779 resultados para swedish upper secondary school
Introduction For a long time, language learning research focusing on young learners was a neglected field of research. Most empirical studies within the broad area of second/foreign language acquisition were instead carried out among adults in tertiary education and it was not until in the 1990s that the scope of research broadened to include also young learners, then loosely defined as children in primary and/or secondary education (see, for example, Hasselgreen & Drew, 2012; McKay, 2006; Nikolov, 2009a). In fact, some agreement upon how to define ‘young learners’ was not properly discussed until in 2013, when Gail Ellis (2013) provided some useful clarifications as regards how to label learners within the broad age-span that encompasses both primary and secondary school. In short, based on a literature overview, she concludes that the term young learners is most often used for children between the ages of five and eleven/twelve, which in most countries would be equivalent to learners in primary school. Thus, since young learners did not catch much scholarly attention until fairly recently, research volumes on the topic have been scarce. However, with a rapidly growing interest in examining how small children learn foreign languages, there has been a sudden increase in terms of the number of books available targeting young language learners. A first, major contribution was Nikolov’s (2009b) Early learning of modern foreign languages, in which 16 studies of young language learners from different countries are accounted for. Another important contribution is the edited book that will be reviewed here, which specifically targets studies about various aspects of second/foreign language learning among young (mainly Norwegian) learners. Bearing in mind that Norway and Sweden are very similar countries in terms of schooling, language background, and demographics – only to give three examples of similarities between these two nations – it is particularly relevant for Swedish scholars within the fields of education and second language acquisition to become familiar with research findings from the neighboring country. In this review, the editors and the outline of the book are first described, then brief summaries of each chapter are provided, before the text closes with an evaluation of the volume.
The longitudinal study focuses on the success of cegep science students at one college who were accepted into the science program although their secondary school grades in chemistry and/or physics did not meet the admission requirements, These less prepared students were admitted into the science program because they were placed in remedial classes that offered support through extra class time in their introductory college science courses. The main research question addressed in this study was to determine whether accepting less prepared students is beneficial to the student in terms of academic success.
Mit diesem Bildungsbericht wird nach 2012 zum zweiten Mal eine umfassende datengestützte Bildungsberichterstattung zur Verfügung gestellt. Der Bericht liefert die Fortschreibung der Daten aus den Bereichen frühkindliche, schulische und berufliche Bildung, zeigt aber auch neue Aspekte, etwa zur Hochschulbildung oder über Befragungen zur Kooperation von Schulen und außerschulischen Partnern sowie von Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Sekundarstufe II.
Inom ramen för gymnasieskolans yrkesprogram förläggs en del av elevens utbildning på en arbetsplats, APL. APL är betydelsefull för yrkesprogrammen eftersom hela utbildningen syftar till att knyta an till kommande yrkesroll och lära sig yrket tillsammans med redan yrkesverksamma. Bakgrunden till föreliggande studie är ett intresse för vilket lärande som pågår ute på arbetsplatserna och vad handledarna uppfattar som viktigt lärande för kommande yrkesutövning. Syftet med studien är att beskriva vad handledarna uppfattar att eleverna ska lära sig samt bedömning av elevernas kunskapsutveckling under APL. Studien är en kvalitativ studie och har omfattat intervjuer med 12 handledare med anknytning till gymnasieskolans bygg- och anläggningsprogram. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i livsvärldsfenomenologin med fenomenografi som metodisk ansats för att beskriva handledarnas uppfattningar av APL. Resultatet av studien visar att handledarna beskriver att de inte har fått tillräckligt med kunskap och information från skolan om vad eleverna ska lära sig på APL. Detta kan innebära svårigheter att hitta passande arbetsuppgifter. Det råder vidare en brist på kunskap om vad och hur de bedömer elevernas lärande vilket leder till att eleverna bedöms på oklara grunder. Sammanfattningsvis visar således studien att det finns delar av APL som behöver förbättras och utvecklas för att nå en högre kvalitet i det arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet. Samarbetet skola och fö-retag måste förbättras, och fler handledare måste få en pedagogisk handledarutbildning.
