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The research described in this dissertation is comprised of two major parts. The first part studied the effects of asymmetric amphiphilic end groups on the thermo-response of diblock copolymers of (oligo/di(ethylene glycol) methyl ether (meth)acrylates, OEGA/DEGMA) and the hybrid nanoparticles of these copolymers with a gold nanoparticle core. Placing the more hydrophilic end group on the more hydrophilic block significantly increased the cloud point compared to a similar copolymer composition with the end group placement reversed. For a given composition, the cloud point was shifted by as much as 28 °C depending on the placement of end groups. This is a much stronger effect than either changing the hydrophilic/hydrophobic block ratio or replacing the hydrophilic acrylate monomer with the equivalent methacrylate monomer. The temperature range of the coil-globule transition was also altered. Binding these diblock copolymers to a gold core decreased the cloud point by 5-15 °C and narrowed the temperature range of the coil-globule transition. The effects were more pronounced when the gold core was bound to the less hydrophilic block. Given the limited numbers of monomers that are approved safe for in vivo use, employing amphiphilic end group placement is a useful tool to tune a thermo-response without otherwise changing the copolymer composition. The second part of the dissertation investigated the production of value-added nanomaterials from two biorefinery “wastes”: lignin and peptidoglycan. Different solvents and spinning methods (melt-, wet-, and electro-spinning) were tested to make lignin/cellulose blended and carbonized fibers. Only electro-spinning yielded fibers having a small enough diameter for efficient carbonization ( Peptidoglycan (a bacterial cell wall material) was copolymerized with poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate), a common polyhydroxyalkanoate produced by bacteria with the objective of determining if a useful material could be obtained with a less rigorous work-up on harvesting polyhydroxyalkanoates. The copolyesteramide product having 25 wt.% peptidoglycan from a highly purified peptidoglycan increased thermal stability by 100-200 °C compared to the poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate) control, while a less pure peptidoglycan, harvested from B. megaterium (ATCC 11561), gave a 25-50 °C increase in thermal stability. Both copolymers absorbed more moisture than pure poly-(3-hydroxybutyrate). The results suggest that a less rigorously harvested and purified polyhydroxyalkanoate might be useful for some applications.


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This article provides an overview on procedure-related issues and uncertainties in outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The different access sites and how to select them in an individual patient are discussed. Also, the occurrence and potential predictors of aortic regurgitation (AR) after TAVI are addressed. The different methods to quantify AR are reviewed, and it appears that accurate and reproducible quantification is suboptimal. Complications such as prosthesis-patient mismatch and conduction abnormalities (and need for permanent pacemaker) are discussed, as well as cerebrovascular events, which emphasize the development of optimal anti-coagulative strategies. Finally, recent registries have shown the adoption of TAVI in the real world, but longer follow-up studies are needed to evaluate the outcome (but also prosthesis durability). Additionally, future studies are briefly discussed, which will address the use of TAVI in pure AR and lower-risk patients.


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This bipartite comparative study aims at inspecting the similarities and differences between the Jones and Stokes–Mueller formalisms when modeling polarized light propagation with numerical simulations of the Monte Carlo type. In this first part, we review the theoretical concepts that concern light propagation and detection with both pure and partially/totally unpolarized states. The latter case involving fluctuations, or “depolarizing effects,” is of special interest here: Jones and Stokes–Mueller are equally apt to model such effects and are expected to yield identical results. In a second, ensuing paper, empirical evidence is provided by means of numerical experiments, using both formalisms.


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In this second part of our comparative study inspecting the (dis)similarities between “Stokes” and “Jones,” we present simulation results yielded by two independent Monte Carlo programs: (i) one developed in Bern with the Jones formalism and (ii) the other implemented in Ulm with the Stokes notation. The simulated polarimetric experiments involve suspensions of polystyrene spheres with varying size. Reflection and refraction at the sample/air interfaces are also considered. Both programs yield identical results when propagating pure polarization states, yet, with unpolarized illumination, second order statistical differences appear, thereby highlighting the pre-averaged nature of the Stokes parameters. This study serves as a validation for both programs and clarifies the misleading belief according to which “Jones cannot treat depolarizing effects.”


