364 resultados para Bócio nodular
La familia Cupressaceae incluye un total de 133 especies agrupadas en 30 géneros, 17 de los cuales son monospecíficos. Esta familia se encuentra representada en todos los continentes salvo en la Antártida. Sus especies se distribuyen en distintas regiones climáticas, y en altitudes que varían desde el nivel del mar hasta los 5.000 m. La falta de descripción anatómica de muchos de los géneros y especies de Cupressaceae es notable, así como la contradicción que aparece entre distintas investigaciones sobre las características anatómicas de la madera descritas para cada especie. Este estudio describe la anatomía de la madera de Cupressaceae y analiza las características que podrían representar sinapomorfías de los clados delimitados en los estudios filogenéticos. Siguiendo los métodos tradicionales de preparación y descripción de la madera a nivel microscópico, se ha estudiado la madera de 113 especies de los 30 géneros de Cupressaceae. Para ello se han empleado muestras de madera de origen trazable, procedentes de colecciones de madera de distintas instituciones internacionales. Se ha empleado una robusta filogenia molecular para la reconstrucción de los caracteres ancestrales. La anatomía de la madera de los 30 géneros de Cupressaceae, pone de manifiesto la gran homogeneidad de la familia, caracterizada por la presencia de traqueidas axiales sin engrosamientos helicoidales, parénquima radial con paredes horizontales lisas, punteaduras del campo de cruce de tipo cupresoide y la carencia de canales resiníferos fisiológicos. Además, todos presentan parénquima axial (salvo Neocallitropsis, Thuja y Xanthocyparis), punteaduras radiales areoladas con toro definido (salvo Thuja y Thujopsis), siendo habitual la presencia de punteaduras areoladas en las paredes tangenciales de la madera tardía, y verrugosidades en la cara interna de las traqueidas (salvo Ca. macleayana, Libocedrus, Papuacedrus y Neocallitropsis). Los radios leñosos son homogéneos y están compuestos de parénquima radial (con la presencia de traqueidas radiales en algunas especies de Cupressus, Sequoia, Thujopsis y X. nootkatensis) con paredes finales lisas o lisas y noduladas (exclusivamente noduladas en Cal. macrolepis, C. bakeri y en la mayoría de especies de Juniperus), y el rango de altura de los radios leñosos se encuentra entre 5 y 15 células. Se consideran posibles sinapomorfismos de Cupressaceae la presencia de verrugosidades en la cara interna de las traqueidas, la presencia de traqueidas axiales sin engrosamientos helicoidales, la presencia de parénquima axial, la presencia de radios leñosos homogéneos (compuestos únicamente de parénquima radial), la tipología de las paredes horizontales del parénquima radial, las punteaduras del campo de cruce de tipo cupresoide y la ausencia de canales resiníferos fisiológicos, pero lo que realmente diferencia a este grupo de coníferas es la simultaneidad de todos estos caracteres en sus maderas. Como sinapomorfías específicas por clados se proponen: la ausencia de toro definido y muescas en el borde de las punteaduras en Thuja-Thujopsis, la existencia de extensiones de toro en Diselma-Fitzroya-Widdringtonia; la presencia de engrosamientos callitroides en Callitris-Actinostrobus; la presencia de espacios intercelulares y las muescas en el borde de las punteaduras en el clado formado por el género Juniperus y las especies de Cupressus en la región oriental; la presencia de paredes finales del parénquima radial tanto lisas como noduladas en los clados formados por el género Xanthocyparis y las especies de Cupressus en la región occidental y en Fitzroya-Diselma; y por último, la presencia de punteaduras del campo de cruce de tipo taxodioide en los clados taxodioid y sequoioid. ABSTRACT The Cupressaceae family comprises 133 species grouped into 30 genera, 17 of which are monotypic. The family is represented in all continents except Antarctica. Its species are distributed in various climate zones and at altitudes from sea level to 5,000 m. There is a considerable lack of anatomical descriptions for many genera and species of Cupressaceae and much contradiction between studies about the wood anatomical features described for each species. This study describes the wood anatomy of Cupressaceae and analyses the features that could represent synapomorphies of the clades recovered in phylogenetic studies. Following the traditional methods of preparation and description of wood at microscopic level, a study was made of the wood of 113 species of the 30 Cupressaceae genera. The study samples had traceable origins and came from wood collections held at various international institutions. A robust molecular phylogeny was used for ancestral state reconstruction. The wood anatomy of the 30 genera of the Cupressaceae shows the high homogeneity of the family, which is characterised