998 resultados para “tankas e haicais” (Poesia Japonesa).
Muitos são os atributos que perfazem o ciclo mítico de Orfeu, o mais importante dos poetas lendários da Grécia antiga: ele, além de amante devotado (pois desceu ao Hades em busca da amada Eurídice) e protótipo de poeta lírico (em termos ideais platônicos), teria sido o fundador do culto de mistérios que leva seu nome, o Orfismo. Tema recorrente na literatura e nas artes ocidentais, sobretudo a partir das obras dos latinos Ovídio e Virgílio, o mito de Orfeu, em seus aspectos mítico-poéticos, vinca a poesia brasileira desde a Colônia e atinge inusitada voga a partir dos anos 40/50 do século XX, quando pode encharcar-se de certos aspectos místico-religiosas (Murilo Mendes; Dora Ferreira da Silva). Na contemporaneidade, os perfis de Orfeu continuam seu périplo pela poesia brasileira, em obras recentes de Adriano Espínola (Praia provisória, 2006), Geraldo Carneiro (Balada do impostor, 2006) ou Rodrigo Petronio (Venho de um país selvagem, 2009). A partir de tais obras tentar-se-á dar um corpo (embora metamórfico) ao contraditório Orfeu.
In this paper we analyze how the symbols of land and woman are articulated in the lyric from Ana Paula Tavares. Such motifs, applicants at O lago da lua (1999), will take on a structuring in the poetic universe from this Angolan writer, because architect his being in the world at an existential level and political. Paula Tavares gives her voice to express, with defiance and tenderness, the bitter cry of women prisoners in their own silence. The symbiosis between land and woman works as formative and empowering element of identity
This essay aims to analise the temporal dimension and the temporal instruments which the baroques poets utilized in Italy, especially in Lubrano’s poetry. We intend to demonstrate that Lubrano” made several references to the transitoriety of human life, and did not restrict their observations to a simple collectionism.
In this project, we tried to analyze, in a very short way, the relations between Brazilian Visual Poetry and a phenomenon in modern literature known as crises of the verse. In sequence, we tried to situate this poetry in a provisory category which the current criticism sees it as the contemporary Brazilian poetry. For sure, the Concretism and its esthetics deployments assured space for the visually in poetry.
This essay aims to contribute to a critical assessment of contemporary Brazilian poetry, investigating the relationship between two tendencies: minimalism that verges on silence of speech in Kléber Mantovani’s and Tarso de Melo’s poetry, and the dialogue with the tradition in Armando Freitas Filho’s, Fabiano Calixto’s and Iacyr Anderson Freitas’s poetry.
By the reading of news, reviews and essays published in Rio de Janeiro’s newspapers and periodicals, one intends to analyse how occured the perception and recognition of esthetic innovations introduced in Brazilian poetry by Fantos, by Lopes Filho, and Broquéis, by Cruz e Sousa.
Epic poetry in the construction of Dion Chrysostom’s Discourses. The construction of images in the speeches of Dion Chrysostom was drawn from references in Homer. When the orator uses images from Greek epic poetry, Dion Chrysostom intimates the representation of images found in the literature to propagate his philosophical and political ideas during the first century A.D. under the administration of the emperors Domitian, Nerva and Trajan. Current analysis of the author’s works discusses literature as one of the representational forms of Hellenistic identity under Roman domination.
From a reading of the novel Brazil-Maru by Karen Tei Yamashita, this article focuses mainly on discussing about Japanese colonies’formation in Brazil, as well as the reasons that stimulated Japanese immigrants to invest their efforts in the process of this new undertaking. Some peculiarities between nucleous in the countryside of the state of São Paulo and Esperança’s community formation of this novel will be discussed and compared in the present work. The theoretical supports about the concept of Nation by Ernest Renan and the concept of Imagined Communities by Benedict Anderson compose the theoretical basis for understanding the constitution of Japanese diasporic nation in Brazil.
In the early XX century scene, the poem writer Cecilia Meireles was the voice of the Portuguese Literature in Brazil. Probably as the writer´s fi rst husband, the Portuguese artist Fernando Dias, was in contact with the intellectuals from the Portuguese cultural universe, Cecilia certainly had access to Portuguese publishing before they were popular in Brazil. So, by printing, in 1944 the anthology Poetas novos de Portugal, by Dois Mundos Publishing house (directed by Jaime Cortesão), Cecília could spread the Portuguese poetry which had never been published in books in our country. As it has never been printed again, the anthology shows a detailed view about the Portuguese literature scene at that time. My work aims at looking thoroughly this volume, in order to understand the criteria used by Cecilia when selecting the authors and poems, in the light of such piece indicates certain understanding of the Portuguese Literature relations with Brazil.
This paper deals with characteristically anti-authoritarian aspects of Antônio Carlos de Brito’s work, alias Cacaso (1944-1987). It aims to provide evidence on his peculiar poetry writing exercise, which incorporates political and aesthetic tensions into its own language, rather than just refer to them. By anchoring in a poetics of everyday life and by being engaged in a dialogue with Brazilian literary tradition, Cacaso manages image, tone and emotion in order to instantly illuminate the impasses of his generation.