897 resultados para wind energy potential
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
[ES] Las Islas Canarias carecen totalmente de recursos energéticos convencionales, representando la importación de energía primaria un 98% del consumo del Archipiélago. En la actualidad las Islas se suministran de petróleo y sus derivados, importándolos mediante buques. Sin embargo, Canarias posee un alto potencial de energías renovables, energías autóctonas y limpias, pero tan sólo un 2% del consumo de energía primaria procede de energías renovables. La búsqueda de la sostenibilidad energética es uno de los grandes desafíos de Canarias y la integración de la electricidad de origen renovable en sus redes eléctricas uno de los grandes retos que podría convertir a Canarias en un laboratorio a nivel mundial; el ejemplo de la isla de El Hierro así lo constata. Este artículo versa sobre este gran reto que supone la integración de energías renovables en las redes eléctricas de Canarias.
In this thesis, atomistic simulations are performed to investigate hydrophobic solvation and hydrophobic interactions in cosolvent/water binary mixtures. Many cosolvent/water binary mixtures exhibit non-ideal behavior caused by aggregation at the molecular scale level although they are stable and homogenous at the macroscopic scale. Force-field based atomistic simulations provide routes to relate atomistic-scale structure and interactions to thermodynamic solution properties. The predicted solution properties are however sensitive to the parameters used to describe the molecular interactions. In this thesis, a force field for tertiary butanol (TBA) and water mixtures is parameterized by making use of the Kirkwood-Buff theory of solution. The new force field is capable of describing the alcohol-alcohol, water-water and alcohol-water clustering in the solution as well as the solution components’ chemical potential derivatives in agreement with experimental data. With the new force field, the preferential solvation and the solvation thermodynamics of a hydrophobic solute in TBA/water mixtures have been studied. First, methane solvation at various TBA/water concentrations is discussed in terms of solvation free energy-, enthalpy- and entropy- changes, which have been compared to experimental data. We observed that the methane solvation free energy varies smoothly with the alcohol/water composition while the solvation enthalpies and entropies vary nonmonotonically. The latter occurs due to structural solvent reorganization contributions which are not present in the free energy change due to exact enthalpy-entropy compensation. It is therefore concluded that the enthalpy and entropy of solvation provide more detailed information on the reorganization of solvent molecules around the inserted solute. Hydrophobic interactions in binary urea/water mixtures are next discussed. This system is particularly relevant in biology (protein folding/unfolding), however, changes in the hydrophobic interaction induced by urea molecules are not well understood. In this thesis, this interaction has been studied by calculating the free energy (potential of mean force), enthalpy and entropy changes as a function of the solute-solute distance in water and in aqueous urea (6.9 M) solution. In chapter 5, the potential of mean force in both solution systems is analyzed in terms of its enthalpic and entropic contributions. In particular, contributions of solvent reorganization in the enthalpy and entropy changes are studied separately to better understand what are the changes in interactions in the system that contribute to the free energy of association of the nonpolar solutes. We observe that in aqueous urea the association between nonpolar solutes remains thermodynamically favorable (i.e., as it is the case in pure water). This observation contrasts a long-standing belief that clusters of nonpolar molecules dissolve completely in the presence of urea molecules. The consequences of our observations for the stability of proteins in concentrated urea solutions are discussed in the chapter 6 of the thesis.
The near-surface wind and temperature regime at three points in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile is described using two-year multi-level measurements from 80-m towers located in an altitude range between 2100 and 2700 m ASL. The data reveal the frequent development of strong nocturnal drainage flows at all sites. Down-valley nose-shaped wind speed profiles are observed with maximum values occurring at heights between 20 m and 60 m AGL. The flow intensity shows considerable inter-daily variability and a seasonal modulation of maximum speeds, which in the cold season can attain hourly average values larger than 20 m s−1. Turbulent mixing appears significant over the full tower layer, affecting the curvature of the nighttime temperature profile and possibly explaining the observed increase of surface temperatures in the down-valley direction. Nocturnal valley winds and temperatures are weakly controlled by upper-air conditions observed at the nearest aerological station. Estimates of terms in the momentum budget for the development and the quasi-stationary phases of the down-valley flows suggest that the pressure gradient force due to the near-surface cooling along the sloping valley axes plays an important role in these drainage flows. A scale for the jet nose height of equilibrium turbulent down-slope jets is proposed, based on surface friction velocity and surface inversion intensity. At one of the sites this scale explains about 70% of the case-to-case observed variance of jet nose heights. Further modeling and observational work is needed, however, in order to better define the dynamics, extent and turbulence structure of this flow system, which has significant wind-energy, climatic and environmental implications.
