795 resultados para Adaptive game AI
An epidemic model is formulated by a reactionâeuro"diffusion system where the spatial pattern formation is driven by cross-diffusion. The reaction terms describe the local dynamics of susceptible and infected species, whereas the diffusion terms account for the spatial distribution dynamics. For both self-diffusion and cross-diffusion, nonlinear constitutive assumptions are suggested. To simulate the pattern formation two finite volume formulations are proposed, which employ a conservative and a non-conservative discretization, respectively. An efficient simulation is obtained by a fully adaptive multiresolution strategy. Numerical examples illustrate the impact of the cross-diffusion on the pattern formation.
Plant circadian clock controls a wide variety of physiological and developmental events, which include the short-days (SDs)-specific promotion of the elongation of hypocotyls during de-etiolation and also the elongation of petioles during vegetative growth. In A. thaliana, the PIF4 gene encoding a phytochrome-interacting basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor plays crucial roles in this photoperiodic control of plant growth. According to the proposed external coincidence model, the PIF4 gene is transcribed precociously at the end of night specifically in SDs, under which conditions the protein product is stably accumulated, while PIF4 is expressed exclusively during the daytime in long days (LDs), under which conditions the protein product is degraded by the light-activated phyB and also the residual proteins are inactivated by the DELLA family of proteins. A number of previous reports provided solid evidence to support this coincidence model mainly at the transcriptional level of the PIF 4 and PIF4-traget genes. Nevertheless, the diurnal oscillation profiles of PIF4 proteins, which were postulated to be dependent on photoperiod and ambient temperature, have not yet been demonstrated. Here we present such crucial evidence on PIF4 protein level to further support the external coincidence model underlying the temperature-adaptive photoperiodic control of plant growth in A. thaliana.
Background- Cardiac hypertrophy involves growth responses to a variety of stimuli triggered by increased workload. It is an independent risk factor for heart failure and sudden death. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) plays a key role in cellular growth responses by integrating growth factor and energy status signals. It is found in 2 structurally and functionally distinct multiprotein complexes called mTOR complex (mTORC) 1 and mTORC2. The role of each of these branches of mTOR signaling in the adult heart is currently unknown. Methods and Results- We generated mice with deficient myocardial mTORC1 activity by targeted ablation of raptor, which encodes an essential component of mTORC1, during adulthood. At 3 weeks after the deletion, atrial and brain natriuretic peptides and β-myosin heavy chain were strongly induced, multiple genes involved in the regulation of energy metabolism were altered, but cardiac function was normal. Function deteriorated rapidly afterward, resulting in dilated cardiomyopathy and high mortality within 6 weeks. Aortic banding-induced pathological overload resulted in severe dilated cardiomyopathy already at 1 week without a prior phase of adaptive hypertrophy. The mechanism involved a lack of adaptive cardiomyocyte growth via blunted protein synthesis capacity, as supported by reduced phosphorylation of ribosomal S6 kinase 1 and 4E-binding protein 1. In addition, reduced mitochondrial content, a shift in metabolic substrate use, and increased apoptosis and autophagy were observed. Conclusions- Our results demonstrate an essential function for mTORC1 in the heart under physiological and pathological conditions and are relevant for the understanding of disease states in which the insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling axis is affected such as diabetes mellitus and heart failure or after cancer therapy.
Basé sur les psychothérapies cognitives des psychoses, Michael's Game est un jeu de cartes qui propose à des patients de s'entraîner au raisonnement par hypothèses. Après une présentation théorique du jeu (cadre, déroulement, bénéfices attendus pour les patients...) les auteurs illustrent avec des réactions d'un groupe de patients.
Low-cost tin oxide gas sensors are inherently nonspecific. In addition, they have several undesirable characteristics such as slow response, nonlinearities, and long-term drifts. This paper shows that the combination of a gas-sensor array together with self-organizing maps (SOM's) permit success in gas classification problems. The system is able to determine the gas present in an atmosphere with error rates lower than 3%. Correction of the sensor's drift with an adaptive SOM has also been investigated
The set of optimal matchings in the assignment matrix allows to define a reflexive and symmetric binary relation on each side of the market, the equal-partner binary relation. The number of equivalence classes of the transitive closure of the equal-partner binary relation determines the dimension of the core of the assignment game. This result provides an easy procedure to determine the dimension of the core directly from the entries of the assignment matrix and shows that the dimension of the core is not as much determined by the number of optimal matchings as by their relative position in the assignment matrix.
Single-valued solutions for the case of two-sided market games without product differentiation, also known as Böhm-Bawerk horse market games, are analyzed. The nucleolus is proved to coincide with the tau-value, and is thus the midpoint of the core. Moreover a characterization of this setof games in terms of the assignment matrix is provided.
[cat] En el domini dels jocs bilaterals d’assignació, es presenta una axiomàtica del nucleolus com l´unica solució que compleix les propietats de consistència respecte del joc derivat definit per Owen (1992) i monotonia de les queixes dels sectors respecte de la seva cardinalitat. Com a conseqüència obtenim una caracterització geomètrica del nucleolus mitjançant una propietat de bisecció més forta que la que satisfan els punts del kernel (Maschler et al, 1979).
[cat] A Navas i Marín Solano es va demostrar la coincidència entre els equilibris de Nash i de Stackelberg per a una versi´o modificada del joc diferencial proposat por Lancaster (1973). Amb l’objectiu d’obtenir una solució interior, es van imposar restriccions importants sobre el valors dels paràmetres del model. En aquest treball estenem aquest resultat, en el límit en que la taxa de descompte és igual a zero, eliminant les restriccions i considerant totes les solucions possibles.
Compte rendu de l'exposition « Game Story. Une histoire du jeu vidéo » qui s'est tenue au Grand Palais à Paris du 10 novembre 2011 au 9 janvier 2012, envisagée à partir du champ de l'histoire et de la théorie du cinéma en termes de discours historique sur un « nouveau média » ainsi que dans une optique intermédiale.
In the assignment game framework, we try to identify those assignment matrices in which no entry can be increased without changing the coreof the game. These games will be called buyer¿seller exact games and satisfy the condition that each mixed¿pair coalition attains the corresponding matrix entry in the core of the game. For a given assignment game, a unique buyerseller exact assignment game with the same core is proved to exist. In order to identify this matrix and to provide a characterization of those assignment games which are buyer¿seller exact in terms of the assignment matrix, attainable upper and lower core bounds for the mixed¿pair coalitions are found. As a consequence, an open question posed in Quint (1991) regarding a canonical representation of a ¿45o¿lattice¿ by means of the core of an assignment game can now be answered
Although assignment games are hardly ever convex, in this paper a characterization of their set or extreme points of the core is provided, which is also valid for the class of convex games. For each ordering in the player set, a payoff vector is defined where each player receives his marginal contribution to a certain reduced game played by his predecessors. We prove that the whole set of reduced marginal worth vectors, which for convex games coincide with the usual marginal worth vectors, is the set of extreme points of the core of the assignment game