952 resultados para inflammatory pain


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Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measurement has become an important outcome in treatment trials and in health policy decisions. HRQoL can be measured by using generic or disease-specific tools. Generic instruments can be used for comparing health status among patients in different health states and conditions but they do not focus specifically on the issues relevant in a particular disease. Disease-specific tools may be more responsive to changes within a specific condition. In earlier studies, impairment of HRQoL has been evident in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), especially when the disease is active. Data about the impact of comorbidity or demographic characteristics of the patients on HRQoL are partly controversial. This study, which comprised 2913 adult IBD patients, examined HRQoL using the disease-specific IBDQ and the general 15D instruments. The 15D scores of IBD patients were compared with scores of a gender and age matched general population sample. Frequency of IBD symptoms and arrangement of therapy were studied and compared with those of IBD patients in an earlier European study. Furthermore, data of other chronic diseases of the patients were obtained from the Social Insurance Institution s reimbursement register and comorbidity of IBD patients was compared with that of age and gender matched controls. --- Of the respondents, 37% reported that they suffered from disturbing IBD symptoms weekly. In 17% of the patients, the symptoms greatly affected the ability to enjoy leisure activities, and 14% stated that these symptoms greatly affected their capacity to work. Despite that, the great majority (93%) of patients expressed satisfaction with their current treatment, which exceeded the rate observed in the other European patients. The mean IBDQ score was 163, as the possible range is 32-224, and disease activity was strongly correlated with HRQoL. Older age, comorbid diseases, and female gender were also related to impairment of HRQoL. Lower HRQoL scores were seen also in newly-diagnosed patients and in those with a history of surgery, especially after stoma or ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) operation. The range of 15D scores was 0.30-1.00, with mean of 0.87. As with the IBDQ, disease activity, older age and history of surgery were correlated with the score. Both the newly-diagnosed patients and patients with a long-lasting disease had lower scores than average even after adjusting for age. The 15D scores of IBD patients were significantly lower than those of the control group. A strong correlation was seen between the 15D and the IBDQ scores. Comorbidity with other chronic diseases was observed in 29% of IBD patients. Connective tissue diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, pernicious anaemia, and coronary heart disease (CHD) were significantly increased in patients with IBD. Especially female IBD patients appeared to be at increased risk for CHD, and patients who reported weekly IBD symptoms had a higher risk for having other chronic diseases in addition to IBD. Comorbidity impaired HRQoL, as measured with both generic and disease-specific tools. In conclusion, HRQoL is impaired in IBD patients. An understanding of predictors of HRQoL will help to recognise patients who will need special support.


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A theoretical conformational analysis of fenamates, which are N-arylated derivatives of anthranilic acid or 2-aminonicotinic acid with different substituents on the aryl (phenyl) group, is reported. The analysis of these analgesics, which are believed to act through the inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis, was carried out using semi-empirical potential functions. The results and available crystallographic observations have been critically examined in terms of their relevance to drug action. Crystallographic studies of these drugs and their complexes have revealed that the fenamate molecules share a striking invariant feature, namely, the sixmembered ring bearing the carboxyl group is coplanar with the carboxyl group and the bridging imino group,the coplanarity being stabilized by resonance interactions and an internal hydrogen bond between the imino and carboxyl groups. The results of the theoretical analysis provide a conformational rationale for the observed invariant coplanarity. The second sixmembered ring, which provides hydrophobicity in a substantial part of the molecule, has limited conformational flexibility in meclofenamic, mefenamic and flufenamic acids. Comparison of the conformational energy maps of these acids shows that they could all assume the same conformation when bound to the relevant enzyme. The present study provides a structural explanation for the difference in the activity of niflumic acid, which can assume a conformation in which the whole molecule is nearly planar. The main role of the carboxyl group appears to be to provide a site for intermolecular interactions in addition to helping in stabilizing the invariant coplanar feature and providing hydrophilicity at one end of the molecule. The fenamates thus provide a good example of conformation- dependent molecular asymmetry.


