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The noticeable differences in the theoretical and operative definitions of envy across studies and approaches have produced a fragmentary representation and understanding of the envious emotion. The present dissertation aimed to clarify the inherent nature of the construct of envy through the integration of findings from three independent studies. We focused on malicious envy, and investigated it from both a dispositional and an episodic perspective. Studies 1 and 2 investigated the dimensionality of envy as a stable individual characteristic and an episodic emotional state, respectively. In order to elicit episodic envy, a scenario-based experiment was conducted. Results indicated that, in both its dispositional and episodic facets, envy is a bidimensional construct composed by an inner-directed dimension of inferiority and helplessness, and an outer-directed dimension of feelings of anger and ill will. Moreover, findings from Study 1 allowed to establish boundaries between envy and competing constructs that have often been included in conceptualizations of envy. The psychometrically validated definition of envy provided by Studies 1 and 2 represents a valuable contribution to empirical research. Implications for envy research concern the promotion of a shared operationalization of envy in future studies, which will arguably facilitate the comparison of findings between studies and between approaches. Study 3 examined the mechanisms through which dispositional envy affects individuals’ social adjustment and psychological wellbeing. Findings revealed that the detrimental effects of envy on perceived social support and subjective well-being are mostly mediated by other personal characteristics, such as neuroticism and self-esteem. By reducing global self-esteem, the envious disposition may damage supportive social networks via antisocial direct and indirect behaviors that may arise from envy and that are likely to drive others away. On the other hand, by damaging both emotional stability and self-worth, dispositional envy leads to reduced subjective well-being. Implications for clinical practice are discussed.
Aerosol particles are strongly related to climate, air quality, visibility and human health issues. They contribute the largest uncertainty in the assessment of the Earth´s radiative budget, directly by scattering or absorbing solar radiation or indirectly by nucleating cloud droplets. The influence of aerosol particles on cloud related climatic effects essentially depends upon their number concentration, size and chemical composition. A major part of submicron aerosol consists of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) that is formed in the atmosphere by the oxidation of volatile organic compounds. SOA can comprise a highly diverse spectrum of compounds that undergo continuous chemical transformations in the atmosphere.rnThe aim of this work was to obtain insights into the complexity of ambient SOA by the application of advanced mass spectrometric techniques. Therefore, an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization ion trap mass spectrometer (APCI-IT-MS) was applied in the field, facilitating the measurement of ions of the intact molecular organic species. Furthermore, the high measurement frequency provided insights into SOA composition and chemical transformation processes on a high temporal resolution. Within different comprehensive field campaigns, online measurements of particular biogenic organic acids were achieved by combining an online aerosol concentrator with the APCI-IT-MS. A holistic picture of the ambient organic aerosol was obtained through the co-located application of other complementary MS techniques, such as aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) or filter sampling for the analysis by liquid chromatography / ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry (LC/UHRMS).rnIn particular, during a summertime field study at the pristine boreal forest station in Hyytiälä, Finland, the partitioning of organic acids between gas and particle phase was quantified, based on the online APCI-IT-MS and AMS measurements. It was found that low volatile compounds reside to a large extent in the gas phase. This observation can be interpreted as a consequence of large aerosol equilibration timescales, which build up due to the continuous production of low volatile compounds in the gas phase and/or a semi-solid phase state of the ambient aerosol. Furthermore, in-situ structural informations of particular compounds were achieved by using the MS/MS mode of the ion trap. The comparison to MS/MS spectra from laboratory generated SOA of specific monoterpene precursors indicated that laboratory SOA barely depicts the complexity of ambient SOA. Moreover, it was shown that the mass spectra of the laboratory SOA more closely resemble the ambient gas phase composition, indicating that the oxidation state of the ambient organic compounds in the particle phase is underestimated by the comparison to laboratory ozonolysis. These observations suggest that the micro-scale processes, such as the chemistry of aerosol aging or the gas-to-particle partitioning, need to be better understood in order to predict SOA concentrations more reliably.rnDuring a field study at the Mt. Kleiner Feldberg, Germany, a slightly different aerosol concentrator / APCI-IT-MS setup made the online analysis of new particle formation possible. During a particular nucleation event, the online mass spectra indicated that organic compounds of approximately 300 Da are main constituents of the bulk aerosol during ambient