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään turkulaisten peruskoulun päättöluokkalaisten urapohdintaeroja ja sitä, miten oppilaiden arviot opettajien ja oppilaanohjaajien toteuttamasta ohjauksesta ovat yhteydessä heidän urapohdintaansa. Tutkimuksen kohdejoukkona ovat ensi sijassa yleisopetusta antavien suomenkielisten peruskoulujen yhdeksäsluokkalaiset. Tutkimus on poikkileikkaustutkimus, jossa tarkastellaan oppilaiden kokemuksia ohjauksen saatavuudesta ja hyödyllisyydestä sekä urapohdinnasta peruskoulun päättyessä. Tutkimusaineisto koottiin yhteishaun jälkeen huhti–toukokuussa 2014. Vuoden 2004 perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteista johdettujen väittämien avulla selitetään urapohdinta-mittarin sisältämien muuttujien vaihtelua. Taustamuuttujina käytetään oppilaiden koti- ja koulutaustaa. Urapohdinta-mittari on johdettu CIP-teoriasta (Cognitive Information Processing) ja muokattu CTI-mittarista (Career Thoughts Inventory). Tutkimusaineisto (N = 887) on koottu Webropol-kyselyn avulla. Oppilaiden urapohdintaa mitattiin neljän summamuuttujien avulla. Mittariston 48 väittämästä muodostettiin urapohdinta-summamuuttuja. Tämän lisäksi urapohdinnan osa-alueita arvioitiin sitoutuminen-, epävarmuus- ja konflikti-summamuuttujan avulla. Sitoutuminen-summamuuttuja mittasi sitä, miten vaikeaksi oppilas koki yhteen ura- ja jatkokoulutusvalintaan sitoutumisen. Epävarmuus-summamuuttuja mittasi päätöksenteon epävarmuutta ja konflikti-summamuuttuja vaikeutta tasapainoilla omien ajatusten ja toisaalta merkittäviksi koettujen läheisten ajatusten välillä. Kaikkien opettajien ohjaustyön näkökulmasta parhaiten hyvää urapohdintatulosta, jatkokoulutukseen sitoutumista ja päätöksentekovarmuutta ennustivat oppilaan hyvät kokemukset yhteistoiminnasta, hänen myönteinen suhtautumisensa koulunkäyntiin ja opintosuoritukset. Myös itseohjautuvuus oli tilastollisesti merkitsevässä yhteydessä urapohdintaan. Itseohjautuvuus-summamuuttuja mittasi sitä, oliko oppilas kokenut, että ohjaukselle asetetut tavoitteet saavutettiin. Opettajien tulisi kiinnittää ohjauksessaan huomiota hiljaisiin ja vähän huomiota vaativiin oppilaisiin ja tukea kaikkien oppilaiden toimintakykyä. Opinto-ohjaajan taas tulisi panostaa oppilaan itsetuntemuksen kehittämiseen ja valmiuteen toimia suunnitelmallisesti. Toisen asteen nivelvaiheohjauksen painopiste tulisi siirtää päättöluokkaa varhaisemmaksi. Tutkimustulos ei tue ajatusta, että tehostettu oppilaanohjaus kohdennettaisiin opintomenestyksen mukaan, koska heikkoja urapohtijoita oli kaikissa keskiarvosanaluokissa. Opinto-ohjaajien tulisi panostaa tieto- ja viestintätekniikan hyödyntämiseen ja tehostaa koko koulun työelämäyhteistyötä.
Die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik fand im Jahr 2015 zum dritten Mal in der Schweiz statt. [...] Mit rund 300 Vorträgen, 16 moderierten Sektionen, 15 Arbeitskreistreffen und 21 Posterpräsentationen eröffnete sich ein breites Spektrum an Themen und unterschiedlichen Zugangsweisen zur Erforschung von Fragen rund um das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik. (DIPF/Orig.)
Statewide exit exams are often believed to have a positive impact on school effectiveness and the alignment between instructional practice and state standards because of their mandatory nature and the stakes attached for students and teachers. They may also, however, lead to teaching to the test and to a perceived de-professionalization of the teaching role. While some studies suggest a narrowing of contents and an increase in teacher-centered instruction, little is known about how the impact on instructional practices and teacher cognitions varies between different exam systems. This study compares the strategies teachers use to prepare their students for the exams at the end of upper secondary education in Finland, Ireland, and the Netherlands using a standardized questionnaire survey with responses from 385 teachers. The goal was to develop hypotheses about the relationship between differences in the exam procedures and the stakes attached, and the differences in teacher preparation strategies. The results suggest country-specific variations regarding teacher beliefs as to how much time should be spent on exam preparation; however, there were smaller differences in the strategies applied. Regression analyses indicated that the way in which preparation intensity was associated with the stakes for students and schools, and the attitudes towards the exams themselves varied across the three countries. The different exam systems appeared to affect preparation in markedly different ways, but nevertheless led to the exercise of comparable strategies. (DIPF/Orig.)