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Ketoprofeeni on yleisesti käytetty ei-steroidinen tulehduskipulääke (NSAID) lampaiden ja sikojen kivunlievityksessä. Tietoa ketoprofeenin oikeista annosmääristä eri eläinlajeilla on saatavilla rajallisesti. Oikeaa lääkeainemäärää ei voida luotettavasti ekstrapoloida toisten eläinlajien tai ihmisten perusteella. Epäillyissä tulehduskipulääkemyrkytyksissä ongelmana on tietää, oliko eläimen saama lääkeannos toksinen. Lampailla tehdyn tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, muuttuuko ketoprofeenin kinetiikka kymmenkertaisella yliannoksella, tutkia yliannoksen vaikutusta munuaisiin ja löytää yksinkertainen tapa diagnosoida yliannos virtsasta. Sioilla tehdyn tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ketoprofeenin biologista käytettävyyttä ja ketoprofeenin farmakokinetiikkaa sioilla intravaskulaarisella, intramuskulaarisella ja peroraalisella annolla. Keskeiset tutkimuksessa määritettävät muuttujat olivat AUC0-_, Cmax ja tmax. Hyötyosuus laskettiin i.v. -annon perusteella. Kuudelle lampaalle annettiin 30 mg/kg i.v. -ketoprofeenia. Ketoprofeenin pitoisuuksia seurattiin 24 tunnin ajan plasmanäytteillä, joiden perusteella määritettiin farmakokineettiset parametrit. Veri- ja virtsanäytteistä tutkittiin muun muassa mahdollisesta munuaisvauriosta kertovia entsyymejä. 24 tunnin kuluttua lääkkeenannosta lampaat lopetettiin ja munuaiset tutkittiin histologisesti. Tutkittaville kahdeksalle sialle annosteltiin 3 mg/kg intravaskulaarista, intramuskulaarista ja oraalista ketoprofeenia sekä 6 mg/kg oraalista ketoprofeenia. Tutkimus suoritettiin satunnaistettuna vaihtovuorotutkimuksena. Ketoprofeenin pitoisuuksia seurattiin plasmanäytteillä 48 tunnin ajan lääkkeenannosta ja kaikille antotavoille laskettiin farmakokineettiset parametrit. Lisäksi tutkittiin valmisteiden biologinen samanarvoisuus. Molempien tutkimusten in vivo -kokeet suoritettiin Eläinlääketieteellisessä tiedekunnassa. Samoin munuaisten histologinen tutkimus ja virtsasta ja verestä tehdyt määritykset, lukuun ottamatta ketoprofeeninpitoisuuden analysointia. Plasman ketoprofeenipitoisuus analysoitiin korkean erotuskyvyn nestekromatografialla (HPLC). Ketoprofeenimääritykset ja farmakokineettinen analyysi suoritettiin Farmasian tiedekunnassa. Lampaiden kymmenkertainen ketoprofeeniyliannos oli toksinen. Seerumin urea- ja kreatiniinipitoisuus nousivat ja histologisissa näytteissä näkyi akuutti munuaistiehyen vaurio. Useiden entsyymien pitoisuus nousi virtsassa. Selvimmin ja nopeimmin nousi virtsan laktaattidehydrogenaasipitoisuus, jonka määrittäminen vaikuttaa potentiaaliselta tavalta diagnosoida ketoprofeenin toksinen annos. Ketoprofeenin eliminaation puoliintumisaika toksisella annoksella oli samaa suuruusluokkaa kuin aiemmissa tutkimuksissa terapeuttisella annoksella, joten yliannos ei muuttanut ketoprofeenin kinetiikkaa. AUC- ja Cmax -arvot olivat suhteessa suurempia kuin terapeuttisella annoksella, joten tutkimuksen perusteella kyseiset arvot eivät nousseet lineaarisesti annoksen noustessa toksiseksi. Sioille annetut ketoprofeenivalmisteet eivät olleet biologisesti samanarvoisia keskenään. Hyötyosuus oli erittäin hyvä kaikilla antotavoilla. tmax oli kaikilla antotavoilla hieman yli tunnin kuluttua lääkkeenannosta. Oraalisen 3 mg/kg -annoksen Cmax oli 5,1 mg/l ja AUC 32 mg l-1 h ja intramuskulaarisen vastaavat arvot olivat 7,6 mg/l ja 37 mg l-1 h. Oraalisen ketoprofeenin annostasojen AUC- ja Cmax -arvot korreloivat keskenään, joten ketoprofeenin kinetiikka oli lineaarista. Intravaskulaarisen ja oraalisen annon puoliintumisajoissa oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero. Ketoprofeenin jakautumistilavuudessa ja puhdistumassa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa eri antotapojen välillä.


