956 resultados para remote diagnostics of electric drives


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A comparative study concerning the robustness of a novel, Fixed Point Transformations/Singular Value Decomposition (FPT/SVD)-based adaptive controller and the Slotine-Li (S&L) approach is given by numerical simulations using a three degree of freedom paradigm of typical Classical Mechanical systems, the cart + double pendulum. The effects of the imprecision of the available dynamical model, presence of dynamic friction at the axles of the drives, and the existence of external disturbance forces unknown and not modeled by the controller are considered. While the Slotine-Li approach tries to identify the parameters of the formally precise, available analytical model of the controlled system with the implicit assumption that the generalized forces are precisely known, the novel one makes do with a very rough, affine form and a formally more precise approximate model of that system, and uses temporal observations of its desired vs. realized responses. Furthermore, it does not assume the lack of unknown perturbations caused either by internal friction and/or external disturbances. Its another advantage is that it needs the execution of the SVD as a relatively time-consuming operation on a grid of a rough system-model only one time, before the commencement of the control cycle within which it works only with simple computations. The simulation examples exemplify the superiority of the FPT/SVD-based control that otherwise has the deficiency that it can get out of the region of its convergence. Therefore its design and use needs preliminary simulation investigations. However, the simulations also exemplify that its convergence can be guaranteed for various practical purposes.


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We investigate the thermodynamics and percolation regimes of model binary mixtures of patchy colloidal particles. The particles of each species have three sites of two types, one of which promotes bonding of particles of the same species while the other promotes bonding of different species. We find up to four percolated structures at low temperatures and densities: two gels where only one species percolates, a mixed gel where particles of both species percolate but neither species percolates separately, and a bicontinuous gel where particles of both species percolate separately forming two interconnected networks. The competition between the entropy and the energy of bonding drives the stability of the different percolating structures. Appropriate mixtures exhibit one or more connectivity transitions between the mixed and bicontinuous gels, as the temperature and/or the composition changes.


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In this work we study the electro-rheological behaviour of a series of four liquid crystal (LC) cyanobiphenyls with a number of carbon atoms in the alkyl group, ranging from five to eight (5CB–8CB). We present the flow curves for different temperatures and under the influence of an external electric field, ranging from 0 to 3 kV/mm, and the viscosity as a function of the temperature, for the same values of electric field, obtained for different shear rates. Theoretical interpretation of the observed behaviours is proposed in the framework of the continuum theory of Leslie–Ericksen for low molecular weight nematic LCs. In our analysis, the director alignment angle is only a function of the ratio between the shear rate and the square of the electric field – boundary conditions are neglected. By fitting the theoretical model to the experimental data, we are able to determine some viscosity coefficients and the dielectric anisotropy as a function of temperature. To interpret the behaviour of the flow curves near the nematic–isotropic transitions, we apply the continuum theory of Olmsted–Goldbart, which extends the theory of Leslie–Ericksen to the case where the degree of alignment of the LC molecules can also vary.


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The integration of Plug-in electric vehicles in the transportation sector has a great potential to reduce oil dependency, the GHG emissions and to contribute for the integration of renewable sources into the electricity generation mix. Portugal has a high share of wind energy, and curtailment may occur, especially during the off-peak hours with high levels of hydro generation. In this context, the electric vehicles, seen as a distributed storage system, can help to reduce the potential wind curtailments and, therefore, increase the integration of wind power into the power system. In order to assess the energy and environmental benefits of this integration, a methodology based on a unit commitment and economic dispatch is adapted and implemented. From this methodology, the thermal generation costs, the CO2 emissions and the potential wind generation curtailment are computed. Simulation results show that a 10% penetration of electric vehicles in the Portuguese fleet would increase electrical load by 3% and reduce wind curtailment by only 26%. This results from the fact that the additional generation required to supply the electric vehicles is mostly thermal. The computed CO2 emissions of the EV are 92 g CO2/kWh which become closer to those of some new ICE engines.


