769 resultados para reporters and reporting
The longevity of seed in the soil is a key determinant of the cost and length of weed eradication programs. Soil seed bank information and ongoing research have input into the planning and reporting of two nationally cost shared weed eradication programs based in tropical north Queensland. These eradication programs are targeting serious weeds such as Chromoleana odorata, Mikania micrantha, Miconia calvescens, Clidemia hirta and Limnocharis flava. Various methods are available for estimating soil seed persistence. Field methods to estimate the total and germinable soil seed densities include seed packet burial trials, extracting seed from field soil samples, germinating seed in field soil samples and observations from native range seed bank studies. Interrogating field control records can also indicate the length of the control and monitoring periods needed to exhaust the seed bank. Recently, laboratory tests which rapidly age seed have provided an additional indicator of relative seed persistence. Each method has its advantages, drawbacks and logistical constraints.
Snapper (Pagrus auratus) is widely distributed throughout subtropical and temperate southern oceans and forms a significant recreational and commercial fishery in Queensland, Australia. Using data from government reports, media sources, popular publications and a government fisheries survey carried out in 1910, we compiled information on individual snapper fishing trips that took place prior to the commencement of fisherywide organized data collection, from 1871 to 1939. In addition to extracting all available quantitative data, we translated qualitative information into bounded estimates and used multiple imputation to handle missing values, forming 287 records for which catch rate (snapper fisher−1 h−1) could be derived. Uncertainty was handled through a parametric maximum likelihood framework (a transformed trivariate Gaussian), which facilitated statistical comparisons between data sources. No statistically significant differences in catch rates were found among media sources and the government fisheries survey. Catch rates remained stable throughout the time series, averaging 3.75 snapper fisher−1 h−1 (95% confidence interval, 3.42–4.09) as the fishery expanded into new grounds. In comparison, a contemporary (1993–2002) south-east Queensland charter fishery produced an average catch rate of 0.4 snapper fisher−1 h−1 (95% confidence interval, 0.31–0.58). These data illustrate the productivity of a fishery during its earliest years of development and represent the earliest catch rate data globally for this species. By adopting a formalized approach to address issues common to many historical records – missing data, a lack of quantitative information and reporting bias – our analysis demonstrates the potential for historical narratives to contribute to contemporary fisheries management.
The Disability Standards for Education (2005) and the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority relevant standards underscore the right of students with disability to access the curriculum on the same basis as students without disability. Students with disability are entitled to rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities drawn from the Australian curriculum content. Taking this context into account, this paper provides a work-in-progress report on a two-year mathematics intervention project conducted in 12 special schools (Preparatory-Year 12) in Queensland, Australia. The project aims to build the capacity of teachers to teach mathematics to their students and to identify and make sense of the intervention program’s impact. It combines two approaches—appreciative inquiry and action research to monitor schools’ change processes. The interim findings demonstrated that teachers were concerned about their students’ underachievement in mathematics and that the multi-sensory forms of teaching advocated in the program increased student engagement and performance.
