773 resultados para Australia Foreign economic relations Asia
Interest rates are key economic variables to much of finance and macroeconomics, and an enormous amount of work is found in both fields about the topic. Curiously, in spite of their common interest, finance and macro research on the topic have seldom interacted, using different approaches to address its main issues with almost no intersection. Concerned with interest rate contingent claims, finance term structure models relate interest rates to lagged interest rates; concerned with economic relations and macro dynamics, macro models regress a few interest rates on a wide variety of economic variables. If models are true though simplified descriptions of reality, the relevant factors should be captured by both the set of bond yields and that of economic variables. Each approach should be able to address the other field concerns with equal emciency, since the economic variables are revealed by the bond yields and these by the economic variables.
This dissertation is a project of evaluation of the proposals of the Panamerican Games of 2007, that they will be carried through in the city of Rio De Janeiro. Great events present the possibility of improvement of the urban space and economic development, amongst other chances seen by politics and urban planners well. For this work we search to argue the city as field of specific study, understanding it in the current world-wide scene of globalization and computerization, the relations politics, economic and social existing interns. We search in material literature to study and to evaluate what it would be a ¿good city¿ and studies that had understood the development of the urban space. We also look for to understand the city of Rio de Janeiro as a singular urban space, since the origin of the city as a urban space, passing for the proposals gifts of modification of the carioca space. We dedicate part of the work, inside of the chapter where we understand the city of Rio de Janeiro, the presentation of the project of the Panamerican of 2007, comparing it with great previous events. The vision of technique and politics during the interviews was essential for the best understanding of the proposals of the Games. Finally we evaluate the proposals of modification of the Pan2007 for the city of Rio de Janeiro with the methodology of Kevin Lynch to evaluate the good form of the city" in communion with the proposal of distributive justice of Rawls. The result of this evaluation was that the current proposals of modification of the city for the Pan2007 will be able to generate resulted not deliberate for a considerable parcel of the population and to modify the economic relations harmfully, social and politics inside of the territory of the city. For such we consider measured compensatory satisfactory that they can reach the objectives of an equal citizenship and an equitable equality of chances, starting for the offering of the social minimums of just form. "
A classe média brasileira apresentou um grande crescimento nos últimos anos representando 52% da população do país. Justamente devido a este fenômeno, surgiu o interesse nesta pesquisa que está focada em mulheres residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Podem ser observadas pesquisas recentes na área de marketing acerca dos hábitos de consumo desta classe, principalmente devido ao aumento do seu poder aquisitivo, porém pouco foram exploradas as particularidades dos diversos grupos dentro desta grande massa e de como se comportam em universos antes originários e característico das elites sociais, como o dos bens de luxo. A presente pesquisa tem o objetivo de contribuir para uma exploração mais detalhada acerca desta população. A fim de se observar a produção de conhecimento e o processo de construção de identidade das mulheres pesquisadas, o tema abordado foi o consumo de objetos de luxo. Três categorias se apresentam relevantes: Luxo, Luxo no Dia a Dia e Sonho de Consumo, que trazem informações distintas e complementares para melhor compreensão do grupo analisado. Apesar das teorias tradicionais de luxo apresentarem o status social, a diferenciação e o hedonismo como principais motivos do consumo destes objetos, outros aspectos relevantes foram observados quanto a este tipo de consumo, sendo a família a grande arena onde a maior parte das relações sociais e econômicas acontecem. A pesquisa também mostra o desenvolvimento de um olhar peculiar para a moda por parte do grupo estudado sendo a chave para o entendimento do que é luxo. Os resultados deste estudo mostram a riqueza das práticas e significados de consumo dentro de um mesmo grupo e a importância de um olhar qualitativo para que acadêmicos e gestores da área de marketing possam realmente entender os fenômenos de consumo das sociedades modernas, especialmente sociedades em pleno desenvolvimento social e econômico como o Brasil.