Acciona Energía dispone en Alemania de 150 MW de potencia instalada. Todos ellos de energía eólica, en un total de doce parques eólicos situados en la sur del país. El proyecto tiene por objeto comparar las distintas modalidades de venta de energía procedente de fuentes renovables que ofrece el estado alemán para la cartera de activos de Acciona Energía, llegando a una conclusión final de cuál de ellas es la más aconsejable. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio del funcionamiento y normas del mercado Epex Spot de la electricidad y de la legislación alemana correspondiente a la materia, así como un seguimiento exhaustivo de producción y otras variables de los parques eólicos para su análisis. Los cálculos y las estimaciones realizados llevaron a la conclusión, que la mejor opción era la venta directa en el mercado Epex Spot, para lo que primero habría que darse de alta como agente en dicho mercado. Aunque esta opción asuma mayores riesgos también ofrecería un aumento considerable de ingresos. ABSTRACT Acciona Energía has 150 MW of power capacity in Germany, all of them wind energy in a total of twelve installations, located in the south of the country. The main goal of the project is to compare the different ways to sell the energy which became from renewable source that German state offers for Acciona’s asset portfolio, finding the most advisable conclusion. To do so a study of standards and rules of Epex Spot electricity market and German law related to this topic has been made. In addition of an exhaustive monitoring of energy production and others wind farms variables has been analyzed. The reckoning and estimations saw the conclusion that the best option was the direct sell in Epex Spot market, in order to do that the first of all is to register as market agent. Despite this options assume bigger risks, it provide a substantial increase in income
The paper presents research conducted in the Flow workpackage of the EU funded UPWIND project which focuses on improving models for flow within and downwind of large wind farms in complex terrain and offshore. The main activity is modelling the behaviour of wind turbine wakes in order to improve power output predictions.
Análisis de sensibilidad de modelos de turbulencia para un modelo CFD de viento aplicados a un emplazamiento en terreno complejo. Validación con datos de viento y turbulencia registrados a 3 alturas en 3 torres de medida.
Comparativa de dos técnica de simulación de rotor: BEM (Blade Element Momentum) y MRF (Moving Reference Frame) para el perfil S809 de NREL
A simplified CFD wake model based on the actuator disk concept is used to simulate the wind turbine, represented by a disk upon which a distribution of forces, defined as axial momentum sources, are applied on the incoming non-uniform flow. The rotor is supposed to be uniformly loaded, with the exerted forces function of the incident wind speed, the thrust coefficient and the rotor diameter. The model is tested under different parameterizations of turbulence models and validated through experimental measurements downwind of a wind turbine in terms of wind speed deficit and turbulence intensity.
A simplified CFD wake model based on the actuator-disk concept is used to simulate the wind turbine, represented by an actuator disk upon which a distribution of forces, defined as axial momentum sources, are applied on the incoming flow. The rotor is supposed to be uniformly loaded, with the exerted forces as a function of the incident wind speed, the thrust coefficient and the rotor diameter. The model is validated through experimental measurements downwind of a wind turbine in terms of wind speed deficit. Validation on turbulence intensity will also be made in the near future.
