735 resultados para learning through drama
This paper presents a survey conducted through collaborative work, which took place in a suburb school in the city of Uberlandia-MG. The research is characterized as case study and has a qualitative approach. Had the objective to look for different strategies of teaching and learning through the use of technology in pedagogical practice. Regarding the methodology in this research, we analyzed the work with the support of blogs, whose pages were used for student records and discussions directed to the geometry content. The students who were attending the fifth (5th) year of elementary school were invited to participate in this project. However, the research subjects were only those students who accepted the invitation to participate in the study through statement signed by parents. The project was developed with 30 students in the second half of 2014 and another 30 in the first half of 2015. The physical space at school, where most of the project activities were done was at the computer lab. In the process of compiling the data, at school, the following instruments were used: field notes produced by the entire project team, photographs and footage of the activities produced in the computer lab and in classroom (recorded by the research team) questionnaires, interviews, virtual space records: the blogs. The results of this research mainly focused on the analysis of the fifth year student‟s productions records in blogs. Regarding the conclusion, the research has shown that blogs, software and differentiated dynamic studies attracted the student‟s attention, leaving them mostly instigated by the unknown. Gradually, students built their own knowledge from their mistakes and successes. The entire work process enabled the computer lab to be an environment that is used not just to solving computerized and tedious drills. The blogs production work in groups, developed in students the reading and writing of both the mother language as symbols and mathematical nomenclature. The interaction between students became noticeable throughout the project, since it provided the student‟s personal growth, respect, tolerance and mutual cooperation. In this sense, we concluded that the project greatly contributed to the students' literacy process in the mother language, mathematics and computer literacy.
A constructivist philosophy underlies the Irish primary mathematics curriculum. As constructivism is a theory of learning its implications for teaching need to be addressed. This study explores the experiences of four senior class primary teachers as they endeavour to teach mathematics from a constructivist-compatible perspective with primary school children in Ireland over a school-year period. Such a perspective implies that children should take ownership of their learning while working in groups on tasks which challenge them at their zone of proximal development. The key question on which the research is based is: to what extent will an exposure to constructivism and its implications for the classroom impact on teaching practices within the senior primary mathematics classroom in both the short and longer term? Although several perspectives on constructivism have evolved (von Glaserfeld (1995), Cobb and Yackel (1996), Ernest (1991,1998)), it is the synthesis of the emergent perspective which becomes pivotal to the Irish primary mathematics curriculum. Tracking the development of four primary teachers in a professional learning initiative involving constructivist-compatible approaches necessitated the use of Borko’s (2004) Phase 1 research methodology to account for the evolution in teachers’ understanding of constructivism. Teachers’ and pupils’ viewpoints were recorded using both audio and video technology. Teachers were interviewed at the beginning and end of the project and also one year on to ascertain how their views had evolved. Pupils were interviewed at the end of the project only. The data were analysed from a Jaworskian perspective i.e. using the categories of her Teaching Triad of management of learning, mathematical challenge and sensitivity to students. Management of learning concerns how the teacher organises her classroom to maximise learning opportunities for pupils. Mathematical challenge is reminiscent of the Vygotskian (1978) construct of the zone of proximal development. Sensitivity to students involves a consciousness on the part of the teacher as to how pupils are progressing with a mathematical task and whether or not to intervene to scaffold their learning. Through this analysis a synthesis of the teachers’ interpretations of constructivist philosophy with concomitant implications for theory, policy and practice emerges. The study identifies strategies for teachers wishing to adopt a constructivist-compatible approach to their work. Like O’Shea (2009) it also highlights the likely difficulties to be experienced by such teachers as they move from utilising teacher-dominated methods of teaching mathematics to ones in which pupils have more ownership over their learning.
