893 resultados para restoration criteria
This study had three purposes related to the effective implem,entation and practice of computer-mediated online distance education (C-MODE) at the elementary level: (a) To identify a preliminary framework of criteria 'or guidelines for effective implementation and practice, (b) to identify areas ofC-MODE for which criteria or guidelines of effectiveness have not yet been developed, and (c) to develop an implementation and practice criteria questionnaire based on a review of the distance education literature, and to use the questionnaire in an exploratory survey of elementary C-MODE practitioners. Using the survey instrument, the beliefs and attitudes of 16 elementary C'- MODE practitioners about what constitutes effective implementation and practice principles were investigated. Respondents, who included both administrators and instructors, provided information about themselves and the program in which they worked. They rated 101 individual criteria statenlents on a 5 point Likert scale with a \. point range that included the values: 1 (Strongly Disagree), 2 (Disagree), 3 (Neutral or Undecided), 4 (Agree), 5 (Strongly Agree). Respondents also provided qualitative data by commenting on the individual statements, or suggesting other statements they considered important. Eighty-two different statements or guidelines related to the successful implementation and practice of computer-mediated online education at the elementary level were endorsed. Response to a small number of statements differed significantly by gender and years of experience. A new area for investigation, namely, the role ofparents, which has received little attention in the online distance education literature, emerged from the findings. The study also identified a number of other areas within an elementary context where additional research is necessary. These included: (a) differences in the factors that determine learning in a distance education setting and traditional settings, (b) elementary students' ability to function in an online setting, (c) the role and workload of instructors, (d) the importance of effective, timely communication with students and parents, and (e) the use of a variety of media.
This study examined high school student perceptions of discretion utilized by educators in high school disciplinary proceedings. Using a sample of 6 high school students who had experienced differing levels of formal discipline, the study investigated the discretionary factors that influence an educator's decision making. The study was a generic qualitative study where the primary source of data collection was open-ended interviews to ensure the integrity of the research as a study of student voices and perceptions. Journaling was also employed to record observations and to identify researcher assumptions. The data were analyzed employing aspects of a grounded theory approach. The findings were coded to reveal 5 areas high school students identified in relation to discipline and discretion: punitive discipline versus problem resolution, effective processes, educator discretion, student discretion, and the student-educator relationship. The final discussion highlights the need for a community vision for high school discipline in order to channel discretion and to uphold students' best interests. Restorative justice is proposed as a feasible vision for high school discipline, whereby participants' responses are measured against a restorative paradigm.
A wild bee community in southern St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, was studied from 2003 to 2012 to analyze the effects of primary succession on abundance and diversity. At a former landfill site near Brock University, which previously contained no bees, the number of bees and bee species was expected to increase rapidly following measures to restore the site to grassy meadow habitat. The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH) states that over time, succession occurs. Abundance and diversity increase initially and peak when pioneers coexist with specialized species, then decline because of competitive exclusion. Alternatively, abundance and diversity may continue to increase and stabilize without declining. Bees were sampled repeatedly among years from newer restoration sites (revegetated in 2003), older restoration sites on the periphery of the former landfill (revegetated in 2000), and nearby low disturbance grassy field (i.e. control) sites. In the newer sites, bee abundance and diversity increased then decreased while in older restoration and control sites mainly decreased. This pattern of succession matches the general predictions of the IDH, although declines were at least partially related to drought. By 2006, total bee abundance levels converged among all sites, indicating rapid colonization and succession, and by 2012 diversity levels were similar among sites as well, suggesting that the bee community was fully restored or nearly so within the ten-year study period.
The purpose of this research is to expose and complicate those discourses of childhood imagination as demonstrated in the diagnostic criteria for early onset schizophrenia by using an antipsychiatry perspective. This will be done by evaluating those discourses alongside those found in popular children’s literature, specifically, Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone, Bridge to Terabithia, and A Wrinkle in Time. Once uncovered, the underlying power discourses were then exposed. This research will then employ a minor reading as provided by Deleuze and Guattari’s (1987) approach to minor literature to demonstrate the ways in which the child can subvert those dominant discourses. The potential of literature is evaluated for its ability to provide alternative modes of experience and lines of flight for the child subjected to the diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia.
