897 resultados para product design optimality


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A micro-newton static force sensor is presented here as a packaged product. The sensor, which is based on the mechanics of deformable objects, consists of a compliant mechanism that amplifies the displacement caused by the force that is to be measured. The output displacement, captured using a digital microscope and analyzed using image processing techniques, is used to calculate the force using precalibrated force-displacement curve. Images are scanned in real time at a frequency of 15 frames per second and sampled at around half the scanning frequency. The sensor was built, packaged, calibrated, and tested. It has simulated and measured stiffness values of 2.60N/m and 2.57N/m, respectively. The smallest force it can reliably measure in the presence of noise is about 2 mu N over a range of 1.4mN. The off-the-shelf digital microscope aside, all of its other components are purely mechanical; they are inexpensive and can be easily made using simple machines. Another highlight of the sensor is that its movable and delicate components are easily replaceable. The sensor can be used in aqueous environment as it does not use electric, magnetic, thermal, or any other fields. Currently, it can only measure static forces or forces that vary at less than 1Hz because its response time and bandwidth are limited by the speed of imaging with a camera. With a universal serial bus (USB) connection of its digital microscope, custom-developed graphical user interface (GUI), and related software, the sensor is fully developed as a readily usable product.


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A controlled laboratory experiment was carried out on forty Indian male college students for evaluating the effect of indoor thermal environment on occupants' response and thermal comfort. During experiment, indoor temperature varied from 21 degrees C to 33 degrees C, and the variables like relative humidity, airflow, air temperature and radiant temperature were recorded along with subject's physiological parameters (skin (T-sk) and oral temperature (T-c)) and subjective thermal sensation responses (TSV). From T-sk and T-c, body temperature (T-b) was evaluated. Subjective Thermal Sensation Vote (TSV) was recorded using ASHRAE 7-point scale. In PMV model, Fanger's T-sk equation was used to accommodate adaptive response. Step-wise regression analysis result showed T-b was better predictor of TSV than T-sk and T-c. Regional skin temperature response, suppressed sweating without dipping, lower sweating threshold temperature and higher cutaneous threshold for sweating were observed as thermal adaptive responses. These adaptive responses cannot be considered in PMV model. To incorporate subjective adaptive response, mean skin temperature (T-sk) is considered in dry heat loss calculation. Along with these, PMV-model and other two methodologies are adopted to calculate PMV values and results are compared. However, recent literature is limited to measure the sweat rate in Indians and consideration of constant Ersw in PMV model needs to be corrected. Using measured T-sk in PMV model (Method(1)), thermal comfort zone corresponding to 0.5 <= PMV <= 0.5 was evaluated as (22.46-25.41) degrees C with neutral temperature of 23.91 degrees C, similarly while using TSV response, wider comfort zone was estimated as (23.25-26.32) degrees C with neutral temperature at 24.83 degrees C, which was further increased to with TSV-PPDnew, relation. It was observed that PMV-model overestimated the actual thermal response. Interestingly, these subjects were found to be less sensitive to hot but more sensitive to cold. A new TSV-PPD relation (PPDnew) was obtained from the population distribution of TSV response with an asymmetric distribution of hot-cold thermal sensation response from Indians. The calculations of human thermal stress according to steady state energy balance models used on PMV model seem to be inadequate to evaluate human thermal sensation of Indians. Relevance to industry: The purpose of this paper is to estimate thermal comfort zone and optimum temperature for Indians. It also highlights that PMV model seems to be inadequate to evaluate subjective thermal perception in Indians. These results can be used in feedback control of HVAC systems in residential and industrial buildings. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the domain of manual mechanical assembly, expert knowledge is an important means of supporting assembly planning that leads to fewer issues during actual assembly. Knowledge based systems can be used to provide assembly planners with expert knowledge as advice. However, acquisition of knowledge remains a difficult task to automate, while manual acquisition is tedious, time-consuming, and requires engagement of knowledge engineers with specialist knowledge to understand and translate expert knowledge. This paper describes the development, implementation and preliminary evaluation of a method that asks a series of questions to an expert, so as to automatically acquire necessary diagnostic and remedial knowledge as rules for use in a knowledge based system for advising assembly planners diagnose and resolve issues. The method, called a questioning procedure, organizes its questions around an assembly situation which it presents to the expert as the context, and adapts its questions based on the answers it receives from the expert. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, attempt is made to solve a few problems using the Polynomial Point Collocation Method (PPCM), the Radial Point Collocation Method (RPCM), Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), and the Finite Point Method (FPM). A few observations on the accuracy of these methods are recorded. All the simulations in this paper are three dimensional linear elastostatic simulations, without accounting for body forces.


