908 resultados para service development process
Ympäristöllinen kestävyys on ajankohtaisempi asia kuin koskaan ja sen merkitys yritysten yhtenä kestävyyden osa-alueena kasvaa jatkuvasti. Erityisesti suuret yritykset pyrkivät erottumaan kilpailijoistaan ympäristöllisen kestävyyden avulla, mutta myös pk-yritykset olisi tärkeää saada mukaan toiminnan kehittämiseen. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset yritysten ympäristöllisestä kestävyydestä ovat keskittyneet pääosin käytössä oleviin menetelmiin ja kestävyyden kehittämisen suurimpiin haasteisiin. Tärkeää olisi tutkia myös sitä, miten pk-yritykset saataisiin mukaan kehittämään toimintaansa ympäristöllisesti kestävämmäksi. Tähän pyritään löytämään vastauksia tässä diplomityössä. Diplomityön tarkoituksena on tutkia sitä, millä tavoin pk-yritykset haluavat kehittää toimintaansa ympäristöllisesti kestävämmäksi. Työn tavoitteena on suunnitella pk-yritysten tarpeita vastaava palvelukonsepti niiden ympäristöllisen kestävyyden kehittämiseksi. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään palvelumuotoilua ja sen prosessin kolmea ensimmäistä vaihet-ta: asiakasymmärryksen hankintaa, luovaa ideointia sekä palvelukonseptin kehittämistä. Tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka tutkimusmetodina toimii palvelumuotoilun tärkein osa-alue eli yhteissuunnittelu. Yhteissuunnittelu toteutettiin visuaalisten työpajojen avulla suunnitteluun osallistuvien pk-yritysten kanssa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin suunniteltua pk-yritysten tarpeisiin räätälöity palvelukonsepti niiden ympäristöllisen kestävyyden kehittämiseksi. Palvelun tärkeimpiä ominaisuuksia ovat jatkuva tiedon lisääminen, kokonaisuuden hahmottamista helpottava visuaalisuus sekä palvelun virallisiin standardeihin pohjautuva kokonaisuus. Lisäksi palvelu mahdollistaa toiminnan kehittämisen pienin askelin sen porrastetun menetelmän ansiosta. Yksi tärkeä ominaisuus on myös palvelun tarjoama mahdollisuus tietojen helppoon ja nopeaan doku-mentointiin sekä jalostamiseen.
This study took place at one of the intercultural universities (IUs) of Mexico that serve primarily indigenous students. The IUs are pioneers in higher education despite their numerous challenges (Bertely, 1998; Dietz, 2008; Pineda & Landorf, 2010; Schmelkes, 2009). To overcome educational inequalities among their students (Ahuja, Berumen, Casillas, Crispín, Delgado et al., 2004; Schmelkes, 2009), the IUs have embraced performance-based assessment (PBA; Casillas & Santini, 2006). PBA allows a shared model of power and control related to learning and evaluation (Anderson, 1998). While conducting a review on PBA strategies of the IUs, the researcher did not find a PBA instrument with valid and reliable estimates. The purpose of this study was to develop a process to create a PBA instrument, an analytic general rubric, with acceptable validity and reliability estimates to assess students’ attainment of competencies in one of the IU’s majors, Intercultural Development Management. The Human Capabilities Approach (HCA) was the theoretical framework and a sequential mixed method (Creswell, 2003; Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009) was the research design. IU participants created a rubric during two focus groups, and seven Spanish-speaking professors in Mexico and the US piloted using students’ research projects. The evidence that demonstrates the attainment of competencies at the IU is a complex set of actual, potential and/or desired performances or achievements, also conceptualized as “functional capabilities” (FCs; Walker, 2008), that can be used to develop a rubric. Results indicate that the rubric’s validity and reliability estimates reached acceptable estimates of 80% agreement, surpassing minimum requirements (Newman, Newman, & Newman, 2011). Implications for practice involve the use of PBA within a formative assessment framework, and dynamic inclusion of constituencies. Recommendations for further research include introducing this study’s instrument-development process to other IUs, conducting parallel mixed design studies exploring the intersection between HCA and assessment, and conducting a case study exploring assessment in intercultural settings. Education articulated through the HCA empowers students (Unterhalter & Brighouse, 2007; Walker, 2008). This study aimed to contribute to the quality of student learning assessment at the IUs by providing a participatory process to develop a PBA instrument.
