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Background: Cognitive impairments are seen in first psychotic episode (FEP) patients. The neurobiological underpinnings that might underlie these changes remain unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate whether Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) levels are associated with cognitive impairment in FEP patients compared with healthy controls. Methods: 45 FEP patients and 45 healthy controls matched by age, gender and educational level were selected from the Basque Country area of Spain. Plasma BDNF levels were assessed in healthy controls and in patients. A battery of cognitive tests was applied to both groups, with the patients being assessed at 6 months after the acute episode and only in those with a clinical response to treatment. Results: Plasma BDNF levels were altered in patients compared with the control group. In FEP patients, we observed a positive association between BDNF levels at six months and five cognitive domains (learning ability,immediate and delayed memory, abstract thinking and processing speed) which persisted after controlling for medications prescribed, drug use, intelligence quotient (IQ) and negative symptoms. In the healthy control group, BDNF levels were not associated with cognitive test scores. Conclusion: Our results suggest that BDNF is associated with the cognitive impairment seen after a FEP. Further investigations of the role of this neurotrophin in the symptoms associated with psychosis onset are warranted.
Time variability of the scattering signals from wind turbines may lead to degradation problems on the communication systems provided in the UHF band, especially under near field condition. In order to analyze the variability due to the rotation of the blades, this paper characterizes empirical Doppler spectra obtained from real samples of signals scattered by wind turbines with rotating blades under near field condition. A new Doppler spectrum model is proposed to fit the spectral characteristics of these signals, providing notable goodness of fit. Finally, the effect of this kind of time variability on the degradation of OFDM signals is studied.
Aspirazio endotrakealaren aurretik gatzdun sueroaren instilazioaren teknika ebidentzia zientifikoan oinarrituta dagoen ala ez aztertzea. Teknika honen efektu kaltegarriak eta ariztapen mekanikoarekin dauden pazienteen muki-jariakinen maneiurako ebidentzian oinarritutako beste alternatibak azaltzea.
Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)
288 p. : il.
Background: This study aimed to examine factors associated with treatment adherence in first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients followed up over 8 years, especially involuntary first admission and stopping cannabis use. Methods: This prospective, longitudinal study of FEP patients collected data on symptoms, adherence, functioning,and substance use. Adherence to treatment was the main outcome variable and was categorized as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Cannabis use during follow-up was stratified as continued use, stopped use, and never used. Bivariate and logistic regression models identified factors significantly associated with adherence and changes in adherence over the 8-year follow-up period. Results: Of the 98 FEP patients analyzed at baseline, 57.1% had involuntary first admission, 74.4% bad adherence,and 52% cannabis use. Good adherence at baseline was associated with Global Assessment of Functioning score (p = 0.019), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score (p = 0.017) and voluntary admission (p < 0.001). Adherence patterns over 8 years included: 43.4% patients always bad, 26.1% always good, 25% improved from bad to good. Among the improved adherence group, 95.7% had involuntary first admission and 38.9% stopped cannabis use. In the subgroup of patients with bad adherence at baseline, involuntary first admission and quitting cannabis use during follow up were associated with improved adherence. Conclusions: The long-term association between treatment adherence and type of first admission and cannabis use in FEP patients suggest targets for intervention to improve clinical outcomes.
"The Role of Latin in the Early Modern World: Linguistic identity and nationalism 1350-1800". Contributions from the conference held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa Convalescència, 5-6 May 2010. Edited by Alejandro Coroleu, Carlo Caruso & Andrew Laird
Radar services are occasionally affected by wind farms. This paper presents a comprehensive description of the effects that a wind farm may cause on the different radar services, and it compiles a review of the recent research results regarding the mitigation techniques to minimize this impact. Mitigation techniques to be applied at the wind farm and on the radar systems are described. The development of thorough impact studies before the wind farm is installed is presented as the best way to analyze in advance the potential for interference, and subsequently identify the possible solutions to allow the coexistence of wind farms and radar services.
157 p.