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This paper lists some references that could in some way be relevant in the context of the real-time computational simulation of biological organs, the research area being defined in a very broad sense. This paper contains 198 references.


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This paper describes the development and evolution of research themes in the Design Theory and Methodology (DTM) conference. Essays containing reflections on the history of DTM, supported by an analysis of session titles and papers winning the ``best paper award'', describe the development of the research themes. A second set of essays describes the evolution of several key research themes. Two broad trends in research themes are evident, with a third one emerging. The topics of the papers in the first decade or so reflect an underlying aim to apply artificial intelligence toward developing systems that could `design'. To do so required understanding how human designers behave, formalizing design processes so that they could be computed, and formalizing representations of design knowledge. The themes in the first DTM conference and the recollections of the DTM founders reflect this underlying aim. The second decade of DTM saw the emergence of product development as an underlying concern and included a growth in a systems view of design. More recently, there appears to be a trend toward design-led innovation, which entails both executing the design process more efficiently and understanding the characteristics of market-leading designs so as to produce engineered products and systems of exceptional levels of quality and customer satisfaction.


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The broader goal of the research being described here is to automatically acquire diagnostic knowledge from documents in the domain of manual and mechanical assembly of aircraft structures. These documents are treated as a discourse used by experts to communicate with others. It therefore becomes possible to use discourse analysis to enable machine understanding of the text. The research challenge addressed in the paper is to identify documents or sections of documents that are potential sources of knowledge. In a subsequent step, domain knowledge will be extracted from these segments. The segmentation task requires partitioning the document into relevant segments and understanding the context of each segment. In discourse analysis, the division of a discourse into various segments is achieved through certain indicative clauses called cue phrases that indicate changes in the discourse context. However, in formal documents such language may not be used. Hence the use of a domain specific ontology and an assembly process model is proposed to segregate chunks of the text based on a local context. Elements of the ontology/model, and their related terms serve as indicators of current context for a segment and changes in context between segments. Local contexts are aggregated for increasingly larger segments to identify if the document (or portions of it) pertains to the topic of interest, namely, assembly. Knowledge acquired through such processes enables acquisition and reuse of knowledge during any part of the lifecycle of a product.


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The demand for variety of products and the shorter time to market is encouraging designers to adopt computer aided concept generation techniques. One such technique is being explored here. The present work makes an attempt towards synthesis of concepts for sensors using physical laws and effects as building blocks. A database of building blocks based upon the SAPPhIRE-lite model of causality is maintained. It uses composition to explore the solution space. The algorithm has been implemented in a web based tool. The tool generates two types of sensor designs: direct sensing designs and feedback sensing designs. According to the literature, synthesis using building blocks often lead to vague solutions principles. The current work tries to avoid uninteresting solutions by using some heuristics. A particularly novel outcome of the work described here is the generation of feedback based solutions, something not generated automatically before. A number of patent violations were observed with the set of generated concepts; thus emphasizing some amount of novelty in the designs.


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Biocards are formal descriptions of biological phenomena and their underlying functional principles. They are used in bioinspired design to document search results and to communicate the findings for use in the further design process. The present study explored the effect of abstraction level used in biocards. This was done in two workshops conducted with design students in Denmark and India. Students were given a design assignment and instructions for how to perform the BID ideation work. Half of the students were given biocards with abstract descriptions while the other half got biocards with concrete descriptions. The novelty of found solutions was evaluated by the students by rating novelty of each solution on a scale from 1 to 5. Mean values for abstract descriptions were 0,3 higher than for concrete descriptions indicating that more innovative solutions were found when students used biocards with abstract descriptions compared to concrete descriptions. The difference in mean value is significant with a confidence level better than 1%. It seems likely that more abstract descriptions in biocards helps avoiding design fixation in biomimetic design work.


