788 resultados para Attitudes towards technology
In June 2013, the PHA surveyed the Northern Ireland public about their attitudes towards organ donation. At the same time, a process of stakeholder engagement took place with organ donation charities, those on the transplant waiting list, recipients, donor families, and Health and Social Care staff, to inform the direction of a public information campaign that would encourage organ donation in Northern Ireland.
Much of the attention around OERs has been on institutional projects which make explicit learning content available. These can be classified as 'big OER' but another form of OER is that of small scale, individually produced resources using web 2.0 type services, which are classified as 'little OER'. This paper examines some of the differences between the use of these two types of OER to highlight issues in open education. These include attitudes towards reputation, the intentionality of the resource, models of sustainability, the implicit affordances of resources and the context of their hosting sites.
Cancer patients have physical, social, spiritual and emotional needs. They may suffer from severe physical symptoms, from social isolation, spiritual abandonment, and emotions such as sadness and anxiety, or feelings of deception, helplessness, anger and guilt. In some of them, the disease is rapidly progressing and ultimately they die. Their demanding care evokes intense feelings in health care providers, the more since these incurable patients represent a challenge, which could be condensed under the heading "the challenge of medical omnipotence". We suppose that the way health care providers cope with these circumstances has a profound influence on the way these patients are cared for. The attitudes towards the emerging heterogeneous movement of palliative and supportive care and towards its different models of implementation can be viewed from this point of view. We try to demonstrate these interrelations and to discuss the danger that may arise if they remain obscure and unreflected.
Euromelanoma is a dermatologist-led skin cancer prevention programme conducting an annual screening and public education campaign in over 20 European countries. Within its 10-year history, Euromelanoma has screened over 260,000 individuals across Europe, detecting a significant number of cutaneous melanomas and nonmelanoma skin cancers, identifying high-risk individuals for further surveillance and promoting awareness on the suspicious features of melanoma and the hazardous effects of ultraviolet exposure. In this review article, we summarize the history of the Euromelanoma campaign, present its organizational structure and discuss the results of the campaign in individual countries and on a European scale. Euromelanoma has had a significant impact on melanoma prevention and early diagnosis in participating countries and, despite many challenges, has positively influenced public health attitudes towards regular mole examination and the implementation of preventive measures against skin cancer.
En el present projecte hem analitzat els determinants de les trajectòries educatives dels i les adolescents d'origen immigrant, centrant I'atenció en el paper de les seves famílies davant de I ‘èxit o fracàs escolar del seu fillla. Amb aquest objectiu, I'estudi combina tècniques quantitatives i qualitatives. Per una banda hem analitzat les dades longitudinals del Panel de Famílies i lnfancia, que ens permeten fer un seguiment de les trajectòries educatives i personals de 248 alumnes d'origen immigrant que al 2006 estudiaven I'ESO al llarg de la seva adolescència, i identificar els factors socials responsables de la seva diversificació. Els resultats indiquen que malgrat presentar actituds bastant favorables als estudis i I'assoliment educatiu, concentren diverses situacions de vulnerabilitat a la llar (dificultats socioeconòmiques, estructures familiars atípiques, i erosió de capital social), que incideixen negativament sobre els seus rendiments acadèmics. Per altra, hem realitzat 59 entrevistes semi-estructurades per a complementar i facilitar la interpretació dels resultats obtinguts a la recerca quantitativa i copsar les narratives dels propis protagonistes. Aquestes entrevistes s'han realitzat a: una submostra de les famílies d'aquests alumnes, seleccionades en funció de perfils d’èxit o fracàs educatiu de la trajectòria del menor (46), una submostra d'estudiants resilients (a), i una sèrie d'agents educatius i socials, que inclou membres d'equips directius de centres escolars, AMPA i entitats dedicades a I'atenció a la infància i les famílies (5). El projecte que presentem té una clara vocació de servei públic. L'objectiu és incrementar el coneixement de factors "extraescolars" que poden condicionar I ‘èxit escolar dels estudiants d'origen immigrant. Aquest coneixement constitueix la base per al disseny i orientació de programes d'acompanyament a les famílies dels infants en situació de risc. La nostra voluntat (que reflecteix el principal objectiu de I'lnstitut d’infància i Món Urbà, instituci6 que impulsa el projecte) és contribuir a la transferència de coneixement que pugui ser d'utilitat pels agents que treballen directament sobre les qüestions que estudiem.