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GaN and InGaN nanocolumns of various compositions are studied by room-temperature photoluminescence (PL) under different ambient conditions. GaN nanocolumns exhibit a reversible quenching upon exposure to air under constant UV excitation, following a t−1/2 time dependence and resulting in a total reduction of intensity by 85–90%, as compared to PL measured in vacuum, with no spectral change. This effect is not observed when exposing the samples to pure nitrogen. We attribute this effect to photoabsorption and photodesorption of oxygen that modifies the surface potential bending. InGaN nanocolumns, under the same experimental conditions do not show the same quenching features: The high-energy part of the broad PL line is not modified by exposure to air, whereas a lower-energy part, which does quench by 80–90%, can now be distinguished. We discuss the different behaviors in terms of carrier localization and possible composition or strain gradients in the InGaN nanocolumns.


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The mechanical behavior of three tungsten (W) alloys with vanadium (V) and lanthana (La2O3) additions (W–4%V, W–1%La2O3, W–4%V–1%La2O3) processed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) have been compared with pure-W to analyze the influence of the dopants. Mechanical characterization was performed by three point bending (TPB) tests in an oxidizing air atmosphere and temperature range between 77 (immersion tests in liquid nitrogen) and 1273 K, through which the fracture toughness, flexural strength, and yield strength as function of temperature were obtained. Results show that the V and La2O3 additions improve the mechanical properties and oxidation behavior, respectively. Furthermore, a synergistic effect of both dopants results in an extraordinary increase of the flexure strength, fracture toughness and resistance to oxidation compared to pure-W, especially at higher temperatures. In addition, a new experimental method was developed to obtain a very small notch tip radius (around 5–7 μm) and much more similar to a crack through the use of a new machined notch. The fracture toughness results were lower than those obtained with traditional machining of the notch, which can be explained with electron microscopy, observations of deformation in the rear part of the notch tip. Finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of the microstructure and fracture surfaces was used to determine and analyze the relationship between the macroscopic mechanical properties and the micromechanisms of failure involved, depending on the temperature and the dispersion of the alloy.