The aim of this study was to investigate educators relational moral voices in urban schools and to listen to what they told about moral professionalism and moral practices in challenging urban schools. Their relational moral voices were investigated through the following three questions: 1. What are the educators moral voices in relation to themselves and other people? 2. What are the educators moral voices in relation to their work and society? 3. What kind of interaction process lies between the educators moral voices and the urban school context? The research data of this study were gathered in four urban schools in Jyväskylä and Helsinki. The research schools were chosen for this study according to the criteria of the international Socrates Comenius project called Leading Schools Successfully in Challenging Urban Context: Strategies for Improvement. This study formed part of this project, which investigated successful urban schools as challenging learning environments in nine European countries and explored the principals success in leadership in particular. The data, which included 37 narratively constructed interviews with four principals and key informants selected by the principals, were gathered in interviews conducted in 2006. In other words, the data comprised three interviews with each of four principals, and interviews with two teachers, two parents, and two pupils from each school. In addition, the school deacon from one school was also interviewed. Furthermore, part of the data from one of the research schools included a medium report of the school deacon s work. This study combined the case study method, the narrative approach and the critical incident technique as the methodological framework. In addition, all of these methods served as practical tools for both analyzing and reporting the data. The educators' narrations and the results of the study appear in the original articles (Hanhimäki & Tirri 2008; Hanhimäki 2008b; Hanhimäki & Tirri 2009; Hanhimäki 2008a). The educators moral voices in relation to themselves and other people emerged through the main themes of moral leadership, the development and evaluation process, moral sensitivity, gender, values, and student well-being. The educators moral voices in relation to their work and society emerged through the main themes of multiprofessional cooperation, families and parental involvement, and moral school culture. The idea of moral interaction connected moral professionalism and the methodological combination of this study, which together emphasized social interaction and the creation of understanding and meaning in this interaction. The main point of this study was to state that the educators moral voices emerged in the interaction between the educators themselves and the urban school context. In this interaction, the educators moral professionalism was constructed and shaped in relation to themselves, other people, their work and society. The loudest relational moral voices heard through the main themes were those of caring, cooperation, respect, commitment, and professionalism. When the results were compared to the codes of ethics which guided these educators moral professional work, the ethical principles and values of the codes were clearly visible in their moral practices. The loudest message from the educators narration could be summarized in the words caring, respect and cooperation: at its best, there is just a human being and a human being with caring, respect and cooperation between them. The results of this study emphasize the need for practical approaches such as case studies and the narrative approach in teacher education to encourage educators to become moral professionals capable of meeting the needs of people of varied backgrounds. In addition, opportunities for moral, religious and spiritual education should be noticed and utilized in the plural interaction of urban schools when nurturing pupils and creating a moral school culture. Furthermore, multiprofessional cooperation and parents as the school s primary cooperation partner are needed to carry out the shared duty of moral education in urban schools. Keywords: moral professionalism, educator, relational moral voice, interaction, urban school
Energy plays a prominent role in human society. As a result of technological and industrial development,the demand for energy is rapidly increasing. Existing power sources that are mainly fossil fuel based are leaving an unacceptable legacy of waste and pollution apart from diminishing stock of fuels.Hence, the focus is now shifted to large-scale propagation of renewable energy. Renewable energy technologies are clean sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies. Solar energy is one such renewable energy. Most renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Estimation of solar energy potential of a region requires detailed solar radiation climatology, and it is necessary to collect extensive radiation data of high accuracy covering all climatic zones of the region. In this regard, a decision support system (DSS)would help in estimating solar energy potential considering the region’s energy requirement.This article explains the design and implementation of DSS for assessment of solar energy. The DSS with executive information systems and reporting tools helps to tap vast data resources and deliver information. The main hypothesis is that this tool can be used to form a core of practical methodology that will result in more resilient in time and can be used by decision-making bodies to assess various scenarios. It also offers means of entering, accessing, and interpreting the information for the purpose of sound decision making.
A pesquisa investigou aspectos referentes ao diagnóstico e à notificação de abuso sexual infantil intrafamiliar pelos serviços básicos de saúde do Município de Maringá-PR. O abuso sexual contra crianças é um problema de saúde pública, devido à alta incidência epidemiológica e às graves conseqüências dele decorrentes. Apesar de iniciativas municipais recentes para enfrentamento do problema, poucos são os casos denunciados oficialmente, o que dificulta o dimensionamento do problema e a criação de políticas adequadas. As instituições de saúde são espaços privilegiados para a detecção precoce e a notificação dos casos, porém é essencial que, na medida em que os profissionais de saúde consigam identificar a ocorrência da violência, sintam-se seguros para notificar. Dificuldades em relação à detecção, à notificação e ao funcionamento da rede de apoio às vítimas foram levantadas, possibilitando inferir pontos estratégicos para desenvolvimento de programas de capacitação necessários para o estabelecimento de ações de combate ao abuso sexual infantil. Os resultados apontam dificuldades importantes no que se refere ao diagnóstico precoce e insuficiente informação sobre o processo de notificação e de encaminhamento dos casos. Essas dificuldades podem ser minimizadas mediante a adoção de uma política de educação continuada, bem como do fortalecimento da rede de proteção à criança e ao denunciante.
