998 resultados para Baixa Entalpia
This work aims to investigate the process of Dissolved air Flotation (DAF) for clarifying water samples with low turbidity using aluminum sulphate and Moringa oleifera seeds as coagulants. The experimental procedure was carried out in a bench scale flotation unit. The influences on the pre-treatment conditions (coagulant dosage and flocculation time) and flotation parameters (superficial application rate and recirculation rate) were evaluated considering the efficiency of the process. The efficiency was evaluated by determining the turbidity of the untreated and treated water samples. The results obtained showed that turbidity reduction can be obtained very efficiently by using DAF and the latter coagulant in low turbidity water. Using aluminum sulphate in pH´s 5.0 and 6.0 better efficiencies were obtained with low concentrations (15 mg/L), achieving values of 92% of turbidity reduction. In the case of use of Moringa oleifera better efficiencies of reduction of turbidity were reported when using a concentration of 50 mg/L in all range of pH´s, achieving 86% of reduction. The zeta potential was also determined, in an attempt to aid comprehension of the coagulation mechanisms involved. The coagulation mechanisms with Moringa oleifera seeds were shown to be adsorption and charge neutralization, as well as adsorption and bridging. Concerning aluminum sulphate, the predominant mechanisms are adsorption and charge neutralization and enmeshment in a precipitate. The results indicate that for low turbidity water, Moringa oleifera seeds could potentially be a viable substitute for aluminum sulphate
The nonionic surfactants when in aqueous solution, have the property of separating into two phases, one called diluted phase, with low concentration of surfactant, and the other one rich in surfactants called coacervate. The application of this kind of surfactant in extraction processes from aqueous solutions has been increasing over time, which implies the need for knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of these surfactants. In this study were determined the cloud point of polyethoxylated surfactants from nonilphenolpolietoxylated family (9,5 , 10 , 11, 12 and 13), the family from octilphenolpolietoxylated (10 e 11) and polyethoxylated lauryl alcohol (6 , 7, 8 and 9) varying the degree of ethoxylation. The method used to determine the cloud point was the observation of the turbidity of the solution heating to a ramp of 0.1 ° C / minute and for the pressure studies was used a cell high-pressure maximum ( 300 bar). Through the experimental data of the studied surfactants were used to the Flory - Huggins models, UNIQUAC and NRTL to describe the curves of cloud point, and it was studied the influence of NaCl concentration and pressure of the systems in the cloud point. This last parameter is important for the processes of oil recovery in which surfactant in solution are used in high pressures. While the effect of NaCl allows obtaining cloud points for temperatures closer to the room temperature, it is possible to use in processes without temperature control. The numerical method used to adjust the parameters was the Levenberg - Marquardt. For the model Flory- Huggins parameter settings were determined as enthalpy of the mixing, mixing entropy and the number of aggregations. For the UNIQUAC and NRTL models were adjusted interaction parameters aij using a quadratic dependence with temperature. The parameters obtained had good adjust to the experimental data RSMD < 0.3 %. The results showed that both, ethoxylation degree and pressure increase the cloudy points, whereas the NaCl decrease
The ionosphere is a major source of systematic error in the GPS observables. As this error is directly proportional to the TEC (Total Electron Content), the quality of GPS positioning (especially with single frequency receivers) can be significantly affected by regular changes of TEC. The ionosphere factor is even more relevant in the Brazilian region, where ionospheric phenomena, such as the Equatorial Anomaly, intensify these variations. Taking the above mentioned factors into account, experiments were conducted in this research to evaluate the daily and seasonal behavior of the TEC and the point positioning with GPS (single frequency) in periods of high and low solar activity in the Brazilian region. The results showed a direct correlation between the decrease in electrons density in the ionosphere (period of low solar activity) and improvement in positioning accuracy, as well as a large influence of Equatorial Anomaly on the results of point positioning.
