942 resultados para product data management system
Systematic Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) authorities of Sri Lanka contributes to exchange some productive outputs with localities; however it is still not in a successful mode due to limitations and environmental failures in their operation. Most of these local administrations are directly dumping Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to an open dumping site, this manner of inappropriate disposal of MSW is become a major threat to the environment and public health in developing countries like Sri Lanka. This study was conducted for the MSWM practices of Balangoda Urban Council. The research was performed based on analyzing information obtained from field observations; reports; literature; questionnaire distribution among community; and a series of formal interviews with major stakeholders. The ongoing MSWM practices of Balangoda Urban Council encompass six categories as waste minimization and handling; waste collection; on-site separation; waste transportation; further management including grading, composting, recycling, producing sludge fertilizer; and final disposal to an open dump site. Apart from those, training sessions on MSWM are also being conducted. The purpose of this paper is to assess current status of urban waste management scenario and highlight strengths and weaknesses to understand the sustainability of the system which would help any local authority to improve MSWM.
This report covers the activity of Coriolis data centre for a one-year period from September 1st 2015 to August 31th 2016.
Soil tillage with chisel ploughing is the conventional soil management system in chestnut stands for fruit production in Northern Portugal. A study was developed to assess the effects of three soil management systems on in situ soil N mineralization dynamics, tree nutrition status and fruit productivity, in a 50-yr old chestnut stand. The treatments were: conventional tillage with a chisel ploughing twice a year (CT), no-tillage with rainfed improved pasture with leguminous and grasses plants (NIP), and no-tillage with spontaneous herbaceous vegetation - natural pasture (NP). The CT treatment showed a strong increase of the soil N mineral concentration following soil disturbance by tillage, but the cumulative net N mineralized along the year was significantly lower (51.8 kg ha-1) than in the NIP (85.1 kg ha-1) treatment. The NP treatment (65.9 kg ha-1) did not cause a reduction in the soil N mineralization when compared to the CT treatment. The mineralization rate (g mineralized N kg-1 total N) in 2004 was about 26, 30 and 38 in the treatments CT, NP and NIP, respectively. Treatments showed different soil N dynamics, the proportion of mineralized NO3--N being lower in the NP (10-48%) than in CT and NIP treatments (53-74%). Our study indicates that no-tillage systems improve the tree nutrition status and enhance productivity
Tesis (Optometra). -- Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias de La Salud. Programa de Optometria, 2014
Quality management provides to companies a framework to improve quality in overall systems, reduction of costs, reallocation of resources efficiently, correct planning of strategies, prevent or correct errors in the right time and increase the performance of companies. In this text, we discuss the different theories in this field, their obligatory or non-obligatory compliance, the importance of quality management for exporting companies and a case study of a Colombian firm that its main objective is to manage quality. In conclusion, we find out that there is different types of quality management systems such as Juran’s trilogy, Deming 14 points, Six sigma, HACCP, and so on; also that companies have to manage suppliers and that quality has a positive influence on exports volume; in the case of Colombian small and medium enterprises, it can be mentioned that the majority has implemented tools regarding quality management but is not enough.
The International Seabed Authority (ISA) regulates the activities related with the exploration and exploitation of seabed mineral resources in the Area, which are considered as the "common heritage of mankind" under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.The ISA has also the mandate to ensure the protection of the marine environment.The development of good practices for the annual reporting and data submission by Contractors is crucial for the ISA to comply with the sustainable development of the mineral marine resources. In 2015,the ISA issued a new template for reporting on exploration activities, which includes the definition of the format for all geophysical, geological and environmental data to be collected and analysed during exploration. The availability of reliable data contributes to improve the assessment of the ISA on the activities in the Area while promoting transparency, which is considered as a major principle of industry bestpractices.