O campo de estudos da Comunicação é conhecido pela sua interdisciplinaridade, o que permite analisar objetos relacionados a outras áreas do conhecimento por meio da perspectiva em que os diferentes tipos de mídia lhes apresentam. Utilizando palavras, imagens e sons os meios de comunicação colaboram para a produção dos significados de uso e apropriação de diferentes produtos e serviços disponíveis para o consumo. Por meio de um intercâmbio com o campo de estudos de consumo e tratando de um produto oriundo do campo da Educação, os cursos de MBA, este trabalho analisa as mensagens produzidas pelo Boa Chance, suplemento publicado pelo jornal O Globo. Para compor o referencial foram considerados teóricos do campo da Comunicação, Consumo, Educação e Representação Social. Além de oferecerem subsídios para refletir sobre o consumo desse tipo de produto, as idéias e conceitos apresentados também colaboram para compor as categorias elaboradas para a análise das matérias publicadas. Para aprofundar um pouco mais sobre os cursos de MBA foi traçado um histórico desse tipo de ensino, desde o seu surgimento nos Estados Unidos, passando pela sua ascensão a partir da década de 1940 até a sua chegada ao Brasil. A forma como os cursos adentraram a pauta dos cadernos de emprego, em especial, do Boa Chance, também é abordada. Entrevistas com repórteres e editores que trabalharam ou que ainda estão no caderno permitiram identificar o contexto em que as pautas relacionadas a esse tema se tornaram mais frequentes. A partir disso, foi possível compreender que o assunto começou a ganhar mais espaço na mesma medida que cresce a oferta de vagas pelas instituições, no começo dos anos 2000. Para entender de que maneira os meios de comunicação abordam para esse tipo de consumo e também quais são as representações que ele produz sobre os MBAs, foram analisadas 26 edições do caderno recolhidas entre 2009 e 2010.
A generalized Bayesian population dynamics model was developed for analysis of historical mark-recapture studies. The Bayesian approach builds upon existing maximum likelihood methods and is useful when substantial uncertainties exist in the data or little information is available about auxiliary parameters such as tag loss and reporting rates. Movement rates are obtained through Markov-chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) simulation, which are suitable for use as input in subsequent stock assessment analysis. The mark-recapture model was applied to English sole (Parophrys vetulus) off the west coast of the United States and Canada and migration rates were estimated to be 2% per month to the north and 4% per month to the south. These posterior parameter distributions and the Bayesian framework for comparing hypotheses can guide fishery scientists in structuring the spatial and temporal complexity of future analyses of this kind. This approach could be easily generalized for application to other species and more data-rich fishery analyses.
A busca por novas acumulações de hidrocarbonetos necessita de esforços exploratórios contínuos, gerando novas possibilidades e modelos geológicos e diminuindo os riscos associados à atividade exploratória. O interesse no entendimento da formação de armadilhas, migração e reservatórios de hidrocarbonetos, associado à halocinese motivou a realização deste trabalho. Apresenta-se como principal objetivo deste trabalho a caracterização e a descrição da evolução halocinética na porção centro-sul da bacia do Espírito Santo. Dados de poços, sísmicos e gravimetria foram utilizados com o intuito de gerar uma interpretação geológica integrada, possibilitando entender à influência do Complexo Vulcânico de Abrolhos (CVA) na evolução tectonossedimentar da área, por meio da técnica de restauração de seção geológica. Na área estudada, ocorreu uma intensa atividade halocinética, já a partir do Albiano, em resposta a distensão causada pela subsidência da bacia e a abertura do Atlântico Sul. Durante o Neocretáceo, cunhas clásticas do Rio Doce adentraram na bacia provocando um novo pulso halocinético, resultando num aumento da taxa de sedimentação nas mini-bacias. Em outras regiões esta progradação causou a migração da camada-mãe de sal para porções distais da bacia, acarretando uma deficiência no suprimento de sal. Isto ocasionou o colapso de alguns diápiros associados a uma quiescência tectônica na área. A principal fase tectônica na área ocorreu no Eoterciário, época em que ocorre a implantação do CVA, formando estilos estruturais característicos de terrenos compressivos, com falhas de empurrão, popups, dobras e gotas de sal. Esta nova configuração tectônica na área mudou os eixos dos principais depocentros, que passaram a ser controlados pelos altos estruturais gerados pela tectônica compressiva, e pelos seus baixos relativos, que passaram a receber os sedimentos sin-tectônicos. (As associações destas características de remobilização tectonossedimentar formou uma nova compartimentação, a saber: a) Zona de translação; b) Zona dobrada e c) Zona de Cavalgamento com falhas de empurrão . Esta nova configuração tectônica tem sua formação diretamente relacionada à implantação do CVA.