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La presente memoria de tesis tiene como objetivo principal la caracterización mecánica en función de la temperatura de nueve aleaciones de wolframio con contenidos diferentes en titanio, vanadio, itria y lantana. Las aleaciones estudiadas son las siguientes: W-0.5%Y2O3, W-2%Ti, W-2% Ti-0.5% Y2O3, W-4% Ti-0.5% Y2O3, W-2%V, W- 2%Vmix, W-4%V, W-1%La2O3 and W-4%V-1%La2O3. Todos ellos, además del wolframio puro se fabrican mediante compresión isostática en caliente (HIP) y son suministradas por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. La investigación se desarrolla a través de un estudio sistemático basado en ensayos físicos y mecánicos, así como el análisis post mortem de las muestras ensayadas. Para realizar dicha caracterización mecánica se aplican diferentes ensayos mecánicos, la mayoría de ellos realizados en el intervalo de temperatura de 25 a 1000 º C. Los ensayos de caracterización que se llevan a cabo son: • Densidad • Dureza Vicker • Módulo de elasticidad y su evolución con la temperatura • Límite elástico o resistencia a la flexión máxima, y su evolución con la temperatura • Resistencia a la fractura y su comportamiento con la temperatura. • Análisis microestructural • Análisis fractográfico • Análisis de la relación microestructura-comportamiento macroscópico. El estudio comienza con una introducción acerca de los sistemas en los que estos materiales son candidatos para su aplicación, para comprender las condiciones a las que los materiales serán expuestos. En este caso, el componente que determina las condiciones es el Divertor del reactor de energía de fusión por confinamiento magnético. Parece obvio que su uso en los componentes del reactor de fusión, más exactamente como materiales de cara al plasma (Plasma Facing Components o PFC), hace que estas aleaciones trabajen bajo condiciones de irradiación de neutrones. Además, el hecho de que sean materiales nuevos hace necesario un estudio previo de las características básicas que garantice los requisitos mínimos antes de realizar un estudio más complejo. Esto constituye la principal motivación de la presente investigación. La actual crisis energética ha llevado a aunar esfuerzos en el desarrollo de nuevos materiales, técnicas y dispositivos para la aplicación en la industria de la energía nuclear. El desarrollo de las técnicas de producción de aleaciones de wolframio, con un punto de fusión muy alto, requiere el uso de precursores de sinterizado para lograr densificaciones más altas y por lo tanto mejores propiedades mecánicas. Este es el propósito de la adición de titanio y vanadio en estas aleaciones. Sin embargo, uno de los principales problemas de la utilización de wolframio como material estructural es su alta temperatura de transición dúctil-frágil. Esta temperatura es característica de materiales metálicos con estructura cúbica centrada en el cuerpo y depende de varios factores metalúrgicos. El proceso de recristalización aumenta esta temperatura de transición. Los PFC tienen temperaturas muy altas de servicio, lo que facilita la recristalización del metal. Con el fin de retrasar este proceso, se dispersan partículas insolubles en el material permitiendo temperaturas de servicio más altas. Hasta ahora se ha utilizado óxidos de torio, lantano e itrio como partículas dispersas. Para entender cómo los contenidos en algunos elementos y partículas de óxido afectan a las propiedades de wolframio se estudian las aleaciones binarias de wolframio en comparación con el wolframio puro. A su vez estas aleaciones binarias se utilizan como material de referencia para entender el comportamiento de las aleaciones ternarias. Dada la estrecha relación entre las propiedades del material, la estructura y proceso de fabricación, el estudio se completa con un análisis fractográfico y micrográfico. El análisis fractográfico puede mostrar los mecanismos que están implicados en el proceso de fractura del material. Por otro lado, el estudio micrográfico ayudará a entender este comportamiento a través de la identificación de las posibles fases presentes. La medida del tamaño de grano es una parte de la caracterización microestructural. En esta investigación, la medida del tamaño de grano se llevó a cabo por ataque químico selectivo para revelar el límite de grano en las muestras preparadas. Posteriormente las micrografías fueron sometidas a tratamiento y análisis de imágenes. El documento termina con una discusión de los resultados y la compilación de las conclusiones más importantes que se alcanzan después del estudio. Actualmente, el desarrollo de nuevos materiales para aplicación en los componentes de cara al plasma continúa. El estudio de estos materiales ayudará a completar una base de datos de características que permita hacer una selección de ellos más fiable. The main goal of this dissertation is the mechanical characterization as a function of temperature of nine tungsten alloys containing different amounts of titanium, vanadium and yttrium and lanthanum oxide. The alloys under study were the following ones: W-0.5%Y2O3, W-2%Ti, W-2% Ti-0.5% Y2O3, W-4% Ti-0.5% Y2O3, W-2%V, W- 2%Vmix, W-4%V, W-1%La2O3 and W-4%V-1%La2O3. All of them, besides pure tungsten, were manufactured using a Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) process and they were supplied by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. The research was carried out through a systematic study based on physical and mechanical tests as well as the post mortem analysis of tested samples. Diverse mechanical tests were applied to perform this characterization; most of them were conducted at temperatures in the range 25-1000 ºC. The following characterization tests were performed: • Density • Vickers hardness • Elastic modulus • Yield strength or ultimate bending strength, and their evolution with temperature • Fracture toughness and its temperature behavior • Microstructural analysis • Fractographical analysis • Microstructure-macroscopic relationship analysis This study begins with an introduction regarding the systems where these materials could be applied, in order to establish and understand their service conditions. In this case, the component that defines the conditions is the Divertor of magnetic-confinement fusion reactors. It seems obvious that their use as fusion reactor components, more exactly as plasma facing components (PFCs), makes these alloys work under conditions of neutron irradiation. In addition to this, the fact that they are novel materials demands a preliminary study of the basic characteristics which will guarantee their minimum requirements prior to a more complex study. This constitutes the motivation of the present research. The current energy crisis has driven to join forces so as to develop new materials, techniques and devices for their application in the nuclear energy industry. The development of production techniques for tungsten-based alloys, with a very high melting point, requires the use of precursors for sintering to achieve higher densifications and, accordingly, better mechanical properties. This is the purpose of the addition of titanium and vanadium to these alloys. Nevertheless, one of the main problems of using tungsten as structural material is its high ductile-brittle transition temperature. This temperature is characteristic of metallic materials with body centered cubic structure and depends on several metallurgical factors. The recrystallization process increases their transition temperature. Since PFCs have a very high service temperature, this facilitates the metal recrystallization. In order to inhibit this process, insoluble particles are dispersed in the material allowing higher service temperatures. So far, oxides of thorium, lanthanum and yttrium have been used as dispersed particles. Tungsten binary alloys are studied in comparison with pure tungsten to understand how the contents of some elements and oxide particles affect tungsten properties. In turn, these binary alloys are used as reference materials to understand the behavior of ternary alloys. Given the close relationship between the material properties, structure and manufacturing process, this research is completed with a fractographical and micrographic analysis. The fractographical analysis is aimed to show the mechanisms that are involved in the process of the material fracture. Besides, the micrographic study will help to understand this behavior through the identification of present phases. The grain size measurement is a crucial part of the microstructural characterization. In this work, the measurement of grain size was carried out by chemical selective etching to reveal the boundary grain on prepared samples. Afterwards, micrographs were subjected to both treatment and image analysis. The dissertation ends with a discussion of results and the compilation of the most important conclusions reached through this work. The development of new materials for plasma facing components application is still under study. The analysis of these materials will help to complete a database of the features that will allow a more reliable materials selection.


