1000 resultados para 342,623


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Las preferencias en elección de pareja de hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer relaciones a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico ha sido un tema de interés para el análisis evolucionista, ya que existe debate frente a los resultados de las investigaciones y los planteamientos de las teorías de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales. Con el objetivo de identificar qué características son preferidas por hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer una relación a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico y contribuir a esta discusión, se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo en el que analizamos el contenido de 732 perfiles de hombres y mujeres (H=491; M=241) que buscaban una relación estable con parejas de su mismo sexo biológico. Las categorías analizadas fueron: edad, atractivo físico (apariencia, contextura, estatura y peso), estatus socioeconómico (situación laboral, nivel educativo y zona de residencia buscada), estado civil, número de hijos y hábitos saludables (fumar y beber). Los resultados encontrados muestran que los hombres presentan rangos amplios en las características deseadas en una pareja (edad=16.87; estatura=11.37; peso=15.23) y además buscan personas menores a la edad ofrecida (M=-4.17 años). En las mujeres se encontró que los rangos son más restringidos (edad=13.85; estatura=9.83; peso=12.77) y además prefieren parejas mayores (M=2.89 años). A nivel general, se evidencia que los resultados encontrados en la mayoría de las variables podrían indicar congruencia con los planteamientos de la teoría de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales; sin embargo, en otras variables los resultados no son claros.


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To evaluate vaginal microbiological and functional aspects in women with and without premature ovarian failure (POF) and the relationship with sexual function. A cross-sectional study of 36 women with POF under hormonal therapy who were age-matched with 36 women with normal gonadal function. The vaginal tropism was assessed through hormonal vaginal cytology, vaginal pH and vaginal health index (VHI). Vaginal flora were assessed by the amine test, bacterioscopy and culture for fungi. Sexual function was evaluated through the questionnaire Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Women in both groups were of similar age and showed similar marital status. The two groups presented vaginal tropic scores according to the VHI but the tropism was worse among women in the POF group. No difference was observed with respect to hormonal cytology and pH. Vaginal flora was similar in both groups. Women with POF showed worse sexual performance with more pain and poorer lubrication than women in the control group. The VHI, the only parameter evaluated showing statistical difference between the groups, did not correlate with the domains of pain and lubrication in the FSFI questionnaire. These findings suggest that the use of systemic estrogen among women with POF is not enough to improve complaints of lubrication and pain despite conferring similar tropism and vaginal flora. Other therapeutic options need to be evaluated.


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Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is a rare genetic disease characterized by widespread soft tissue ossification and congenital stigmata of the extremities. We report on a male child followed for ten years since the age of 3 years and 9 months, when the diagnosis was made. He was born with bilateral hypoplasic hallux valgus and ventricular septal defect, corrected by transsternal approach when 32 months old. Restriction of neck mobility followed and foci of ectopic ossification appeared. Four crises of disease exacerbation were treated with oral prednisone and/or other antiinflammatory drugs. Sodium etidronate 5 to 10 mg/kg/day was prescribed intermittently during about six years but was discontinued due to osteopenia. The disease course has been relentless, with severe movement restriction including the chest wall. A review showed few similar case reports in the Brazilian literature. We revisit the criteria for diagnosis and the essentials of management and treatment.


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This study evaluated two cases of Apert's syndrome, through phonological, cognitive, and neuropsychological instruments and correlated the results to complementary exams. In short, this study reveals the necessity of application of neuropsychological, cognitive and phonological evaluation and correlation of the results with complementary testings because significant differences can be present in the Apert's syndrome.


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Whipple's disease (WD) is an uncommon multisystem condition caused by the bacillus Tropheryma whipplei. Central nervous system involvement is a classical feature of the disease observed in 20 to 40% of the patients. We report the case of a 62 yeards old man with WD that developed neurological manifestations during its course, and discuss the most usual signs and symptoms focusing on recent diagnostic criteria and novel treatment regimens.


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Chromatography combined with several different detection systems is one of the more used and better performing analytical tools. Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection gives highly selective and sensitive analyses and permits obtaining structural information about the analites and about their molar masses. Due to these characteristics, this analytical technique is very efficient when used to detect substances at trace levels in complex matrices. In this paper we review instrumental and technical aspects of chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and the state of the art of the technique as it is applied to analysis of toxic substances in food.


