate the energetic value of each sample, the following conversion factors were used: 4 kcal.g-1 for carbohydrates, 4 kcal.g-1 for proteins and 9 kcal.g-1 for lipids. To allow the comparison of the results, the energetic values printed on the labels were converted into kcal.100g-1 usingthe beverages density. Overall, the commercial beverages calculated energetic values were similar to the nutritional facts.


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This work aimed to analyze the chemical composition and paste properties of cassava flours, from several producers and classifications, marked in different Brazilian cities. Flours were characterized to moisture, ash, fibers, protein, lipids, total sugars and starch. The paste properties were analyzed in RVA. The results showed significant differences to chemical components in cassava flours. The moisture ranged from 4.39 to 10.26, starch (82.19 to 88.90%), ash (0.48 to 1.07%), fiber (3.23 to 6.41%), protein (1.15 to 2.13%), total sugar (0.05 to 0.56%) and lipids (0.40 to 1.24). These differences can be due the variations of raw material and process. The paste properties of flours were different, with viscosity peak ranged from 73.33 to 387.08 RVU, breakdown (2.42 to 248.83RVU, final viscosity (154.92 to 275.5 RVU) and retrogradation tendency (50.75 to 132.5 RVU), showing the influence of kind of processing on flour viscosity.


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Vinegar is a food product that has a great market potential and beneficial health properties. Each type of vinegar has its taste, since the transformation of alcoholic into acetic acid preserves the raw materials fragrancesand other organic acids can be formed. This study produced and characterized vinegars from ginger and cassava starch. The raw materials were first hydrolyzed by an enzymatic process, thenthey suffered an alcoholic fermentation,and finally an acetic fermentation by the Orleans process. The ash quantity, total acidity in acetic acid, dry extract, and alcohol content of the final product were analyzed based on the current vinegars legislation.The results showed that it is possible to obtain vinegars with good quality from ginger and cassava starch.