551 resultados para ionospheric scintillation


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Cada vez mais é crescente o uso do GPS (Global Positioning System ) em estudos da atmosfera terrestre. Neste artigo, a atmosfera superior da Terra, denominada ionosfera, foi estudada durante um período de alta atividade solar (ano de 2001) usando dados de receptores GPS de dupla freqüência localizados na região brasileira, pertencentes à RBMC (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo). A partir dos dados GPS foram calculados os valores de TEC (Total Electron Content - Conteúdo Total de Elétrons) da ionosfera. Adicionalmente foram incluídos no estudo dados de freqüência crítica da camada F2 advinda de Digissondas localizadas em São Luís/MA (3ºS; 44ºW) e Cachoeira Paulista/SP (22ºS; 45ºW), para fins de comparação. de uma forma geral, os resultados mostraram maiores valores de TEC durante os meses próximos aos equinócios e menores durante os meses de inverno. Quanto à variação diária do TEC, os menores valores foram verificados por volta das 4-6 HL (Hora Local) e os maiores durante o período da tarde, com valores um pouco maiores para São Luís. O segundo pico da anomalia equatorial foi verificado em Cachoeira Paulista nos meses próximos aos equinócios e verão. Na maioria dos meses, uma alta correlação linear foi verificada quando realizada a comparação entre os valores de freqüência crítica da camada F2 e os de TEC, principalmente para São Luís.


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The solar events that occurred at the end of October 2003 gave rise to very strong geomagnetic disturbances that peaked twice with Dst values reaching -345 nT around 0000 UT on 30 October and -400 nT around 2300 UT, on the same day. Disturbances in several ionospheric parameters were observed over Brazil. This work will focus on the ionospheric response to the initial westward prompt penetration electric field and on the strong intensification of the equatorial ionization anomaly that occurred because of the electric field polarity reversal that followed in the early morning hours of 29 October. The F layer peak height over the equator first decreased under the strong prompt penetration westward electric field, which was followed by significant height increase under eastward electric field. We have used Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model (SUPIM) with an intensified westward disturbed electric field in the presunrise hours, presumably due to prompt penetration from the magnetosphere, in order to study the effect of such a field in the ionosphere. The simulation results showed that prompt penetration of magnetospheric electric fields of westward polarity to the nightside equatorial region seems to be the most probable cause of the initial F layer height decreases. The intensification of the equatorial ionization anomaly and the unusual enhancement on F layer peak density, which was not modeled by the SUPIM, are explained as caused by the strong eastward electric field that followed the initial phase in combination with a highly variable disturbed meridional/transequatorial wind system as inferred from the F2 layer peak height variations. The highly dynamic wind pattern, with a short-term response (2-4 hours), is compatible with the predictions of some previous theoretical model calculations reported in the literature.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A comparative study of nine assay methods for dextransucrase and related enzymes has been made. A relatively widespread method for the reaction of dextransucrase with sucrose is the measurement of the reducing value of D-fructose by alkaline 3,5-dinitrosalicylate (DNS) and thereby the amount of D-glucose incorporated into dextran. Another method is the reaction with C-14-sucrose with the addition of an aliquot to Whatman 3MM paper squares that are washed three times with methanol to remove C-14-D-fructose and unreacted C-14-sucrose, followed by counting of C-14-dextran on the paper by liquid scintillation counting (LSC). It is shown that both methods give erroneous results. The DNS reducing value method gives extremely high values due to over-oxidation of both D-fructose and dextran, and the C-14-paper square method gives significantly low values due to the removal of some of the C-14-dextran from the paper by methanol washes. In the present study, we have examined nine methods and find two that give values that are identical and are an accurate measurement of the dextransucrase reaction. They are (1) a C-14-sucrose/dextransucrase digest in which dextran is precipitated three times with three volumes of ethanol, dissolved in water, and added to paper and counted in a toluene cocktail by LSC: and (2) precipitation of dextran three times with three volumes of ethanol from a sucrose/dextransucrase digest, dried, and weighed. Four reducing value methods were examined to measure the amount of D-fructose. Three of the four (two DNS methods, one with both dextran and D-fructose and the other with only D-fructose, and the ferricyanide/arsenomolybdate method with is-fructose) gave extremely high values due to over-oxidation of D-fructose, D-glucose, leucrose, and dextran. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gd2SiO5 is among the interesting and suitable hosts for Er3+ which find extensive applications in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet spectral regions. In order to investigate its potentialities, a prior study of the spectroscopic behaviour of Er3+ substituting for Gd3+ ions in the two crystallographic sites of the host was performed. Absorption, excitation, site-selective emission and time-resolved spectroscopies were employed in the visible spectral region to study transitions between excited 4S3/2 and ground 4I15/2 states. These levels multiplets were attributed to each site separately, and their corresponding 4S3/2 lifetimes (1.8 ± 0.1 μs for site 1 and 3.2 ± 0.1 μs for site 2) were determined.