Las personas con demencia tipo Alzheimer, sufren una patología incapacitante, que cursa con deterioro cognitivo, y cuyo nivel de dependencia aumenta a medida que la enfermedad sigue su curso. Por ello, y por el incremento de la esperanza de vida, se estima que a nivel mundial la prevalencia de la misma se triplique en un intervalo de 30 a 40 años. Cuando las enfermeras adoptan en su trabajo profesional modelos de enfermería, y aplican taxonomías propias utilizando una herramienta como el proceso de atención de enfermería, trasladan a la práctica los conocimientos de su disciplina. De ahí que sean inseparables si se quieren proporcionar cuidados eficaces y seguros. Los profesionales de enfermería juegan un papel crucial en el cuidado de los pacientes con esta patología crónica e irreversible, ya que a pesar de no existir tratamiento curativo para ella, si pueden establecerse planes de cuidados con intervenciones de enfermería independientes y de colaboración que potencien y ayuden a mantener las capacidades (cognitivas, instrumentales, relacionales) que todavía posee la persona, con el fin de retrasar en la medida de lo posible el deterioro de ellas. Por ello, los planes de cuidados estandarizados basados en evidencias científicas como referentes, que confirmen las intervenciones planteadas, facilitan su modificación transformándolos a individualizados y centrados en las respuestas del individuo, ajustándolos también al ámbito de aplicación: hospitalario, domiciliario y /o centro socio – sanitario. (Castellano)
En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de los gastos fiscales en España durante los últimos 10 años. Para ello se parte de la definición y características de estos pasando por sus ventajas e inconvenientes, sus tres métodos de estimación del mismo y el utilizado en España, contextualizándolo en el marco legal básico del que emana los Presupuestos Generales del Estado. Continuamos abordando los gastos fiscales a través de tres puntos de vista diferentes: Presupuestario, donde se analizan los gastos fiscales a través de los Beneficios Fiscales y del Presupuesto de Ingresos. Por Políticas de Gasto, donde estos son analizados a través de las políticas a los que son destinados dichos gastos. Y finalmente, desde el punto de vista Impositivo, donde se analizan a través de cada impuesto individualmente en que elemento del impuesto se recogen dichos Beneficios Fiscales relacionándolos con las políticas de gasto a los que son destinados.
The aim of this study is to analyze the gender segregation in undergraduate studies in the University from Basque Country (UPV/EHU). We use data from UPV/EHU for the period 2003-2013. We focus on the period from 2003 to 2013 to analyze the changes in the segregation over ten years. We analyze the tendencies of the men and the women inside undergraduate studies. Undergraduate studies are decomposed into five fields: Legal and social sciences, experimental sciences, engineering, arts and humanities, and health sciences. We draw segregation curves and compute the Gini segregation index within the Lorenz approach. Our results show that the gender segregation in undergraduate studies in the UPV/EHU has decreased from 2003 to 2013.
In this work we study the gender segregation in technological undergraduate studies in the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU). For this study we use the data of new admissions at the UPV/EHU. They are from the time period of the years 2003-2013. We focus on the first and last year to check if the segregation has changed over these ten years. We build segregation curves within the Lorenz approach. Our results show that the gender segregation in technological undergraduate studies in the University of the Basque Country has increased over the last ten years. We also show that the distribution between men and women has changed.
[ES]En este documento se presenta el trabajo realizado para la integración de las distintas herramientas disponibles para la medición de la Calidad de Servicio (QoS) con el Contenedor que les da soporte dentro de la infraestructura QoSMETER desarrollada por el grupo de investigación NQaS de la UPV/EHU. Se analizan las distintas alternativas disponibles para resolver el problema y se plantea el diseño en base a la mejor de ellas.
Matemáticas I aporta los conocimientos básicos de Álgebra Lineal e Integración que son necesarios en los estudios en Economía (L.E.) y Administración y Dirección de Empresas (L.A.D.E.). Esta publicación recoge problemas resueltos propuestos en exámenes de Matemáticas I de ambas licenciaturas en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la U.P.V. entre los años 2001 y 2010. Los problemas están organizados en diferentes secciones siguiendo el esquema de los temarios de ambas asignaturas.