We reconsider the problem of aggregating individual preference orderings into a single social ordering when alternatives are lotteries and individual preferences are of the von Neumann-Morgenstern type. Relative egalitarianism ranks alternatives by applying the leximin ordering to the distributions of (0-1) normalized utilities they generate. We propose an axiomatic characterization of this aggregation rule and discuss related criteria.
Résumé Cet ouvrage examine les fondements du mouvement de conservation architecturale moderne. Dans ce contexte, la création de la « Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings » par William Morris est considéré comme le point culminant d’un processus historique qui mena à l’apparition du mouvement. Sa genèse est présentée comme ayant été le résultat d’une confrontation entre deux visions utopiques du moyen-âge; celle de l’Église Anglicane et celle de William Morris. Un survol détaillé des origines, des résultats et des effets de la « Renaissance Gothique » ouvre tout grand sur les sources littéraires, idéologiques et religieuses qui y donnèrent sa force. Les grands programmes de restaurations qui ont vu le jour en Angleterre à l’ère victorienne sont examinés en relation avec l’Église Anglicane et caractérisés par les motivations idéologiques de celle-ci. Bien que ce memoire ne réussit pas à démontré de manière sans équivoque que la création du mouvement de conservation architectural moderne par Morris fut essentiellement en reaction au programme idéologique de l’Église Anglicane au dix-neuvième siècle, nous y retrouvons néanmoins une réévaluation des causes et de l’impact de la « Renaissance Gothique » qui, de manière significative, allaient à l’encontre des croyances et des principes les plus chers à Morris. Il existe une quantité admirable d’ouvrages examinant les travaux et l’impact de William Morris en littérature et en arts, ainsi que son activisme socialiste. Cependant, il serait juste de constater qu’en comparaison, la grande contribution qu’il apporta à la protection de l’architecture patrimoniale a certainement été négligée dans les publications à son sujet. Ce projet de recherche examine les éléments et les conditions qui ont motivé Morris à créer un mouvement qui encore aujourd’hui continue de croitre en importance et en influence.
Bien que les troubles cognitifs soient un aspect essentiel de la schizophrénie, le dysfonctionnement des systèmes émotionnels y est également considéré comme un élément très important de cette maladie d’autant plus que plusieurs régions du cerveau sont concernées par la régulation émotionnelle. Le principal objectif du présent travail était d’explorer, en imagerie par résonnance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf), l’effet de la ziprasidone sur les différentes réponses neuronales à l’affichage de stimuli émotionnels au niveau de la région préfrontale,particulièrement dans le cortex cingulaire antérieur [CCA], le cortex orbito-frontal [COF] et le cortex préfrontal dorso-latéral [CPFDL]. Nous avons examiné les activations cérébrales, chez des patients souffrants de schizophrénie avant et après médication à la ziprasidone, en leur présentant des séries d’images émotionnellement chargées (négatives, neutres et positives) associées à différentes instructions quand aux types d’images qu’ils devaient sélectionner (négatives,neutres et positives). Nous avons analysé les différents changements d’activation (avant et après médication) essentiellement pour les valences extrêmes des stimuli (positives et négatives), ensuite nous avons regardé l’effet du type d’instruction sur ces changements. L’échantillon comprenait 13 patients atteints de schizophrénie et 15 témoins sains. Nous avons également effectué une évaluation clinique des symptômes dépressifs, positifs et négatifs de la maladie ainsi que des mesures biochimiques et de poids avant et après 16 semaines de médication. Malgré l’absence de changement significatif sur les mesures cliniques (PANSS et Dépression) avant et après une moyenne de 14.3 semaines de médication à la ziprasidone, plusieurs régions préfrontales (CCA, COF, CPDL) ont sensiblement accru leur réponse aux stimuli positifs par rapport aux stimuli négatifs. En outre, dans les régions habituellement impliquées dans le contrôle cognitif (CCA et CPFDL), cette tendance s'est accentuée lorsque les patients ont été invités à ne sélectionner que les stimuli négatifs (effet du type d’instruction). Nous avons également trouvé plusieurs similitudes dans le fonctionnement préfrontal (à la fois dans le volume et la force d'activation) entre les contrôles sains et les patients après médication en tenant compte du type d’instruction plus que de la valence émotionnelle des images. Pour conclure, les résultats de la présente étude suggèrent que le traitement antipsychotique avec la ziprasidone améliore le fonctionnement cognitif lié au traitement de l'information émotionnelle dans le cortex préfrontal chez les patients souffrant de schizophrénie. Étant donné le mécanisme d'action neuro-pharmacologique de la ziprasidone (plus d'affinité pour la sérotonine que pour les récepteurs de la dopamine dans le cortex préfrontal), nous pensons que nos résultats démontrent que le contrôle cognitif et la régulation des réactions face à des stimuli émotionnellement chargés dans la schizophrénie sont liés à une plus forte concentration de dopamine dans les voies préfrontales.