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One of the main drawbacks of the GPS accuracy for L1 users is the error due to ionosphere. This error depends on the total electron content presents in the ionosphere, as well as of the carrier frequency. Some models have been developed to correct GPS observables of the systematic error due to the ionosphere. The model more known and used is the Klobuchar model, which corrected 50-60% of the ionospheric error approximately. Alternatively, IGS (International GNSS Service) also has developed a model called Global Ionospheric Map (GIM). These maps, in format IONEX, are available in the site of the IGS, and one of the applications of them is to correct the GPS observables of the error due to ionosphere. This work aims at evaluating the quality of GPS point positioning using the IGS ionospheric model in the Brazilian region. Tests carried out had shown an average improvement in the horizontal and vertical determination of 72% and 26%, respectively, when GIM is used in the point positioning.


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Nowadays, with the expansion of the reference stations networks, several positioning techniques have been developed and/or improved. Among them, the VRS (Virtual Reference Station) concept has been very used. In this paper the goal is to generate VRS data in a modified technique. In the proposed methodology the DD (double difference) ambiguities are not computed. The network correction terms are obtained using only atmospheric (ionospheric and tropospheric) models. In order to carry out the experiments it was used data of five reference stations from the GPS Active Network of West of São Paulo State and an extra station. To evaluate the VRS data quality it was used three different strategies: PPP (Precise Point Positioning) and Relative Positioning in static and kinematic modes, and DGPS (Differential GPS). Furthermore, the VRS data were generated in the position of a real reference station. The results provided by the VRS data agree quite well with those of the real file data.


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Equatorial F region vertical plasma drifts, spread F and anomaly responses, in the south American longitude sector during the superstorm of 30 October 2003, are analyzed using data from an array of instruments consisting of Digisondes, a VHF radar, GPS TEC and scintillation receivers in Brazil, and a Digisonde and a magnetometer in Jicamarca, Peru. Prompt penetrating eastward electric field of abnormally large intensity drove the F layer plasma up at a velocity ∼1200 ms -1 during post dusk hours in the eastern sector over Brazil. The equatorial anomaly was intensified and expanded poleward while the development of spread F/plasma bubble irregularities and GPS signal scintillations were weaker than their quiet time intensity. Significantly weaker F region response over Jicamarca presented a striking difference in the intensity of prompt penetration electric field between Peru and eastern longitudes of Brazil. The enhanced post dusk sector vertical drift over Brazil is attributed to electro-dynamics effects arising energetic particle precipitation in the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA). These extraordinary results and their longitudinal differences are presented and discussed in this paper. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.


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In this work is presented a versatile system for X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) measurements. The apparatus was assembled from a sample holder connected to an optical fiber responsibly for the acquisition of the scintillation signal. The spectrum is registered with a CCD coupled in a spectrograph provided with diffraction gratings. The system performance was analyzed by exciting GdAlO3:Eu3+ 3.0 at.% with X-rays from a diffractometer and measuring the emission spectra. The system can be used to obtain precise and reliable spectroscopic properties of samples with various conformations without the loss of the required safety when dealing with ionizing radiations.


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In the paper we discuss the potential of the new Galileo signals for pseudorange based surveying and mapping in open areas under optimal reception conditions (open sky scenarios) and suboptimal ones (multipath created by moderate to thick tree coverage). The paper reviews the main features of the Galileo E5 AltBOC and E1 CBOC signals; describes the simulation strategy, models and algorithms to generate realistic E5 and E1 pseudoranges with and without multipath sources; describes the ionosphere modeling strategy, models and algorithms and discusses and presents the expected positioning accuracy and precision results. According to the simulations performed, pseudoranges can be extracted from the Galileo E5 AltBOC signals with tracking errors (1-σ level) ranging from 0.02 m (open sky scenarios) to 0.08 m (tree covered scenarios) whereas for the Galileo E1 CBOC signals the tracking errors range between 0.25 m to 2.00 m respectively. With these tracking errors and with the explicit estimation of the ionosphere parameters, simulations indicate real-time open sky cm-level horizontal positioning precisions and dm-level vertical ones and dm-level accuracies for both the horizontal and vertical position components.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)