The effects of individual teacher expectations have been the subject of intensive research. Results indicate that teachers use their expectations to adapt their interactions with their students to some degree (as summarized in a review by Jussim & Harber, 2005). This can in turn lead to expectancy-confirming student developments. While there are studies on the Pygmalion effect on individual students, there is only little research on teacher judgements of whole classes and schools. Our study aims to extend the perspective of teacher judgements at the collective level to stereotypes within the context of school tracking. The content and structure of teachers’ school track stereotypes are investigated as well as the question of whether these stereotypical judgements are related to teachers’ perception of obstacles to their teaching and their teaching self-efficacy beliefs. Cross-sectional data on 341 teachers at two different school types from the Panel Study at the Research School „Education and Capabilities“ in North Rhine-Westphalia (PARS) (see Bos et al., 2016) were used for two purposes: First, the structure of teachers’ stereotypes was identified via an exploratory factor analysis. Second, in follow-up regression analyses, the stereotype dimensions extracted were used to predict teachers’ perceptions of obstacles to their classroom work and their individual and collective teacher self-efficacy beliefs. Results showed that – after controlling for the average cognitive abilities and the average cultural capital of the students – teacher stereotypes were indeed related to perceived obstacles concerning their classroom work and their self-efficacy beliefs. After a discussion of the strengths and limitations of the present research, the article closes with a short proposal of a future research framework for collective Pygmalion effects. (DIPF/Orig.)
Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych
Inclusive Education values differences by reducing barriers to learning and promoting active participation and positive interactions between all members of school community. Nowadays, school faces numerous children/adolescents who for several reasons have developed challenging behaviours and high risk of dropping out school. They come often from socio-cultural-economic minority groups and have sometimes a repeated course of academic failure. Art has had the ability to bring together the interests of all, even of the most unsuitable. In this paper, the authors present an intervention through street art/graffiti done in a secondary school, with a ninth grade class covered by PIEF Programme. The project aimed to understand if the integration of graffiti art in educational process had impact on challenging behaviour. The study, with a qualitative methodology, shows contributions of artistic experience as an asset to educational development of students with challenging behaviours contributing to a better school and inclusion.
La tesi si propone di approfondire il tema dell’Alternanza scuola-lavoro (ASL) al museo, un ambito di interesse che ha ricevuto un’importante attenzione a seguito della promulgazione della L.107/2015. La legge ha, infatti, stabilito l’obbligatorietà per tutti gli studenti del triennio delle scuole secondarie di secondo grado di svolgere dei percorsi di ASL in contesti di lavoro differenti, con un esplicito riferimento a quello museale. Il contesto di riferimento scelto per la ricerca è l’Emilia-Romagna, una scelta fatta tenendo conto dell’impegno che la regione ha portato avanti, già dalla fine degli anni Novanta, in direzione di valorizzazione di percorsi integrati scuola-formazione professionale. La ricerca è partita dall’analisi della letteratura di riferimento sul rapporto istruzione-mondo del lavoro in ambito nazionale e internazionale e ha previsto due successive fasi: la prima con una esplorazione qualitativa del fenomeno su un campione ristretto di testimoni privilegiati, appartenenti all’ambito istituzionale, scolastico e museale mediante interviste; la seconda con un’esplorazione quantitativa del fenomeno tramite survey su un campione più ampio mediante la sommistrazione di questionari rivolti agli studenti e ai referenti e tutor ASL delle scuole e dei musei. Nello specifico l’analisi ha coinvolto 430 studenti di 28 scuole della regione che hanno partecipato a 495 percorsi di alternanza scuola-lavoro realizzati nel corso del triennio e a partire dall’anno scolastico 2015-2016. Inoltre hanno preso parte alla ricerca 56 referenti e tutor ASL di 45 scuole e 86 referenti e tutor ASL provenienti da 83 musei.
This article takes the concepts of biopower and governmentality as the starting point for an analysis of certain recent Brazilian government documents about the introduction of Philosophy as a subject in secondary school. In the 1980s, this argument centered on Philosophy's so-called criticism and its potential for preparing citizens for a democratic society, was used by the movements aimed to restore democracy in Brazil. This argument appears to have been assimilated by the Brazilian government, because it is stated in the Guidelines and Bases of Education Law, secondary school students should demonstrate knowledge of philosophy necessary for the exercise of citizenship. The argument also appears in documents such as the PCN and PCN+ (National Curricular Parameters) and OCEM (Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary School) in their chapters on Philosophy. These documents are examined here in the light of governmentality, making explicit how Philosophy is equipped to train young people according to what is understood as a modern democratic society.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física