Belugas, Delphinapterus leucas, in Cook Inlet, Alaska, represent a unique and isolated marine mammal population that has been hunted for a variety of purposes since prehistoric times. Archeological studies have shown that both Alutiiq Eskimos and Dena'ina Atabaskan Indians have long utilized many marine resources in Cook Inlet, including belugas. Over the past century, commercial whaling and sport hunting also occurred periodically in Cook Inlet prior to the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA). During the 1990's, the hunting mortality by Alaska Natives apparently increased to 40-70 whales per year, which led to the decling of this stock and its subsequent designation in 2000 as depleted under the MMPA. Concerns about the decline of the Cook Inlet stock resulted in a voluntary suspension of the subsistenc hunt by Alaska Natives in 1999. The difficulty in obtaining accurate estimates for the harvest of these whales is due to the inability to identify all of the hunters and, in turn, the size of the harvest. Attempts to reconstruct harvest records based on hunters' recollections and interviews from only a few households have been subject to a wide degree of speculation. To adequately monitor the beluga harvest, the National Marine Fisheries Service established marking and reporting regulations in October 1999. These rules require that Alaska Natives who hunt belugas in Cook Inlet must collect the lowere left jaw from harvested whales and complete a report that includes date and time of the harvest, coloration of the whale, harvest location, and method of harvest. The MMPA was amended in 2000 to require a cooperative agreement between the National Marine Fisheries Service and Alaska Native organizations before hunting could be resumed.
Bycatch, or the unintended capture of fish, marine mammals, sea turtles, and seabirds by fishing gear, occurs to some degree in most fisheries. The recently released National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) U.S. National Bycatch Report provides information on bycatch in U.S. commercial fisheries by fishery and species. The report also provides national statistics in the form of national bycatch ratio and a national bycatch estimate. We describe the methods used to develop these statistics and compare them to similar studies. We conclude that the national bycatch ratio and national bycatch estimates developed by NMFS represent the best available information on bycatch in U.S. fisheries. However, given changes in bycatch management over time, as well as inter-annual variability in bycatch levels and a high percentage of fisheries for which data on bycatch are not currently available, we recommend that NMFS continue to support bycatch data collection and reporting efforts to improve the quality and quantity of bycatch data and estimates available to fisheries managers and scientists over time. This will enable NMFS to meet its requirements for bycatch reporting under the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA), as well as requirements for bycatch minimization under the MSA, Marine Mammal Protection Act, and Endangered Species Act.
Psychometrics is a term within the statistical literature that encompasses the development and evaluation of psychological tests and measures, an area of increasing importance within applied psychology specifically and behavioral sciences. Confusion continues to exist regarding the fundamental tenets of psychometric evaluation and application of the appropriate statistical tests and procedures. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the main psychometric elements which need to be considered in both the development and evaluation of an instrument or tool used within the context of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The psychometric profile of a tool should also be considered in established tools used in screening PTSD. A “standard” for the application and reporting of psychometric data and approaches is emphasized, the goal of which is to ensure that the key psychometric parameters are considered in relation to the selection and use of PTSD screening tools.
Large probabilistic graphs arise in various domains spanning from social networks to biological and communication networks. An important query in these graphs is the k nearest-neighbor query, which involves finding and reporting the k closest nodes to a specific node. This query assumes the existence of a measure of the "proximity" or the "distance" between any two nodes in the graph. To that end, we propose various novel distance functions that extend well known notions of classical graph theory, such as shortest paths and random walks. We argue that many meaningful distance functions are computationally intractable to compute exactly. Thus, in order to process nearest-neighbor queries, we resort to Monte Carlo sampling and exploit novel graph-transformation ideas and pruning opportunities. In our extensive experimental analysis, we explore the trade-offs of our approximation algorithms and demonstrate that they scale well on real-world probabilistic graphs with tens of millions of edges.
