731 resultados para 831
The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate techniques that improve the spatial resolution of the channels already selected in the preliminary studies for Geostationary Observatory for Microwave Atmospheric Soundings (GOMAS). Reference high resolution multifrequency brightness temperatures scenarios have been derived by applying radiative transfer calculation to the spatially and microphysically detailed output of meteorological events simulated by the University of Wisconsin - Non-hydrostatic Model System (UW-NMS). Three approaches, Wiener filter, Super-Resolution and Image Fusion have been applied to some representative GOMAS frequency channels to enhance the resolution of antenna temperatures. The Wiener filter improved resolution of the largely oversampled images by a factor 1.5- 2.0 without introducing any penalty in the radiometric accuracy. Super-resolution, suitable for not largely oversampled images, improved resolution by a factor ~1.5 but introducing an increased radiometric noise by a factor 1.4-2.5. The image fusion allows finally to further increase the spatial frequency of the images obtained by the Wiener filter increasing the total resolution up to a factor 5.0 with an increased radiometric noise closely linked to the radiometric frequency and to the examined case study.
P-T conditions, paragenetic studies and the relation between mineral growth, deformation and - when possible- isograd minerals have been used to describe the type of metamorphism involved within lower units of the southern Menderes Massif of the Anatolide Belt in western Turkey. The study areas mainly consist of Proterozoic orthogneiss and surrounding schists of presumed Paleozoic age. Both units are seen as nappes in the southern study area, the Çine and the Selimiye nappe, on the whole corresponding to Proterozoic orthogneiss and surrounding schists, respectively. The Çine and Selimiye nappes are part of a complex geological structure within the core series of the Menderes Massif. Their emplacement under lower greenschist facies conditions, would result from closure of the northern Neo-Thethys branch during the Eocene. These two nappes are separated by a major tectonic structure, the Selimiye shear zone, which records top-to-the-S shearing under greenschist facies conditions. Amphibolite to upper amphibolite facies metamorphism is widely developed within the metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe whereas no metamorphism exceeding lower amphibolite facies has been observed in the Selimiye nappe. In the southern margin of the Çine Massif, around Selimiye and Millas villages, detailed sampling has been undertaken in order to map mineral isograds within the Selimiye nappe and to specify P-T conditions in this area. The data collected in this area reveals a global prograde normal erosion field gradient from south to north and toward the orthogneiss. The mineralogical parageneses and P-T estimates are correlated with Barrovian-type metamorphism. A jump of P-T conditions across the Selimiye shear zone has been identified and estimated c. 2 kbar and 100 °C which evidences the presence of amphibolite facies metasedimentary rocks near the orthogneiss. Metasedimentary rocks from the overlying Selimiye nappe have maximum P-T conditions of c. 4-5 kbar and c. 525 °C near the base of the nappe. Metasedimentary rocks from the Çine nappe underneath the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P-T conditions of about 7 kbar and >550 °C. Kinematic indicators in both nappes consistently show a top-S shear sense. Metamorphic grade in the Selimiye nappe decreases structurally upwards as indicated by mineral isograds defining the garnet-chlorite zone at the base, the chloritoid-biotite zone and the biotite-chlorite zone at the top of the nappe. The mineral isograds in the Selimiye nappe run parallel to the regional SR foliation. 40Ar/39Ar mica ages indicate an Eocene age of metamorphism in the Selimiye nappe and underneath the Çine nappe in this area. Metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe 20-30 km north of the Selimiye shear zone record maximum P-T conditions of 8-11 kbar and 600-650 °C. Kinematic indicators show mainly top-N shear sense associated with prograde amphibolite facies metamorphism. An age of about 550 Ma could be indicated for amphibolite facies metamorphism and associated top-N shear in the orthogneiss and metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe. However, there is no evidence for polymetamorphism in the 6 metasedimentary rocks of the Çine nappe, making tectonic interpretations about late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian and Tertiary metamorphic events speculative. In the western margin of the Çine Massif metamorphic mineral parageneses and pressure– temperature conditions lead to similar conclusion regarding the erosion field gradient, prograde normal toward the orthogneiss. The contact between orthogneiss and surrounding metasedimentary rocks is mylonitic and syn-metamorphism. P-T estimates are those already observed within the Selimiye nappe and correlated with lower amphibolite facies parageneses. Finally additional data in the eastern part and a general paragenetic study within the Menderes Massif lower units, the Çine and the Selimiye nappes, strongly suggest a single Barrovian-type metamorphism predating Eocene emplacement of the high pressure–low temperature Lycean and Cycladic blueschist nappes. Metamorphic mineral parageneses and pressure–temperature conditions do not support the recently proposed model of high pressure–low temperature metamorphic overprinting, which implies burial of the lower units of the Menderes Massif up to depth of 30 km, as a result of closure of the Neo-Tethys. According to the geochronological problem outlined during this thesis, there are two possible schemes: either Barrovian-type metamorphism is Proterozoic in age and part of the sediments from Selimiye nappe (lower amphibolite facies) has to be proterozoic of age too, or Barrovian-type metamorphism in Eocene of age. In the first case the structure observed now in the core series would correspond to simple exhumation of Proterozoic basement. In the latter case a possible correlation with closure of Neo-Tethys (sensu stricto, southern branch) is envisaged.