Poder judiciário fluminense e capixaba diante do comércio internacional e do pré-sal: novos desafios
As transformações recentes das relações sociais e econômicas incrementados pelo dinamismo do comércio internacional, sua crescente complexidade e as recémdescobertas reservas petrolíferas na camada pré-sal, aliadas ao fenômeno da globalização, contribuem para o processo de internacionalização do Direito. Esse cenário tem demandado, ainda, novos instrumentos de solução dos conflitos e de controle social, exigindo dos magistrados brasileiros maior expertise no julgamento das demandas contemporâneas. Diante desse cenário, é necessário construir alternativas que realmente busquem modificar as estruturas vigentes na teoria, na práxis e no ensino do Direito. Assim, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa é contribuir para a eficiência da prestação jurisdicional dos magistrados, seja no âmbito estadual ou federal, que atuam no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, diante dos novos desafios que terão em face do comércio internacional e do pré-sal. Com a finalidade de alcançar seu escopo, a pesquisa, no Capítulo 1, trata dos conceitos, princípios e metodologia para atingir o objetivo geral da pesquisa. O Capítulo 2 ocupa-se da abordagem das disciplinas relevantes para uma eficiente prestação jurisdicional do pré-sal e do comércio internacional. Em seguida, o Capítulo 3 trata de analisar o conteúdo das disciplinas ministradas nas Escolas de Magistratura Estadual do Rio de Janeiro e Federal da 2ª Região, bem como as provas para ingresso à carreira da magistratura federal e estadual do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, no que tange à existência de disciplinas como Direito do Petróleo, Gás e Energia, Direito Econômico, Direito Internacional Público e Privado, Exploração & Produção, Direito do Mar, Direito Marítimo, Direito da Navegação Marítima, Direito Portuário, Direito Aduaneiro e Direito Ambiental. Por fim, serão feitas algumas considerações e apresentadas as referências da pesquisa.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the evolution of the socio-occupational status in Rio Grande do Norte from 2001 to 2008, based on the characterization of the socio-economic status of this State from the analysis of labor market norte-rio-grandense . The study, specifically, drew a comparison between the dynamics of the labor market in Rio Grande do Norte and the capital city, Natal. From this perspective, the purpose was to make a relationship between the social division of labor and its effects on the socio-spatial division, represented in the "macro scale" by the federal unit and the "micro level" for the capital; locus of economic and population concentration. The collection of data on the labor market had as a major source PNAD/IBGE, characterizing the labor market in many ways: people of working age, economically active population and employed and unemployed people, classified by age, sex, color, education, income and social protection condition. However, as for the socio-occupational division, we follow the methodology used by the research group on national television, based in IPPUR /UFRJ, called Monitoring of the Metropolis," which rallied twenty-four groups that aggregate the occupations found in the PNAD/IBGE, in eight groups of socio-occupational categories, according to the similarity between them. It was used in the socio-spatial cutting two relevant discussions, which are inter-related and were characterized as crucial points in developing the research problem: the former was related to the influence of the hegemony of merchant capital in the labor market in Rio Grande North and, the latter, it referred the socio-economic relations between the territory and the variable occupation. Lastly, the results all indicated that in Rio Grande do Norte, as a peripheral state, has suffered the devastating influence of the hegemony of capital purely commercial basis, where "wealth" of capitalism is generated through the sphere of mere movement of goods and services rather than a productive process due to the social relations of production more advanced. We have a little advanced economic structure, with a tertiary sector that has propagated under-employment or disguised unemployment. Similarly, the agricultural sector has been presented as an example of greater social degradation of working conditions in the state. The secondary sector, in turn, also was not behind this uncertainty; on the contrary, confirmed that condition, with poor levels of income, low education of the workforce and a high degree of social helplessness, even in the state capital, space full urban area, which although always appear with a favorable condition compared to Province, in practically most of the variables studied, was also reflected at the same time the author of a structurally underdeveloped condition