Recent studies on the economic status of women in Miami-Dade County (MDC) reveal an alarming rate of economic insecurity and significant obstacles for women to achieve economic security. Consistent barriers to women’s economic security affect not only the health and wellbeing of women and their families, but also economic prospects for the community. A key study reveals in Miami-Dade County, “Thirty-nine percent of single female-headed families with at least one child are living at or below the federal poverty level” and “over half of working women do not earn adequate income to cover their basic necessities” (Brion 2009, 1). Moreover, conventional measures of poverty do not adequately capture women’s struggles to support themselves and their families, nor do they document the numbers of women seeking basic self-sufficiency. Even though there is lack of accurate data on women in the county, which is a critical problem, there is also a dearth of social science research on existing efforts to enhance women’s economic security in Miami-Dade County. My research contributes to closing the information gap by examining the characteristics and strategies of women-led community development organizations (CDOs) in MDC, working to address women’s economic insecurity. The research is informed by a framework developed by Marilyn Gittell, who pioneered an approach to study women-led CDOs in the United States. On the basis of research in nine U.S. cities, she concluded that women-led groups increased community participation and “by creating community networks and civic action, they represent a model for community development efforts” (Gittell, et al. 2000, 123). My study documents the strategies and networks of women-led CDOs in MDC that prioritize women’s economic security. Their strategies are especially important during these times of economic recession and government reductions in funding towards social services. The focus of the research is women-led CDOs that work to improve social services access, economic opportunity, civic participation and capacity, and women’s rights. Although many women-led CDOs prioritize building social infrastructures that promote change, inequalities in economic and political status for women without economic security remain a challenge (Young 2004). My research supports previous studies by Gittell, et al., finding that women-led CDOs in Miami-Dade County have key characteristics of a model of community development efforts that use networking and collaboration to strengthen their broad, integrated approach. The resulting community partnerships, coupled with participation by constituents in the development process, build a foundation to influence policy decisions for social change. In addition, my findings show that women-led CDOs in Miami-Dade County have a major focus on alleviating poverty and economic insecurity, particularly that of women. Finally, it was found that a majority of the five organizations network transnationally, using lessons learned to inform their work of expanding the agency of their constituents and placing the economic empowerment of women as central in the process of family and community development.
In this thesis, we deal with the design of experiments in the drug development process, focusing on the design of clinical trials for treatment comparisons (Part I) and the design of preclinical laboratory experiments for proteins development and manufacturing (Part II). In Part I we propose a multi-purpose design methodology for sequential clinical trials. We derived optimal allocations of patients to treatments for testing the efficacy of several experimental groups by also taking into account ethical considerations. We first consider exponential responses for survival trials and we then present a unified framework for heteroscedastic experimental groups that encompasses the general ANOVA set-up. The very good performance of the suggested optimal allocations, in terms of both inferential and ethical characteristics, are illustrated analytically and through several numerical examples, also performing comparisons with other designs proposed in the literature. Part II concerns the planning of experiments for processes composed of multiple steps in the context of preclinical drug development and manufacturing. Following the Quality by Design paradigm, the objective of the multi-step design strategy is the definition of the manufacturing design space of the whole process and, as we consider the interactions among the subsequent steps, our proposal ensures the quality and the safety of the final product, by enabling more flexibility and process robustness in the manufacturing.
In higher education, undergraduate teaching materials are increasingly becoming available online. There is a need to understand the complex processes that happen during their production and how social networks between different groups impact on their development. This paper draws on qualitative interviews and participant drawings of their social networks to understand the dynamics of creating a new e-compendium for a four-year online undergraduate nursing programme in Norway. Twenty staff interviews were undertaken to explore views of the e-compendium, the development process and the perceived networks that were formed during this course. Interview data were thematically analysed along with networks drawings. The findings showed three main institutional stakeholder groups emerging: the ‘management team’, ‘design team’ and ‘lecturers’. Analysis of social networks revealed variability of relations both within and between groups. The pedagogical designer, who was part of the design team, was central to communicating with and co-ordinating staff at all levels. The least well connected were the lecturers. To them, the e-compendium challenged and even threatened previously well-established notions of pedagogy. Future development of e-compendiums should account for the perceived lack of time and existing workload of lecturers so they may be involved with the development process.