Einleitung: Die Besonderheiten in der Gesundheitsversorgung von gehörlosen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern in Deutschland sind weitgehend unbekannt. Schätzungsweise 41.500 bis zu 80.000 Menschen sind in Deutschland von Geburt an gehörlos oder früh ertaubt. Diese Gehörlosengemeinschaft verwendet vorrangig die Deutsche Gebärdensprache, die seit 2002 per Gesetzgebung als selbstständige Sprache in Deutschland amtlich anerkannt ist. Der Gesetzgeber hat vorgesehen, dass ein von der Krankenversicherung bezahlter Dolmetscher bei einem Arztbesuch bestellt werden kann. Erkenntnisse, inwieweit dies unter den Betroffenen bekannt ist und genutzt wird, liegen nicht vor. Ebenso sind Annahmen, dass gehörlose Patienten in einer vorrangig von Hörenden gestalteten Gesundheitsversorgung mutmaßlich auf Probleme, Barrieren und Vorurteile stoßen, in Deutschland nicht systematisch untersucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt erstmalig anhand eines größeren Studienkollektivs einen sozialmedizinischen Einblick in den Gesundheitsversorgungszustand von Gehörlosen in Deutschland. Methodik: Im Rahmen einer Vorstudie wurden 2009 zunächst qualitative Experteninterviews geführt, um den Zustand der medizinischen Versorgung von Gehörlosen zu explorieren und Problemfelder zu identifizieren. Anschließend wurde für die Hauptstudie auf der Grundlage der Experteninterviews ein quantitativer Online-Fragebogen mit Gebärdensprachvideos entwickelt und erstmalig in der sozialmedizinischen Gehörlosenforschung eingesetzt. Die gehörlosen Teilnehmer wurden über etablierte Internetportale für Gehörlose und mit Hilfe von Gehörlosenverbänden und Selbsthilfegruppen sowie einer Pressemitteilung rekrutiert. Insgesamt wurden den Teilnehmern bis zu 85 Fragen zu sozioökonomischen Daten, Dolmetschernutzung, Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung und häufig auftretenden Problemen gestellt. Es wurden absolute und relative Häufigkeiten bestimmt und mittels Chi2-Test bzw. exaktem Fisher-Test auf geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede geprüft. Alle Tests wurden zweiseitig mit der lokalen Irrtumswahrscheinlichkeit α = 0,05 durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Am Ende der Feldphase verzeichnete die automatische Datenbank 1369 vollständig bearbeitete Fragebögen. 843 entsprachen den a-priori definierten Auswertungskriterien (volljährige Personen, gehörlos, keine fehlenden Angaben in wesentlichen Zielfragen). Häufigstes Ausschlusskriterium war ein anderer Hörstatus als Gehörlosigkeit. Etwa die Hälfte der 831 Teilnehmer (45,1% bzw. 52,8%) schätzte trotz ausreichender Schulbildung ihre Lese- bzw. Schreibkompetenz als mäßig bis schlecht ein. Zeitdruck und Kommunikationsprobleme belasteten bei 66,7% und 71,1% der Teilnehmer bereits einmal einen Arztbesuch. Von 56,6% der Teilnehmer wurde angegeben, dass Hilflosigkeits- und Abhängigkeitsgefühle beim Arztbesuch auftraten. Falsche Diagnosen auf Grund von Kommunikationsproblemen wurden von 43,3% der Teilnehmer vermutet. 17,7% der Teilnehmer gaben an, sich bereits einmal aktiv um psychotherapeutische Unterstützung bemüht zu haben. Gebärdensprachkompetente Ärzte wären optimal um die Kommunikation zu verbessern, aber auch Dolmetscher spielen eine große Rolle in der Kommunikation. 