L’elaborato si apre presentando il concetto di Pavement Managemet System (PMS), un modello di gestione degli interventi di manutenzione che le pavimentazioni di una rete stradale dovranno subire nel corso del tempo. Uno dei punti di forza del Pavement Management System, è costituito dalla diretta comparazione tra i costi delle strategie programmate e i relativi benefici, che consente di scegliere l’alternativa più efficace. Nel secondo capitolo viene descritto il catasto stradale, strumento di fondamentale importanza per la gestione del patrimonio stradale e per il funzionamento del Pavement Management System. Esso infatti è l’elemento di collegamento tra la sicurezza e la programmazione della manutenzione. Il terzo capitolo espone il caso di studio del quartiere di Campo di Marte del Comune di Firenze. L’elemento di partenza di questo capitolo è il database dei sinistri stradali, il quale aiuta ad individuare alcune carenze della sovrastruttura che potrebbero essere causa di disagi o addirittura di incidenti. Dall’analisi si possono quindi dedurre utili indicazioni sul tipo di interventi che si rendono necessari per garantire la sicurezza e sulle priorità degli interventi stessi. Successivamente vengono descritte le modalità di rilievo per il quartiere oggetto del caso di studio ed esposti i risultati. Questi, uniti a quelli degli indici di stato prestazionali, danno vita alla pianificazione degli interventi di manutenzione necessari. Il quarto ed ultimo capitolo contiene i piani di manutenzione, con la relativa catalogazione degli interventi di manutenzione e riabilitazione. Questi vengono pianificati con l’ausilio dei risultati provenienti dai rilievi e dagli indici di stato prestazionali. Infine vengono presentati a titolo di esempio, tre casi reali di piano operativo degli interventi sulle pavimentazioni di strade appartenenti al quartiere di Campo di Marte.
Over one million people lost their lives in the last twenty years from natural disasters like wildfires, earthquakes and man-made disasters. In such scenarios the usage of a fleet of robots aims at the parallelization of the workload and thus increasing speed and capabilities to complete time sensitive missions. This work focuses on the development of a dynamic fleet management system, which consists in the management of multiple agents cooperating in order to accomplish tasks. We presented a Mixed Integer Programming problem for the management and planning of mission’s tasks. The problem was solved using both an exact and a heuristic approach. The latter is based on the idea of solving iteratively smaller instances of the complete problem. Alongside, a fast and efficient algorithm for estimation of travel times between tasks is proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed heuristic approach is able to generate quality solutions, within specific time limits, compared to the exact one.
O desenvolvimento da tecnologia informática e de melhor hardware, proporcionou ao mercado de aplicações informáticas, um grande crescimento nas últimas décadas. Paralelamente, o aprofundamento e investigação das disciplinas de engenharia industrial, de novas filosofias e tipologias de produção, proporcionam ao mercado de sistemas de informação, uma panóplia de soluções abrangentes a todos os sectores e departamentos das organizações. Apesar da grande oferta, nem sempre existe viabilidade financeira das organizações para adquirirem e/ ou implementarem uma solução eficaz que responda às suas necessidades específicas. A presente dissertação, incide na melhoria do sistema de orçamentação do produto numa indústria de produtos únicos, através de uma plataforma de informação que permita reduzir o tempo de elaboração, melhorando a estimação do tempo de produção. As exigências do mercado em causa, influenciadas pela concorrência de países com mão-de-obra mais barata, prazos de resposta a orçamentos muito curtos e pequenas margens de negociação e lucro, implicam a necessidade de que sejam minimizadas ao máximo as atividades sem valor acrescentado, como o caso da orçamentação. Foi elaborada uma análise à empresa, ao produto - cablagem, às operações e seus recursos em estudo de caso. Após o levantamento das operações de produção executadas na empresa, reuniram-se os tempos referentes aos tempos de elaboração de cada operação, tendo sido estes utilizados para melhorar a estimativa do tempo de produção. A plataforma de informação foi desenvolvida seguindo o processo produtivo de cablagens, princípios de orçamentação e algumas funcionalidades referentes a ferramentas de apoio à produção, tais como, Product Data Management, Computer Aided Design, Bill-of-Material e Visual Aid’s. Estruturada consoante as necessidades da empresa e respeitando a vasta gama de Matérias- Primas intervenientes na produção, a ferramenta desenvolvida proporcionou a redução do tempo de orçamentação e melhoria na estimativa dos tempos de produção. Esta ferramenta é no entanto transversal e com pequenas alterações, poderá ser implementada em qualquer outra indústria de produtos únicos.
