980 resultados para Aperture antennas.


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Lamella formation and emigration from the water were investigated in juvenile Biomphalaria glabrata reared at two temperatures in aquaria with a constant water flow. Most snails (97.4%) reared at the lower temperature (21- C) formed lamella at the shell aperture and emigrated from the water, whereas only 10.1% did so at 25- C. Eighty percent of emigrations at 21- C occurred within a period of 15 days, 70-85 days after hatching. A comparison of the studies done so far indicates that the phenomenon may be affected by the ageing of snail colonies kept in the laboratory and their geographic origin, rather than the rearing conditions. This hypothesis, however, requires experimental confirmation.


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Aquest projecte es basa en l'estudi, disseny i avaluació d'antenes per a aplicacions RFID a la banda UHF. Les etiquetes RFID estan compostes per un xip i una antena que han de presentar una bona adaptació per a aconseguir màxima transferència de potència. Els dos objectius principals en els diferents fases de disseny de cada antena han estat optimitzar les seves dimensions, i incrementar l'ample de banda.


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El projecte està dividit en dues parts, per una banda l’anàlisi de radiació en vaixells i per altra banda el disseny d’una antena en la banda d’ HF. La primera part s’inicia amb un estudi de l’escenari marítim a nivell de comunicacions, vaixells i antenes i, a continuació, s’estudia el camp proper sobre les superfícies del vaixell per al posicionament d’antenes amb el màxim aïllament. La segona part tracta el disseny d’una antena en HF a 6 MHz partint d’una antena tipus ranura, de baix perfil. Per validar el seu funcionament es construeix i mesura un prototipus en la banda d’UHF (2 GHz).


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This paper deals with the morphology of Pomacea caniculata (Lamarck, 1822) collected at Corrientes, Argentina. Comparison is made with Pomacea lineata (Spix, 1827) and Pomacea sordida (Swainson, 1823). The shell is globose, heavy, with greenish or horn-colored periostracum and dark spiral bands; apex subelevated, 5-6 whorls increasing rather rapidly and separated by very deep suture. Aperture large, rounded to subelongated; lip sometimes reddish; umbilicus large and deep; operculum corneous, entirely closing the aperture. Ratios: shell width/shell length = 0.78-0.96 (mean 0.86); aperture length/shell length = 0.68-0.77 (mean 0.72). Radula similar to other congeneric species. Testis and spermiduct as in P. lineata and P. sordida; prostate cylindric and short, cream in color as the testis. Penial sheath straight bearing a central outer gland deeply embedded in the tissue of its basal portion and a large wrinkled gland occupying 2/3 of the distal tip of its inner surface; the rigth margin of the sheath overlaps the left one until 2/3 of its proximal end. Female reproductive apparatus similar to that P. lineata; vestigial male copulatory apparatus (penis and its sheath) present in all females examined.


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A new species of Gundlachia, Gundlachia dutrae is described from northwest Brazil. It is distinguishable from other congenerie species by characteristics of the shell, radula and internal organs. Shell relatively high. Aperture near-circular; periostracum dark brown without periostracal hairs. Apex slightly inclined to the right, projected but not hooked, with an apical depression surrounted by a sculpture of well-marked irregular punctations. Shell surface with prominent radial sculpture. No septate specimens were observed. Ratios (n= 59): shell width/shell lenght = 0,66- 0,79 (mean 0,73); shell height/shell length = 0,32- 0,45 ( mean 0,37); shell height/shell width = 0,43- 0,63 (mean 0,51). Body of normal ancylid type; mantle pigmentation dark brown or black, concentrated along the mantle collar. The dorsal surface of the right anterior muscle is elongated and medially constricted. The left anterior and the posterior muscles are almost elliptical. Adhesive area is V-shaped. Pseudobranch unpigmented bearing a very small and thin dorsal lobe. Ovotestis with more than 25 unbranched diverticula. Ovispermiduct with seminal vesicle rather developed. Elongated nidamental gland continous with the glandular wall of the uterus. Nidamental gland appendix ending into a bulbous swelling Spermathecal body almost rounded. Well-developed prostate with five long diverticula. Ejaculatory complex with long glandular flagellum, without a penis or true ultra-penis. "Penis sheath" developed. "Ultra-penis" projected as a tube inside the lumem of prepuce, with a slit between "ultra-penis" and "penis sheath". Rachidian tooth tetracuspid, with two median cusps assymmetrical and aculeated. Lateral teeth tricuspid, with a reduced endocon and a prominent mesocon. A well marked gap occurs between meso and ectocon. Marginal teeth similar to lateral ones. Jaw T-shaped, with about 28 dorsal plates.


