959 resultados para Brief intervention
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia (Especialidade de Psicologia Clínica)
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia Clínica / Psicologia
Introdução: O craving (ou fissura) é um fator muito importante no tratamento da dependência de substâncias psicotrópicas. Objetivo: Validar o Cocaine Craving Questionnaire-Brief - Versão Brasileira Adaptada para o Crack. Método: O delineamento foi experimental e seus participantes foram randomizados, em grupos: experimental, para o qual foi apresentada uma imagem de um indivíduo consumindo crack (G1), e controle (G2), para o qual não foi apresentada nenhuma imagem. A amostra foi composta por 109 sujeitos (G1 = 50 e G2 = 59) do sexo masculino, internados por causa da dependência do crack. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Entrevista Clínica com dados sociodemográficos, CCQ-B Versão Adaptada para o Crack, Escala Analógico-Visual do Craving, Inventários Beck de Ansiedade e de Depressão e o Estímulo Visual indutor de craving para o G1. Resultados: Na análise fatorial, foram encontrados dois fatores: o fator 1, relacionado ao craving propriamente dito, e o fator 2, relacionado à percepção da falta de controle do uso do crack. Os dois fatores apresentaram variância total de 68,84%, e a correlação entre os fatores foi significativa e de baixa intensidade (r = 0,204; p = 0,041). O alfa de Cronbach do seu total de pontos foi 0,85. O instrumento no total de pontos foi correlacionado com a Escala Analógico-Visual (r = 0,515; p < 0,01). Conclusão: O CCQ-B - Versão Brasileira Adaptada para o Crack demonstrou ser, psicometricamente, satisfatório para utilização em pesquisas e em ambiente clínico.
OBJECTIVE: To report a case and to discuss the use of psychodynamic psychotherapy (PD-P) to treat individuals at ultra-high risk (UHR) of psychosis. METHODS: An individual at UHR was followed up for 24 months. The baseline evaluation included a psychiatric interview, the Structured Interview for Prodromal Symptoms (SIPS), the Scale of Prodromal Symptoms (SOPS), and neuropsychological assessment. He underwent weekly sessions of PD-P for 12 months and was followed up for 12 months after the end of PD-P. The evaluations were at baseline, after 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-up. No medication was prescribed during the 24-month follow-up. RESULTS: The prodromal symptoms remitted. The initial total score on the SIPS/SOPS was 37 points. After the first 12 months of PD-P, there was a reduction to 12 points on the SIPS/SOPS score, which stabilized in the 24-month follow-up. There was also a slight improvement in his performance on the neuropsychological evaluations. CONCLUSION: This case report suggests that PD-P can reduce prodromal symptoms; nevertheless, a better understanding of the specificity and efficacy of PD-P as an option of treatment for UHR individuals is needed.
Dissertação de mestrado em Crime, Diferença e Desigualdade
Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia (área de especialização em Organizações e Trabalho)
OBJECTIVE: Analysis of the in-hospital results, in progressively elderly patients who undergo primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the first 24 hours of AMI. METHODS: The patients were divided into three different age groups (60/69, 70/79, and > or = 80 years) and were treated from 7/95 until 12/99. The primary success rate and the occurrence of major clinical events were analyzed at the end of the in-hospital phase. Coronary stent implantation and abciximab use were employed at the intervencionist discretion. RESULTS: We analyzed 201 patients with age ranging from 60 to 93 years, who underwent primary PCI. Patients with ages above 70 were more often female (p=.015). Those with ages above 80 were treated later with PCI (p=.054), and all of them presented with total occlusion of the infarct-related artery. Coronary stents were implanted in 30% of the patients. Procedural success was lower in > or = 80 year old patients (p=.022), and the death rate was higher in > or = 70 years olds (p=.019). Reinfarction and coronary bypass surgery were uncommon events. A trend occurred toward a higher combined incidence of major in-hospital events according to increased age (p=.064). CONCLUSION: Elderly patients ( > or = 70 years) presented with adverse clinical and angiographic profiles and patients > or = 80 years of age obtained reduced TIMI 3 flow success rates after primary PTCA, and those > or = 70 years had a higher death rate.
OBJECTIVE - This analysis was undertaken to determine the composite incidence of cumulative adverse events (death, reinfarction, disabling stroke, and target vessel revascularization) at the end of the first year after acute myocardial infarction, in diabetic patients who underwent coronary stenting or primary coronary balloon angioplasty. METHODS - From the STENT PAMI trial, we analyzed the 6-month angiographic and 1-year clinical outcomes of 135 diabetic (112, noninsulin dependent) patients who underwent the randomization process of the trial and compared them with 758 nondiabetic patients. RESULTS - Coronary stenting did not significantly reduce the primary composite clinical end point when compared with PTCA (20 vs. 30%, p=0.2). A significant benefit from stenting was observed in patients with noninsulin dependent diabetes, with a trend toward a lesser need for new revascularization procedures (10 vs. 21%, p<.001), with a significant reduction in the primary composite clinical end point at 1 year (12 vs. 28%, p=. 04). At 6 months, the restenosis rate were significantly reduced only in nondiabetic patients (18 vs. 33%, p<. 001). Diabetic patients had the same restenosis rate (38%) either with stenting or balloon PTCA. CONCLUSIONS - Coronary Stenting in diabetics noninsulin dependent offered a significant reduction in the composite incidence of major clinical adverse events compared with balloon PTCA.
Depressed and non-depressed mothers and their 3-month-old infants were videotaped during breastfeeding and bottlefeeding interactions. The videotapes were subsequently coded for a number of feeding interaction behaviors as well as being rated on the Interaction Rating Scales. No differences were noted between the depressed and non-depressed mothers. Several breastfeeding versus bottlefeeding group effects were observed. The breastfeeding mothers showed less burping and less intrusive behavior during the nipple-in periods as well as during the nipple-out periods. In addition, the breastfeeding mothers and their infants received better ratings on the Interaction Rating Scales. These data suggest that the depressed mothers and their infants not unlike the non-depressed mothers and their infants were benefited by breastfeeding.
The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationships between prenatal serotonin levels and other biochemical values during pregnancy as well as their relationships to neonatal biochemical and behavioral variables. To address that question, the pregnant women were divided into the top and bottom tertiles based on their serotonin levels at 20 weeks gestational age.
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