Besides increasing the share of electric and hybrid vehicles, in order to comply with more stringent environmental protection limitations, in the mid-term the auto industry must improve the efficiency of the internal combustion engine and the well to wheel efficiency of the employed fuel. To achieve this target, a deeper knowledge of the phenomena that influence the mixture formation and the chemical reactions involving new synthetic fuel components is mandatory, but complex and time intensive to perform purely by experimentation. Therefore, numerical simulations play an important role in this development process, but their use can be effective only if they can be considered accurate enough to capture these variations. The most relevant models necessary for the simulation of the reacting mixture formation and successive chemical reactions have been investigated in the present work, with a critical approach, in order to provide instruments to define the most suitable approaches also in the industrial context, which is limited by time constraints and budget evaluations. To overcome these limitations, new methodologies have been developed to conjugate detailed and simplified modelling techniques for the phenomena involving chemical reactions and mixture formation in non-traditional conditions (e.g. water injection, biofuels etc.). Thanks to the large use of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, several applications have been revised or implemented, with the target of reducing the computing time of some traditional tasks by orders of magnitude. Finally, a complete workflow leveraging these new models has been defined and used for evaluating the effects of different surrogate formulations of the same experimental fuel on a proof-of-concept GDI engine model.
Measurement instruments are an integral part of clinical practice, health evaluation and research. These instruments are only useful and able to present scientifically robust results when they are developed properly and have appropriate psychometric properties. Despite the significant increase of rating scales, the literature suggests that many of them have not been adequately developed and validated. The scope of this study was to conduct a narrative review on the process of developing new measurement instruments and to present some tools which can be used in some stages of the development process. The steps described were: I-The establishment of a conceptual framework, and the definition of the objectives of the instrument and the population involved; II-Development of the items and of the response scales; III-Selection and organization of the items and structuring of the instrument; IV-Content validity, V-Pre-test. This study also included a brief discussion on the evaluation of the psychometric properties due to their importance for the instruments to be accepted and acknowledged in both scientific and clinical environments.
This article analyses the emergence and development of social policies for children and adolescents attendance that are in line with the development process of the Brazilian social protection system, focusing on some of the main representations attributed to childhood, according to the historical and political periods. It seeks to present the notion of childhood instituted under the constitution of the Brazilian welfare state, in such a way as to place it within the broader context of the historical and political transformations that involved the emergence and consolidation of the social policies directed towards children and adolescents in Brazil in the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Na primeira semana de maio de 2008, durante quatro dias, um ciclone em superfície permaneceu semi-estacionário na costa da região sul do Brasil. Este sistema foi responsável por chuvas e ventos fortes no Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina, os quais causaram muitos danos (queda de árvores, enchentes e desabamentos). O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o processo de formação e entender os mecanismos responsáveis pelo lento deslocamento do ciclone, já que a maioria dos ciclones nesta região possui deslocamento mais rápido. A equação de desenvolvimento de Sutcliffe mostrou que a advecção de vorticidade absoluta ciclônica na média troposfera e a advecção de ar quente na camada entre 1000-500 hPa foram mecanismos importantes para a ciclogênese. Neste período, o intenso aquecimento diabático também contribuiu para a ciclogênese, à medida que se contrapôs ao intenso resfriamento adiabático devido aos movimentos verticais ascendentes. A advecção de vorticidade absoluta ciclônica que favoreceu a ciclogênese esteve associada a um Vórtice Ciclônico em Altos Níveis (VCAN), que se formou numa região de anomalia de vorticidade potencial. O VCAN se manteve semi-estacionário e compôs o setor norte de um bloqueio do tipo dipolo. Tal bloqueio intensificou um anticiclone em superfície, situado a sul/leste do ciclone, o que contribuiu para o ciclone se manter semi-estacionário. O movimento atípico e lento do ciclone para sul, e em alguns períodos para sudoeste, esteve associado com advecções de vorticidade absoluta ciclônica na média troposfera e de ar quente no seu setor sul. Somente quando o bloqueio em níveis médios e a anomalia de vorticidade potencial em níveis médios/altos se enfraqueceram, o ciclone em superfície se afastou da costa sul do Brasil.