by the presence of axial tracheids without helical thickenings, smooth horizontal walls of ray parenchyma cells, cupressoid cross-field pits, and the absence of physiological resin canals. In addition, they all have axial parenchyma (except Neocallitropsis, Thuja and Xanthocyparis), a warty layer on the inner wall of the tracheids (except Ca. macleayana, Libocedrus, Papuacedrus and Neocallitropsis) and tracheid pitting in radial walls with a well defined torus (except Thuja and Thujopsis); tracheid pitting in the tangential walls of the latewood is common. Rays are homogeneous and are composed of ray parenchyma (with the presence of ray tracheids in some species of Cupressus, Sequoia, Thujopsis and X. nootkatensis), with smooth end walls or both smooth and nodular end walls (exclusively nodular in Cal. macrolepis, C. bakeri and most Juniperus species), and ray height range is 5 to 15 cells. Possible synapomorphies of Cupressaceae are the presence of a warty layer on the inner layer of the tracheids, axial tracheids without helical thickenings, the presence of axial parenchyma, homogeneous rays (composed exclusively of ray parenchyma), the typology of the horizontal walls of ray parenchyma cells, cupressoid cross-field pits and the absence of physiological resin canals, but what truly differentiates this group of softwoods is the co-occurrence of all these features in their wood. The following are proposed as clade-specific synapomorphies: absence of a well-defined torus and presence of pits with notched borders in Thuja-Thujopsis, torus extensions in Diselma-Fitzroya-Widdringtonia; callitroid thickenings in Callitris-Actinostrobus; intercellular spaces and pits with notched borders in the clade formed by the genus Juniperus and the species of Cupressus in the eastern region; smooth and nodular ray parenchyma end walls in the clades formed by the genus Xanthocyparis and the species of Cupressus in the western region and in Fitzroya-Diselma, and taxodioid cross-field pits in the taxodioid and sequoioid clades.
The influence of the excitotoxic cascade on the developing brain was investigated using ibotenate, a glutamatergic agonist of both N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) ionotropic receptors and metabotropic receptors. Injected in the neopallium of the golden hamster at the time of production of neurons normally destined for layers IV, III, and II, ibotenate induces arrests of migrating neurons at different distances from the germinative zone within the radial migratory corridors. The resulting cytoarchitectonic patterns include periventricular nodular heterotopias, subcortical band heterotopias, and intracortical arrests of migrating neurons. The radial glial cells and the extracellular matrix are free of detectable damage that could suggest a defect in their guiding role. The migration disorders are prevented by coinjection of dl-2-amino-7-phosphoheptanoic acid, an NMDA ionotropic antagonist, but are not prevented by coinjection of l(+)-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid, a metabotropic antagonist. This implies that an excess of ionic influx through the NMDA channels of neurons alters the metabolic pathways supporting neuronal migration. Ibotenate, a unique molecular trigger of the excitotoxic cascade, produces a wide spectrum of abnormal neuronal migration patterns recognized in mammals, including the neocortical deviations encountered in the human brain.
To investigate the short-term (30–240 min) interactions among nitrogenase activity, NH4+ assimilation, and plant glycolysis, we measured the concentrations of selected C and N metabolites in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) root nodules after detopping and during continuous exposure of the nodulated roots to Ar:O2 (80:20, v/v). Both treatments caused an increase in the ratios of glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to pyruvate, and PEP to malate. This suggested that glycolytic flux was inhibited at the steps catalyzed by phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase, and PEP carboxylase. In the Ar:O2-treated plants the apparent inhibition of glycolytic flux was reversible, whereas in the detopped plants it was not. In both groups of plants the apparent inhibition of glycolytic flux was delayed relative to the decline in nitrogenase activity. The decline in nitrogenase activity was followed by a dramatic increase in the nodular glutamate to glutamine ratio. In the detopped plants this was coincident with the apparent inhibition of glycolytic flux, whereas in the Ar:O2-treated plants it preceded the apparent inhibition of glycolytic flux. We propose that the increase in the nodular glutamate to glutamine ratio, which occurs as a result of the decline in nitrogenase activity, may act as a signal to decrease plant glycolytic flux in legume root nodules.