Criteria for the validation of specialized verb equivalents : application in bilingual terminography
Multilingual terminological resources do not always include valid equivalents of legal terms for two main reasons. Firstly, legal systems can differ from one language community to another and even from one country to another because each has its own history and traditions. As a result, the non-isomorphism between legal and linguistic systems may render the identification of equivalents a particularly challenging task. Secondly, by focusing primarily on the definition of equivalence, a notion widely discussed in translation but not in terminology, the literature does not offer solid and systematic methodologies for assigning terminological equivalents. As a result, there is a lack of criteria to guide both terminologists and translators in the search and validation of equivalent terms. This problem is even more evident in the case of predicative units, such as verbs. Although some terminologists (L‘Homme 1998; Lerat 2002; Lorente 2007) have worked on specialized verbs, terminological equivalence between units that belong to this part of speech would benefit from a thorough study. By proposing a novel methodology to assign the equivalents of specialized verbs, this research aims at defining validation criteria for this kind of predicative units, so as to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of terminological equivalence as well as to the development of multilingual terminography in general, and to the development of legal terminography, in particular. The study uses a Portuguese-English comparable corpus that consists of a single genre of texts, i.e. Supreme Court judgments, from which 100 Portuguese and 100 English specialized verbs were selected. The description of the verbs is based on the theory of Frame Semantics (Fillmore 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; Fillmore and Atkins 1992), on the FrameNet methodology (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010), as well as on the methodology for compiling specialized lexical resources, such as DiCoInfo (L‘Homme 2008), developed in the Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte at the Université de Montréal. The research reviews contributions that have adopted the same theoretical and methodological framework to the compilation of lexical resources and proposes adaptations to the specific objectives of the project. In contrast to the top-down approach adopted by FrameNet lexicographers, the approach described here is bottom-up, i.e. verbs are first analyzed and then grouped into frames for each language separately. Specialized verbs are said to evoke a semantic frame, a sort of conceptual scenario in which a number of mandatory elements (core Frame Elements) play specific roles (e.g. ARGUER, JUDGE, LAW), but specialized verbs are often accompanied by other optional information (non-core Frame Elements), such as the criteria and reasons used by the judge to reach a decision (statutes, codes, previous decisions). The information concerning the semantic frame that each verb evokes was encoded in an xml editor and about twenty contexts illustrating the specific way each specialized verb evokes a given frame were semantically and syntactically annotated. The labels attributed to each semantic frame (e.g. [Compliance], [Verdict]) were used to group together certain synonyms, antonyms as well as equivalent terms. The research identified 165 pairs of candidate equivalents among the 200 Portuguese and English terms that were grouped together into 76 frames. 71% of the pairs of equivalents were considered full equivalents because not only do the verbs evoke the same conceptual scenario but their actantial structures, the linguistic realizations of the actants and their syntactic patterns were similar. 29% of the pairs of equivalents did not entirely meet these criteria and were considered partial equivalents. Reasons for partial equivalence are provided along with illustrative examples. Finally, the study describes the semasiological and onomasiological entry points that JuriDiCo, the bilingual lexical resource compiled during the project, offers to future users.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Université catholique de Louvain.
We study the problem of deriving a complete welfare ordering from a choice function. Under the sequential solution, the best alternative is the alternative chosen from the universal set; the second best is the one chosen when the best alternative is removed; and so on. We show that this is the only completion of Bernheim and Rangel's (2009) welfare relation that satisfies two natural axioms: neutrality, which ensures that the names of the alternatives are welfare-irrelevant; and persistence, which stipulates that every choice function between two welfare-identical choice functions must exhibit the same welfare ordering.
