Using a desorption/ionization technique, easy ambient sonic-spray ionization coupled to mass spectrometry (EASI-MS), documents related to the 2nd generation of Brazilian Real currency (R$) were screened in the positive ion mode for authenticity based on chemical profiles obtained directly from the banknote surface. Characteristic profiles were observed for authentic, seized suspect counterfeit and counterfeited homemade banknotes from inkjet and laserjet printers. The chemicals in the authentic banknotes' surface were detected via a few minor sets of ions, namely from the plasticizers bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP), most likely related to the official offset printing process, and other common quaternary ammonium cations, presenting a similar chemical profile to 1st-generation R$. The seized suspect counterfeit banknotes, however, displayed abundant diagnostic ions in the m/z 400-800 range due to the presence of oligomers. High-accuracy FT-ICR MS analysis enabled molecular formula assignment for each ion. The ions were separated by 44 m/z, which enabled their characterization as Surfynol® 4XX (S4XX, XX=40, 65, and 85), wherein increasing XX values indicate increasing amounts of ethoxylation on a backbone of 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (Surfynol® 104). Sodiated triethylene glycol monobutyl ether (TBG) of m/z 229 (C10H22O4Na) was also identified in the seized counterfeit banknotes via EASI(+) FT-ICR MS. Surfynol® and TBG are constituents of inks used for inkjet printing.
An absolute method is described via mass spectrometry (MS) for the structural assignment of isomers within the class of methylpiperidines. The method explores both the unimolecular and bimolecular gas phase behavior of structurally diagnostic fragment ions (SDFI). For the methylpiperidnes, the isomeric 2-methyl, 3-methyl and 4-methyl 2-azabutadienyl cations are found to function as SDFI. These fragment ions are expected to be formed from all members within the class, to be stable and to retain the structural information of the precursor molecule, and to not interconvert into one another. To characterize these SDFI, both the collision induced dissociation (CID) in argon and bimolecular ion/molecule chemistry with ethyl vinyl ether were compared.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Instalado em um edifício-Monumento, data de 1895 a inauguração do Museu Paulista. Seu primeiro diretor, o zoólogo Hermann Von Ihering (1895-1916), teve a tarefa de organizar suas vastas coleções, as quais possuíam objetos de diversos ramos do conhecimento, entre eles, a História. Este artigo tem a intenção de entender a dimensão, dinâmica e concepção desta coleção de História, que recebeu pouca atenção da Historiografia relativa ao tema.
The 4,5-diamine-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine (DADMcP) compound is an interesting multifunctional species exhibiting a rather complex tautomerism, encompassing nine tautomeric forms. Investigation of tautomerism in this compound has been carried out by means of FTIR spectroscopy, in association with ab-initio HF/SCF and DFT calculations. According to this study three tautomers are energetically favored; the thione form being the most stable one. The theoretical vibrational spectra of such tautomeric forms have been successfully simulated by means of DFT calculations, allowing the elucidation and assignment of the complex composition of the vibrational bands observed for the mixture of isomers.
Background: Microarray techniques have become an important tool to the investigation of genetic relationships and the assignment of different phenotypes. Since microarrays are still very expensive, most of the experiments are performed with small samples. This paper introduces a method to quantify dependency between data series composed of few sample points. The method is used to construct gene co-expression subnetworks of highly significant edges. Results: The results shown here are for an adapted subset of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression data set with low temporal resolution and poor statistics. The method reveals common transcription factors with a high confidence level and allows the construction of subnetworks with high biological relevance that reveals characteristic features of the processes driving the organism adaptations to specific environmental conditions. Conclusion: Our method allows a reliable and sophisticated analysis of microarray data even under severe constraints. The utilization of systems biology improves the biologists ability to elucidate the mechanisms underlying celular processes and to formulate new hypotheses.
