383 resultados para mould


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Der Gemeine Ohrwurm (Forficula auricularia LINNAEUS 1758) wurde bisher im Weinbau als natürlicher Gegenspieler verschiedener Rebschädlinge zu den Nützlingen gezählt. Etwa seit 2005 verursacht er aufgrund stark ansteigender Populationsdichten Schäden in pfälzischen Rebanlagen. Ohrwürmer halten sich massenhaft in den Trauben auf. Zusammen mit ihren Exkrementen geraten sie bei der Lese in großer Zahl ins Erntegut. Die Tiere werden von der weinbaulichen Praxis als sehr störend und qualitätsmindernd empfunden und ihre Einstufung als Nützling kritisch gesehen. Aufgrund dieser Problematik wurde im Mai 2007 ein durch den Forschungsring des Deutschen Weinbaus (FDW) finanziertes Forschungsprojekt am Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum Rheinpfalz in Neustadt an der Weinstraße begonnen. Bis 2010 wurden offene Fragen zur Erfassung und Populationsbiologie des Gemeinen Ohrwurms in Rebanlagen bearbeitet, die von ihm verursachten Schäden beschrieben und Strategien zu seiner Befallsregulation entwickelt. Am Boden aktive Ohrwürmer wurden mit Bodenfallen nach BARBER (1931) aufgenommen. In der Laubwand des Rebstockes wurden die Ohrwürmer mit eigens konzipierten Bambusfallen erfasst. F. auricularia ist in pfälzischen Rebanlagen die dominierende Ohrwurm-Art. Im Projektverlauf wurde der univoltine Entwicklungszyklus des Gemeinen Ohrwurms in pfälzischen Rebanlagen vollständig aufgeklärt. In der Vegetationsperiode beeinflussten die Intensität der Bodenbewirtschaftung mit der resultierenden Flächenbegrünung, die Bodenart, die Lufttemperatur, die Luftfeuchtigkeit und die Niederschlagsmenge die Befallsdichten am Rebstock signifikant. Der Ohrwurm-Befall in den Trauben war signifikant von der Kompaktheit und vom Gewicht der Trauben sowie dem Fäulnisanteil pro Traube und von eingewachsenen Rebblättern in den Trauben abhängig. Das Überwinterungs- und Brutverhalten wurde durch die Art und Weise der Bodenbewirtschaftung beeinflusst beziehungsweise gestört.rnLabor- und Freilandversuche haben gezeigt, dass F. auricularia Pilzpathogene wie die Graufäule (Botrytis cinerea PERSOON 1794) und den Pinselschimmel (Penicillium crustosum THOM 1930) auf gesunde Trauben überträgt. Ferner haben Fraßversuche ergeben, dass der Ohrwurm nur faule und vorgeschädigte Beeren anfressen kann und keine intakten Beeren verletzt. Durch analytische und sensorische Untersuchungen wurde festgestellt, dass Ohrwurm-Kot sensorische Fehltöne im Wein verursachen kann. Diese werden durch das im Kot enthaltene 2-Methyl-1,4-benzochinon hervorgerufen, das eine Komponente des arteigenen Abwehrsekrets ist. Da sich der Ohrwurm jahreszeitlich bedingt entweder im Boden oder am Rebstock aufhält, wurden befallsregulierende Maßnahmen im Boden- und Laubwandbereich der Rebanlage durchgeführt. Durch Tiefengrubbern mit Umbruch der Begrünung im Herbst und Frühjahr wurden die überwinternden Imagines und die Gelege geschädigt, so dass in der darauf folgenden Vegetationsperiode die Befallsdichten in der Laubwand geringfügig aber nicht signifikant abnahmen. Die während der Aufwanderungsphase der Ohrwürmer Ende Juni durchgeführte mechanische Störung der Begrünung reduzierte den Ohrwurm-Befall am Rebstock bis zu drei Wochen nach der Maßnahme signifikant. In der Laubwand der Rebstöcke wurden die Befallsdichten durch die Insektizide SpinTor (Wirkstoff Spinosad: 0,01%) und Steward® (Wirkstoff Indoxacarb: 0,0125 %) sowie sekundär durch partielles Entblättern der Laubwand dauerhaft bis zur Traubenlese reduziert. rn