31,4% der gehörlosen Teilnehmer gaben jedoch an, nicht über die aktuellen Regelungen zur Kostenübernahme bei Dolmetschereinsätzen informiert zu sein. Dies betraf besonders jüngere, wenig gebildete und stark auf die eigene Familie hin orientierte Gehörlose. Wesentliche geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede konnten nicht festgestellt werden. Diskussion: Geht man von etwa 80.000 Gehörlosen in Deutschland aus, konnten mit der Mainzer Gehörlosen-Studie etwa 1% aller Betroffenen erreicht werden, wobei Selektionsverzerrungen zu diskutieren sind. Es ist anzunehmen, dass Personen, die nicht mit dem Internet vertraut sind, selten bis gar nicht teilgenommen haben. Hier könnten Gehörlose mit hohem Alter sowie möglicherweise mit niedriger Schreib- und Lesekompetenz besonders betroffen sein. Eine Prüfung auf Repräsentativität war jedoch nicht möglich, da die Grundgesamtheit der Gehörlosen mit sozioökonomischen Eckdaten nicht bekannt ist. Die dargestellten Ergebnisse weisen erstmalig bei einem großen Studienkollektiv Problembereiche in der medizinischen Versorgung von Gehörlosen in Deutschland auf: Gehörlose Patienten laufen Gefahr, ihren Arztbesuch durch vielfältige Kommunikationsbarrieren und Missverständnisse als Zumutung zu erleben. Eine Informationskampagne unter Ärzten könnte helfen, diese Situation zu verbessern. Dolmetscher können die Kommunikation zwischen Arzt und Patient enorm verbessern, die gesetzlich geregelte Kostenübernahme funktioniert dabei in der Regel auch problemlos. Allerdings gibt es noch viele Gehörlose, die nicht über die Regelungen zur Dolmetscherunterstützung informiert sind und die Dienste entsprechend nicht nutzen können. Hier muss es weitere Bemühungen geben, die Gehörlosen aufzuklären, um ihnen eine barrierefreie Nutzung von gesundheitsbezogenen Leistungen zu ermöglichen.
L’osso è un tessuto target per estrogeni ed androgeni ma l’azione singola e la sinergia tra i due non sono compresi interamente. Le donne affette da Sindrome da Insensititvità Completa agli Androgeni (CAIS) hanno un cariotipo 46XY ma presentano una completa inattività del recettore degli androgeni. Nello studio abbiamo valutato la densità minerale ossea (BMD) in un gruppo di donne adulte CAIS sottoposte a gonadectomia al momento della prima visita e dopo almeno 12 mesi di terapia estrogenica. Il principale obiettivo è stato di valutare se, nelle donne CAIS, una ottimale estrogenizzazione fosse sufficiente a mantenere/ripristinare una adeguata BMD. 24 donne CAIS sono state sottoposte a DXA lombare e femorale all'arruolamento nello studio (t1), dopo terapia estrogenica di 12mesi(t2) e oltre (t>2). Sono state valutate: BMD(g/cm2) e Zscore lombare e femorale (a t1,t2 e t>2) E’ stato considerato se fossero rilevanti l’essere (gruppo1) o meno (gruppo 2) in terapia ormonale al t1 e l’età della gonadectomia. Risultati: Al t1 BMD e Zscore lombari e femorale erano significativamente ridotti rispetto alla popolazione controllo nel campione totale (lombare 0,900+0,12; -1,976+0,07, femorale 0,831 + 0,14; -1,385+0,98), nel gruppo 1 (lombare 0,918+0,116;-1,924+0,79, femorale 0,824+0,13;-1,40+1,00) e nel gruppo 2 (lombare 0.845+0,11 -2,13+1,15, femorale 0,857+0,17;-1,348+1,05) Al t2 e t>2 la BMD lombare è risultata significativamente aumentata (p=0,05 e p=0,02). Zscore lombare, BMD e Zscore femorale non hanno dimostrato variazioni significative. L’aver effettuato la gonadectomia in età post puberale è associato a Zscore lombare e femorale più elevati al t1. Nelle donne CAIS la terapia estrogenica è indispensabile per prevenire un'ulteriore perdita di BMD ma, da sola, non sembra in grado di ripristinare normali valori di BMD.I risultati del nostro studio supportano la tesi che gli androgeni, mediante l’azione recettoriale, abbiano un' azione diretta nel raggiungere e mantenere la BMD.
Laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis has become increasingly used over the past decade. The objective of this trend analysis is to assess whether clinical outcomes after laparoscopic appendectomy have improved over the past 12 years.