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En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo un estudio basado en datos obtenidos experimentalmente mediante el ensayo a flexión de vigas de madera de pino silvestre reforzadas con materiales compuestos. Las fibras que componen los tejidos utilizados para la ejecución de los refuerzos son de basalto y de carbono. En el caso de los compuestos de fibra de basalto se aplican en distintos gramajes, y los de carbono en tejido unidireccional y bidireccional. El material compuesto se realizó in situ, simultáneamente a la ejecución del refuerzo. Se aplicaron en una y en dos capas, según el caso, y la forma de colocación fue en ?U?, adhiriéndose al canto inferior y a las caras laterales de la viga mediante resina o mortero epoxi. Se analiza el comportamiento de las vigas según las variables de refuerzo aplicadas y se comparan con los resultados de vigas ensayadas sin reforzar. Con este trabajo queda demostrado el buen funcionamiento del FRP de fibra de basalto aplicado en el refuerzo de vigas de madera y de los tejidos de carbono bidireccionales con respecto a los unidireccionales.


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The paper reports on a collaborative effort between the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) and their consultants Principia and Stangenberg. As part of the IMPACT III project, reduced scale impact tests of reinforced concrete structures were carried out. The simulation of test X3 is presented here and the numerical results are compared with those obtained in the test, carried out in August 2013. The general object is to improve the safety of nuclear facilities and, more specifically, to demonstrate the capabilities of current simulation techniques to reproduce the behaviour of a reinforced concrete structure impacted by a soft missile. The missile is a steel tube with a mass of 50 kg and travelling at 140 m/s. The target is a 250 mm thick, 2,1 m by 2,1 m reinforced concrete wall, held in a stiff supporting frame. The reinforcement includes both longitudinal and transverse rebars. Calculations were carried out before and after the test with Abaqus (Principia) and SOFiSTiK (Stangenberg). In the Abaqus simulation the concrete is modelled using solid elements and a damaged plasticity formulation, the rebars with embedded beam elements, and the missile with shell elements. In SOFiSTiK the target is modelled with non-linear, layered shell elements for the reinforcement on both sides; non-linear shear deformations of shell/plate elements are approximately included. The results generally indicate a good agreement between calculations and measurements.