INTRODUÇÃO: A prática de exercício físico proporciona aumento da produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) resultantes do metabolismo aeróbio e, gera uma quantidade significativa de calor, em conseqüência da produção de energia, resultando em sobrecarga orgânica. A associação entre ERO e exercício, e entre exercício e variações da temperatura ambiente têm sido estudadas, contudo, há escassez de informações que considere a associação entre produção de radicais livres no miocárdio e atividade física em temperatura elevada. OBJETIVO: Comparar a produção de ERO em miocárdio de ratos submetidos ao treinamento de baixa intensidade em diferentes temperaturas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 20 ratos Wistar, machos, jovens, peso (250 a 280g), divididos em quatro grupos: G1 (n = 5) expostos ao treinamento e calor (39º ± 1C); G2 (n = 5) expostos somente ao calor durante o mesmo período de G1, sem treinamento; G3 (n = 5) expostos ao treinamento em temperatura ambiente (22º ± 1C); G4 (n = 5) expostos à temperatura ambiente sem treinamento. O treinamento foi realizado em esteira rolante climatizada por cinco semanas, evoluindo 5 minutos a cada duas sessões finalizando em 60 minutos em baixa intensidade 8m/min. O ambiente foi controlado entre 39 ± 1ºC e 22 ± 1ºC e entre 40 e 60 % de umidade relativa. A lipoperoxidação foi avaliada por Quimiluminescência (QL). A análise dos dados foi realizada a partir do teste Two Way ANOVA para análise da QL e t de student para a Capacidade Antioxidante Total (TRAP). RESULTADOS: A análise da QL revelou uma curva de emissão de luz significantemente mais baixa para o grupo exposto ao exercício em normotermia comparado aos sedentários mantidos no calor. A análise da TRAP mostrou diminuição em todos os grupos experimentais em relação ao G4. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que houve níveis menores de produção de ERO nos grupos submetidos somente ao calor ou somente ao exercício.
The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Low Energy Electron Diffaction (LEED) technique in the Laboratory of Magnetic Nanostructures and Semiconductors of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil. During this work experimental apparatus were implemented for a complete LEED set-up. A new vacuum system was also set up. This was composed of a mechanical pump, turbomolecular pump and ionic pump for ultra-high vacuum and their respective pressure measurement sensors (Pirani gauge for low vacuum measures and the wide range gauge -WRG); ion cannon maintenance, which is basically mini-sputtering, whose function is sample cleaning; and set-up, maintenance and handling of the quadrupole mass spectrometer, whose main purpose is to investigate gas contamination inside the ultra-high vacuum chamber. It should be pointed out that the main contribution of this Master's thesis was the set-up of the sample heating system; that is, a new sample holder. In addition to the function of sample holder and heater, it was necessary to implement the function of sustaining the ultra-high vacuum environment. This set of actions is essential for the complete functioning of the LEED technique
Physical Exercise (PE) is a necessary component in the management in COPD patients, where respiratory symptoms are associated with reduced functional capacity. Even with the increase in the number of studies that have been published and the therapeutics success using aquatic therapy approach, studies using PE in water in COPD patients are so few. Objective: the aim of this present study was to analyze the effects of low intensity water exercise in COPD patients, developed in two different places aquatic and ground. Methods: This is a randomized clinical trial study, 42 patients with moderate to very severe DPOC were recruited for the study, mean age of 63,2 10,9 years old. Randomized in 3 groups: Control Group (CG), Land Group (LG) and Water Group (WG). The PE protocol was performed in a period of 8 weeks, with frequency of 3 times per week. The CG participated in an educational program. All the patients were assessed twice through spirometry, respiratory muscular strength, the 6-min walk test, the quality of life (SF-36 and SGRQ), the LCADL, the MRC, the BODE index and the upper limbs (UP) incremental test. Results: There was a significant difference after the approaches in DP6 from the WG (p=0,02); in VEF1 in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01); in MIP in LG (p=0,01) and WG (p=0,02); in MEP in LG (p=0,02) and WG (p=0,01); the MRC decreases in WG (p=0,00). there was an increase of the weight supported by the UP in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). The LG showed an increase of the quality of life represented by the SGRQ total score (p=0,00). The BODE index decreased in LG (p=0,00) and WG (p=0,01). In LCDAL, the LG showed a decrease. Conclusion: This data in this present study suggest that both approaches of low intensity exercise showed to be beneficial in moderate to very severe COPD patients. The WG showed additional benefits in physical function, pointing to a new therapeutic modality for COPD patients