Le présent projet doctoral vise à considérer les lacunes dans la documentation scientifique sur le Trouble Paraphilique Coercitif (TPC) en mettant l’accent sur la validité des critères diagnostiques proposés pour inclusion dans le DSM-5 et les marqueurs comportementaux. À ce fait, les données archivées d’individus ayant sexuellement agressé des femmes adultes ont été étudiées. La thèse est constituée de trois articles empiriques. Le premier article présente des résultats clés découlant des analyses, élaborés dans les articles subséquents. Le second (N = 47) évalue les fréquences observées du TPC, la validité et l’impact du recours au nombre minimal de victimes comme critère diagnostique, ainsi que les indices prédisant la récidive sexuelle. Le troisième article (N = 52) compare les groupes diagnostiques sur une série de comportements délictuels, tels que les gestes sexuels et les comportements violents, dans le but d’identifier les marqueurs comportementaux associés avec la propension au viol qui pourraient assister dans le processus diagnostique. Dans le même ordre d’idées, nous avons créé des typologies de violeurs à partir des gestes sexuels commis, d’un côté, et des comportements violents, de l’autre côté. Conséquemment, les caractéristiques des typologies ainsi obtenues et leur association avec le TPC furent examinées. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats ne soutiennent pas le recours au nombre de victimes. Nos données suggèrent que, globalement, les violeurs avec le TPC utilisent un niveau de gestes sexuels plus envahissant et un niveau de violence moindre que les violeurs n’ayant pas ce diagnostic, et que l’exhibitionnisme et l’attouchement pourraient servir de marqueurs comportementaux pour le TPC. En outre, les violeurs avec le TPC sont caractérisés davantage par demande indécente, exhibitionnisme, attouchement, masturbation, tentative de pénétration et pénétration digitale que par pénétration vaginale et sodomie. De plus, ces derniers font moins recours à l’utilisation d’armes, semblent ne pas frapper/donner des coups à la victime et sont caractérisés par la manipulation plutôt que par le recours aux menaces de mort, force excessive et utilisation d’armes. En somme, nos données soulignent la nécessité de s’appuyer sur une combinaison de méthodes d’évaluation afin d’améliorer la validité diagnostique et discriminante du TPC.
The onset of spontaneous seizures triggers a cascade of molecular and cellular events that eventually leads to neuronal injury and cognitive decline. The present study investigated the effect of Withania somnifera (WS) root extract and Withanolide A (WA) in restoring behavioural deficit by inhibiting oxidative stress induced alteration in glutamergic neurotransmission. The subdued performance in behavioural tests shows impaired motor coordination and memory. Histopathological investigations revealed significant neuronal loss in hippocampus of epileptic rats indicating glutamate mediated excitotoxicity. The treatment with WS and WA restored behavioural deficit and ameliorated neuronal loss. An altered redox homeostasis leading to oxidative stress is a hallmark of TLE. The antioxidant potential was afflicted in epileptic rats, evident from altered activity of SOD and CAT, down regulation of SOD and GPX expression and enhanced lipid peroxidation. The antioxidant property of WS and WA restored altered antioxidant capacity. Alteration in GDH activity and down regulation of GLAST expression resulted in enhanced glutamate content in the brain regions. The metabolism of glutamate was altered in the form of down regulated GAD expression. The alteration in synthesis, transport and metabolism resulted in further increase of the glutamate concentration at the synapse leading to glutamate mediated excitotoxicity. The decreased NMDA and AMPA receptor binding and down regulated NMDA R1, NMDA 2B and AMPA (GluR2) mRNA expression indicated altered glutamergic receptor function. The treatment with WS and WA reversed altered glutamergic receptor function, synthesis, transport and metabolism. The enhanced levels of second messenger IP3 responsible for Ca2+ mediated toxicity was reversed after treatment with WS and WA. Neurotoxics concentration of glutamate resulted in up regulation of pro apoptotic factors Bax and Caspase 8 and down regulation of anti apoptotic factor Akt resulting in neuronal death. The treatment with WS and WA resulted in activation of Akt and down regulation of Bax and caspase 8 leading to blocking of apoptotic pathway. The treatment with WS and WA resulted in reduced seizure frequency and amelioration of associated alterations suggesting the therapeutic role of Withania somnifera in temporal lobe epilepsy
The present thesis deals with some studies in molecular dynamics using spectroscopic data. Two new approximation procedures the variable method and the average bonding energy criterion have been developed for a reliable calculation of molecular force fields and applied to several molecular species belonging to the xy2 type.