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Interactions among transcription factors that bind to separate sequence elements require bending of the intervening DNA and juxtaposition of interacting molecular surfaces in an appropriate orientation. Here, we examine the effects of single amino acid substitutions adjacent to the basic regions of Fos and Jun as well as changes in sequences flanking the AP-1 site on DNA bending. Substitution of charged amino acid residues at positions adjacent to the basic DNA-binding domains of Fos and Jun altered DNA bending. The change in DNA bending was directly proportional to the change in net charge for all heterodimeric combinations between these proteins. Fos and Jun induced distinct DNA bends at different binding sites. Exchange of a single base pair outside of the region contacted in the x-ray crystal structure altered DNA bending. Substitution of base pairs flanking the AP-1 site had converse effects on the opposite directions of DNA bending induced by homodimers and heterodimers. These results suggest that Fos and Jun induce DNA bending in part through electrostatic interactions between amino acid residues adjacent to the basic region and base pairs flanking the AP-1 site. DNA bending by Fos and Jun at inverted binding sites indicated that heterodimers bind to the AP-1 site in a preferred orientation. Mutation of a conserved arginine within the basic regions of Fos and transversion of the central C:G base pair in the AP-1 site to G:C had complementary effects on the orientation of heterodimer binding and DNA bending. The conformational variability of the Fos–Jun–AP-1 complex may contribute to its functional versatility at different promoters.


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This thesis examines experimentally and theoretically the behaviour and ultimate strength of rectangular reinforced concrete members under combined torsion, shear and bending. The experimental investigation consists of the test results of 38 longitudinally and transversely reinforced concrete beams subjected to combined loads, ten beams of which were tested under pure torsion and self-weight. The behaviour of each test beam from application of the first increment of load until failure is presented. The effects of concrete strength, spacing of the stirrups, the amount of longitudinal steel and the breadth of the section on the ultimate torsional capacity are investigated. Based on the skew-bending mechanism, compatibility, and linear stress-strain relationship for the concrete and the steel, simple rational equations are derived for the three principal modes of failure for the following four types of failure observed in the tests: TYPE I Yielding the reinforcement, at failure, before crushing the concrete. TYPE II Yielding of the web steel only, at failure, before crushing the concrete. TYPE III Yielding of the longitudinal steel only, at failure, before crushing the concrete. TYPE IV Crushing of the concrete, at failure, before yielding of any of the reinforcement.


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Reported in this thesis are test results of 37 eccentrically prestressed beams with stirrups. Single variable parameters were investigated including the prestressing force, the prestressing steel area, the concrete strength, the aspect ratio h/b and the stirrups size and spacing. Interaction of bending, torsion and shear was also investigated by testing a series of beams subjected to varying bending/torsional moment ratios. For the torsional strength an empirical expression of linear format is proposed and can be rearranged in a non-dimensional interaction form: T/To+V/Vo+M/Mo+Ps/Po+Fs/Fo=Pc2/Fsp. This formula which is based on an average experimental steel stress lower than the yield point is compared with 243 prestressed beams containing ' stirrups, including the author's test beams, and good agreement is obtained. For the theoretical analysis of the problem of torsion combined with bending and shear in concrete beams with stirrups, the method of torque-friction is proposed and developed using an average steel stress. A general linear interaction equation for combined torsion with bending and/or shear is proposed in the following format: (fi) T/Tu=1 where (fi) is a combined loading factor to modify the pure ultimate strength for differing cases of torsion with bending and/or shear. From the analysis of 282 reinforced and prestressed concrete beams containing stirrups, including the present investigation, good agreement is obtained between the method and the test results. It is concluded that the proposed method provides a rational and simple basis for predicting the ultimate torisional strength and may also be developed for design purposes.