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In Abedus ovatus Stal, the female reproductive system consists of a pair of ovaries leading to oviduct and opens out by genital aperture. Each ovary is composed of five telotrophic ovarioles, with four different regions, terminal filament, germarium, vitellarium and pedicel. Germarium and vitellarium are the germ tubes in which the development of oocyte occurs. In the germarium, the differentiation of trophocytes into young oocytes was observed in three zones, ZI, ZII and ZIII. Further development of oocytes in the vitellarium could be divided into seven stages, STI STVII. The developed eggs are lodged in the pedicel


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The study of the surface topography added details regarding the disposition of male caudal papillae, spicules and area rugosa apart from vulva and oral aperture. The occurrence of this nematode in the state of Amapá represents a new geographical distribution.


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Para medir los coeficientes de transmisión y reflexión, S21 y S11, de diferentes materiales o muestras planas, se usa un sistema de toma de medidas en espacio libre operando banda W (75 – 110 GHz). Usando estos parámetros, S21 y S11, podemos calcular la permitividad dieléctrica relativa compleja (Er ) y la permeabilidad magnética relativa compleja (μr) mediante un proceso llamado NRW (Nicolson-Ross-Weir). El sistema para medir consiste en dos antenas de bocina, una transmisora y otra receptora, dos espejos con los que obtenemos una onda plana para medir las propiedades del material y un ordenador o dispositivo que calcula los resultados. Este dispositivo requiere de calibración para la obtención de resultados óptimos. Dicho sistema se puede simular de manera ideal con un software llamado ADS (Assistance Design System) para el estudio y comparación de grosores, permitividades dieléctricas relativas y permeabilidades magnéticas relativas de los materiales en función de la frecuencia.


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Aquest document de treball es centra específicament en el desenvolupament de la infraestructura de telefonia mòbil a Catalunya com a exemple de tecnologia amb profundes implicacions socials. Esdevé un intent inicial de definir les principals línies de recerca en aquest tema. El projecte que el sosté és emmarcat en el programa de recerca Negrisc, centrat a examinar la negociació del risc en les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació. Parteix d'una aproximació que reconeix la natura multidisciplinària del risc i que, per tant, exigeix una aproximació interdisciplinària al seu estudi i a la gestió subsegüent. Aquesta perspectiva emfatitza la necessitat d'integrar els punts de vista dels diferents stakeholders, incloent-hi el públic, en la gestió d'una tecnologia socialment controvertida. Aquest és un pas necessari per a permetre la generació d'algun tipus de consens en el cas del desenvolupament de la infraestructura de telefonia mòbil a Catalunya.


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Este trabajo recoge el estudio, diseño, fabricación y análisis de dos dipolos de media onda para aplicaciones Wi-fi, con objeto de caracterizar sus respectivas ganancias mediante el uso de dos sistemas de medida distintos, el primero basado en el análisis del balance de enlace entre antenas mediante un analizador de redes y el segundo mediante una celda TEM. Para obtener un correcto funcionamiento de los dipolos, resulta de vital importancia conseguir un buen ajuste de las dimensiones de los mismos durante el desarrollo práctico del proyecto, consiguiendo una máxima transferencia de potencia y un ancho de banda suficientemente amplio para asegurar que las antenas presenten una buena adaptación en la banda de los 2.4 GHz – 2.5 GHz.


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The 2009-2010 Data Fusion Contest organized by the Data Fusion Technical Committee of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society was focused on the detection of flooded areas using multi-temporal and multi-modal images. Both high spatial resolution optical and synthetic aperture radar data were provided. The goal was not only to identify the best algorithms (in terms of accuracy), but also to investigate the further improvement derived from decision fusion. This paper presents the four awarded algorithms and the conclusions of the contest, investigating both supervised and unsupervised methods and the use of multi-modal data for flood detection. Interestingly, a simple unsupervised change detection method provided similar accuracy as supervised approaches, and a digital elevation model-based predictive method yielded a comparable projected change detection map without using post-event data.