Este artigo apresenta uma investigação do comportamento de 21 bebês prematuros (de 33 a 36 semanas de gestação), de 1 a 12 meses, realizada no Hospital da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, utilizando a Escala de Desenvolvimento do Comportamento da Criança - EDCC. Os resultados mostraram que os prematuros, a partir do 3º mês apresentaram uma recuperação importante no rítmo de desenvolvimento do comportamento, reduzindo de modo estatisticamente significante a frequência de comportamentos com indicadores patológicos, mas mantendo um fator de risco de 23% de comportamentos não-normalizados aos 12 meses incompletos. Este estudo contribui com elementos que podem favorecer o acompanhamento do processo de desenvolvimento do comportamento destas crianças e na detecção precoce de atrasos ou possíveis distúrbios neste processo
In this paper we propose a new framework for evaluating designs based on work domain analysis, the first phase of cognitive work analysis. We develop a rationale for a new approach to evaluation by describing the unique characteristics of complex systems and by showing that systems engineering techniques only partially accommodate these characteristics. We then present work domain analysis as a complementary framework for evaluation. We explain this technique by example by showing how the Australian Defence Force used work domain analysis to evaluate design proposals for a new system called Airborne Early Warning and Control. This case study also demonstrates that work domain analysis is a useful and feasible approach that complements standard techniques for evaluation and that promotes a central role for human factors professionals early in the system design and development process. Actual or potential applications of this research include the evaluation of designs for complex systems.
This article aims to analyse the introduction of environmental issues in the context of the production function, which has been referred to as the organisational area to lead corporate environmental management. With that purpose, the theoretical references for corporate environmental management and the necessary alterations in production function have been organised to include environmental aspects, especially in terms of product and process development, quality management, and logistics. Considering that this research field still lacks empirical evidence for Brazilian companies, four case studies were conducted using companies located in the country. The environmental management maturity level of those companies tends to follow the rate with which the environmental issue is introduced in production sub-areas, especially in the product development process. However, in most cases we found that the companies had difficulties in structuring the insertion of the environmental dimension in logistics. The final notes point out the distance observed between what is recommended by international literature and the reality of Brazilian companies in the challenge of making the production function environmentally friendly.
1. There are a variety of methods that could be used to increase the efficiency of the design of experiments. However, it is only recently that such methods have been considered in the design of clinical pharmacology trials. 2. Two such methods, termed data-dependent (e.g. simulation) and data-independent (e.g. analytical evaluation of the information in a particular design), are becoming increasingly used as efficient methods for designing clinical trials. These two design methods have tended to be viewed as competitive, although a complementary role in design is proposed here. 3. The impetus for the use of these two methods has been the need for a more fully integrated approach to the drug development process that specifically allows for sequential development (i.e. where the results of early phase studies influence later-phase studies). 4. The present article briefly presents the background and theory that underpins both the data-dependent and -independent methods with the use of illustrative examples from the literature. In addition, the potential advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed.
At the core of the analysis task in the development process is information systems requirements modelling, Modelling of requirements has been occurring for many years and the techniques used have progressed from flowcharting through data flow diagrams and entity-relationship diagrams to object-oriented schemas today. Unfortunately, researchers have been able to give little theoretical guidance only to practitioners on which techniques to use and when. In an attempt to address this situation, Wand and Weber have developed a series of models based on the ontological theory of Mario Bunge-the Bunge-Wand-Weber (BWW) models. Two particular criticisms of the models have persisted however-the understandability of the constructs in the BWW models and the difficulty in applying the models to a modelling technique. This paper addresses these issues by presenting a meta model of the BWW constructs using a meta language that is familiar to many IS professionals, more specific than plain English text, but easier to understand than the set-theoretic language of the original BWW models. Such a meta model also facilitates the application of the BWW theory to other modelling techniques that have similar meta models defined. Moreover, this approach supports the identification of patterns of constructs that might be common across meta models for modelling techniques. Such findings are useful in extending and refining the BWW theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.