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Mental health problems are common in primary health care, particularly anxiety and depression. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders and their associations with socio-demographic characteristics in primary care in Brazil (Family Health Strategy). It involved a multicenter cross-sectional study with patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza (Ceará State) and Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul State), assessed using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). The rate of mental disorders in patients from Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Fortaleza and Porto Alegre were found to be, respectively, 51.9%, 53.3%, 64.3% and 57.7% with significant differences between Porto Alegre and Fortaleza compared to Rio de Janeiro after adjusting for confounders. Prevalence proportions of mental problems were especially common for females, the unemployed, those with less education and those with lower incomes. In the context of the Brazilian government's moves towards developing primary health care and reorganizing mental health policies it is relevant to consider common mental disorders as a priority alongside other chronic health conditions.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the growth and body composition of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A cohort of 44 patients with T1DM were followed up for approximately four years and compared with a control group. Weight, height, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BF%), fat mass index, waist circumference (WC) and waist-height ratio were determined. RESULTS: In females, in the first evaluation, BF% was lower in patients than in controls, while in the second evaluation, mean WC was higher in patients than in controls. In males, height of the patients was lower in the first evaluation, while body mass index (BMI) was higher in the second one. We did not find any differences among the changes in height, weight and BMI z-scores and BF% or in the distribution of those z-scores between the two evaluations, in both groups. Multiple regression analysis found differences in BMI and waist-height ratio in both sexes and also in WC in females. CONCLUSION: The patients had adequate growth but showed discrepancy in their body composition during the study.


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Report of an early case of Shy-Drager syndrome in a 67 year-old woman patient. Autonomic failure was diagnosed by functional evaluation as well as laboratory tests. MR imaging disclosed a prominent putamina hypodensity in T2-weighted images at high field strength due to iron increased depositing in this basal ganglia. MR imaging evidences confirm Shy-Drager syndrome diagnosis, and contributes for differential diagnosis of idiopathic hypotension (pure autonomic failure) in special in SDS early cases.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze the electromyographic (EMG) activity and the maximal molar bite force in women diagnosed with osteoporosis in the maxillary and mandibular regions, considering the habits and conditions that lead to development of generalized skeletal bone loss, including on face bones, can disturb the functional harmony of the stomatognathic system. Twenty-seven women with mandibular and maxillary osteoporosis and 27 healthy controls volunteered to participate in the study. A 5-channel electromyographer was used. Muscle activity was evaluated by means of EMG recordings of the masticatory musculature (masseter and temporalis muscles, bilaterally) during the following clinical conditions: rest (5 s); right and left lateral excursions (5 s); protrusion (5 s); maximal dental clenching on Parafilm™ (4 s) and maximal voluntary contraction (4 s). This latter clinical condition was used as the normalization factor of the sample data. It was observed that individuals with osteoporosis presented greater EMG activity when maintaining mandible posture conditions and less activity during dental clenching and when obtaining maximal molar bite force. It may be concluded that facial osteoporosis can interfere on the patterns of masticatory muscle activation and maximal bite force of the stomatognathic system.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da contagem de células somáticas (CCS) do leite na atividade de plasmina e plasminogênio durante o período de armazenamento do leite longa vida integral. Os leites crus foram categorizados em grupos de CCS de baixa (342.000-487.000 células mL-1) e alta contagem (603.000-808.000 células mL-1). Dois lotes de leite longa vida em cada categoria de CCS foram analisados para determinação de plasmina e plasminogênio após 10, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias de armazenamento em temperatura ambiente. Para a fabricação do leite longa vida, o leite cru foi submetido à pasteurização rápida seguida da esterilização industrial do leite por injeção de vapor pelo método direto e embalagem asséptica do produto. A CCS não apresentou efeitos sobre as características físico-químicas do leite cru, e nem sobre a atividade de plasmina e plasminogênio nos leites cru e longa vida, armazenados por 120 dias. Entretanto, independentemente da CCS, a atividade de plasmina e plasminogênio aumentou no leite longa vida ao longo do armazenamento, indicando a possibilidade de aumento da proteólise no produto durante sua vida de prateleira.


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Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos do arroz em dietas formuladas com base nos conceitos de proteína bruta e ideal para frangos de corte de 1 a 42 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 720 pintos machos de 1 dia de idade da linhagem "Hybro", em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, composto de três dietas (sem subprodutos, farelo de arroz integral e quirera de arroz) e dois conceitos de formulação de rações (proteína bruta e ideal), totalizando seis tratamentos e quatro repetições de 30 aves. O ganho de peso, o consumo de ração e a conversão alimentar foram avaliados aos 21 e 42 dias e as características de carcaça aos 42 dias de idade. As aves alimentadas com dietas formuladas pelo conceito tradicional (baseado na proteína bruta) apresentaram melhor conversão alimentar e menor taxa de deposição de gordura abdominal.