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In recent years the hot water treatment (HW) represents an effective and safe approach for managing postharvest decay. This study reported the effect of an HW (60°C for 60 s and 45°C for 10 min) on brown rot and blue mould respectively. Peaches was found more thermotolerant compared to apple fruit, otherwise Penicillium expansum was more resistant to heat with respect to Monilinia spp. In semi-commercial and commercial trials, the inhibition of brown rot in naturally infected peaches was higher than 78% after 6 days at 0°C and 3 days at 20°C. Moreover, in laboratory trials a 100% disease incidence reduction was obtained by treating artificially infected peaches at 6-12 h after inoculation revealing a curative effect of HW. The expression levels of some genes were evaluated by qRT-PCR. Specifically, the cell wall genes (β-GAL, PL, PG, PME) showed a general decrease of expression level whereas PAL, CHI, HSP70 and ROS-scavenging genes were induced in treated peaches compared to the control ones. Contrarily, HW applied on artificially infected fruit before the inoculum was found to increase brown rot susceptibility. This aspect might be due to an increase of fruit VOCs emission as revealed by PTR-ToF-MS analysis. In addition a microarray experiment was conducted to analyze molecular mechanisms underneath the apple response to heat. Our results showed a largest amount of induced Heat shock proteins (HSPs), Heat shock cognate proteins (HSCs), Heat shock transcription factors (HSTFs) genes found at 1 and 4 hours from the treatment. Those genes required for the thermotolerance process could be involved in induced resistance response. The hypothesis was confirmed by 30% of blue mold disease reduction in artificially inoculated apple after 1 and 4 hours from the treatment. In order to improve peaches quality and disease management during storage, an innovative tool was also used: Da-meter.


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While a paediatric dosage has not been defined, posaconazole is occasionally being used in children. We conducted a multicentre retrospective survey and identified 15 patients (median age 10 years [range 3.6-17.5]) who received posaconazole salvage therapy for proven (9 patients) or probable (6 patients) invasive fungal infections. Posaconazole was administered for a median of 32 days (range 4-262) at a median dosage of 21 mg/kg (range 4.8-33.3). None of the patients discontinued therapy due to adverse events, which were mostly mild and observed in 11 patients. Complete or partial responses were observed in 4/7 patients with zygomycosis, 3/4 patients with invasive mould infection, 1/2 patients with invasive aspergillosis and 1/2 patients with chronic disseminated candidiasis. We conclude from the data that posaconazole displays favourable safety and tolerance and may be useful for management of individual paediatric patients with invasive infections.


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We report a series of 16 consecutive total knee arthroplasty (TKA) revision procedures for deep infection, treated with a newly developed intraoperatively moulded PMMA cement-prostheses-like spacer (CPLS). The standard treatment consisted of a two-stage protocol with initial explantation of the infected components combined with radical debridement, followed by implantation of a temporary cement spacer and final reimplantation of a new TKA. A sterilizeable Teflon tapered aluminium mould was developed for production of a custom made CPLS during the intervention. Stable implantation of the CPLS was achieved with a second cementation, allowing for correct alignment and ligament balancing. The spacer remained 3.5 months on average until reimplantation of a TKA occurred. At time of reimplantation, patients had an average KSS score of 84.44 points with an average flexion capacity of 102°. There was no recurrent infection during the study period of minimum 2 years. With this new technique, a low friction articulation with good stability, high comfort and a better range of motion compared to handcrafted spacers was achieved. The use of this spacer is a time sparing, cheap and convenient option in 2-stage TKA revision.


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The clinical signs, pathological and laboratory findings of cattle suffering from a tremorgenic syndrome are described. Animals on a farm with a total of 22 cows, 18 heifers and 9 calves were fed mouldy grass and spent malt-grain silage. Five heifers were affected with muscular tremor, hyperexcitability and hypersensitivity. They were ataxic or in sternal recumbency, while their appetite remained normal. Haematology and blood chemistry in two heifers as well as cerebrospinal fluid from one sick animal were unremarkable. The pathological examination of one animal brought no macroscopic changes to light. Histological examination, however, revealed the degeneration of motor neurones in the midbrain, brain stem and spinal cord. Analysis of a silage sample provided evidence of the presence of Aspergillus clavatus, a mould capable of producing neurotoxic tremorgenic mycotoxins. Epidemiology, clinical findings, pathology and microbiological examination suggest that the five cattle were suffering from neuromycotoxicosis.


