944 resultados para maximal ontological completeness


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This thesis is an exploration of several completeness phenomena, both in the constructive and the classical settings. After some introductory chapters in the first part of the thesis where we outline the background used later on, the constructive part contains a categorical formulation of several constructive completeness theorems available in the literature, but presented here in an unified framework. We develop them within a constructive reverse mathematical viewpoint, highlighting the metatheory used in each case and the strength of the corresponding completeness theorems. The classical part of the thesis focuses on infinitary intuitionistic propositional and predicate logic. We consider a propositional axiomatic system with a special distributivity rule that is enough to prove a completeness theorem, and we introduce weakly compact cardinals as the adequate metatheoretical assumption for this development. Finally, we return to the categorical formulation focusing this time on infinitary first-order intuitionistic logic. We propose a first-order system with a special rule, transfinite transitivity, that embodies both distributivity as well as a form of dependent choice, and study the extent to which completeness theorems can be established. We prove completeness using a weakly compact cardinal, and, like in the constructive part, we study disjunction-free fragments as well. The assumption of weak compactness is shown to be essential for the completeness theorems to hold.


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The paper has been presented at the International Conference Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics, Dedicated to Nikola Obreshkoff and Lubomir Tschakalo ff , Sofia, July, 2006.


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We investigate the NP-complete problem Vertex Separation (VS) on Maximal Outerplanar Graphs (mops). We formulate and prove a “main theorem for mops”, a necessary and sufficient condition for the vertex separation of a mop being k. The main theorem reduces the vertex separation of mops to a special kind of stretchability, one that we call affixability, of submops.


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The research is partially supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants 06-01-81005 and 07-01- 00053)


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This paper presents ontological multilevel modeling language O2ML, aimed at using with metadata driven information systems. The first part of this paper briefly surveys existing modeling languages and approaches, while the last part proposes a new language to combine their benefits.


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An ontological representation of buyer interests’ knowledge in process of e-commerce is proposed to use. It makes it more efficient to make a search of the most appropriate sellers via multiagent systems. An algorithm of a comparison of buyer ontology with one of e-shops (the taxonomies) and an e-commerce multiagent system are realised using ontology of information retrieval in distributed environment.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42B20; Secondary 42B15, 42B25


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B20, 42B25, 42B35


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In the recent years the East-Christian iconographical art works have been digitized providing a large volume of data. The need for effective classification, indexing and retrieval of iconography repositories was the motivation of the design and development of a systemized ontological structure for description of iconographical art objects. This paper presents the ontology of the East-Christian iconographical art, developed to provide content annotation in the Virtual encyclopedia of Bulgarian iconography multimedia digital library. The ontology’s main classes, relations, facts, rules, and problems appearing during the design and development are described. The paper also presents an application of the ontology for learning analysis on an iconography domain implemented during the SINUS project “Semantic Technologies for Web Services and Technology Enhanced Learning”.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 49J40, 49J35, 58E30, 47H05


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C35.


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Владимир Тодоров - Нека X е компактно метрично пространство с dim X = n. Тогава за n − 1 - мерния диаметър dn−1(X) на X е изпълнено неравенството dn−1(X) > 0, докато dn(X) = 0 (да отбележим, че това е една от характеристиките на размерността на Лебег). От тук се получава, че X съдържа минимално по включване затворено подмножество Y , за което dn−1(Y ) = dn−1(X). Известен резултат е, че от това следва, че Y е Канторово Многообразие. В тази бележка доказваме, че всяко такова (минимално) подпространство Y е даже континуум V^n. Получени са също така някои следствия.


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Александър В. Архангелски, Митрофан М. Чобан, Екатерина П. Михайлова - Въведени са понятията o-хомогенно пространство, lo-хомогенно пространство, do-хомогенно пространство и co-хомогенно пространство. Показано е, че ако lo-хомогенно пространство X има отворено подпространство, което е q-пълно, то и самото X е q-пълно. Показано е, че ако lo-хомогенно пространство X съдържа навсякъде гъсто екстремално несвързано подпространство, тогава X е екстремално несвързано.


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Илинка А. Димитрова, Цветелина Н. Младенова - Моноида P Tn от всички частични преобразования върху едно n-елементно множество относно операцията композиция на преобразования е изучаван в различни аспекти от редица автори. Едно частично преобразование α се нарича запазващо наредбата, ако от x ≤ y следва, че xα ≤ yα за всяко x, y от дефиниционното множество на α. Обект на разглеждане в настоящата работа е моноида P On състоящ се от всички частични запазващи наредбата преобразования. Очевидно P On е под-моноид на P Tn. Направена е пълна класификация на максималните подполугрупи на моноида P On. Доказано е, че съществуват пет различни вида максимални подполугрупи на разглеждания моноид. Броят на всички максимални подполугрупи на POn е точно 2^n + 2n − 2.