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Silicone elastomers are commonly used in the manufacture of single-piece joint replacement implants for the finger joints. However, the survivorship of these implants can be poor, with failure typically occurring from fracture of the stems. The aim of this paper was to investigate the crack growth of medical-grade silicone using pure shear tests. Two medical-grade silicones (C6-180 and Med82-5010-80) were tested. Each sample had a 20 mm crack introduced and was subjected to a sinusoidally varying tensile strain, with a minimum of 0 per cent and a maximum in the range 10 to 77 per cent. Testing was undertaken at a frequency of 10 Hz. At various times during testing, the testing machine was stopped, the number of cycles completed was noted, and the crack length measured. Graphs of crack length against number of cycles were plotted, as well as the crack growth rate against tearing energy. The results show that Med82-5010-80 is more crack resistant than C6-180. Graphs of crack growth rate against tearing energy can be used to predict the failure of these medical-grade elastomers.


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In this work, we investigate the impact of minute amounts of pure nitrogen addition into conventional methane/hydrogen mixtures on the growth characteristics of nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films by microwave plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition (MPCVD), under high power conditions. The NCD films were produced from a gas mixture of 4% CH4/H2 with two different concentrations of N2 additive and microwave power ranging from 3.0 kW to 4.0 kW, while keeping all the other operating parameters constant. The morphology, grain size, microstructure and texture of the resulting NCD films were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (SEM), micro-Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. N2 addition was found to be the main parameter responsible for the formation and for the key change in the growth characteristics of NCD films under the employed conditions. Growth rates ranging from 5.4 μm/h up to 9.6 μm/h were achieved for the NCD films, much higher than those usually reported in the literature. The enhancing factor of nitrogen addition on NCD growth rate was obtained by comparing with the growth rate of large-grained microcrystalline diamond films grown without nitrogen and discussed by comparing with that of single crystal diamond through theoretical work in the literature. This achievement on NCD growth rate makes the technology interesting for industrial applications where fast coating of large substrates is highly desirable.


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One of the many promising applications of metal/ceramic joining is in biomedical implantable devices. This work is focused on vacuum brazing of C.P titanium to 96% alumina ceramic using pure gold as the filler metal. A novel method of brazing is developed where resistance heating of C.P titanium is done inside a thermal evaporator using a Ta heating electrode. The design of electrode is optimized using Ansys resistive heating simulations. The materials chosen in this study are biocompatible and have prior history in implantable devices approved by FDA. This research is part of Boston Retinal implant project to make a biocompatible implantable device (www.bostonretina.org). ^ Pure gold braze has been used in the construction of single terminal feedthrough in low density hermetic packages utilizing a single platinum pin brazed to an alumina or sapphire ceramic donut (brazed to a titanium case or ferrule for many years in implantable pacemakers. Pure gold (99.99%) brazing of 96% alumina ceramic with CP titanium has been performed and evaluated in this dissertation. Brazing has been done by using electrical resistance heating. The 96% alumina ceramic disk was manufactured by high temperature cofired ceramic (HTCC) processing while the Ti ferrule and gold performs were purchased from outside. Hermetic joints having leak rate of the order of 1.6 × 10-8 atm-cc/ sec on a helium leak detector were measured. ^ Alumina ceramics made by HTCC processing were centreless grounded utilizing 800 grit diamond wheel to provide a smooth surface for sputtering of a thin film of Nb. Since pure alumina demonstrates no adhesion or wetting to gold, an adhesion layer must be used on the alumina surface. Niobium (Nb), Tantalum (Ta) and Tungsten (W) were chosen for evaluation since all are refractory (less dissolution into molten gold), all form stable oxides (necessary for adhesion to alumina) and all are readily thin film deposited as metals. Wetting studies are also performed to determine the wetting angle of pure gold to Ti, Ta, Nb and W substrates. Nano tribological scratch testing of thin film of Nb (which demonstrated the best wetting properties towards gold) on polished 96% alumina ceramic is performed to determine the adhesion strength of thin film to the substrate. The wetting studies also determined the thickness of the intermetallic compounds layers formed between Ti and gold, reaction microstructure and the dissolution of the metal into the molten gold.^