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Equine recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a chronic lower airway disease of the horse caused by hypersensitivity reactions to inhaled stable dust, including mould spores such as Aspergillus fumigatus. The goals of this study were to investigate whether total serum IgE levels and allergen-specific IgE and IgG subclasses are influenced by genetic factors and/or RAO and whether quantitative trait loci (QTL) could be identified for these parameters. The offspring of two RAO-affected sires (S1: n=56 and S2: n=65) were grouped by stallion and disease status, and total serum IgE levels and specific IgE, IgGa, IgGb and IgG(T) levels against recombinant Aspergillus fumigatus 7 (rAspf7) were measured by ELISA. A panel of 315 microsatellite markers covering the 31 equine autosomes were used to genotype the stallions and their offspring. A whole-genome scan using half-sib regression interval mapping was performed for each of the IgG and IgE subclasses. There was no significant effect of disease status or sire on total IgE levels, but there was a significant effect of gender and age. rAspf7-specific IgGa levels were significantly higher in RAO-affected than in healthy horses. The offspring of S1 had significantly higher rAspf7-specific IgGa and IgE levels than those of S2. Five QTLs were significant chromosome-wide (P<0.01). QTLs for rAspf7-specific IgGa and IgE were identified on ECA 1, for rAspf7-specific IgGa and IgGb on ECA 24 and for rAspf7 IgGa on ECA 26. These results provide evidence for effects of disease status and genetics on allergen-specific IgGa and IgE.


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A fattening pig with enlarged head and abdominal lymph nodes was examined. An aspirate of the abscesses did not produce a conclusive diagnosis. Only an excision with subsequent histological and bacteriological examination showed the mould Mycocladus corymbiferus (syn. Absidia corymbifera) to be present. Similar abscesses should be examined as actinomycosis and leucosis are the main differential diagnoses.


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Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a common condition in stabled horses characterized by small airway inflammation, airway neutrophilia and obstruction following exposure of susceptible horses to mouldy hay and straw and is thus regarded as a hypersensitivity reaction to mould spores. However, the role of immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE) in the pathogenesis of RAO is unclear. We hypothesized that the number of cells with receptor-bound IgE in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and IgE levels in serum would be higher in RAO-affected than in healthy horses living in the same environment. Therefore, IgE-positive (+) cells were identified by immunocytochemistry on cytospins from BALF and counted. IgE levels against the mould extracts Aspergillus fumigatus (Asp. f.) and Alternaria alternata (Alt. a.) and the recombinant mould allergen Aspergillus fumigatus 8 (rAsp f 8) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in the sera of seven RAO-affected and 22 clinically healthy mature horses housed in the same conventional stable environment. After correcting for the number of neutrophils, there were no significant differences in IgE+ cells on cytospins from BALF between both groups of horses (5% versus 7%, P > 0.1). Serum IgE levels against the mould extracts were significantly higher in RAO-affected than in clinically healthy horses [median = 119 versus 66 relative ELISA units (REU), P < 0.05]. Furthermore, significantly more RAO-affected than healthy horses had detectable serum IgE against the recombinant allergen rAsp f 8 (4/7 and 3/22, respectively, P < 0.05). Age had no significant effect on BALF cell ratios or on specific serum IgE levels. These results show that high IgE levels against mould antigens are associated with RAO under controlled environmental conditions but ranges of mould-specific serum IgE levels overlapped too much between diseased and clinically healthy animals to be of any diagnostic value. Further studies are needed to assess whether IgE-mediated reactions contribute to the pathogenesis of RAO.