new particle formation. Co-located filter analysis by LC/UHRMS analysis supported these findings and furthermore allowed to determine the molecular formulas of the involved organic compounds. The unambiguous identification of several oxidized C 15 compounds indicated that oxidation products of sesquiterpenes can be important compounds for the initial formation and subsequent growth of atmospheric nanoparticles.rnThe LC/UHRMS analysis furthermore revealed that considerable amounts of organosulfates and nitrooxy organosulfates were detected on the filter samples. Indeed, it was found that several nitrooxy organosulfate related APCI-IT-MS mass traces were simultaneously enhanced. Concurrent particle phase ion chromatography and AMS measurements indicated a strong bias between inorganic sulfate and total sulfate concentrations, supporting the assumption that substantial amounts of sulfate was bonded to organic molecules.rnFinally, the comprehensive chemical analysis of the aerosol composition was compared to the hygroscopicity parameter kappa, which was derived from cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) measurements. Simultaneously, organic aerosol aging was observed by the evolution of a ratio between a second and a first generation biogenic oxidation product. It was found that this aging proxy positively correlates with increasing hygroscopicity. Moreover, it was observed that the bonding of sulfate to organic molecules leads to a significant reduction of kappa, compared to an internal mixture of the same mass fractions of purely inorganic sulfate and organic molecules. Concluding, it has been shown within this thesis that the application of modern mass spectrometric techniques allows for detailed insights into chemical and physico-chemical processes of atmospheric aerosols.rn
The gas mass fraction and the dynamical state in x-ray luminous clusters of galaxies at low redshift
Gli ammassi di galassie sono le strutture gravitazionalmente legate con le più profonde buche di potenziale, pertanto è previsto che questi contengano una frazione di barioni non molto diversa da quella cosmologica. Con l’introduzione di modelli sempre più accurati di fisica barionica all’interno di simulazioni idrodinamiche è stato possibile predire la percentuale cosmica di barioni presente negli ammassi di galassie. Unendo questi modelli previsionali con misure della frazione di gas in ammassi e informazioni sulla densità di barioni dell’Universo si può ottenere una stima della densità di materia cosmica Ωm. L'obiettivo di questo lavoro di Tesi è la stima di Ωm a partire dalla frazione di gas osservata in questi sistemi. Questo lavoro era stato già fatto in precedenza, ma tenendo in considerazione solo gli ammassi più massivi e dinamicamente rilassati. Usando parametri che caratterizzano la morfologia della distribuzione di brillanza superficiale nei raggi X, abbiamo classificato i nostri oggetti come rilassati o disturbati, laddove presentassero evidenze di recenti attività di interazione. Abbiamo dunque valutato l’impatto degli oggetti disturbati sulla stima del parametro cosmologico Ωm, computando il Chi2 tra la frazione di massa barionica nell’Universo e quella da noi ricavata. Infine abbiamo investigato una relazione tra il valore della frazione di gas degli ammassi rilassati e quello dei disturbati, in modo da correggere quindi questi ultimi, riportandoli nei dintorni del valore medio per i rilassati e usarli per ampliare il campione e porre un vincolo più stringente su Ωm. Anche con il limitato campione a nostra disposizione, è stato possibile porre un vincolo più stretto su Ωm, utilizzando un maggior numero di oggetti e riducendo così l’errore statistico.
Background To assess the criterion and construct validity of the KIDSCREEN-10 well-being and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) score, a short version of the KIDSCREEN-52 and KIDSCREEN-27 instruments. Methods The child self-report and parent report versions of the KIDSCREEN-10 were tested in a sample of 22,830 European children and adolescents aged 8–18 and their parents (n = 16,237). Correlation with the KIDSCREEN-52 and associations with other generic HRQoL measures, physical and mental health, and socioeconomic status were examined. Score differences by age, gender, and country were investigated. Results Correlations between the 10-item KIDSCREEN score and KIDSCREEN-52 scales ranged from r = 0.24 to 0.72 (r = 0.27–0.72) for the self-report version (proxy-report version). Coefficients below r = 0.5 were observed for the KIDSCREEN-52 dimensions Financial Resources and Being Bullied only. Cronbach alpha was 0.82 (0.78), test–retest reliability was ICC = 0.70 (0.67) for the self- (proxy-)report version. Correlations between other children self-completed HRQoL questionnaires and KIDSCREEN-10 ranged from r = 0.43 to r = 0.63 for the KIDSCREEN children self-report and r = 0.22–0.40 for the KIDSCREEN parent proxy report. Known group differences in HRQoL between physically/mentally healthy and ill children were observed in the KIDSCREEN-10 self and proxy scores. Associations with self-reported psychosomatic complaints were r = −0.52 (−0.36) for the KIDSCREEN-10 self-report (proxy-report). Statistically significant differences in KIDSCREEN-10 self and proxy scores were found by socioeconomic status, age, and gender. Conclusions Our results indicate that the KIDSCREEN-10 provides a valid measure of a general HRQoL factor in children and adolescents, but the instrument does not represent well most of the single dimensions of the original KIDSCREEN-52. Test–retest reliability was slightly below a priori defined thresholds.