Many studies have been made to understand the process of tissular cicatrization, as well as the possible effects of laser therapy in the wound healing. However, the influence of low frequency laser irradiation in the repairing process is not completely understood. Our study has the purpose to assess clinically the effect of postoperative irradiation of the low frequency laser in humans, and the gingival repairing process postgingivoplasty performed with the extern bevel technique. Twenty-four patients with inflammatory gingival hyperplasia were enrolled in this study, which did not reduce with basic periodontal procedures, and patients with melanin pigmentation, with esthetic indications. After surgery the test group, randomly selected by a drawing, received laser application with energy density of 4 J/cm2, immediately after surgery and each 48 hours, during a week, with a total of 4 sections. The control group did not receive irradiation. The visual clinical analyses were performed by a single blind examiner, in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 15th and 21st days post surgery. For statistic analyses of the data was used a Q-square test. Concerning the color, the results showed a better wound healing during days 6 to 8. when assessed the degree of progress of surgical wound, the results showed that the test group had a better cicatrization compared with the control group in the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 15th days post surgery, and at the 21st day both groups had the same results. Our results confirm that the laser had clinical influence in the repairing process after gingivoplasty surgery during days 2 to 15 post surgery
A presente pesquisa partiu de uma revisão teórica dos assuntos relacionados à seleção sexual proposta por Charles Darwin, passando para evolução dos sistemas e da psicologia do acasalamento humano. Os estudos práticos, divididos em dois momentos, foram coletados numa comunidade litorânea de baixa renda no nordeste brasileiro, na qual as mulheres tiveram pelo menos duas uniões estáveis até a data da coleta, no ano de 2008. Nas primeiras análises, foram contempladas as expectativas dessas mulheres em relação aos atributos dos parceiros. E posteriormente, o perfil e valor das mesmas entraram em perspectiva. De uma forma geral, foi constatado que as mulheres, no primeiro casamento, de fato realizam matrimônios com parceiros mais parecidos com o que consideram ideal do que os posteriores. Assim como as segundas e subseqüentes uniões apresentam uma ligeira queda no valor (no mercado de casamentos) desses homens quando comparados aos primeiros companheiros levando em consideração indicadores biosocioeconômicos como idade, escolaridade e renda (status socioeconômico).
Ensaios de tração uniaxiais foram empregados para deformar aços inoxidáveis austeníticos do tipo 304, em diferentes temperaturas abaixo da ambiente (de 77 K a 300 K). A relação entre a estabilidade da austenita e o encruamento, em função da temperatura de teste, é discutida quanto à transformação martensítica induzida por deformação e ao deslizamento de discordâncias na austenita. em curvas tensão-deformação que assumem a equação de Ludwik sigma = sigmao + képsilonn, na qual sigma é a tensão verdadeira e e a elongação plástica verdadeira, um modo conveniente para analisar o encruamento é por meio do diagrama log dsigma / dépsilon versus log épsilon. O aspecto significativo é a variação da taxa de encruamento dsigma / dépsilon com a elongação plástica verdadeira nas diferentes temperaturas. As mudanças no comportamento do encruamento motivando até três estágios de deformação são associadas a diferentes processos microestruturais. A transformação martensítica pode ser considerada como um processo de deformação que compete com o processo usual de deslizamento. A investigação desses estágios, na região plástica, produz uma referência qualitativa de como diferentes fatores, tais como o grau de deformação, temperatura e composição química da austenita, afetam a transformação austenita-martensita.
Catalytic processes are widely present in everyday life. This results in large number of studies seeking materials that may combine the low cost catalytic efficiency. Based on this assumption, the clays have long been used as catalysts, with its huge availability, diversity and possibility of improving their properties from structural changes, primarily responsible for this great use. Among the natural clays, vermiculite due to their characteristic properties (high cation exchange capacity and expansion), is suitable for various applications including as catalysts and catalyst supports. In this work, the acid leaching of clay vermiculite was performed, coming from Santa Luzia-PB, with nitric acid (2, 3 and 4 mol / L) and subsequent calcination of the materials obtained. The materials were named as Vx/400, where x is the acid concentration employed and 400 used in calcination temperature. The effectiveness of changes made was determined by XRD techniques, FT-IR, EDS, TG/DTG, nitrogen physisorption and DTP of n-butylamine. Acid leaching has improved some properties of the clay - specific area and acidity - but the control of the acid concentration used is of vital importance, since the highest concentration caused the partial destruction of vermiculite entailing a decline in their properties. For analysis of the catalytic activity of the modified clay was made a comparative study with the SBA -15 mesoporous materials, synthesized via hydrothermal method, using the pyrolysis of low density polyethylene (LDPE). The results showed that the acid plays a fundamental role in the conversion of the polymer into smaller molecules, the material V3/400 was more selective for the source monomer (ethylene) due to their increased acidity, which promotes more breaks bonds in the polymeric chain, while materials and V0/400 V2/400, lower acidity, showed higher selectivity to light hydrocarbons, the range of fuel (41.96 and 41.23%, respectively), due to less breakage and secondary condensation reactions chains; already V4/400 SBA-15/550 and resulted in lower percentages of light hydrocarbons and the partial destruction of the structure and low acidity, respectively, responsible for the inefficiency of materials