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People living under $2 income per day, referred as Base of the Pyramid (BoP), face undesired situations like lack of nutrition, health, education etc. Design as a process of changing current undesired situation to a desired situation has failed. A crucial reason behind these failures is lack of normative basis to identify and understand the absent or unsatisfied stakeholder. Currently stakeholder analysis in the design is heuristic. This paper uses a normative framework of Capability Approach (CA) for the stakeholder analysis. A brief discussion on stakeholder theory and analysis is used to identify gaps in the literature. The constructs of the CA are discussed for its suitability to the purpose. Along with methodological details, data generated from the stakeholder interviews, focus groups in a case study of dissemination of improved cook-stoves is used to interlink the theory with the practice. The scope of this work is in identifying and investigating the motives of the stakeholders in the involvement in the product. Though a lot of insights to discern and manage crucial stakeholders is inbuilt in the methodology, this work does not claim explicit coverage of these aspects.


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Three mechanisms operate during wear of materials. These mechanisms include the Strain Rate Response (SRR - effect of strain rate on plastic deformation), Tribo-Chemical Reactions (TCR) and formation of Mechanically Mixed Layers (MML). The present work investigates the effect of these three in context of the formation of MML. For this wear experiments are done on a pin-on-disc machine using Ti64 as the pin and SS316L as the disc. It is seen that apart from the speed and load, which control the SRR and TCR, the diameter of the pin controls the formation of MML, especially at higher speeds.


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Em engenharia, a modelagem computacional desempenha um papel importante na concepção de produtos e no desenvolvimento de técnicas de atenuação de ruído. Nesse contexto, esta tese investiga a intensidade acústica gerada pela radiação sonora de superfícies vibrantes. De modo específico, a pesquisa enfoca a identificação das regiões de uma fonte sonora que contribuem efetivamente para potência sonora radiada para o campo afastado, quando a frequência de excitação ocorre abaixo da frequência crítica de coincidência. São descritas as fundamentações teóricas de duas diferentes abordagens. A primeira delas, denominada intensidade supersônica (analítica) é calculada via transformadas de Fourier para fontes sonoras com geometrias separáveis. A segunda, denominada intensidade útil (numérica) é calculada através do método dos elementos de contorno clássico para fontes com geometrias arbitrárias. Em ambas, a identificação das regiões é feita pela filtragem das ondas não propagantes (evanescentes). O trabalho está centrado em duas propostas, a saber. A primeira delas, é a apresentação implementação e análise de uma nova técnica numérica para o cálculo da grandeza intensidade útil. Essa técnica constitui uma variante do método dos elementos de contorno (MEC), tendo como base o fato de as aproximações para as variáveis acústicas pressão e velocidade normal serem tomadas como constantes em cada elemento. E também no modo peculiar de obter a velocidade constante através da média de um certo número de velocidades interiores a cada elemento. Por esse motivo, a técnica recebe o nome de método de elemento de contorno com velocidade média (AVBEMAverage Velocity Boundary Element Method). A segunda, é a obtenção da solução forma fechada do campo de velocidade normal para placas retangulares com oito diferentes combinações de condições contorno clássicas. Então, a intensidade supersônica é estimada e comparada à intensidade acústica. Nos ensaios numéricos, a comparação da intensidade útil obtida via MEC clássico e via AVBEM é mostrada para ilustrar a eficiência computacional da técnica aqui proposta, que traz como benefício adicional o fato de poder ser utilizada uma malha menos refinada para as simulações e, consequentemente, economia significativa de recursos computacionais.


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The product design development has increasingly become a collaborative process. Conflicts often appear in the design process due to multi-actors interactions. Therefore, a critical element of collaborative design would be conflict situations resolution. In this paper, a methodology, based on a process model, is proposed to support conflict management. This methodology deals mainly with the conflict resolution team identification and the solution impact evaluation issues. The proposed process model allows the design process traceability and the data dependencies network identification; which making it be possible to identify the conflict resolution actors as well as to evaluate the selected solution impact. Copyright © 2006 IFAC.