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The sparsely spaced highly permeable fractures of the granitic rock aquifer at Stang-er-Brune (Brittany, France) form a well-connected fracture network of high permeability but unknown geometry. Previous work based on optical and acoustic logging together with single-hole and cross-hole flowmeter data acquired in 3 neighbouring boreholes (70-100 m deep) has identified the most important permeable fractures crossing the boreholes and their hydraulic connections. To constrain possible flow paths by estimating the geometries of known and previously unknown fractures, we have acquired, processed and interpreted multifold, single- and cross-hole GPR data using 100 and 250 MHz antennas. The GPR data processing scheme consisting of timezero corrections, scaling, bandpass filtering and F-X deconvolution, eigenvector filtering, muting, pre-stack Kirchhoff depth migration and stacking was used to differentiate fluid-filled fracture reflections from source generated noise. The final stacked and pre-stack depth-migrated GPR sections provide high-resolution images of individual fractures (dipping 30-90°) in the surroundings (2-20 m for the 100 MHz antennas; 2-12 m for the 250 MHz antennas) of each borehole in a 2D plane projection that are of superior quality to those obtained from single-offset sections. Most fractures previously identified from hydraulic testing can be correlated to reflections in the single-hole data. Several previously unknown major near vertical fractures have also been identified away from the boreholes.


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En els darrers anys, els sistemes de telemetria per a aplicacions mèdiques han crescut significativament en el diagnòstic i en la monitorització de, per exemple, la glucosa, la pressió de la sang, la temperatura, el ritme cardíac... Els dispositius implantats amplien les aplicacions en medicina i incorpora una millora de qualitat de vida per a l’usuari. Per aquest motiu, en aquest projecte s’estudien dues de les antenes més comuns, com son l’antena dipol i el patch, aquesta última és especialment utilitzada en aplicacions implantades. En l’anàlisi d’aquestes antenes s’han parametritzat característiques relacionades amb l’entorn de l’aplicació, així com també de la pròpia antena, explicant el comportament que, a diferencia amb l’espai lliure, les antenes presenten a canvis d’aquests paràmetres. Al mateix temps, s’ha implementat una configuració per a la mesura d’antenes implantades basat en el model del cos humà d’una capa. Comparant amb els resultats de les simulacions realitzades mitjançant el software FEKO, s’ha obtingut gran correspondència en la mesura empírica d’adaptació i de guany de les antenes microstrip. Gràcies a l’anàlisi paramètric, aquest projecte també presenta diversos dissenys de les antenes optimitzant el guany realitzable amb l’objectiu d’aconseguir la millor comunicació possible amb el dispositiu extern o estació base.


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1. We investigated experimentally predation by the flatworm Dugesia lugubris on the snail Physa acuta in relation to predator body length and to prey morphology [shell length (SL) and aperture width (AW)]. 2. SL and AW correlate strongly in the field, but display significant and independent variance among populations. In the laboratory, predation by Dugesia resulted in large and significant selection differentials on both SL and AW. Analysis of partial effects suggests that selection on AW was indirect, and mediated through its strong correlation with SL. 3. The probability P(ij) for a snail of size category i (SL) to be preyed upon by a flatworm of size category j was fitted with a Poisson-probability distribution, the mean of which increased linearly with predator size (i). Despite the low number of parameters, the fit was excellent (r2 = 0.96). We offer brief biological interpretations of this relationship with reference to optimal foraging theory. 4. The largest size class of Dugesia (>2 cm) did not prey on snails larger than 7 mm shell length. This size threshold might offer Physa a refuge against flatworm predation and thereby allow coexistence in the field. 5. Our results are further discussed with respect to previous field and laboratory observations on P acuta life-history patterns, in particular its phenotypic variance in adult body size.


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The optimization of the pilot overhead in single-user wireless fading channels is investigated, and the dependence of this overhead on various system parameters of interest (e.g., fading rate, signal-to-noise ratio) is quantified. The achievable pilot-based spectral efficiency is expanded with respect to the fading rate about the no-fading point, which leads to an accurate order expansion for the pilot overhead. This expansion identifies that the pilot overhead, as well as the spectral efficiency penalty with respect to a reference system with genie-aided CSI (channel state information) at the receiver, depend on the square root of the normalized Doppler frequency. It is also shown that the widely-used block fading model is a special case of more accurate continuous fading models in terms of the achievable pilot-based spectral efficiency. Furthermore, it is established that the overhead optimization for multiantenna systems is effectively the same as for single-antenna systems with the normalized Doppler frequency multiplied by the number of transmit antennas.