OBJETIVO: avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com osteoporose e osteopenia, acompanhadas em ambulatórios especializados em osteoporose e climatério, comparando-as com pacientes com densidade mineral óssea (DMO) normal. MÉTODOS: estudo de série de casos transversal, observacional, que se propôs a analisar, por meio do questionário Medical Outcomes Study 36 Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), a qualidade de vida de mulheres com osteopenia e osteoporose. Foram avaliadas 124 mulheres na pós-menopausa divididas em três grupos: 55 pacientes com diagnóstico densitométrico de osteoporose, 35 com o de osteopenia e 34 que apresentavam DMO normal. Os três grupos foram comparados com relação aos dados demográficos, características clínicas e de estilo de vida e aos diferentes domínios do SF-36. RESULTADOS: as pacientes dos grupos osteopenia e DMO normal apresentaram menor idade média (56,7±7,1 e 52,9±5,4 anos), maior índice de massa corpórea (IMC) (28,6±3,7 e 30,9±5,1 kg/m²) e menor tempo de menopausa (8,4±5,9 e 5,8±4,5 anos) quando comparadas ao grupo osteoporose (61,8±10,1 anos, IMC de 25,7±5,3 kg/m², 15,5±7,5 anos, respectivamente; p<0,05). de acordo com o SF-36, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos com relação aos domínios, à exceção do domínio vitalidade, que se mostrou superior no grupo osteoporose. Com relação à impressão pessoal sobre seu estado de saúde, das pacientes que o consideraram bom, um maior percentual pertencia ao grupo osteoporose, e entre aquelas que o consideraram ruim, um percentual menor pertencia ao grupo osteopenia. CONCLUSÃO: a qualidade de vida foi similar em mulheres com osteoporose e osteopenia, em relação às com DMO normal, à exceção do domínio vitalidade, que foi superior, paradoxalmente, nas pacientes com osteoporose.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In spite of significant study and exploration of Potiguar Basin, easternmost Brazilian equatorial margin, by the oil industry, its still provides an interesting discussion about its origin and the mechanisms of hydrocarbon trapping. The mapping and interpretation of 3D seismic reflection data of Baixa Grande Fault, SW portion of Umbuzeiro Graben, points as responsible for basin architecture configuration an extensional deformational process. The fault geometry is the most important deformation boundary condition of the rift stata. The development of flat-ramp geometries is responsible for the formation of important extensional anticline folds, many of then hydrocarbon traps in this basin segment. The dominant extensional deformation in the studied area, marked by the development of normal faults developments, associated with structures indicative of obliquity suggests variations on the former regime of Potiguar Basin through a multiphase process. The changes in structural trend permits the generation of local transpression and transtension zones, which results in a complex deformation pattern displayed by the Potiguar basin sin-rift strata. Sismostratigraphic and log analysis show that the Baixa Grande Fault acts as listric growing fault at the sedimentation onset. The generation of a relay ramp between Baixa Grande Fault and Carnaubais Fault was probably responsible for the balance between subsidence and sedimentary influx taxes, inhibiting its growing behaviour. The sismosequences analysis s indicates that the extensional folds generation its diachronic, and then the folds can be both syn- and post-depositional
The Baixa grande fault is located on the edge of the S-SW Potiguar Rift. It limits the south part of Umbuzeiro Graben and the Apodi Graben. Although a number of studies have associated the complex deformation styles in the hanging wall of the Baixa Grande Fault with geometry and displacement variations, none have applied the modern computational techniques such as geometrical and kinematic validations to address this problem. This work proposes a geometric analysis of the Baixa Fault using seismic interpretation. The interpretation was made on 3D seismic data of the Baixa Grande fault using the software OpendTect (dGB Earth Sciences). It was also used direct structural modeling, such as Analog Direct Modeling know as Folding Vectors and, 2D and 3D Direct Computational Modeling. The Folding Vectors Modeling presented great similarity with the conventional structural seismic interpretations of the Baixa Grande Fault, thus, the conventional interpretation was validated geometrically. The 2D direct computational modeling was made on some sections of the 3D data of the Baixa Grande Fault on software Move (Midland Valley Ltd) using the horizon modeling tool. The modeling confirms the influence of fault geometry on the hanging wall. The Baixa Grande Fault ramp-flat-ramp geometry generates synform on the concave segments of the fault and antiform in the convex segments. On the fault region that does not have segments angle change, the beds are dislocated without deformation, and on the listric faults occur rollover. On the direct 3D computational modeling, structural attributes were obtained as horizons on the hanging wall of the main fault, after the simulation of several levels of deformation along the fault. The occurrence of structures that indicates shortening in this modeling, also indicates that the antiforms on the Baixa Grande Fault were influenced by fault geometry