La controversia ha acechado siempre a los museos, en especial, pero desde luego no de forma exclusiva, a aquellos museos de arte que exponen el arte moderno y contemporáneo. Probablemente siempre habrá controversias, ya que son ocasiones en las que el museo ha de enfrentarse directamente a un interrogatorio público sobre sus decisiones y procesos, a menudo demasiado ocultas y con frecuencia mal entendidas. Dado el creciente reconocimiento de que ya no es suficiente para los museos coleccionar, conservar y mostrar, sino más bien que los museos deben ahora comprometerse fundamental y directamente con sus comunidades, ¿cómo pueden los museos gestionar la controversia? ¿Pueden los museos aprender de la controversia para descubrir formas mejores de trabajar con sus públicos? Este artículo examinará tres controversias en los museos canadienses – Los cantos del espíritu, Voz de Fuego y Vanitas o El vestido de carne - en un intento de analizar estas preguntas usando los conceptos ANT de Bruno Latour.
The paper addresses the development of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in transition settings. Caught in the balance of knowledge exchange and translation of ideas from abroad, organisations in turbulent setting legitimise their existence by learning through professional networks. By association, organisational actors gain acknowledgement by their sector by traversing the corridors of influence provided by international partnerships. What they learn is how to conduct themselves as agents of change in society, and how to deliver on stated missions and goals, therefore, legitimising their presence in a budding civil society at home. The paper presents a knowledge production and learning practices framework which indicates a presence of dual identity of NGOs - their “embeddedness” locally and internationally. Selected framework dimensions and qualitative case study themes are discussed with respect to the level of independence of organisational actors in the East from their partners in the West in a post-socialist context. A professional global civil society as organisations are increasingly managed in similar, professional ways (Anheier & Themudo 2002). Here knowledge “handling” and knowledge “translation” take place through partnership exchanges fostering capable and/or competitive change-inducing institutions (Czarniawska & Sevon 2005; Hwang & Suarez 2005). How professional identity presents itself in the third sector, as well as the sector’s claim to expertise, need further attention, adding to ongoing discussions on professions in institutional theory (Hwang & Powell 2005; Scott 2008; Noordegraaf 2011). A conceptual framework on the dynamic involved for the construction professional fields follows: • Multiple case analysis provides a taxonomy for understanding what is happening in knowledge transition, adaptation, and organisational learning capacity for NGOs with respect to their role in a networked civil society. With the model we can observe the types of knowledge produced and learning employed by organisations. • There are elements of professionalisation in third sector work organisational activity with respect to its accreditation, sources and routines of learning, knowledge claims, interaction with the statutory sector, recognition in cross-sector partnerships etc. • It signals that there is a dual embeddedness in the development of the sector at the core to the shaping the sector’s professional status. This is instrumental in the NGOs’ goal to gain influence as institutions, as they are only one part of a cross-sector mission to address complex societal problems The case study material highlights nuances of knowledge production and learning practices in partnerships, with dual embeddedness a main feature of the findings. This provides some clues to how professionalisation as expert-making takes shape in organisations: • Depending on the type of organisations’ purpose, over its course of development there is an increase in participation in multiple networks, as opposed to reliance on a single strategic partner for knowledge artefacts and practices; • Some types of organisations are better connected within international and national networks than others and there seem to be preferences for each depending on the area of work; • The level of interpretation or adaptation of the knowledge artefacts is related to an organisation’s embeddedness locally, in turn giving it more influence within the network of key institutions; An overreaching theme across taxonomy categories (Table 1)is “professionalisation” or developing organisational “expertise”, embodied at the individual, organisational, and sector levels. Questions relevant to the exercise of power arise: Is competence in managing a dual embeddedness signals the development of a dual identity in professionalisation? Is professionalisation in this sense a sign of organisations maturing into more capable partners to the arguably more experienced (Western) institutions, shifting the power balance? Or is becoming more professional a sign of domestication to the agenda of certain powerful stakeholders, who define the boundaries of the profession? Which dominant dynamics can be observed in a broadly-defined transition country civil society, where individual participation in the form of activism may be overtaking the traditional forms of organised development work, especially with the spread of social media?