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A crescente dependência energética do Petr óleo e o impacto ambiental daí resultante, tanto como as excessivas autonomias e desempenho dos veículos perante as nossas necessidades, leva a que Portugal, a Europa, o Mundo, necessitem de apostar em inovar e alterar costumes, de forma a que o nosso planeta se mantenha sustentável e de maneira a aumentar a qualidade de vida de todos nós. As emissões proveniente dos veículos representam uma excessiva parcela na poluição atmosférica causada pela queima dos derivados do petróleo. Uma das soluções mais viáveis para a redução de emissões, passaria pela implementação de leis que fomentassem a compra dos veículos ZEV. Este trabalho pretende provar a inviabilidade do uso contínuo de combustíveis fósseis, destaca as principais características dos veículos eléctricos e os benefícios destes quando comparados com os veículos convencionais, descreve as características dos veículos eléctricos comercializados em Portugal e apresenta a sugestão, com base no estudo elaborado, de um veículo ZEV que se adapte às necessidades do cidadão europeu.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física - Física Aplicada pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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The use of Electric Vehicles (EVs) will change significantly the planning and management of power systems in a near future. This paper proposes a real-time tariff strategy for the charge process of the EVs. The main objective is to evaluate the influence of real-time tariffs in the EVs owners’ behaviour and also the impact in load diagram. The paper proposes the energy price variation according to the relation between wind generation and power consumption. The proposed strategy was tested in two different days in the Danish power system. January 31st and August 13th 2013 were selected because of the high quantities of wind generation. The main goal is to evaluate the changes in the EVs charging diagram with the energy price preventing wind curtailment.


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A utilização eficiente da energia é essencial para a competitividade económica de um país. Sendo a intensidade energética de Portugal elevada, onde a utilização de motores elétricos, absorve cerca de metade da energia elétrica consumida na indústria, a utilização de conversores eletrónicos de potência permite obter economias de energia. Nesta tese pretende-se controlar a velocidade e o posicionamento de um tapete rolante através da utilização de um conversor eletrónico de potência. Na fundamentação teórica são referidos os conceitos de variação da tensão e frequência, controle escalar e vetorial, modelação por largura de pulso (PWM) assim como a retificação e ondulação da tensão de um variador de velocidades. Na parte prática será utilizado um servo motor, controlado por um variador eletrónico de velocidades, para efetuar o referido projeto. É ainda objeto desta tese o estudo dos parâmetros fundamentais assim como a pesquisa dos parâmetros a utilizar para o desempenho pretendido.


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The evolution of the electrical grid into a smart grid, allowing user production, storage and exchange of energy, remote control of appliances, and in general optimizations over how the energy is managed and consumed, is also an evolution into a complex Information and Communication Technology (ICT) system. With the goal of promoting an integrated and interoperable smart grid, a number of organizations all over the world started uncoordinated standardization activities, which caused the emergence of a large number of incompatible architectures and standards. There are now new standardization activities which have the goal of organizing existing standards and produce best practices to choose the right approach(es) to be employed in specific smart grid designs. This paper follows the lead of NIST and ETSI/CEN/CENELEC approaches in trying to provide taxonomy of existing solutions; our contribution reviews and relates current ICT state-of-the-art, with the objective of forecasting future trends based on the orientation of current efforts and on relationships between them. The resulting taxonomy provides guidelines for further studies of the architectures, and highlights how the standards in the last mile of the smart grid are converging to common solutions to improve ICT infrastructure interoperability.


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Malaria regions of the Amazon basin have been characterized by difficult access and non-compliance of the patients to treatment. In an attempt to assess the schizonticide efficacy of chloroquine in a single dose of 600 mg, the authors realized a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 132 outpatients with vivax malaria. Patients were distributed into two groups: group CPLA, given chloroquine 600 mg (single dose) on the first day of treatment, and two doses of placebo on second and third days. Group CHLO, given chloroquine 600 mg on first day and 450 mg on second and third day. Geometric means of the parasite density during the follow-up was similar in both groups. No differences were observed in the parasitological cure between the two groups (p = 0.442). There was clinical and parasitological efficacy in treatment of patients given a single-dose of chloroquine. This suggests that its restricted use could be indicated in remote areas of Brazilian Amazon Region, nevertheless the inadequate response of three patients indicates the need for further studies.