A medida que transcurre el tiempo la sociedad evoluciona, las ciudades crecen, se modernizan, mejoran su infraestructura y se ofrecen más y mejores servicios a sus ciudadanos. Esto ha hecho que durante muchos años las ciudades se hayan desarrollado sin pensar en lo que vendrá más adelante, contaminando el medio ambiente y consumiendo mucha energía y de forma ineficiente. Ante esta situación, y gracias a las innovaciones tecnológicas en materia de comunicaciones, se están adoptando medidas para dirigir la evolución de las ciudades hacia un modelo de ciudad inteligente y sostenible. Las redes de comunicaciones constituyen uno de los pilares sobre los que se asienta la sociedad, que se encuentra siempre en contacto con su entorno. Cada vez más, se tiene una mayor necesidad de conocer lo que ocurre en el entorno en tiempo real solicitando información climatológica en una determinada ubicación, permitiendo conocer el estado del tráfico para elegir la ruta hacia el trabajo, saber el tiempo que tardará el autobús en llegar a la parada, etc. Como éstos, se podrían citar muchos más ejemplos de necesidades y servicios que demandan hoy día la sociedad y que, seguramente, nadie pensaba que las iba a necesitar hace unos años. Muchos de estos servicios en tiempo real se consiguen gracias a las redes de sensores inalámbricas. Consiste en desplegar una serie de diminutos sensores en una zona determinada con el objetivo de recoger la información del medio, procesarla y modelarla para que esté disponible para los usuarios. Observando la tendencia seguida por las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones (TIC) se puede constatar una continua evolución hacia los dispositivos embedidos, de cada vez más pequeño tamaño y menor consumo y, al mismo tiempo, con mayor capacidad de proceso y memoria y facilidad para las comunicaciones. Siguiendo esta línea, se está construyendo la ciudad inteligente con capacidad para pensar y tomar decisiones, pero hay que dotarla de cierto grado de eficiencia. Se trata de aprovechar los recursos de la naturaleza para crear fuentes de energías limpias e ilimitadas. Empleando las tecnologías oportunas para transformar, por ejemplo, la energía del Sol o la energía del viento en electricidad, se puede alcanzar el modelo de ciudad que se pretende. ABSTRACT. As time passes society evolves, cities grow, modernize, improve their infrastructure and offer more and better services to their citizens. This has made for many years cities have developed without thinking about what will come later , polluting the environment and high energy consuming and inefficient . Given this situation, and thanks to the Technological innovations in communications, is being taken to direct the evolution of cities towards a smart city model sustainable. Communication networks are one of the pillars on which society rests, which is always in contact with their environment. Increasingly, there is a greater need to know what happens in the real-time environment requesting weather information in a certain location , allowing know the traffic to choose the route to work , namely the time take the bus to get to the bus stop, etc. . As these, you could cite many more Examples of needs and services that society demands today and, surely, no one thought that was going to need a few years ago. Many of these real-time services are achieved through networks wireless sensors. Is to deploy a series of sensors in a tiny given area in order to collect information from the environment, process and shape it to make it available to users. Observing the trend followed by the Information Technology and Communications (ICT ) can finding an evolving toward embeded devices of increasingly small size and lower power consumption and at the same time, higher capacity process and memory ease communications. Following this line, is under construction with capacity smart city to think and make decisions, but you have to give it some degree of efficiency. It seeks to harness the resources of nature to create clean energy sources and unlimited. Using appropriate technologies to transform, for example, energy from the sun or wind energy into electricity, it can achieve the model city intended.
The variation in the adoption of a technology as a major source of competitive advantage has been attributed to the wide-ranging strategic foresight and the integrative capability of a firm. These possible areas of competitive advantage can exist in the periphery of the firm's strategic vision and can get easily blurred as a result of rigidness and can permeate in the decision-making process of the firm. This article explores how electric utility firms with a renewable energy portfolio can become strategically rigid in terms of adoption of newer technologies. The reluctance or delay in the adoption of new technology can be characterized as strategic rigidness, brought upon as a result of a firm's core competence or core capability in the other, more conventional technology arrangement. This paper explores the implications of such rigidness on the performance of a firm and consequently on the energy eco-system. The paper substantiates the results by emphasizing the case of Iberdrola S.A., an incumbent firm as a wind energy developer and its adoption decision behavior. We illustrate that the very routines that create competitive advantage for firms in the electric utility industry are vulnerable as they might also develop as sources of competitive disadvantage, when firms confront environmental change and uncertainty.