Individual actions to avoid, benefit from, or cope with climate change impacts partly shape adaptation; much research on adaptation has focused at the systems level, overlooking drivers of individual responses. Theoretical frameworks and empirical studies of environmental behavior identify a complex web of cognitive, affective, and evaluative factors that motivate stewardship. We explore the relationship between knowledge of, and adaptation to, widespread, climate-induced tree mortality to understand the cognitive (i.e., knowledge and learning), affective (i.e., attitudes and place attachment), and evaluative (i.e., use values) factors that influence how individuals respond to climate-change impacts. From 43 semistructured interviews with forest managers and users in a temperate forest, we identified distinct responses to local, climate-induced environmental changes that we then categorized as either behavioral or psychological adaptations. Interviewees developed a depth of knowledge about the dieback through a combination of direct, place-based experiences and indirect, mediated learning through social interactions. Knowing that the dieback was associated with climate change led to different adaptive responses among the interviewees, although knowledge alone did not explain this variation. Forest users reported psychological adaptations to process negative attitudes; these adaptations were spurred by knowledge of the causes, losses of intangible values, and impacts to a species to which they held attachment. Behavioral adaptations exclusive to a high level of knowledge included actions such as using the forests to educate others or changing transportation behaviors to reduce personal energy consumption. Managers integrated awareness of the dieback and its dynamics across spatial scales into current management objectives. Our findings suggest that adaptive management may occur from the bottom up, as individual managers implement new practices in advance of policies. As knowledge of climate-change impacts in local environments increases, resource users may benefit from programs and educational interventions that facilitate coping strategies.
Ideas about the evolution of imperfect mimicry are reviewed. Their relevance to the colours patterns of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) are discussed in detail. Most if not all of the hoverflies labelled as mimetic actually are mimics. The apparently poor nature of their resemblance does not prevent them from obtaining at least some protection from suitably experienced birds. Mimicry is a dominant theme of this very large family of Diptera, with at least a quarter of all species in Europe being mimetic. Hoverfly mimics fall into three major groups according to their models, involving bumblebees, honeybees and social wasps. There are striking differences in the general levels of mimetic fidelity and relative abundances of the three groups, with accurate mimicry, low abundance and polymorphism characterizing the bumblebee mimics: more than half of all the species of bumblebee mimics are polymorphic. Mimics of social wasps tend to be poor mimics, have high relative abundance, and polymorphism is completely absent. Bumblebee models fall into a small number of Muellerian mimicry rings which are very different between the Palaearctic and Nearctic regions. Social wasps and associated models form one large Muellerian complex. Together with honeybees, these complexes probably form real clusters of forms as perceived by many birds. All three groups of syrphid mimics contain both good and poor mimics; some mimics are remarkably accurate, and have close morphological and behavioural resemblance. At least some apparently 'poor' mimetic resemblances may be much closer in birds' perception than we imagine, and more work needs to be done on this. Bumblebees are the least noxious and wasps the most noxious of the three main model groups. The basis of noxiousness is different, with bumblebees being classified as non-food, whereas honeybees and wasps are nasty-tasting and (rarely) stinging. The distribution of mimicry is exactly what would be expected from this ordering, with polymorphic and accurate forms being a key feature of mimics of the least noxious models, while highly noxious models have poor-quality mimicry. Even if the high abundance of many syrphid mimics relative to their models is a recent artefact of man-made environmental change, this does not preclude these species from being mimics. It seems unlikely that bird predation actually controls the populations of adult syrphids. Being rare relative to a model may have promoted or accelerated the evolution of perfect mimicry: theoretically this might account for the pattern of rare good mimics and abundant poor ones, but the idea is intrinsically unlikely. Many mimics seem to have hour-to-hour abundances related to those of their models, presumably as a result of behavioural convergence. We need to know much more about the psychology of birds as predators. There are at least four processes that need elucidating: (a) learning about the noxiousness of models; (b) the erasing of that learning through contact with mimics (extinction, or learned forgetting); (c) forgetting; (d) deliberate risk-taking and the physiological states that promote it. Johnston's (2002) model of the stabilization of imperfect mimicry by kin selection is unlikely to account for the colour patterns of hoverflies. Sherratt's (2002) model of the influence of multiple models potentially accounts for all the patterns of hoverfly mimicry, and is the most promising avenue for testing.
Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
The oral communication skills should gain ground in language learning through new technologies. In this study examines the role that blogs, podcasts, social networks and telecollaborative projets have played in the development of oral production skills, as well as in learning and correction in pronunciation. During the period 2005 to 2015 several experiments with social media were conducted for this purpose as part of a French language course at the university of León in Spain. We will approach the results from our research in relation to the tools (blogs, podcasts, networks) and to the correction techniques for analyzing and evaluating the usefulness of new technologies in this training device.
A educação em ciências com orientação Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS) centra-se no reconhecimento da capacidade da ciência para o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade assente nos valores da democracia. Esta orientação implica mais do que ensino de conteúdos estritamente disciplinares. O património artístico construído pode ser fonte inspiradora para o enriquecimento curricular proporcionando aprendizagens ativas e integradas. Foi nesta linha que definimos como objetivo desenvolver, implementar e validar atividades e recursos que articulam as aprendizagens na escola e no Museu Cargaleiro (Castelo Branco), na educação em ciências no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1º CEB). A investigação, com uma metodologia qualitativa, desenvolveu-se no âmbito do Estágio, numa turma de 4.ºano, inserindo-se na problemática da interação entre contextos de educação formal e não formal para a promoção da aprendizagem através da exploração de conexões das ciências com a arte. Para tal, planificámos uma visita de estudo ao Museu que contemplou a construção de recursos mediante o planeamento das três fases articuladas – antes, durante e após a visita. Da sequência didática, evidenciamos uma atividade de trabalho experimental que decorreu na fase após a visita, a fim de articular os conhecimentos adquiridos nas duas fases anteriores reforçando a compreensão dos fenómenos da luz e da cor, através da arte, envolvendo conhecimento da realidade próxima. Os resultados evidenciam que a aprendizagem dos alunos a nível de atitudes e capacidades e a nível cognitivo, avaliadas através de múltiplos registos, foi muito positiva.
Abstract: Quantitative Methods (QM) is a compulsory course in the Social Science program in CEGEP. Many QM instructors assign a number of homework exercises to give students the opportunity to practice the statistical methods, which enhances their learning. However, traditional written exercises have two significant disadvantages. The first is that the feedback process is often very slow. The second disadvantage is that written exercises can generate a large amount of correcting for the instructor. WeBWorK is an open-source system that allows instructors to write exercises which students answer online. Although originally designed to write exercises for math and science students, WeBWorK programming allows for the creation of a variety of questions which can be used in the Quantitative Methods course. Because many statistical exercises generate objective and quantitative answers, the system is able to instantly assess students’ responses and tell them whether they are right or wrong. This immediate feedback has been shown to be theoretically conducive to positive learning outcomes. In addition, the system can be set up to allow students to re-try the problem if they got it wrong. This has benefits both in terms of student motivation and reinforcing learning. Through the use of a quasi-experiment, this research project measured and analysed the effects of using WeBWorK exercises in the Quantitative Methods course at Vanier College. Three specific research questions were addressed. First, we looked at whether students who did the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who did written exercises. Second, we looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises got better grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. Finally, we used a self-report survey to find out what students’ perceptions and opinions were of the WeBWorK and the written exercises. For the first research question, a crossover design was used in order to compare whether the group that did WeBWorK problems during one unit would score significantly higher on that unit test than the other group that did the written problems. We found no significant difference in grades between students who did the WeBWorK exercises and students who did the written exercises. The second research question looked at whether students who completed more of the WeBWorK exercises would get significantly higher grades than students who completed fewer of the WeBWorK exercises. The straight-line relationship between number of WeBWorK exercises completed and grades was positive in both groups. However, the correlation coefficients for these two variables showed no real pattern. Our third research question was investigated by using a survey to elicit students’ perceptions and opinions regarding the WeBWorK and written exercises. Students reported no difference in the amount of effort put into completing each type of exercise. Students were also asked to rate each type of exercise along six dimensions and a composite score was calculated. Overall, students gave a significantly higher score to the written exercises, and reported that they found the written exercises were better for understanding the basic statistical concepts and for learning the basic statistical methods. However, when presented with the choice of having only written or only WeBWorK exercises, slightly more students preferred or strongly preferred having only WeBWorK exercises. The results of this research suggest that the advantages of using WeBWorK to teach Quantitative Methods are variable. The WeBWorK system offers immediate feedback, which often seems to motivate students to try again if they do not have the correct answer. However, this does not necessarily translate into better performance on the written tests and on the final exam. What has been learned is that the WeBWorK system can be used by interested instructors to enhance student learning in the Quantitative Methods course. Further research may examine more specifically how this system can be used more effectively.