A medical and scientific multidisciplinary consensus meeting was held from 29 to 30 November 2013 on Anti-Doping in Sport at the Home of FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland, to create a roadmap for the implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. The consensus statement and accompanying papers set out the priorities for the antidoping community in research, science and medicine. The participants achieved consensus on a strategy for the implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. Key components of this strategy include: (1) sport-specific risk assessment, (2) prevalence measurement, (3) sport-specific test distribution plans, (4) storage and reanalysis, (5) analytical challenges, (6) forensic intelligence, (7) psychological approach to optimise the most deterrent effect, (8) the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) and confounding factors, (9) data management system (Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS), (10) education, (11) research needs and necessary advances, (12) inadvertent doping and (13) management and ethics: biological data. True implementation of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code will depend largely on the ability to align thinking around these core concepts and strategies. FIFA, jointly with all other engaged International Federations of sports (Ifs), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), are ideally placed to lead transformational change with the unwavering support of the wider antidoping community. The outcome of the consensus meeting was the creation of the ad hoc Working Group charged with the responsibility of moving this agenda forward.
The Iowa Department of Transportation is committed to improved management systems, which in turn has led to increased automation to record and manage construction data. A possible improvement to the current data management system can be found with pen-based computers. Pen-based computers coupled with user friendly software are now to the point where an individual's handwriting can be captured and converted to typed text to be used for data collection. It would appear pen-based computers are sufficiently advanced to be used by construction inspectors to record daily project data. The objective of this research was to determine: (1) if pen-based computers are durable enough to allow maintenance-free operation for field work during Iowa's construction season; and (2) if pen-based computers can be used effectively by inspectors with little computer experience. The pen-based computer's handwriting recognition was not fast or accurate enough to be successfully utilized. The IBM Thinkpad with the pen pointing device did prove useful for working in Windows' graphical environment. The pen was used for pointing, selecting and scrolling in the Windows applications because of its intuitive nature.
Kilpailukyvyn ylläpitäminen alati kiristyvässä markkinatilanteessa asettaa uusia vaatimuksia yritysten tuotestrategian muodostamisen ohella niiden tuotetiedon hallintaan. Tuotetietoon ja sen hallintaan sekä tiedon kulkuun täytyy kiinnittää yhä enemmän huomiota, jotta pystytään takaamaan markkinoinnin ja tuotannon ajantasaisen ja virheettömän tiedon saanti. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tehdä esiselvitys teollisuustuotantoa harjoittavan yrityksen tuotetiedon hallinnan tarpeista tuotetiedon kartoituksesta saadun tiedon ja teoriatiedon avulla. Esiselvityksen on tarkoitus toimia päätöksenteon apuna päätettäessä uudesta tuotestrategiasta ja tuotetiedon hallinnan organisoimisesta sekä tarvittavien järjestelmien hankinnoista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena ei ole antaa yksityiskohtaisia ohjeita yritykselle, vaan suosituksia tuotestrategiaa päätettäessä sekä huomioon otettavia seikkoja CAD- ja PDM-järjestelmien valintoja suoritettaessa.
Tiivistelmä Asiakas kokee tuotteen laadun omien odotusten ja oman tietämyksen kautta. Teknisessä verkkoratkaisuissa asiakas ei aina näe laatuun vaikuttavia eri komponentteja. Tällöin asiakas kokee kaikkien esille tulevien ongelmien johtuvan yrityksen tarjoamasta palvelusta. Yritys itse aiheuttaa myös ongelmia heikolla tiedonkululla yksiköiden välillä. Työssä kuvataan verkkoratkaisun käyttöönotossa esille tulevia ongelmia. Asioita tarkastellaan sekä asiakkaan että yrityksen näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tarkastellaan tuotetiedonhallinnan eri työkalujen mahdollisuuksia ongelman ratkaisemisessa. Lopputulokseksi saatiin malli, jonka avulla sisäistä tiedonkulkua parantamalla edistetään tiedon saatavuutta yrityksessä. Parantuneen tiedonkulun seurauksena voidaan tuottaa parempaa laatua sekä nopeuttaa ongelmien ratkaisua.