ENOD40, an early nodulin gene, is expressed following inoculation with Rhizobium meliloti or by adding R. meliloti-produced nodulation (Nod) factors or the plant hormone cytokinin to uninoculated roots. We isolated two MsENOD40 clones, designated MsENOD40–1 and MsENOD40–2, with distinct promoters from an alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv Chief) genomic library. The promoters were fused to the reporter gene uidA (gus), and the constructs were introduced into alfalfa. We observed that the MsENOD40–1 construct was expressed almost exclusively under symbiotic conditions. The MsENOD40–2 construct was transcribed under both symbiotic and nonsymbiotic conditions and in nonnodular and nodular tissues. Both MsENOD40 promoter-gus constructs were similarly expressed as nodules developed, and both were expressed in roots treated with 6-benzylaminopurine or purified Nod factor. However, no blue color was detected in nodule-like structures induced by the auxin transport inhibitor N-1-(naphthyl)phthalamic acid on roots of plants containing the MsENOD40–1 promoter construct, whereas pseudonodules from plants containing the MsENOD40–2 promoter construct stained blue. A 616-bp region at the distal 5′ end of the promoter is important for proper spatial expression of MsENOD40 in nodules and also for Nod-factor and cytokinin-induced expression.
We recently have shown that selective growth of transplanted normal hepatocytes can be achieved in a setting of cell cycle block of endogenous parenchymal cells. Thus, massive proliferation of donor-derived normal hepatocytes was observed in the liver of rats previously given retrorsine (RS), a naturally occurring alkaloid that blocks proliferation of resident liver cells. In the present study, the fate of nodular hepatocytes transplanted into RS-treated or normal syngeneic recipients was followed. The dipeptidyl peptidase type IV-deficient (DPPIV−) rat model for hepatocyte transplantation was used to distinguish donor-derived cells from recipient cells. Hepatocyte nodules were chemically induced in Fischer 344, DPPIV+ rats; livers were then perfused and larger (>5 mm) nodules were separated from surrounding tissue. Cells isolated from either tissue were then injected into normal or RS-treated DPPIV− recipients. One month after transplantation, grossly visible nodules (2–3 mm) were seen in RS-treated recipients transplanted with nodular cells. They grew rapidly, occupying 80–90% of the host liver at 2 months, and progressed to hepatocellular carcinoma within 4 months. By contrast, no liver nodules developed within 6 months when nodular hepatocytes were injected into the liver of recipients not exposed to RS, although small clusters of donor-derived cells were present in these animals. Taken together, these results directly point to a fundamental role played by the host environment in modulating the growth and the progression rate of altered cells during carcinogenesis. In particular, they indicate that conditions associated with growth constraint of the host tissue can drive tumor progression in vivo.
O objetivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar fatores virais associados com a evolução para o carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) em pacientes com hepatite B crônica. Para tanto caracterizamos os subgenótipos do HBV, investigamos a ocorrência de mutações nos genes pré-core/core do HBV associadas à presença de CHC avaliamos por análise filogenética a associação de linhagens virais com a ocorrência de CHC e por fim a associação de outros fatores de risco com o desenvolvimento de CHC. Foram incluídos 119 amostras de soro de pacientes com infecção crônica pelo HBV, destas amostras 60 pertencem ao grupo 1 (CHC), que são pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de carcinoma hepatocelular e 59 amostras pertencem ao grupo 2 (sem CHC) que são pacientes com hepatite crônica sem detecção prévia de nódulos hepáticos. Foram obtidas informações acerca da idade, sexo e naturalidade. Além disso, os pacientes responderam a um questionário sobre fatores de riscos associados ao desenvolvimento de CHC. Foram realizados exames bioquímicos, sorológicos, determinação da carga viral, e amplificação por nested PCR e sequenciamento das regiões S/polimerase e pré-core/core do genoma viral para posterior caracterização dos genótipos/subgenótipos do HBV e pesquisa de mutações associadas com evolução da doença hepática. Em relação à idade e sexo não houve grande variação entre os grupos. Quanto à naturalidade a maioria era procedente da região sudeste, seguido pela região nordeste; e por fim seis pacientes eram procedentes de outros países. Com base no sobrenome dos pacientes avaliou-se também a frequência de etnia oriental na casuística estudada, que foi similar nos 2 grupos. O perfil sorológico HBeAg negativo foi o mais frequente nos dois grupos de pacientes, assim como níveis de carga viral abaixo de 2.000 UI/mL. Em relação aos exames bioquímicos foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes nos níveis séricos de AFP (p= 0,0013), FA (p= 0,0003) e GGT (p= 0,005). Dentre os fatores de risco analisados neste estudo, o consumo de amendoim foi o único que apresentou significância estatística (p= 0,003). A região S/pol foi amplificada e sequenciada com sucesso em 58 amostras (28 do grupo 1 e 30 do grupo 2). Entre as 58 amostras analisadas 4 genótipos e 8 subgenótipos do HBV foram identificados, sendo o subgenótipo A1 o mais frequente nos dois grupos. Não se observou diferença estatisticamente significante na distribuição dos subgenótipos entre os dois grupos de pacientes. Na topologia da árvore filogenética construída com sequências do HBV isoladas dos pacientes incluídos neste estudo e sequências disponíveis no GenBank não se observou padrões de agrupamento associados com o perfil clinico do paciente (com e sem CHC). Foram obtidas sequências de boa qualidade da região précore/ core em 44 amostras, sendo 20 amostras do grupo 1 e 24 do grupo 2. Diversas das mutações investigadas foram identificadas na região précore/ core, as quais foram avaliadas estatisticamente para verificar a existência de diferença na frequência das mesmas entre os grupos de pacientes estudados. Entre as mutações identificadas se destacaram com significância estatística as seguintes mutações: T1768A (p= 0,006), a combinação das mutações C1766T + T1768A (p= 0,043) e G1888H (p= 0,05). Na análise de regressão logística simples foi possível identificar que a chance de um paciente do grupo 2 desenvolver CHC aumenta 14,7 vezes na presença de infecção por cepas do HBV com a mutação T1768A, enquanto que a infecção com cepas do HBV que albergam a mutação G1888H reduz tal chance 2,5 vezes
Introdução: O hipertiroidismo pode ter múltiplas etiologias, das quais se destaca a doença de Graves. Embora persista alguma controvérsia, a terapêutica de primeira linha na doença de Graves deve ser adequada às características do doente e, sempre que possível, adaptada aos seus valores e preferências. Objetivo: Caracterizar os doentes com hipertiroidismo seguidos numa consulta de Endocrinologia Pediátrica. Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo com revisão dos processos clínicos dos doentes acompanhados em consulta entre 2001 e 2013. Analisadas variáveis demográficas, clínicas, estudo complementar, opções terapêuticas e evolução. Resultados: Dos 13 doentes incluídos, 85% foram do sexo feminino e a mediana da idade ao diagnóstico foi de 14 anos. Relativamente à etiologia, 77% tinham doença de Graves, 8% hipertiroidismo autoimune com anticorpos anti-recetores da tirotropina (TRAb) negativos, 8% bócio multinodular tóxico e 8% hipertiroidismo neonatal transitório. Na sintomatologia de apre- sentação destacam-se: ansiedade/irritabilidade (46%), sudorese (31%), palpitações (31%) e fraqueza/cansaço (31%); e os seguintes sinais: bócio (77%), perda ponderal (62%) e taquicardia (54%). Apresentavam anticorpos antitiroideus positivos 92% dos doentes e TRAb positivos 85%. A primeira opção terapêutica foi maioritariamente o tiamazol (92%). Uma doente recidivou após suspensão do antitiroideu e foi submetida a terapêutica com 131I. O doente com bócio multinodular foi submetido a tiroidectomia por suspeita de tumor folicular na citologia aspirativa. Conclusão: Os dados obtidos são concordantes com a literatura. A terapêutica com tiamazol apresenta risco reduzido de reações adversas, mas baixa probabilidade de remissão, pelo que, em casos selecionados, o tratamento definitivo deve ser considerado.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Description based on: No. 3 (Aug. 28, 1895); title from caption.