Abstract : Providing high-quality clinical experiences to prepare students for the complexities of the current health-care system has become a challenge for nurse educators. Additionally, there are concerns that the current model of clinical practice is suboptimal. Consequently, nursing programs have explored the partial replacement of traditional in-hospital clinical experiences with a simulated clinical experience. Despite research demonstrating numerous benefits to students following participation in simulation activities, insufficient research conducted within Québec exists to convince the governing bodies (Ordre des infirmières et des infirmiers du Québec, OIIQ; Ministère de L’Éducation supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie) to fully embrace simulation as part of nurse training. The purpose of this study was to examine the use of a simulated clinical experience (SCE) as a viable, partial pedagogical substitute for traditional clinical experience by examining the effects of a SCE on CEGEP nursing students’ perceptions of self-efficacy (confidence), and their ability to achieve course objectives. The findings will contribute new information to the current body of research in simulation. The specific case of obstetrical practice was examined. Based on two sections of the Nursing III-Health and Illness (180-30K-AB) course, the sample was comprised of 65 students (thirty-one students from section 0001 and thirty-four students from section 0002) whose mean age was 24.8 years. With two sections of the course available, the opportunity for comparison was possible. A triangulation mixed method design was used. An adapted version of Ravert’s (2004) Nursing Skills for Evaluation tool was utilized to collect data regarding students’ perceptions of confidence related to the nursing skills required for care of mothers and their newborns. Students’ performance and achievement of course objectives was measured through an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) consisting of three marked stations designed to test the theoretical and clinical aspects of course content. The OSCE was administered at the end of the semester following completion of the traditional clinical experience. Students’ qualitative comments on the post -test survey, along with journal entries served to support the quantitative scale evaluation. Two of the twelve days (15 hours) allocated for obstetrical clinical experience were replaced by a SCE (17%) over the course of the semester. Students participated in various simulation activities developed to address a range of cognitive, psychomotor and critical thinking skills. Scenarios incorporating the use of human patient simulators, and designed using the Jeffries Framework (2005), exposed students to the care of families and infants during the perinatal period to both reflect and build upon class and course content in achievement of course objectives and program competencies. Active participation in all simulation activities exposed students to Bandura’s four main sources of experience (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion, and physiologic/emotional responses) to enhance the development of students’ self-efficacy. Results of the pre-test and post-test summative scores revealed a statistically significant increase in student confidence in performing skills related to maternal and newborn care (p < .0001) following participation in the SCE. Confidence pre-test and post-test scores were not affected by the students’ section. Skills related to the care of the post-partum mother following vaginal or Caesarean section delivery showed the greatest change in confidence ratings. OSCE results showed a mean total class score (both sections) of 57.4 (70.0 %) with normal distribution. Mean scores were 56.5 (68.9%) for section 0001 and 58.3 (71.1%) for section 0002. Total scores were similar between sections (p =0.342) based on pairwise comparison. Analysis of OSCE scores as compared to students’ final course grade revealed similar distributions. Finally, qualitative analysis identified how students’ perceived the SCE. Students cited gains in knowledge, development of psychomotor skills and improved clinical judgement following participation in simulation activities. These were attributed to the « hands on » practice obtained from working in small groups, a safe and authentic learning environment and one in which students could make mistakes and correct errors as having the greatest impact on learning through simulation.