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Einige mit geringen Schichtstärken arbeitende Concept Modellierer und Rapid Prototyping Anlagen können Modelle für das Feingießverfahren mit verlorenem Modell erzeugen. Verkörpern die verlorenen Modelle die Geometrie von Formeinsätzen für Spritzgießwerkzeuge, können über den Feinguss Formeinsätze aus Aluminium hergestellt werden. Untersuchungen zielten dabei auf die detailgetreue Umsetzung filigraner Teile mit Freiformgeometrien. Kleine Abmessungen im Grenzbereich zwischen klassischem Formenbau und Mikrofertigung wurden dabei realisiert. Das Fräsen dieser Formeinsätze oder Elektroden ist zum Teil nicht möglich oder führt zu erhöhtem Aufwand. Gleichzeitig konnten sehr kurze Durchlaufzeiten erreicht werden. Auf demselben Weg konnten auch Senkerodierelektroden gegossen werden, die beim Aufbau von Werkzeugen höherer Lebensdauer genutzt wurden. Werden unterschiedliche Varianten oder mehrere identische Einsätze oder Elektroden zum Beispiel für Mehrfachwerkzeuge benötigt, werden die Zeitvorteile noch deutlicher. Die Funktion beider dargestellter Wege konnte durch den Spritzguss von Versuchsserien erfolgreich demonstriert werden.


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Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) is a common condition in stabled horses characterised by small airway inflammation, airway neutrophilia and obstruction following exposure of susceptible horses to mouldy hay and straw and is thus regarded as a hypersensitivity reaction to mould spores. However, the role of IgE-mediated reactions in RAO remains unclear. The aim of the study was to investigate with a serological IgE ELISA test (Allercept), an in vitro sulfidoleukotriene (sLT) release assay (CAST) and with intradermal testing (IDT) whether serum IgE and IgE-mediated reactions against various mould, mite and pollen extracts are associated with RAO. IDT reactions were evaluated at different times in order to detect IgE-mediated immediate type reactions (type I hypersensitivity reactions, 0.5-1 h), immune complex-mediated late type reactions (type III reactions, 4-10 h) and cell-mediated delayed type reactions (type IV hypersensitivity reactions 24-48 h). In the serological test, overall the control horses displayed more positive reactions than the RAO-affected horses but the difference was not significant. Comparison of the measured IgE levels showed that the RAO-affected horses had slightly higher IgE levels against Aspergillus fumigatus than controls (35 and 16 AU, respectively, p<0.05), but all values were below the cut off (150 AU) of the test. In the sLT release assay, seven positive reactions were observed in the RAO-affected horses and four in the controls but this difference was not significant. A significantly higher proportion of late type IDT reactions was observed in RAO-affected horses compared to controls (25 of 238 possible reactions versus 12 of 238 possible reactions, respectively, p<0.05). Interestingly, four RAO-affected but none of the control horses reacted with the recombinant mould allergen A. fumigatus 8 (rAsp f 8, p<0.05), but only late phase and delayed type reactions were observed. In all three tests the majority of the positive reactions was observed with the mite extracts (64%, 74% and 88% of all positive reactions, respectively) but none of the tests showed a significant difference between RAO-affected and control animals. Our findings do not support that IgE-mediated reactions are important in the pathogenesis of RAO. Further studies are needed to investigate whether sensitisation to mite allergens is of clinical relevance in the horse and to understand the role of immune reactions against rAsp f 8.


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Poly(ɛ)caprolactone scaffolds have been electrospun directly into an auricular shaped conductive mould. Bovine chondrocytes were harvested from articular cartilage and seeded onto 16 of the produced scaffolds, which received either an ethanol (group A) or a plasma treatment (group B) for sterilisation before seeding. The seeded scaffolds were cultured for 3 weeks in vitro and analysed with regard to total DNA and GAG content as well as the expression of AGG, COL1, COL2, MMP3 and MMP13. Rapid cell proliferation and GAG accumulation was observed until week 2. However, total DNA and GAG content decreased again in week 3. qPCR data shows a slight increase in the expression of anabolic genes and a slight decrease for the catabolic genes, with a significant difference between the groups A and B only for COL2 and MMP13.