The novel molecular marker technique Randomly Amplified DNA Fingerprinting (RAF) was used to survey genetic relationships between 37 accessions of the tropical fruit G. mangostana (mangosteen) and among 11 accessions from eight other Garcinia species. Although mangosteen is believed to reproduce exclusively through apomixis, our results show that considerable genetic diversity exists within G. mangostana and between other Garcinia species. Among the 37 G. mangostana accessions examined, nine different genotypes were identified which clustered into three distinct groups based on correspondence analysis (reciprocal averaging). For 26 (70%) of the accessions no marker variation was detected over 530 loci screened. A further eight (22%) accessions exhibited very low levels of variation (0.2-1%) suggesting at least one well conservedm angosteen genotype. The remaining three accessions (8%) showed extensive variation (22-31%) compared with the majority of accessions. The three mangosteen groups were 63-70% dissimilar to the other Garcinia species investigated. The genetic diversity identified in this research will assist in the conservation of Garcinia germplasm and provides a valuable framework for the genetic improvement of mangosteen.
Deep sea manganese nodules are considered as important natural resources for the future because of their Ni, Cu and Co contents. Their different shapes cannot be correlated clearly with their chemical composition. Surface constitution, however, can be associated with the metal contents. A classification of the nodules is suggested on the basis of these results. The iron content of the nodules strikingly shows relations to the physical properties (e.g. density and porosity). The method of density-measurement is the reason for this covariance. The investigation of freeze-dried nodular substance does not give this result. The Fe-rich nodules lose more hydration water than the Fe-poor ones during heat drying. The reason for this effect is the different crystallinity, respectively the particle size. The mean particle size is calculated on the basis of geometrical models. The X-ray-diffraction analysis proves the variation of crystallinity in connection with the Fe-content, too. The internal nodular textures also show characteristic distinctions.
Ferromanganese concretions cover large areas of the Gulf of Bothnia. They are flat to well-rounded, the rounded ones being richer in oxyhydroxides of iron and manganese. Rounded and ellipsoidal nodules, particularly those in the northern Gulf of Bothnia, are richest in Mn, Ni, Ba and Cu, which probably coexist in a Mn oxyhydroxide phase. Flat nodules are enriched in Fe, P, rare earths and As, probably associated with an Fe oxy-hydroxide component. Aluminum, V, Cr and Ti occur in still another phase. The sediments of the gulf generally consist of a 10-50 mm-thick layer of oxidized surface sediment, enriched in Mn, Ba, P and Ni lying on top of reduced sediments which are diagenetically depleted in these elements. The remobilized elements have redeposited in the nodules, but this process cannot explain the origin of all the nodular material. Some released Mn, Ba and Ni furthermore enter into suspended phases, which eventually leave the Baltic Sea. The economic value of the nodules in the Gulf of Bothnia is probably limited at present.
Neurilemmomas arising from Schwann cells, rarely found in oral cavity, are characterized by solitary occurrence, slow growth and smooth surface with variable clinical aspects, depending on the nerve origin. Most instances are typically asymptomatic. Microscopically, the histopathological characteristic consists of alternating regions of hypercellularity and hypocellularity such as Antoni A and Antoni B, respectively. The prognosis is favorable; complete surgical removal is the treatment of choice, no recurrence should be expected. The present report shows the case of neurilemmoma in bucal mucosa, in a 9-year-old child. Patient was referred to the Stomatology Clinic of School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, with complaint of nodular mass, with approximately one year development. Patient was submitted to excisional biopsy, with histopathological exam showing diagnosis of neurilemmoma. After 1 year follow-up there has been no recurrence of lesion.