Este documento espelha o relatório final de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, realizado no âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, e procura focalizar-se nas práticas realizadas em contexto de Educação Pré-escolar e de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, onde se destaca a arte como um meio pedagógico através do qual as crianças de dois níveis de ensino, Pré-Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, se apropriaram de novos conhecimentos. Assim, o tema escolhido para este estudo foi A educação pela arte: olhar, ouvir e sentir, e prendeu-se com a necessidade de familiarizar a criança com a arte, pela importância que esta assume no seu desenvolvimento pessoal, social e cultural na medida em que a construção do conhecimento se efetiva através de recursos expressivos que preconizam criação, participação e envolvimento, dando a ver e a sentir, oferecendo ainda possibilidades interpretativas. Destaca-se ainda a importância da cooperação com outros profissionais, a interação com as crianças, a reflexão sistemática antes, durante e após a ação e pesquisa contínua, com vista à melhoria das nossas práticas e do sucesso das crianças. Desta forma, pensamos na seguinte questão problema: Como explorar a arte com as crianças em situações de aprendizagem plurais, através de um objeto real e/ou imaginado, de uma forma concreta e lúdica, apelando a diversas formas de expressão artística? e estipulamos como intencionalidades: (i) compreender os olhares das crianças sobre a imaginação, (ii) conhecer as conceções que as crianças têm sobre a arte e os artistas; e, (iii) compreender a importância da Educação e Expressão Plástica para o desenvolvimento da criança. Em termos metodológicos posicionamo-nos numa abordagem qualitativa e para a recolha de dados atendemos à observação, às notas de campo, aos registos em áudio e fotográficos, e ao inquérito por entrevista. Pensamos que as experiências de aprendizagem que realizámos com as crianças contribuíram, de forma positiva, para o desenvolvimento de competências em vários domínios das diferentes áreas do conhecimento, envolvendo a arte, vivenciada em espaços plurais. As atividades realizadas despertaram nas crianças participantes a imaginação, a sensibilidade, o sentimento e a criatividade. Da análise e reflexão ao trabalho realizado conclui-se que a Arte deve ser assumida no ensino e seriamente desenvolvida, pois é de extrema importância o seu contributo na formação das crianças.
A través de un análisis retrospectivo acerca de las características educativas de la enseñanza de enfermería, se plantea una reflexión acerca del tipo de aprendizaje promovido desde una práctica docente universitaria ad hoc y cómo ello ha influido en la formación de enfermería. Se esbozan algunos planteamientos sobre el cambio de mentalidad que ha estado ocurriendo dentro de las escuelas de enfermería, mediante la promoción de nuevas formas de enseñar y de aprender, que dan valor al protagonismo del estudiante, con el fin de lograr su desarrollo integral. Se plantea la construcción del aprendizaje facilitado a través de la relación de ayuda, concepción ética y creativa del proceso de construcción del conocimiento profesional.
[EUS]Unibertsitateko irakasleriaren garapenaren(IG) kontzeptu konprentsibotik abiatuta, doktorego tesi honek iraupen luzeko IG programen inpaktua du aztergai, bai maila indibidualean (kontzepzio eta hurbilketan) eta baita maila organizazional zein instituzionalean ere. Azterketa hau burutzeko metodologia aktiboen (arazoetan, proiektuetan eta kasuetan oinarritutako ikaskuntza) ERAGIN programaren lehendabiziko promozioa hartuko da kasu gisa. Iraupen luzeko estrategiaren (350 ordu) bidez eta ko-mentoria taldeen funtzionamenduan oinarrituz, ikerlan enpirikoak IG-ak irakasleriaren ikas-irakaskuntza kontzepzioetan eta hurbilketan izandako inpaktuaz ageriko ebidentziak ematen ditu, baina baita ikas-irakaskuntzaren inguruan ikertzeko (scholarship of teaching and learning) eta irakaskuntza eremuetan liderra izateko gaitasunaz ere. Honako alderdiok aldaketa organizazionalean murgiltzen gaituzte eta curriculum hibridoaren pausokako gauzapenaren alde lan egiten dute.