Se presenta a continuación un modelo de una planta del almacenamiento de energía mediante aire comprimido siguiendo un proceso adiabático. En esta planta la energía eólica sobrante se usa para comprimir aire mediante un tren de compresión de 25 MW, el aire comprimido será después almacenado en una caverna de sal a 770 metros de profundidad. La compresión se llevará a cabo por la noche, durante 6 horas, debido a los bajos precios de electricidad. Cuando los precios de la electricidad suben durante el día, el aire comprimido es extraído de la caverna de sal y es utilizado para producir energía en un tren de expansión de 70 MW durante 3 horas. La localización elegida para la planta es el norte de Burgos (Castilla y León, España), debido a la coincidencia de la existencia de muchos parques eólicos y una formación con las propiedades necesarias para el almacenamiento. El aspecto más importante de este proyecto es la utilización de un almacenamiento térmico que permitirá aprovechar el calor de la compresión para calentar el aire a la entrada de la expansión, eliminando combustibles fósiles del sistema. Por consiguiente, este proyecto es una atractiva solución en un posible futuro con emisiones de carbono restringidas, cuando la integración de energía renovable en la red eléctrica supone un reto importante. ABSTRACT: A model of an adiabatic compressed air energy storage plant is presented. In this plant surplus wind energy is used to compress air by means of a 25 MW compression train, the compressed air will be later stored in a salt cavern at 770 meters depth. Compression is carried out at night time, during 6 hours, because power prices are lower. When power prices go up during the day, the compressed air is withdrawn from the salt cavern and is used to produce energy in an expansion train of 70 MW during 3 hours. The chosen location for the plant is in the north of Burgos (Castilla y León, Spain), due to both the existence of several wind farms and a suitable storage facility with good properties at the same place. The relevance of this project is that it is provided with a thermal storage, which allows using the generated heat in the compression for re-heating the air before the expansion, eliminating fossil fuels from the system. Hence, this system is an attractive load balancing solution in a possibly carbon-constrained future, where the integration of renewable energy sources into the electric grid is a major challenge.
El presente proyecto desarrolla el diseño de un sistema de pitch pasivo para aerogeneradores en entornos urbanos en el marco del proyecto SWIP (Soluciones, componentes y herramientas novedosos e innovadores para la integración de la energía eólica en áreas urbanas y suburbanas) En primer lugar se describe el marco de trabajo así como una introducción teórica de energía eólica y de sistemas de pitch o de control de paso de pala. Aquí son presentados los fundamentos del accionamiento del pitch pasivo diseñado. A continuación se presenta el mecanismo diseñado y los cálculos sobre él efectuados para el ajuste de sus parámetros de funcionamiento. Posteriormente se plantea el análisis estructural de los distintos casos de carga a los que estará sometido y el estudio de su respuesta dinámica a perturbaciones reales con las que trabajará durante su funcionamiento normal. Por último, se aclaran otra serie de factores como la seguridad y el sobredimensionamiento del generador y se hace un análisis económico del diseño junto con una comparativa con las tecnologías alternativas existentes. ABSTRACT The present project develops the design of a passive pitch system for wind turbines for urban and sub-urban areas for the SWIP European Project (New innovative solutions, components and tools for the integration of wind energy in urban and peri-urban áreas) Firstly, the framework is described, as well as a theoretical introduction to wind energy and pitch systems. Here, the principles of the designed passive pitch mechanism are presented. Subsequently, the designed mechanism is presented together with the calculations on it for the adjustment of its working parameters. After that, the structural analyses for the different load cases that will affect the design are studied. Afterwards, the dynamic response of the system to real perturbations during its operation is studied. Finally, some concepts concerning security issues or oversizing of the electric generator are considered and an economic analysis is performed for the design and also to compare it with the alternative existing technologies.