The experimental vertical electron detachment energy (VEDE) of aqueous fluoride, [F(-)(H(2)O)], is approximately 9.8 eV, but spectral assignment is complicated by interference between F(-) 2p and H(2)O 1b(1) orbitals. The electronic structure of [F(-)(H(2)O)] is analyzed with Monte Carlo and ab initio quantum-mechanical calculations. Electron-propagator calculations in the partial third-order approximation yield a VEDE of 9.4 eV. None of the Dyson orbitals corresponding to valence VEDEs consists primarily of F 2p functions. These results and ground-state atomic charges indicate that the final, neutral state is more appropriately described as [F(-)(H(2)O)(+)] than as [F(H(2)O)]. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3431081]
An effective treatment of the intramolecular degrees of freedom is presented for water, where these modes are decoupled from the intermolecular ones, ""adiabatically"" allowing these coordinates to be positioned at their local minimum of the potential energy surface. We perform ab initio Monte Carlo simulations with the configurational energies obtained via density functional theory. We study a water dimer as a prototype system, and even in this simple case the intramolecular relaxations are very important to properly describe properties such as the dipole moment. We show that rigid simulations do not correctly sample the phase space, resulting in an average dipole moment smaller than the one obtained with the adiabatic model, which is closer to the experimental result. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Given a separable unital C*-algebra C with norm parallel to center dot parallel to, let E-n denote the Banach-space completion of the C-valued Schwartz space on R-n with norm parallel to f parallel to(2)=parallel to < f, f >parallel to(1/2), < f, g >=integral f(x)* g(x)dx. The assignment of the pseudodifferential operator A=a(x,D) with C-valued symbol a(x,xi) to each smooth function with bounded derivatives a is an element of B-C(R-2n) defines an injective mapping O, from B-C(R-2n) to the set H of all operators with smooth orbit under the canonical action of the Heisenberg group on the algebra of all adjointable operators on the Hilbert module E-n. In this paper, we construct a left-inverse S for O and prove that S is injective if C is commutative. This generalizes Cordes' description of H in the scalar case. Combined with previous results of the second author, our main theorem implies that, given a skew-symmetric n x n matrix J and if C is commutative, then any A is an element of H which commutes with every pseudodifferential operator with symbol F(x+J xi), F is an element of B-C(R-n), is a pseudodifferential operator with symbol G(x - J xi), for some G is an element of B-C(R-n). That was conjectured by Rieffel.
Raman spectra within the 5-200 cm(-1) range have been recorded as a function of temperature for different ionic liquids based on imidazolium cations. A correlation has been found between fragility and the temperature dependence of the strength of fast relaxational motions. Understanding quasielastic scattering as the relaxational contribution to ionic mean-squared displacement elucidates some effects on ionic liquids' fragility resulting from modifications in the chemical structure. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3462962]
The low-lying doublet and quartet electronic states of the species SeF correlating with the first dissociation channel are investigated theoretically at a high-level of electronic correlation treatment, namely, the complete active space self-consistent field/multireference single and double excitations configuration interaction (CASSCF/MRSDCI) using a quintuple-zeta quality basis set including a relativistic effective core potential for the selenium atom. Potential energy curves for (Lambda+S) states and the corresponding spectroscopic properties are derived that allows for an unambiguous assignment of the only spectrum known experimentally as due to a spin-forbidden X (2)Pi-a (4)Sigma(-) transition, and not a A (2)Pi-X (2)Pi transition as assumed so far. For the bound excited doublets, yet unknown experimentally, this study is the first theoretical characterization of their spectroscopic properties. Also the spin-orbit coupling constant function for the X (2)Pi state is derived as well as the spin-orbit coupling matrix element between the X (2)Pi and a (4)Sigma(-) states. Dipole moment functions and vibrationally averaged dipole moments show SeF to be a very polar species. An overview of the lowest-lying spin-orbit (Omega) states completes this description. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3426315]
This paper analyses an optical network architecture composed by an arrangement of nodes equipped with multi-granular optical cross-connects (MG-OXCs) in addition to the usual optical cross-connects (OXCs). Then, selected network nodes can perform both waveband as well as traffic grooming operations and our goal is to assess the improvement on network performance brought by these additional capabilities. Specifically, the influence of the MG-OXC multi-granularity on the blocking probability is evaluated for 16 classes of service over a network based on the NSFNet topology. A mechanism of fairness in bandwidth capacity is also added to the connection admission control to manage the blocking probabilities of all kind of bandwidth requirements. Comprehensive computational simulation are carried out to compare eight distinct node architectures, showing that an adequate combination of waveband and single-wavelength ports of the MG-OXCs and OXCs allow a more efficient operation of a WDM optical network carrying multi-rate traffic.
In this paper a bond graph methodology is used to model incompressible fluid flows with viscous and thermal effects. The distinctive characteristic of these flows is the role of pressure, which does not behave as a state variable but as a function that must act in such a way that the resulting velocity field has divergence zero. Velocity and entropy per unit volume are used as independent variables for a single-phase, single-component flow. Time-dependent nodal values and interpolation functions are introduced to represent the flow field, from which nodal vectors of velocity and entropy are defined as state variables. The system for momentum and continuity equations is coincident with the one obtained by using the Galerkin method for the weak formulation of the problem in finite elements. The integral incompressibility constraint is derived based on the integral conservation of mechanical energy. The weak formulation for thermal energy equation is modeled with true bond graph elements in terms of nodal vectors of temperature and entropy rates, resulting a Petrov-Galerkin method. The resulting bond graph shows the coupling between mechanical and thermal energy domains through the viscous dissipation term. All kind of boundary conditions are handled consistently and can be represented as generalized effort or flow sources. A procedure for causality assignment is derived for the resulting graph, satisfying the Second principle of Thermodynamics. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.