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A Thesis submitted for the co-tutelle degree of Doctor in Physics at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Université Pierre et Marie Curie


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This paper presents the outcomes of a research work consisting in the development of an Electric Vehicle Assistant (EVA), which creates and stores a driver profile where are contained the driving behaviours related with the EV energy consumption, the EV battery charging information, and the performed routes. This is an application for mobile devices that is able to passively track the driver behaviour and to access several information related with the EV in real time. It is also proposed a range prediction approach based on probability to take into account unpredictable effects of personal driving style, traffic or weather.


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This paper presents a novel architecture of a bidirectional bridgeless interleaved converter for battery chargers of electric vehicles (EVs). The proposed converter is composed by two power stages: an ac-dc converter that is used to interface the power grid and the dc-link, and a dc-dc converter that is used to interface the dc-link and the batteries. The ac-dc converter is an interleaved bridgeless bidirectional boost-type converter and the dc-dc converter is a bidirectional buck-boost-type converter. The proposed converter works with sinusoidal grid current and with high power factor for all operating power levels, and in both grid-to-vehicle (G2V) and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) operation modes. In the paper is described in detail the proposed converter for EV battery chargers: the circuit topology, the principle of operation, the power control theory, and the current control strategy. Several simulation results for both G2V and V2G operation modes are presented.


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The manipulation of electric ordering with applied magnetic fields has been realized on magnetoelectric (ME) materials, however, their ME switching is often accompanied by significant hysteresis and coercivity that represents, for some applications, a severe weakness. To overcome this obstacle, this work focus on the development of a new type of ME polymer nanocomposites that exhibits tailored ME response at room temperature. The multiferroic nanocomposites are based on three different ferrite nanoparticles, Zn0.2Mn0.8Fe2O4 (ZMFO), CoFe2O4 (CFO) and Fe3O4 (FO), dispersed in a piezoelectric co-polymer poly(vinylindene fluoride-trifluoroethylene), P(VDF-TrFE), matrix. No substantial differences were detected on the time-stable piezoelectric response of the composites (≈ -28 pC.N−1) with distinct ferrite fillers and for the same ferrite content of 10wt.%. Magnetic hysteresis loops from pure ferrite nanopowders showed different magnetic responses. ME results of the nanocomposite films with 10wt.% ferrite content revealed that the ME induced voltage increases with increasing DC magnetic field until a maximum of 6.5 mV∙cm−1∙Oe−1, at an optimum magnetic field of 0.26 T, and 0.8 mV∙cm−1∙Oe−1, at an optimum magnetic field of 0.15T, for the CFO/P(VDF-TrFE) and FO/P(VDF-TrFE) composites, respectively. On the contrary, the ME response of the ZMFO/P(VDF-TrFE) exposed no hysteresis and high dependence on the ZMFO filler content. Possible innovative applications such as memories and information storage, signal processing, ME sensors and oscillators have been addressed for such ferrite/PVDF nanocomposites.


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Electroencephalography is mandatory to determine the epilepsy syndrome. However, for the precise localization of the irritative zone in patients with focal epilepsy, costly and sometimes cumbersome imaging techniques are used. Recent small studies using electric source imaging suggest that electroencephalography itself could be used to localize the focus. However, a large prospective validation study is missing. This study presents a cohort of 152 operated patients where electric source imaging was applied as part of the pre-surgical work-up allowing a comparison with the results from other methods. Patients (n = 152) with >1 year postoperative follow-up were studied prospectively. The sensitivity and specificity of each imaging method was defined by comparing the localization of the source maximum with the resected zone and surgical outcome. Electric source imaging had a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 88% if the electroencephalogram was recorded with a large number of electrodes (128-256 channels) and the individual magnetic resonance image was used as head model. These values compared favourably with those of structural magnetic resonance imaging (76% sensitivity, 53% specificity), positron emission tomography (69% sensitivity, 44% specificity) and ictal/interictal single-photon emission-computed tomography (58% sensitivity, 47% specificity). The sensitivity and specificity of electric source imaging decreased to 57% and 59%, respectively, with low number of electrodes (<32 channels) and a template head model. This study demonstrated the validity and clinical utility of electric source imaging in a large prospective study. Given the low cost and high flexibility of electroencephalographic systems even with high channel counts, we conclude that electric source imaging is a highly valuable tool in pre-surgical epilepsy evaluation.