El dolor crònic pediàtric és un problema molt important. Malgrat que la informació disponible és molt menor que en adults, els informes publicats no deixen lloc a cap mena de dubte. Per una banda els treballs epidemiològics realitzats en la població general mostren que els problemes de dolor crònic són habituals entre la població infantil i adolescent, mentre que, per una altra, els estudis fets amb població clínica apunten que el dolor crònic pediàtric és causa important de desajust social i un dels problemes que més perjudiquen la qualitat de vida dels nens, i dels seus familiars, a tots els nivells. L’objectiu fonamental d’aquest treball era avançar en el oneixement dels factors psicosocials relacionats amb l’experiència del dolor crònic, de manera que a llarg termini aquesta informació ens permetés plantejar i contrastar programes de prevenció secundària pel dolor i la discapacitat crònics. Han participat un total de 92 joves amb edats compreses entre els 14 i 16 anys (79% de resposta positiva), dels quals el 64.2% eren noies. Majoritàriament experimentaven problemes de dolor abdominal. Els resultats han mostrat que, en efecte, els adolescents amb dolor crònic (dolor igual o superior a tres mesos) tenenuna pitjor qualitat de vida que els nois d’edat semblant però sense problemes crònics de dolor. Específicament, destaquen d’entre els factors estudiats: els pensaments catastròfics, l’estat afectiu, i certes actituds i alguns tipus d’estratègies d’afrontament dels nens. Les reaccions dels pares davant la conducta de dolor dels seus fills també resulta ser un factor de risc que cal considerar: les conductes dels pares tendents a minimitzar el problema estaven relacionades significativament amb el dolor i la discapacitat dels seus fills/es.
The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of health care professionals regarding their use of universal precaution measures at a public emergency service. The study also aimed to assess the rates of occupational accidents involving biological substances among those workers. This study was performed with 238 workers, from June to November 2006, using univariate and multivariate analysis. The chance of not adopting precaution measures was 20.7 (95% CI: 5.68 - 75.14) times greater among drivers compared to physicians. No significant association was found between adopting universal precaution measures. The occupational accident rate was 20.6% (40.8% involving sharp-edged objects). The risk of physicians having an occupational accident was 2.7(95% CI: 1.05 - 7.09) times higher than that of drivers. The fact that a staff member had adequate knowledge about universal precaution measures was insufficient to foster compatible attitudes towards reducing the risk of transmitting infectious agents and causing occupational accidents.
Contact theory and threat group theory offer contradictory hypotheses regarding the effect of contact with immigrants. Despite recent efforts to test the validity of both approaches, we still lack a definitive conclusion. This article integrates both approaches and tests the effect of contact towards immigrants and how this changes when different contexts are considered. Mainly, we investigate the effect of the economic environment and the immigrant group size on modifying attitudes toward immigration. The hypotheses, which are tested in Catalonia, show that contact with immigrants reduce negative attitudes towards immigration, especially friendship and family contact. However, mixed results are reported regarding the effect of economic environment and immigrant group size. Whereas the former modifies positively the effect of workplace contact, the latter has no effect. Findings have implications for the impact of context when dealing with the impact of contact on attitudes towards immigration.
Social identity is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, identifying with a social group is a prerequisite for the sharing of common norms and values, solidarity, and collective action. On the other hand, in-group identification often goes together with prejudice and discrimination. Today, these two sides of social identification underlie contradictory trends in the way European nations and European nationals relate to immigrants and immigration. Most European countries are becoming increasingly multicultural, and anti-discrimination laws have been adopted throughout the European Union, demonstrating a normative shift towards more social inclusion and tolerance. At the same time, racist and xenophobic attitudes still shape social relations, individual as well as collective behaviour (both informal and institutional), and political positions throughout Europe. The starting point for this chapter is Sanchez-Mazas' (2004) interactionist approach to the study of racism and xenophobia, which in turn builds on Axel Honneth's (1996) philosophical theory of recognition. In this view, the origin of attitudes towards immigrants cannot be located in one or the other group, but in a dynamic of mutual influence. Sanchez-Mazas' approach is used as a general framework into which we integrate social psychological approaches of prejudice and recent empirical findings examining minority-majority relations. We particularly focus on the role of national and European identities as antecedents of anti-immigrant attitudes held by national majorities. Minorities' reactions to denials of recognition are also examined. We conclude by delineating possible social and political responses to prejudice towards immigrants.