The study aims to investigate the limits of state intervention via induction on Economic Order, especially in cases regarding tax equality, through the analysis of their effects on economic development and on free competition from the perspective of economic efficiency and the Constitution. Thus, the work seeks to demonstrate that the achievement of equality in taxation is important in that it strengthens the economic relations in terms of efficiency, protects competition and fosters economic development to reduce regional and social inequalities and other constitutional desiderata. A dissertation is characterized by interdisciplinarity and was divided into two parts. The first is to discuss the legal meaning of equality from the doctrinal analysis of the principle and the relationship between equality and justice in the economic sense without rejecting its philosophical content. It is noteworthy that hermeneutics and the philosophy of language are useful tools for achieving equality in presenting the pragmatic methodologies applicable to the subject in terms of corrective justice. Based on these general assumptions, is going to study the tax equality and their characteristics, the corollary of the ability to pay and its relation to the economic capacity and the issue of progressivity in taxation as an ideal of distributive justice. The second part concerns the legal foundations of Economic Order and its relation to extrafiscality as a means of economic regulation in order to investigate the efficiency of this induction in order to promote economic development, free competition and tax equality itself to reduce inequalities and distributing wealth. Within this context, we investigated the scope of the constitutional principles of economic order, free enterprise and free competition, and favored differential treatment for small and medium enterprises, the issue of regional development for the reduction of regional and social inequalities, the problem the "fiscal war" and finally the efficiency from the perspective of Economic Analysis of Law
This thesis focuses on the economic relations in the interior of the Portuguese America, more specifically in Pernambuco Captancy in the 17th Century, concerning the discussion about center-periphery relationship and also the context of Brazilian colonial history. In addition, it portrays the exportations of leather to Portugal, their consequences in the Captaincy of Pernambuco and the businessmen involved in the trade and manufacturing of that product. In order to accomplish this work, manuscripts of Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (Ultramarine Historical Archives), colonial narratives and maps of the mercantile loads have been used so that one can visualize that the manufacturing of leather and other products have provided a social and economical connection among Pernambuco, Recife as trade center, Olinda as administrative municipality and Portugal
The size and dynamics of the market producer, consumer and exporter of the Captaincy of Rio Grande do Norte, in the period between 1760 and 1821 is the primary goal of this dissertation. In order to establish relations between the founding of new towns built from 1750 and its incorporation into the water supply and domestic market, showing more specifically the colonial economic relations established between the coast and the hinterland of the Province. Based on references by authors such as Edward Shils and Immanuel Wallerstein have investigated topics such as formation of colonial space, deployment-action of colonial institutions regarding business practices, and the dynamic market of the Province of Rio Grande do Norte.
No presente artigo, sob a perspectiva de que toda aglomeração produtiva está associada a um respectivo mercado de trabalho local, são analisadas as principais características do mercado de trabalho inerente à territorialidade da indústria de revestimentos cerâmicos da região de Santa Gertrudes/SP. No contexto de profundas modificações na atividade industrial e no mundo do trabalho que conduzem a novos formatos espaciais das relações econômicas, são discutidos no texto a pertinência da noção de mercado de trabalho local à luz da atual ênfase dada aos aglomerados territoriais de pequenas e médias empresas - chamados de APLs (Arranjos Produtivos Locais)- a partir de seu potencial gerador de competitividade e desenvolvimento territorial.
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Examina las caracteristicas principales de la nueva diplomacia para el desarrollo, originada a partir de la primera reunion de la UNCTAD, y su evolucion hasta la actual situacion de estancamiento derivada de la existencia de un fuerte conflicto de interes entre los paises desarrollados y en desarrollo, agravada por un conjunto de problemas institucionales. Subraya la necesidad de romper el presente estancamiento en el dialogo Norte-Sur y sugiere algunas medidas encaminadas a lograrlo.
Examina las caracteristicas principales de la nueva diplomacia para el desarrollo, originada a partir de la primera reunion de la UNCTAD, y su evolucion hasta la actual situacion de estancamiento derivada de la existencia de un fuerte conflicto de interes entre los paises desarrollados y en desarrollo, agravada por un conjunto de problemas institucionales. Subraya la necesidad de romper el presente estancamiento en el dialogo Norte-Sur y sugiere algunas medidas encaminadas a lograrlo.
Presenta el desarrollo del programa, las conclusiones y recomendaciones del seminario con viaje de estudio a diversas regiones de la URSS, que tuvo como principal objetivo complementar los esfuerzos de la CEPAL y de la ALAF para promover la cooperación técnica entre los países de América Latina en la esfera de la administración ferroviaria.