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Objetivos: reducir pérdidas durante la conservación frigorífica, emplear atmósfera modificada como método suplementario a la refrigeración, alargar el período de aptitud comercial. Metodología: se trabajó con fruta acondicionada a 0±1 °C y 90±5 % HR, según las siguientes variantes: 1. testigo: 20 kg fruta a granel sin seleccionar en caja plástica; 2. granel + film PVC: 10 kg de fruta a granel en bandejas de madera más cartón corrugado recubierta con film de PVC; 3. celpack: bandejas de madera recubiertas de cartón corrugado con dos celpack de 23 frutos cada uno; 4. celpack + atmósfera modificada: ídem anterior pero cada celpack en bolsa de polietileno de baja densidad de 20 μ. A partir de los 30 días de conservación se extrajo semanalmente, durante 9 semanas, una muestra de 46 frutos, de los cuales 23 fueron analizados al momento de ser extraídos y los 23 restantes luego de 48 horas de comercialización simulada (sc). Para la evaluación estadística se aplicó análisis de la varianza con el programa SAS (Statistical Analysis System) y se determinaron las diferencias entre tratamientos con el test de Duncan. Para sabor, en cambio, se aplicó una prueba de homogeneidad de P2. La evaluación de sabor se realizó mediante degustación con panel de 5 catadores entrenados. Resultados: Los frutos tenían las siguientes características al inicio de conservación: calibre 61.4 mm, peso 117.8 g, firmeza de pulpa 3.1 kgf, sabor agridulce, contenido de sólidos solubles 17.5 °Bx, acidez 0.78 g ác. málico%g, % cubrimiento 83.69 %. Luego de la conservación frigorífica (97días): % de color de cobertura 95 %. La firmeza de la pulpa en el tratamiento celpack + bolsa se diferencia con valores más altos, media de 2.8 kgf , el resto con media 2.6 kgf. En sc la firmeza es inferior y esta disminución es menor en celpack + bolsa. Sólidos solubles, media 17.21 °Bx, en sc valores con media de un 0.3 % más. Acidez titulable: disminución progresiva, de 0.68 a 0.47 g%g al fin de conservación. Sabor: a partir de los 59 días aumentan los frutos insípidos y desagradables excepto en celpack + bolsa. Síntomas de deshidratación: a partir de los 79 días la única variante que no presenta síntomas es celpack + bolsa. Conclusiones: El acondicionamiento en celpack redujo la incidencia de ataque por mohos (fue el único tratamiento sin ataque durante 94 días); tampoco presentó sabores desagradables y su limitación en conservación se debió a la deshidratación evidente a partir de 74 días. La fruta embalada en celpack + bolsa tuvo mayores valores de resistencia a la presión y 100 % de frutos sin deshidratación a los 94 días de conservación; a partir de 80 días es evidente el ataque de mohos y frutos con sabores desagradables. Las variantes granel y granel + film presentan deterioro por deshidratación a partir de 74 días. La conservación no debería superar 80 días. Celpack + bolsa muestra mejores resultados, con mayores valores de resistencia a la presión que los otros tratamientos; con respecto al sabor, mantiene una mayor proporción de sabor dulce.


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This paper seeks to argue the significance of platforms on emerging markets through a case study of the Shanzhai cell phone industry in Shenzhen, China. In this industry, value chains are being driven by both the technology platforms and the market platforms. The former include MTK baseband chipset, and so-called Shared PCBA and Shared Mould. The latter include the North Huaqiang Market and the Purchasing and Money Platform. Technology platforms greatly reduced the technological barriers to entry for independent design houses and system integrators, while market platforms markedly improved their poor marketing and purchasing abilities. Due to factors such as social networks, supporting industries, informality and platform governance, strong network effects have been exhibited in the two types of platforms, which have not only fostered numerous start-ups, but have also led to effective exploitation of emerging markets.


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In the last few years, the introduction of microarrays in the diagnosis of type I allergy is allowing the clinicians to have a much more accurate picture of their allergenic profile. However, the simultaneous measurement of specific IgE to multiple molecules can show unexpected sensitisations, without knowing their clinical relevance. For instance, we have been observing a high prevalence (74%) of sensitisation to Act d 2 (the thaumatin of kiwifruit) in patients sensitised to Alt a 1 (major allergen of Alternaria alternata) with a confirmed allergy to this mould. The aim of the present study was to clarify if there was any clinical relevance in this finding.