921 resultados para Adquisiciones en bibliotecas


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"El Centro es la organización que estructura la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras a partir de las Unidades Académicas para brindar apoyo documental a su quehacer académico-científico".El Centro de Documentación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras fue creado en sesión número 287 de Consejo Directivo, después de un amplio proceso de reflexión que se dio en el Centro de Coordinación para el desarrollo de la Facultad


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No podemos hablar del personal bibliotecario, sin referirnos a la problemática en que este profesional se haya inserto. Por eso brevemente nos referiremos a los obstáculos que se oponen al acceso a la información, pues para suministrarla es que este profesional existe.El acceso a la información, considerado esencial para la toma de decisiones acertadas y para el avance del país en todos los campos de su actividad, se ve obstaculizado por situaciones múltiples como: El bajo nivel educativo de la población. Un gran volumen de publicaciones hechas en lenguas que el usuario no conoce.Los altos costos del papel, las publicaciones y las tarifas postales. La existencia de puntos de acceso a !a información muy centralizados y alejados de periferias en donde hay grupos de usuarios importantes. Sistemas ineficientes de control y organización de los documentos. Trabas reglamentarias y burocráticas que impiden el acceso a los libros. Actitudes individualistas de profesionales de la información cuyo interés no es el usuario.La carrera de "técnico" se enmarca dentro de un concepto de bibliotecario formado para enfrentarse a estos obstáculos y para promover cambios en nuestros sistemas tradicional de suministrar información.


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Linked to the investigation is, without being able to do without it, the information. In fact it is a factor without which the research is done by halves, or does not occur at all.Research in any field or discipline, needs the support of those who previously investigated in the work of interest. Researchers need to give more authoritative backing, more scientific, his creation of what others wrote, reported or are inquiring about a hypothesis. Thus, the information defined as "a means of communication" without being an end in itself, is an indispensable means to strengthen, guide and accelerate any research process, and in many cases up to edit to change completely.The information was therefore an unusual importance in developing nations, as the link that binds makes available to the researcher or student, all I thought of Man produces and has produced over time and world geography.


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When editing the last newsletter of 1982 the Library Unit of the Faculty of Arts, is pleased to pay a farewell tribute to our coordinator Mr., Deyanira Sequeira, who is the founder of the School of Library Science at the University.She has been a tireless fighter for the professional advancement of members of the unit and the improvement of academic quality that exists in each and every one of the courses and teaching programs.We express our sincere appreciation for the work he did in the Unit Library for the benefit of the career of students, those who work with her, at the National University and the country in general.


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During "The reader and their information needs" students tried to implement the theory discussed in class. To this end, organized into sub-groups and worked in different types of libraries. The following paper covers the practice that the students: Jenssy Arguedas Salazar Hernández Sandoval Lidiette Oses and Olga Corrales held in the Library "Sister Onorina Leporati" Help Ma College of Alajuela.


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The aim of Library Administration course led by Professor Gilda Chacon is that in addition to understanding the theory to be developed objectives for good management, learn to apply to a library or a department. Our group through this study sought to determine in what way the principles and purposes of the administration are applied in the Reference Department of the Central Library of the National University. Importantly, we believe that the Department of reference is the union between the user and bibliographic, and that its aim is to keep the user the right information. The theoretical part of the paper is prepared based on guided reading and class discussion of the basic literature presented in the course syllabus, information corresponding to the reference unit was obtained through collaboration that the staff gave us the same through interviews, written data, reports and so on.


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Means to automate the fact replace the man in their job functions for a man and machines automatic mechanism, ie documentary specialists in computer and computers are the cornerstone of any modern system of documentation and information. From this point of view immediately raises the problem of deciding what resources should be applied to solve the specific problem in each specific case. We will not let alone to propose quick fixes or recipes in order to decide what to do in any case. The solution depends on repeat for each particular problem. What we want is to move some points that can serve as a basis for reflection to help find the best solution possible, once the problem is defined correctly. The first thing to do before starting any automated system project is to define exactly the domain you want to cover and assess with greater precision possible importance.


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Ms. Elia Maria Van Patten sends recent communication on courses you have attended and a report on the third meeting of "working group" that studies the formation of library staff in service.


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In Bogota, from 22 to 26 September 1980 a Seminar Workshop on Education and Training of Personnel in the organization and management of school libraries, sponsored by UNESCO, CERLAL, SECAB and the National Ministry of Colombia. The meeting reiterated that one of the weaknesses of library services is the lack of qualified personnel. As an immediate action is decided to set up a working group composed of experts from those agencies that have had experiences in the field of personnel training, such as Colombia, Venezuela and Costa Rica.


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La biblioteca del Instituto Nacional Rosendo López, está ubicada en el barrio Gaspar García Laviana, al este del departamento de Rivas.Esta comunidad está formada por treinta manzanas, una población de 4.000 habitantes; además la biblioteca atenderá a una población estudiantil de 3.000 aproximadamente con tres turnos o jornadas, vespertino y nocturno y un personal docente de 52 profesores.


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Iniciamos la publicación de un boletín cuyo propósito es comunicar las ricas experiencias que los bibliotecarios, documentalistas y especialistas en información están teniendo, no sólo en Costa Rica sino en toda el área centroamericana.


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Course for supervisors Nicaraguans. On July 30 closed the third year of improvement. Was held on Labor Day and expansion in Palmares, where the School Core gave an excellent welcome to the 40 Nicaraguan teachers are trained in the A and the MEP.


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Ms. Van Patten Elia Maria de Ocampo attended the Ninth International Conference on City Library Associations Guyana from 14 to 17 July 1980, Venezuela. Elia was very inspiring to see that the Costa Rican school library system up to the head of the whole region. There are big plans in other countries but have not been able to practice in that it has successfully done in our country. This told us Elia Maria:  Venezuela was chosen by the International Association of School Librarians to host its ninth Annual Conference. The event was held in Ciudad Guayana from 14 to 18 July 1980 and its importance lies in the fact that he offered an excellent and unique opportunity to meet and exchange ideas on the situation of school libraries in America and other regions . Conference was attended by 160 delegates from 13 different countries. Representing the school libraries of the Ministry of Education and with funding from the OAS through the Multinational Project on School Library Resource Centers that attended this important library activity.


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A technicians following UCR courses have performed very well, teachers are very satisfied with their work and preparation they have received in the UNA. Lucia Chacon speaks well about the courses: I think when you start a race for it to be good, or more specifically their level of use is optimal, it is necessary that both the faculty and the students show interest. It is also important that students are aware of what the role of the library in the process of communication between the company and its role culturizante in a changing world. Thus the career of librarianship should be a support staff who need the libraries in the country, should contribute to social and cultural development of society and should be upgraded every day the library system, which is achieved mainly through accountability and self-improvement of teachers, so that their knowledge is transmitted to the students.


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Principle 7 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (UN General Assembly, 1959) states in part: "The child has the right to receive education which will be free and compulsory ... You will be given an education that promotes their general education and training on an equal opportunity to develop their individual judgment skills and sense of moral and social responsibility, and to become a useful member of society. " I will expose to you that the school library resource center is the general instrument essential to fulfill this right of the child. Within the comprehensive range of materials and acquisition objective of their materials, school library complements and supports all aspects of the educational program.