Objective To explores nursing faculty members’ attitudes towards older people, their thoughts about gerontological nursing education. Method Five focus groups and a survey were used with nursing faculty members 132 at the three nursing schools to explore their attitudes towards the care of older people and the perceived status of gerontological nursing education. The survey was given to 132 faculty members, including 76 clinical instructors, 40 associate professors and 16 professors. The nursing faculty in general had a positive attitude toward older people (M=3.36, SD 0.25), and teachers’ attitudes were higher than those of their nursing students (M=3.18, SD0.29). Results This study results suggests that Saudi nursing curricula should include more extensive gerontology content and clinical experience with older people. Conclusion This is the first time in Saudi Arabia that research has listened to their voices and examined their commitments toward gerontology education.
Clinical experience suggests that longstanding personality characteristics as a person's most distinctive features of all are likely to play a role in how someone with dementia copes with his increasing deficiencies. Personality characteristics may have a pathoplastic effect on both behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPS) or on cognition as well as cognitive decline. Cognitive disorders accompanied by BPS are a tremendous burden for both the patient and their proxies. This review suggests that premorbid personality characteristics are co-determinants of BPS in cognitive disorders, but much effort is needed to clarify whether or not specific premorbid personality traits are associated with specific BPS as no strong links have so far emerged. This review further shows that a growing field of research is interested in the links not only between quite short-lived emotional states and cognitive processes, but also between longstanding personality traits and cognition in both healthy individuals and patients with neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, a few studies found that specific premorbid personality traits may be risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases. However, research findings in this area remain scarce despite a huge literature on personality and cognitive disorders in general. An important shortcoming that hampers so far the progress of our understanding in these domains is the confusion in the literature between longstanding premorbid personality traits and transient personality changes observed in neurodegenerative diseases. Few studies have based their assessments on accepted personality theories and carefully investigated premorbid personality traits in patients with cognitive disorders, although assessing personality may be complicated in these patients. Studying the impact of personality characteristics in cognitive disorders is an especially promising field of research in particular when concomitantly using neurobiological approaches, in particular structural brain imaging and genetic studies as suggested by as yet rare studies. Improved understanding of premorbid personality characteristics as determinants of both BPS or cognitive capacities or decline is likely to influence our attitudes towards the treatment of demented patients and ultimately to help in alleviating a patient's and their proxies' burden.
Background: The wish to die has mainly been studied in terminally- ill young adults. In elderly persons, factors associated with the wish to die are likely to differ from those observed in younger people. Since the most frequently used scale -"The Schedule ofAttitudes Toward Hastened Death" (SAHD, Rosenfeld et al., 2000)- was previously used in terminally ill cancer or AIDS patients, its use in elderly people suffering from multiple comorbidities is problematic. The objectives of this study were 1) to adapt the SAHD for use in elderly people, 2) to develop a new instrument to assess patients' attitudes towards death 3) to test the relevance/acceptability of these instruments. Methods:An adapted version of the SAHD to the elderly population (SAHD-OLD) was obtained by analyzing all items of the instrument instrument in an interdisciplinary group of experts in geriatric care. Items were modified according to their relevance in elderly population. An instrument to assess patients' attitudes towards death was built on previous qualitative work performed by Schroepfer. These 2 instruments were subjected to cognitive testing in a convenience sample of 11 community-dwelling people (median age = 82 years; range 76-91). Results: The SAHD-OLD was obtained by modifying those items addressing palliative care issues (eg. irreversible consequences of stopping treatment) and systematically replacing "illness/disease" by "health problems". We expressed in statements the 6 categories identified by Schroepfer, and created instructions asking respondents to describe their current attitude towards death (Adapted Schroepfer). During cognitive testing, our sample assessed the SAHD-OLD and the Adapted Schroepfer as relevant for elderly people. Respondents judged these 2 instruments acceptable and appreciated the direct manner in which they addressed end of life issues. The opportunity to speak openly on this topic was welcomed. Conclusions: The SAHD-OLD and the Adapted Schroepfer seem promising instruments to assess the wish to die in elderly people suffering from multiple comorbidities. Preliminary results show good comprehension, high relevance and acceptability. Psychometric properties of the SAHD-OLD are currently being tested in a large sample of patients.