In addition to general health and pain, sleep is highly relevant to judging the well-being of an individual. Of these three important outcome variables, however, sleep is neglected in most outcome studies.Sleep is a very important resource for recovery from daily stresses and strains, and any alteration of sleep will likely affect mental and physical health, especially during disease. Sleep assessment therefore should be standard in all population-based or clinical studies focusing on the locomotor system. Yet current sleep assessment tools are either too long or too specific for general use.
Systolic right ventricular (RV) function is an important predictor in the course of various congenital and acquired heart diseases. Its practical determination by echocardiography remains challenging. We compared routine assessment of lateral tricuspid annular systolic motion velocity (TV(lat), cm/s) using pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging from the apical 4-chamber view with cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) as reference method.
Introduction Reduced left ventricular function in patients with severe symptomatic valvular aortic stenosis is associated with impaired clinical outcome in patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR). Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) has been shown non-inferior to SAVR in high-risk patients with respect to mortality and may result in faster left ventricular recovery. Methods We investigated clinical outcomes of high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing medical treatment (n = 71) or TAVI (n = 256) stratified by left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in a prospective single center registry. Results Twenty-five patients (35%) among the medical cohort were found to have an LVEF≤30% (mean 26.7±4.1%) and 37 patients (14%) among the TAVI patients (mean 25.2±4.4%). Estimated peri-interventional risk as assessed by logistic EuroSCORE was significantly higher in patients with severely impaired LVEF as compared to patients with LVEF>30% (medical/TAVI 38.5±13.8%/40.6±16.4% versus medical/TAVI 22.5±10.8%/22.1±12.8%, p <0.001). In patients undergoing TAVI, there was no significant difference in the combined endpoint of death, myocardial infarction, major stroke, life-threatening bleeding, major access-site complications, valvular re-intervention, or renal failure at 30 days between the two groups (21.0% versus 27.0%, p = 0.40). After TAVI, patients with LVEF≤30% experienced a rapid improvement in LVEF (from 25±4% to 34±10% at discharge, p = 0.002) associated with improved NYHA functional class at 30 days (decrease ≥1 NYHA class in 95%). During long-term follow-up no difference in survival was observed in patients undergoing TAVI irrespective of baseline LVEF (p = 0.29), whereas there was a significantly higher mortality in medically treated patients with severely reduced LVEF (log rank p = 0.001). Conclusion TAVI in patients with severely reduced left ventricular function may be performed safely and is associated with rapid recovery of systolic left ventricular function and heart failure symptoms.
We evaluated the face, content and construct validity of the novel da Vinci® Skills Simulator™ using the da Vinci Si™ Surgeon Console as the surgeon interface.
Background— The age, creatinine, and ejection fraction (ACEF) score (age/left ventricular ejection fraction+1 if creatinine >2.0 mg/dL) has been established as an effective predictor of clinical outcomes in patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass surgery; however, its utility in “all-comer” patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention is yet unexplored. Methods and Results— The ACEF score was calculated for 1208 of the 1707 patients enrolled in the LEADERS trial. Post hoc analysis was performed by stratifying clinical outcomes at the 1-year follow-up according to ACEF score tertiles: ACEFlow ≤1.0225, 1.0225< ACEFmid ≤1.277, and ACEFhigh >1.277. At 1-year follow-up, there was a significantly lower number of patients with major adverse cardiac event–free survival in the highest tertile of the ACEF score (ACEFlow=92.1%, ACEFmid=89.5%, and ACEFhigh=86.1%; P=0.0218). Cardiac death was less frequent in ACEFlow than in ACEFmid and ACEFhigh (0.7% vs 2.2% vs 4.5%; hazard ratio=2.22, P=0.002) patients. Rates of myocardial infarction were significantly higher in patients with a high ACEF score (6.7% for ACEFhigh vs 5.2% for ACEFmid and 2.5% for ACEFlow; hazard ratio=1.6, P=0.006). Clinically driven target-vessel revascularization also tended to be higher in the ACEFhigh group, but the difference among the 3 groups did not reach statistical significance. The rate of composite definite, possible, and probable stent thrombosis was also higher in the ACEFhigh group (ACEFlow=1.2%, ACEFmid=3.5%, and ACEFhigh=6.2%; hazard ratio=2.04, P<0.001). Conclusions— ACEF score may be a simple way to stratify risk of events in patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention with respect to mortality and risk of myocardial infarction.
Fluctuation phenotyping based on daily fraction of exhaled nitric oxide values in asthmatic children
Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (Feno), a marker of airway inflammation, has been proposed to be useful for asthma management, but conclusions are inconsistent. This might be due to the failure of mean statistics to characterize individual variability in Feno values, which is possibly a better indicator of asthma control than single measurements.