1000 resultados para Absortimetria de raios-x em duas energias


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work, air dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operating at two different frequencies (60 Hz and 17 kHz) was used to improve surface properties of polypropylene (PP). The changes in surface hydrophilicity were investigated by contact angle measurements. The modifications in chemical composition of PP surface were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The PP roughness were analyzed before and after the DBD treatment using atomic force microscopy (AFM). In order to compare the results obtained at different frequencies, the analyses are presented as a function of the deposited energy density. The results show that both DBD treatments led to formation of low-molecular weight oxidized material (LMWOM). It tends to agglomerate into small mounts on the surface, as shown by AFM analyses. These structures are weakly bounded to the surface and can be easily removed by rinsing in polar solvents. After washing the DBD-treated samples, the PP partially recovers its original wetting characteristics. This suggests that oxidation also occurred at deeper and more permanent levels on the PP samples. Comparing both DBD treatments, the 17 kHz process was found to be more efficient in introducing oxygen groups to the PP surface


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A leishmaniose tegumentar é causada pela picada da fêmea dos insetos flebotomíneos. As lesões podem evoluir de pápulas para úlceras, que apresentam fundo granuloso e bordas infiltradas, as quais são indolores, podendo ser únicas ou múltiplas. Trata-se de uma doença negligenciada e o investimento em seu tratamento é desprezível. Até hoje, são empregados no tratamento medicamentos a base de antimonial pentavalente, além de outros fármacos como pentamidina, anfotericina B, paromomicina, imidazoquinolina, antifúngicos, como o fluconazol (FLU). As microemulsões (MEs) melhorarem a solubilidade e estabilidade dos fármacos, além de proporcionarem ação prolongada, vetorização diferenciada para determinados tecidos ou órgãos do organismo. Este trabalho teve como objetivos desenvolver e caracterizar MEs contendo FLU, caracterizar estruturalmente por meio de análises de microscopia de luz polarizada, análise do tamanho das gotículas, análise do perfil de textura e avaliação da bioadesão. Para o estudo de estabilidade foram empregados ensaios de avaliação visual e determinação do pH. Quanto aos ensaios biológicos in vitro, foram realizados ensaios colorimétricos das amostras visando verificar se o sistema desenvolvido permite a potencialização do poder leishmanicida do FLU contra as formas promastigotas da Leishmania amazonensis. Pelo diagrama de fases observou fases líquido-cristalinas confirmadas pela microscopia de luz polarizada, e foram selecionadas três formulações: uma SLT e duas SVT. Todos os ensaios de caracterização estrutural para a F2 sofreu variação quando acrescentou o fármaco, exceto para o potencial zeta, difração de raios X e bioadesão. Não houve alteração no ensaio estabilidade físico-química no período analisado. Os ensaios biológicos in vitro evidenciaram, nas condições metodológicas, inefetividade do sistema contra as formas promastigotas de L. amazonensis


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O rápido crescimento do mercado de dispositivos eletrônicos portáteis, com aplicações em diferentes áreas (telecomunicações, medicina, engenharia), criou uma grande demanda por fontes de potência compactas leves e, sobretudo, de baixo custo. Essa demanda levou ao desenvolvimento de tecnologia de filmes finos nanoestruturados para a obtenção de componentes eletroeletrônicos, por exemplo, memórias de computador. Estes dispositivos são empregados em “notebooks”, circuitos integrados, telefones celulares. O estudo de cristalização de filmes finos ferroelétricos nanoestruturados será feito através da cristalização induzida por rotas convencionais tal como cristalização em forno mufla. A modulação entre os diferentes cátions (Pb, Ca e Ba) para formar o sistema Pb1-x(Ca,Ba)xTiO3 serão analisadas, visando obter filmes com propriedades compatíveis para uso em memórias ferroelétricas. Para isso, os filmes finos serão depositados em substratos adequados controlando-se a homogeneidade química, a microestrutura e a interação filme-substrato


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Bi3NbO7 thin films were prepared by the polymeric precursor method. The precursor solutions were prepared with excess of bismuth ranging from 0% to 10% and the pH was controlled to be maintained between 8 and 9. This control was done by adding to the solution niobium and ethylene glycol. The final solution was clear and free of precipitation. After obtaining the precursor solution, has begun the process of characterization of powders with thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis and X-ray analysis (XRD). The films were obtained by the polymeric precursors, the method is advantageous because it is simple, and low cost involves steps and controlled stoichiometry. The films were annealed and characterized by XRD and SEM and also characterized according to their dialectics properties. We observed that the best results were obtained when the film is thermally at 800 ° C for two hours and 860 ° C for two hour. Under these conditions we obtain Bi3NbO7 thin films with good homogeneity, uniform distribution of the grains, but with the formation of secondary phase, which does not occur in treatments with lower temperature. The dielectric characterization showed that the produced film showed good characteristics with high dielectric constant and low loss


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The increasing demand for devices for solid state applications in many technological areas has resulted in a high demand for new materials. Among these material have the advantage of being manufactured with different chemical compositions, and may have physical properties equal to or higher than the corresponding crystalline material. The aim of this paper was to produce borate glass system 50B2O3 – 15CuO – 20Li2O – 15X (X = Na2O, K2O, RbCl e Cs2O) to analyze the influence of the atomic radius of alkali in the physical properties of this glass system. The glasses were synthesized by the process of melting and molding. The characteristic temperatures were determined by the technique of scanning calorimetry (DSC). The non-crystalline was determined by x-ray diffraction. In order to determine the molar volume a density measurement by using the Archimedes method was used. The structural characterization was carried out using the technique of infrared spectroscopy


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The increasing demand for electro-electronic devices, with high performance and multi-functional and the rapid advances of the nanotechnology require the development of new methods and techniques for the production and characterization of nanostructure materials and phenomenological models to describe/to predict some of its properties. The demand for multifunctionality requires, at least, new materials, that can integrate ferroelectric and magnetic properties of high technological interest. Inside of this context, multiferroics material can be considered suitable to integrate two or more physical properties of high technological interest. It can also provides new challenges in the processes of synthesis of new materials, and development of new devices with controlling and simulation of its physical properties and modeling. For this Calcium (Ca)-doped bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) thin films prepared by using the polymeric precursor method (PPM) were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), polarization and piezoelectric measurements.In order to study the behavior and determine which are the most important parameters to achieve the optimal property to be applied to a multiferroic materials


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)