Esta tese centra-se em aspectos relevantes do inglês como uma língua universal, no actual contexto globalizado e examina possíveis mudanças relacionadas com o seu uso, em especial no continente africano, particularmente no caso de Cabo Verde, no sentido de ponderar eventuais alternativas nas pedagogias linguísticas no ensino desta língua que impliquem uma adaptação à realidade contemporânea. Uma vez que, nos nossos tempos, o inglês é a língua de eleição para a comunicação intercultural entre povos com várias experiências culturais e linguísticas, o conhecimento deste idioma torna-se, a cada dia que passa, impreterível e indispensável, na interacção intercultural. Em África, as funções desempenhadas pelo inglês são complexas; além da língua inglesa ser usada para comunicação entre etnias, com o estatuto de língua franca, também tem o papel de preservar a identidade nacional e de estabelecer a unidade entre os povos da mesma nação. Por conseguinte, é de considerar talvez ainda com mais pertinência, a adopção de uma nova filosofia de pedagogia de ensino que permita dotar os seus cidadãos de capacidades que lhes possibilitem comunicar de forma inteligível com povos de outras culturas e línguas. O primeiro capítulo aborda aspectos teóricos relacionados com a expansão, comunicação e mudança associadas à língua inglesa e suas implicações no ensino em países onde esta não é língua nativa (L1). O segundo capítulo reflecte, em primeiro lugar, sobre a situação linguística em África e as línguas francas predominantes no continente, incluindo a língua inglesa. Considera também questões relacionadas com o multilinguismo e a identidade, bem como assuntos relacionados com as implicações da diversidade linguística para a educação dos povos africanos.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The main objective of our study was to assess the impact of a board game on smoking status and smoking-related variables in current smokers. To accomplish this objective, we conducted a randomized controlled trial comparing the game group with a psychoeducation group and a waiting-list control group. METHODS: The following measures were performed at participant inclusion, as well as after a 2-week and a 3-month follow-up period: "Attitudes Towards Smoking Scale" (ATS-18), "Smoking Self-Efficacy Questionnaire" (SEQ-12), "Attitudes Towards Nicotine Replacement Therapy" scale (ANRT-12), number of cigarettes smoked per day, stages of change, quit attempts, and smoking status. Furthermore, participants were assessed for concurrent psychiatric disorders and for the severity of nicotine dependence with the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND). RESULTS: A time × group effect was observed for subscales of the ANRT-12, ATS-18 and SEQ-12, as well as for the number of cigarettes smoked per day. At three months follow-up, compared to the participants allocated to the waiting list group, those on Pick-Klop group were less likely to remain smoker.Outcomes at 3 months were not predicted by gender, age, FTND, stage of change, or psychiatric disorders at inclusion. CONCLUSIONS: The board game seems to be a good option for smokers. The game led to improvements in variables known to predict quitting in smokers. Furthermore, it increased smoking-cessation rates at 3-months follow-up. The game is also an interesting alternative for smokers in the precontemplation stage.
This paper proposes a framework to examine business ethical dilemmas andbusiness attitudes towards such dilemmas. Business ethical dilemmas canbe understood as reflecting a contradiction between a socially detrimentalprocess and a self-interested profitable consequence. This representationallows us to distinguish two forms of behavior differing by whetherpriority is put on consequences or on processes. We argue that theseforms imply very different business attitudes towards society:controversial or competitive for the former and aligned or cooperativefor the latter. These attitudes are then analyzed at the discursive level in order to address the question of good faith in businessargumentation, i.e. to which extent are these attitudes consistent withactual business behaviors. We argue that consequential attitudes mostlyinvolve communication and lobbying actions aiming at eluding the dilemma.Therefore, the question of good faith for consequential attitudes liesin the consistency between beliefs and discourse. On the other hand,procedural attitudes acknowledge the dilemma and claim a change of theprocess of behavior. They thus raise the question of the consistencybetween discourses and actual behavior. We apply this processes/consequencesframework to the case of the oil industry s climate change ethical dilemmawhich comes forth as a dilemma between emitting greenhouse gases and making more profits . And we examine the different attitudes of two oilcorporations-BP Amoco and ExxonMobil-towards the dilemma.