670 resultados para research capacity building
In response to the increasing interest in the growth and developments in the Indian economy, and the dynamic nature of the rapidly changing Indian business environment, this textbook is designed to provide a comprehensive guide to doing business in the Indian context. Written by academic experts in their respective fields, this book is divided into three parts: the Indian business context, conducting business in India, and India and the world. Key information is presented on a wide range of topics, including: •Both the shortcomings and opportunities associated with the Indian business environment •The economic development model in India •Critical skills for negotiation and incentives for foreign investors, including case studies of Italian companies that have entered the Indian market in different ways •Business culture in India, including particular customs and etiquette In addition to the pedagogical features, each chapter contains a set of key issues, and there is also a list of useful websites covering a wide range of business needs. This book introduces students to business in India, and will be also be of use to investors, organisations and managers who are already doing business, or intend to start one, in India.
Rapid population increase and booming economic growth have caused a significant escalation in car ownership in many cities, leading to additional or, multiple traffic problems on congested roadways. The increase of automobiles is generating a significant amount of congestion and pollution in many cities. It has become necessary to find a solution to the ever worsening traffic problems in our cities. Building more roadways is nearly impossible due to the limitations of right-of-way in cities. Studies have shown that guideway transit could provide effective transportation and could stimulate land development. The Medium-Capacity Guideway Transit (MCGT) is one of the alternatives to solve this problem. The objective of this research was to better understand the characteristics of MCGT systems, to investigate the existing MCGT systems around the world and determine the main factors behind the planning of successful systems, and to develop a MCGT planning guide. The factors utilized in this study were determined and were analyzed using Excel. A MCGT Planning Guide was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic. ^ A MCGT was defined as a transit system whose capacity can carry up to 20,000 passengers per hour per direction (pphpd). The results shown that Light Rail Transit (LRT) is favored when peak hour demand is less than 13,000 pphpd. Automated People Mover (APM) is favored when the peak hour demand is more than 18,000 pphpd. APM systems could save up to three times the waiting time cost compared to that of the LRT. If comfort and convenience are important, then using an APM does make sense. However, if cost is the critical factor, then LRT will make more sense because it is reasonable service at a reasonable price. If travel time and safety (accident/crush) costs were included in calculating life-cycle “total” costs, the capital cost advantage of LRT disappeared and APM could become very competitive. The results also included a range of cost-performance criteria for MCGT systems that help planners, engineers, and decision-makers to select the most feasible system for their respective areas. ^
The relationship between research and learning and teaching represents what has been described as amongst the most intellectually tangled, managerially complex and politically contentious issues in mass higher education (Scott, 2005, p 53). Despite this, arguments that in order to achieve high quality scholarly outcomes, university teachers need to adopt an approach to teaching similar to that of research (founded upon academic rigour and evidence), has long been discussed in the literature. However, the practicalities of promoting an empirical and evidence-based approach to teaching in engineering education make dealing with the research / teaching nexus a somewhat challenging proposition. Using a phenomenographic approach, bringing together and applying the findings of a mixed methodological study, the workshop will adopt an activity based, interactive approach to encourage staff to consider the challenges and benefits of adopting an evidence-based approach to learning and teaching through the utilisation of research to inform their own practice. © 2009 Authors.
The institutional turn in metropolitan governance has been influenced to a considerable degree by a rational choice approach, which views metropolitan governance as essentially created by local actors to reduce the transaction costs of inter-jurisdictional public-service provision. Another influential theoretical route follows a historical approach, which emphasizes the role of the state structure in producing formal institutions to enable governance at the regional level. Both approaches tend to be formalistic, simplistic and deterministic in nature, thus neglecting the dynamic interactions between the actors and their more informal, intangible, yet more basic, legitimate institutions, such as culture. This article examines the dynamic role of culture in metropolitan governance building in the context of decentralizing Indonesia. The analysis focuses on ‘best-practice’ experiences of metropolitan cooperation in greater Yogyakarta, where three neighbouring local governments known as Kartamantul have collaboratively performed cross-border infrastructure development to deal with the consequences of extended urbanization. We draw on sociological institutionalism to argue that building this metropolitan cooperation has its roots in the capacity of the actors to use and mobilize culture as a resource for collaborative action.
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is a method for the systematic analysis of cases. A holistic view of cases and an approach to causality emphasizing complexity are some of its core features. Over the last decades, QCA has found application in many fields of the social sciences. In spite of this, its use in feminist research has been slower, and only recently QCA has been applied to topics related to social care, the political representation of women, and reproductive politics. In spite of the comparative turn in feminist studies, researchers still privilege qualitative methods, in particular case studies, and are often skeptical of quantitative techniques (Spierings 2012). These studies show that the meaning and measurement of many gender concepts differ across countries and that the factors leading to feminist success and failure are context specific. However, case study analyses struggle to systematically account for the ways in which these forces operate in different locations.