Antecedentes. Pes Adulto planus (pie plano) es un problema común encontrado por muchos profesionales de la salud. A pesar de la percepción de que el pie plano puede causar dolor y deteriorar su función, la disponibilidad y el uso generalizado de diversos tratamientos, no hay consenso sobre la estrategia óptima de tratamiento. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de las intervenciones conservadoras (no quirúrgicos) para pie plano en los adultos. Método. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura. Esto incluye: el Registro Cochrane Central de Ensayos Controlados; los Juicios CMSG Especializados Registro; una búsqueda electrónica se realizó utilizando MEDLINE (1960 a junio de 2012), EMBASE (1980 a junio de 2012), y CINAHL (1982 - junio de 2012). Revistas especializadas, listas de referencias de ensayos y artículos de revisión se realizaron búsquedas manuales. Criterios de selección: Ensayos aleatorios o cuasialeatorios de intervenciones de tratamiento para el pie plano en los adultos. Se excluyeron los ensayos que incluyeron patologías específicas como el dolor plantar del talón, las fracturas por sobrecarga de los metatarsianos, disfunción del tendón tibial posterior-, fracturas de tobillo, patologías del pie reumatoide, enfermedades neuromusculares y las complicaciones del pie diabético. Recopilación y análisis de datos: Dos autores seleccionaron de forma independiente los resultados de la búsqueda para identificar a aquellos que satisfacen los criterios de inclusión y evaluaron la calidad de los incluidos mediante una lista de control basado en la Evaluación de la Colaboración Cochrane de Riesgo. Esta herramienta se centró en el riesgo de la selección, el rendimiento, la detección, la heterogeneidad y el sesgo de notificación. Resultados. Cuatro ensayos, con 140 sujetos, cumplieron los criterios de inclusión para la revisión. Los cuatro fueron juzgados como de alto riesgo de sesgo en al menos un área, y también estaban en riesgo de sesgo incierto en al menos otra zona. Todos anotaron altamente en relación al sesgo de deserción, debido al corto seguimiento tiempos y diseños experimentales utilizados. Los datos no se agruparon debido al alto nivel de heterogeneidad identificada en las intervenciones evaluadas, los participantes seleccionados y medir los resultados. Los resultados de un estudio sugieren que después de cuatro semanas de uso ortesis puede resultar en una mejora significativa en vaivén lateral medio, y pueden resultar en una mejor, aunque no significativa, en general relacionados con la calidad de vida de los pies (Roma 2004). Un estudio (Redmond 2009) sugiere que su efecto sobre la distribución de la presión plantar en el pie puede no depender de si son personalizados o dispositivos prefabricados. Aunque este estudio se identificaron cambios significativos en algunas variables de presión plantar tanto con la costumbre y dispositivos prefabricados, otro (Esterman 2005) no encontró ningún efecto significativo de longitud ¾ ortesis prefabricadas sobre el dolor, la incidencia de lesiones, salud pie o de calidad de vida en un grupo de reclutas de la fuerza aérea. El cuarto estudio (Jung 2009) sugiere que el ejercicio de los músculos intrínsecos del pie puede mejorar el efecto de las ortesis. A pesar de estos resultados, ya que cada estudio incurrió riesgo de sesgo en al menos un área no se pueden sacar conclusiones
Los indicadores de sostenibilidad conforman herramientas útiles para la toma de decisiones. Las ciudades latinoamericanas, y especialmente las áreas de expansión sin planificación adecuada, enfrentan desafíos cada vez mayores para revertir problemáticas que amenazan su sostenibilidad. El presente trabajo evalúa de manera preliminar, la sostenibilidad ambiental del periurbano de Mar del Plata (Argentina) tomando como referencia algunos de los indicadores propuestos por el modelo del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo en la Iniciativa Ciudades Emergentes y Sostenibles. Se construyó un índice sintético (Índice de Sostenibilidad Ambiental, ISA) que integra trece indicadores agrupados en ocho temas. Las situaciones más críticas (ISA: 0,45-0,558) se identifican fundamentalmente en zonas en las que se desarrollan actividades rurales y en las que se localizan asentamientos de carácter precario. El estudio realizado profundiza en el conocimiento de la dimensión ambiental de la sostenibilidad, enfatizando en el análisis de los contrastes internos del periurbano marplatense.