Background: Voltage-gated sodium channels dysregulation is important for hyperexcitability leading to pain persistence. Sodium channel blockers currently used to treat neuropathic pain are poorly tolerated. Getting new molecules to clinical use is laborious. We here propose a drug already marketed as anticonvulsant, rufinamide. Methods: We compared the behavioral effect of rufinamide to amitriptyline using the Spared Nerve Injury neuropathic pain model in mice. We compared the effect of rufinamide on sodium currents using in vitro patch clamp in cells expressing the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7 isoform and on dissociated dorsal root ganglion neurons to amitriptyline and mexiletine. Results: In naive mice, amitriptyline (20 mg/kg) increased withdrawal threshold to mechanical stimulation from 1.3 (0.6–1.9) (median [95% CI]) to 2.3 g (2.2–2.5) and latency of withdrawal to heat stimulation from 13.1 (10.4–15.5) to 30.0 s (21.8–31.9), whereas rufinamide had no effect. Rufinamide and amitriptyline alleviated injury-induced mechanical allodynia for 4 h (maximal effect: 0.10 ± 0.03 g (mean ± SD) to 1.99 ± 0.26 g for rufinamide and 0.25 ± 0.22 g to 1.92 ± 0.85 g for amitriptyline). All drugs reduced peak current and stabilized the inactivated state of voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7, with similar effects in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Conclusions: At doses alleviating neuropathic pain, amitriptyline showed alteration of behavioral response possibly related to either alteration of basal pain sensitivity or sedative effect or both. Side-effects and drug tolerance/compliance are major problems with drugs such as amitriptyline. Rufinamide seems to have a better tolerability profile and could be a new alternative to explore for the treatment of neuropathic pain.
Trained observers used components of the functional job analysis technique to categorize 3,371 tasks performed by 214 nursing assistants in four nursing homes on five occasions over 12 months. The extent to which each task was oriented toward residents versus data or things was coded along with the "level of complexity" of each of these orientations. A psychosocial index was created by multiplying orientation by complexity. Three questions structured the analyses: (a) To what extent do nursing assistants' tasks involve interacting with residents, as opposed to focusing on data or manipulating things? (b) How complex are these tasks? (c) What are the implications of the task analysis data for assessing the quality of psychosocial care? Findings reveal that even among the direct care tasks (69% of total), the orientation was not predominantly toward the resident. Functional complexity of the tasks observed was consistently low. Those task types with the greatest psychosocial quality were those performed least frequently and vice versa. Implications of these results for restructuring nursing assistants' work are discussed.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate [(99m)Tc]Demotate 2 ([(99m)Tc-N(4) (0-1),Asp(0),Tyr(3)]octreotate) as a candidate for in vivo imaging of sst(2)-positive tumours and to compare it with [(111)In]DOTA-tate ([(111)In-DOTA(0),Tyr(3)]octreotate). METHODS: Labelling of Demotate 2 with (99m)Tc was performed at room temperature using SnCl(2) as reductant in the presence of citrate at alkaline pH. Radiochemical analysis involved ITLC and HPLC methods. Peptide conjugate affinities for sst(2) were determined by receptor autoradiography on rat brain cortex sections using [DOTA(0),(125)I-Tyr(3)]octreotate as the radioligand. The affinity profile of Demotate 2 for human sst(1)-sst(5) was studied by receptor autoradiography in cell preparations using the universal somatostatin radioligand [(125)I][Leu(8),(D: )Trp(22),Tyr(25)]somatostatin-28. The internalisation rates of [(99m)Tc]Demotate 2 and [(111)In]DOTA-tate were compared in sst(2)-positive and -negative control cell lines. Biodistribution of radiopeptides was studied in male Lewis rats bearing CA20948 tumours. RESULTS: Peptide conjugates showed selectivity and a high affinity binding for sst(2) (Demotate 2 IC(50)=3.2 nM and DOTA-tate IC(50)=5.4 nM). [(99m)Tc]Demotate 2, like [(111)In]DOTA-tate, internalised rapidly in all sst(2)-positive cells tested, but not in sst(2)-negative control cells. After injection in CA20948 tumour-bearing rats both radiopeptides showed high and specific uptake in the sst(2)-positive organs and in the implanted tumour and rapid excretion from non-target tissues via the kidneys. CONCLUSION: [(99m)Tc]Demotate 2, similarly to the known sst(2)-targeting agent [(111)In]DOTA-tate, showed promising biological qualities for application in the scintigraphy of sst(2)-positive tumours.