Pessimistic Malthusian verdicts on the capacity of pre-industrial European economies to sustain a degree of real economic growth under conditions of population growth are challenged using current reconstructions of urbanisation ratios, the real wage rates of building and agricultural labourers, and GDP per capita estimated by a range of methods. Economic growth is shown to have outpaced population growth and raised GDP per capita to in excess of $1,500 (1990 $ international at PPP) in Italy during its twelfth- and thirteenth-century commercial revolution, Holland during its fifteenth- and sixteenth-century golden age, and England during the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century runup to its industrial revolution. During each of these Smithian growth episodes expanding trade and commerce sustained significant output and employment growth in the manufacturing and service sectors. These positive developments were not necessarily reflected by trends in real wage rates for the latter were powerfully influenced by associated changes in relative factor prices and the per capita supply of labour as workers varied the length of the working year in order to consume either more leisure or more goods. The scale of the divergence between trends in real wage rates and GDP per capita nevertheless varied a great deal between countries for reasons which have yet to be adequately explained.
Biodiversity loss is one of the most significant drivers of ecosystem change and is projected to continue at a rapid rate. While protected areas, such as national parks, are seen as important refuges for biodiversity, their effectiveness in stemming biodiversity decline has been questioned. Public agencies have a critical role in the governance of many such areas, but there are tensions between the need for these agencies to be more “adaptive” and their current operating environment. Our aim is to analyze how institutions enable or constrain capacity to conserve biodiversity in a globally significant cross-border network of protected areas, the Australian Alps. Using a novel conceptual framework for diagnosing biodiversity institutions, our research examined institutional adaptive capacity and more general capacity for conserving biodiversity. Several intertwined issues limit public agencies’ capacity to fulfill their conservation responsibilities. Narrowly defined accountability measures constrain adaptive capacity and divert attention away from addressing key biodiversity outcomes. Implications for learning were also evident, with protected area agencies demonstrating successful learning for on-ground issues but less success in applying this learning to deeper policy change. Poor capacity to buffer political and community influences in managing significant cross-border drivers of biodiversity decline signals poor fit with the institutional context and has implications for functional fit. While cooperative federalism provides potential benefits for buffering through diversity, it also means protected area agencies have restricted authority to address cross-border threats. Restrictions on staff authority and discretion, as public servants, have further implications for deploying capacity. This analysis, particularly the possibility of fostering “ambidexterity”—creatively responding to political pressures in a way that also achieves a desirable outcome for biodiversity conservation—is one promising way of building capacity to buffer both political influences and ecological pressures. The findings and the supporting analysis provide insight into how institutional capacity to conserve biodiversity can be enhanced in protected areas in Australia and elsewhere, especially those governed by public agencies and/or multiple organizations and across jurisdictions.
While coaching and customer involvement can enhance the improvement of health and social care, many organizations struggle to develop their improvement capability; it is unclear how best to accomplish this. We examined one attempt at training improvement coaches. The program, set in the Esther Network for integrated care in rural Jonkoping County, Sweden, included eight 1-day sessions spanning 7 months in 2011. A senior citizen joined the faculty in all training sessions. Aiming to discern which elements in the program were essential for assuming the role of improvement coach, we used a case-study design with a qualitative approach. Our focus group interviews included 17 informants: 11 coaches, 3 faculty members, and 3 senior citizens. We performed manifest content analysis of the interview data. Creating will, ideas, execution, and sustainability emerged as crucial elements. These elements were promoted by customer focusembodied by the senior citizen trainershared values and a solution-focused approach, by the supportive coach network and by participants' expanded systems understanding. These elements emerged as more important than specific improvement tools and are worth considering also elsewhere when seeking to develop improvement capability in health and social care organizations.
A major challenge for international agricultural research is to find ways to improve the nutrition and incomes of people left behind by the Green Revolution. To better address the needs of the most marginal and vulnerable people, the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) developed the research-in-development (RinD) approach. In 2012, WorldFish started to implement RinD in Solomon Islands. By building people’s capacity to analyze and address development problems, actively engaging relevant stakeholders, and linking research to these processes, RinD aims to develop an alternative approach to addressing hunger and poverty. This report describes the key principles and implementation process, and assesses the emergent outcomes of this participatory, systems-oriented and transformative research approach in Solomon Islands.
This study aimed to evaluate the diffusion capacity of calcium hydroxide pastes with different vehicles through dentinal tubules. The study was conducted on 60 extracted single-rooted human teeth whose crowns had been removed. The root canals were instrumented and divided into 4 groups according to the vehicle of the calcium hydroxide paste: Group I - distilled water; Group II - propylene glycol; Group III - 0.2% chlorhexidine; Group IV - 2% chlorhexidine. After placement of the root canal dressings, the teeth were sealed and placed in flasks containing deionized water. After 1, 2, 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days, the pH of the water was measured to determine the diffusion of calcium hydroxide through the dentinal tubules. The data were recorded and statistically compared by the Tukey test. The results showed that all pastes presented a similar diffusion capacity through dentin. Group IV did not present difference compared to group I. Group II presented difference compared to the other groups, as did Group III. In conclusion, groups I and IV presented a better diffusion capacity through dentin than groups II and III; 2% chlorhexidine can be used as a vehicle in calcium hydroxide pastes.
Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) are among the more attractive adult stem cell options for potential therapeutic applications. Here, we studied and compared the basic biological characteristics of ASCs isolated from humans (hASCs) and mice (mASCs) and maintained in identical culture conditions, which must be examined prior to considering further potential clinical applications. hASCs and mASCs were compared for immunophenotype, differentiation potential, cell growth characteristics, senescence, nuclear morphology, and DNA content. Although both strains of ASCs displayed a similar immunophenotype, the percentage of CD73(+) cells was markedly lower and CD31(+) was higher in mASC than in hASC cultures. The mean population doubling time was 98.08 +/- 6.15 h for hASCs and 52.58 +/- 3.74 h for mASCs. The frequency of nuclear aberrations was noticeably lower in hASCs than in mASCs regardless of the passage number. Moreover, as the cells went through several in vitro passages, mASCs showed changes in DNA content and cell cycle kinetics (frequency of hypodiploid, G0/G1, G2/M, and hyperdiploid cells), whereas all of these parameters remained constant in hASCs. Collectively, these results suggest that mASCs display higher proliferative capacity and are more unstable than hASCs in long-term cultures. These results underscore the need to consider specificities among model systems that may influence outcomes when designing potential human applications.
This paper presents the experimental results of 32 axially loaded concrete-filled steel tubular columns (CFT). The load was introduced only on the concrete core by means of two high strength steel cylinders placed at the column ends to evaluate the passive confinement provided by the steel tube. The columns were filled with structural concretes with compressive strengths of 30, 60, 80 and 100 MPa. The outer diameter (D) of the column was 114.3 mm, and the length/diameter (L/D) ratios considered were 3, 5, 7 and 10. The wall thicknesses of the tubes (t) were 3.35 mm and 6.0 mm, resulting in diameter/thickness (D/t) ratios of 34 and 19, respectively. The force vs. axial strain curves obtained from the tests showed, in general, a good post-peak behavior of the CFT columns, even for those columns filled with high strength concrete. Three analytical models of confinement for short concrete-filled columns found in the literature were used to predict the axial capacity of the columns tested. To apply these models to slender columns, a correction factor was introduced to penalize the calculated results, giving good agreement with the experimental values. Additional results of 63 CFT columns tested by other researchers were also compared to the predictions of the modified analytical models and presented satisfactory results. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of fibre morphology (e.g., length, width, fibrillation, broken ends, content of fines and number of fibres per gram) on flocculation and drainage properties of fibre-cement suspensions and on physical properties of the fibre-cement composites. Mechanical refining was used to change the morphological properties of Eucalyptus and Pinus pulps. Results show that the mechanical refining increased the size of the formed flocs and decreased the concentration of free small particles (with dimensions between 1 and 20 pm) as a consequence of the increased fibrillation and content of fines, which increased the capacity of the fibres to capture the mineral particles. High levels of refining were necessary for Pinus pulp to obtain cement retention values similar to those obtained by unrefined Eucalyptus pulp. This is due to the higher number of fibres per gram in Eucalyptus pulp than in Pinus pulp. Pulp refining improved the packing of the particles and, although decreased the drainage rate. it contributed to a less porous structure, which improved the microstructure of the composite. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this article, static behavior of three partially encased composite beams under flexural condition is investigated in the context of studying some alternative positions for the headed studs. Shear resistance between the I-shaped beam and the concrete was provided by headed studs in two positions: vertically welded oil the bottom flange and horizontally welded on the faces of the web. Experimental results show that the headed studs provide the composite action and increase the bending strength. The most remarkable position seems to be the headed studs vertically welded oil the bottom flange. Ail analytical method to estimate the bending capacity of the encased beams is also proposed, giving a good prediction of the experimental results (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Le facteur empirique de correlation du torque K(T), qui represente la capacite de soulevement du torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux, est generalement utilise comme instrument de controle de la qualite sur le terrain pour ce type de fondations. Dans cet article, une relation theorique entre la capacite de soulevement et le torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux places profondement dans du sable est presentee. Un programme experimental, qui comprend des essais centrifuge et de cisaillement direct a l`interface, a ete effectue dans le but de valider cette relation theorique. Les resultats experimentaux ont ete compares aux resultats predits par l`approche suggeree, et les resultats montrent une bonne concordance. Puisque le modele developpe depend de l`angle de friction residuel a l`interface delta(r) entre la surface de l`helice du pieu et le sable, les resultats de delta(r) obtenus a partir de differents echantillons de sable sont presentes afin d`etre utilises lors de l`application sur le terrain de la relation theorique proposee. De plus, les valeurs de K(T) obtenues dans ces travaux ont ete comparees a celles reportees dans la litterature; celles-ci ayant ete obtenues lors d`essais sur le terrain et en laboratoire sur des pieux helicoidaux dans le sable. Cette analyse a permis de demontrer que les valeurs mesurees de K(T) diminuent lorsque la dimension des pieux augmente, ainsi qu`avec une augmentation de l`angle de friction du sable, dans la plupart des cas. Ces derniers resultats ont aussi ete demontres avec le modele presente.