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The proportion of patients over 75 years of age, receiving all different types of healthcare, is constantly increasing. The elderly undergo surgery and anaesthetic procedures more often than middle-aged patients. Poor pain management in the elderly is still an issue. Although the elderly consumes the greatest proportion of prescribed medicines in Western Europe, most clinical pharmacological studies have been performed in healthy volunteers or middle-aged patients. The aim of this study was to investigate pain measurement and management in cognitively impaired patients in long term hospital care and in cognitively normal elderly patients after cardiac surgery. This thesis incorporated 366 patients, including 86 home-dwelling or hospitalized elderly with chronic pain and 280 patients undergoing cardiac surgery with acute pain. The mean age of patients was 77 (SD ± 8) years and approximately 8400 pain measurements were performed with four pain scales: Verbal Rating Scale (VRS), the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the Red Wedge Scale (RWS), and the Facial Pain Scale (FPS). Cognitive function, depression, functional ability in daily life, postoperative sedation and postoperative confusion were assessed with MMSE, GDS, Barthel Index, RASS, and CAM-ICU, respectively. The effects and plasma concentrations of fentanyl and oxycodone were measured in elderly (≥ 75 years) and middle-aged patients (≤ 60 years) and the opioid-sparing effect of pregabalin was studied after cardiac surgery. The VRS pain scores after movement correlated with the Barthel Index. The VRS was most successful in the groups of demented patients (MMSE 17-23, 11-16 and ≤ 10) and in elderly patients on the first day after cardiac surgery. The elderly had a higher plasma concentration of fentanyl at the end of surgery than younger patients. The plasma concentrations of oxycodone were comparable between the groups. Pain intensity on the VRS was lower and the sedation scores were higher in the elderly. Total oxycodone consumption during five postoperative days was reduced by 48% and the CAM-ICU scores were higher on the first postoperative day in the pregabalin group. The incidence of postoperative pain during movement was lower in the pregabalin group three months after surgery. This investigation demonstrates that chronic pain did not seem to impair daily activities in home-dwelling Finnish elderly. The VRS appeared to be applicable for elderly patients with clear cognitive dysfunction (MMSE ≤17) and it was the most feasible pain scale for the early postoperative period after cardiac surgery. After cardiac surgery, plasma concentrations of fentanyl in elderly were elevated, although oxycodone concentrations were at similar level compared to middle-aged patients. The elderly had less pain and were more sedated after doses of oxycodone. Therefore, particular attention must be given to individual dosing of the opioids in elderly surgical patients, who often need a smaller amount for adequate analgesia than middle-aged patients. The administration of pregabalin reduced postoperative oxycodone consumption after cardiac surgery. Pregabalin-treated patients had less confusion, and additionally to less postoperative pain on the first postoperative day and during movement at three months post-surgery. Pregabalin might be a new alternative as analgesic for acute postoperative and chronic pain management in the elderly. Its clinical role and safety remains to be verified in large-scale randomized and controlled studies. In the future, many clinical trials in the older category of patients will be needed to facilitate improvements in health care methods.


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Triterpenoids are pentacyclic secondary metabolites present in many terrestrial plants. Natural triterpenoids have been reported to exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic activities. Here, we show that modifications of ring A of boswellic acid (2 cyano, 3 enone) resulted in a highly active growth inhibitory, anti-inflammatory, pro-differentiative and anti-tumour triterpenoid compound called cyano enone of methyl boswellates (CEMB). This compound showed cytotoxic activity on a number of cancer cell lines with IC50 ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 mu M. CEMB inhibits DNA synthesis and induces apoptosis in A549 cell line at 0.25 mu M and 1 mu M concentrations, respectively. CEMB induces adipogenic differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells at a concentration of 0.1 mu M. Finally, administration of CEMB intra-tumourally significantly inhibited the growth of C6 glioma tumour xenograft in immuno-compromised mice. Collectively, these results suggest that CEMB is a very potent anti-tumour compound.


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An in silico approach was adopted to identify potential cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors through molecular docking studies. The in vivo studies indicated that synthetic palmitoyl derivatives of salicylic acid, para amino phenol, para amino benzoic acid, and anthranilic acid possessed significant pharmacological activities like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic activities. None of the tested substances produced any significant gastric lesions in experimental animals. In an attempt to understand the ligandprotein interactions in terms of the binding affinity, the above synthetic molecules were subjected to docking analysis using AutoDock. The palmitoyl derivatives palmitoyl anthranilic acid, palmitoyl para amino benzoic acid, palmitoyl para amino phenol, and palmitoyl salicylic acid showed better binding energy than the known inhibitor diclofenac bound to 1PXX. All the palmitoyl derivatives made similar interactions with the binding site residues of cyclooxygenase-2 as compared to that of the known inhibitor. Thus, structure-based drug discovery approach was successfully employed to identify some promising pro-drugs for the treatment of pain and inflammation.


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For several years, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug mefenamic acid, MA, has been known to exist as dimorphs (I and II). We report a new metastable polymorph (III) of MA obtained during attempted co-crystallization experiments and establish its stability relationship with existing forms. At elevated temperatures I and III convert to II, as evident from DSC experiments. On the basis of the lattice energy calculations in conjunction with thermal analysis, the stability order is proposed to be I > II > III at ambient conditions, whereas at elevated temperature the order is II > I > III. In either condition III is a metastable form and hence transforms to I at ambient conditions and to II at higher temperatures. Also we report the structural studies of a DMF solvate and a cytosine complex.


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The crystal structures of two polymorphs and two polymorphic hemihydrates of Etoricoxib are reported. Etoricoxib is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is a selective inhibitor of COX-2. It is used in the treatment of various types of inflammation, pain and fever. Clas et al. have reported four polymorphs (labeled I through IV) and two solvates (hemi-and sesquihydrate) of the API in US patent 6,441,002 (Clas et al, US patent 6,441,002, 2002). However, no crystal structures have been reported for any of these forms. A comparison was made between the PXRD patterns reported in patent `002 and the powder spectra simulated from single crystal data. The two polymorphs characterized here correspond to form I and form IV of the patent. Form II of the patent could not be obtained by us with a variety of experimental conditions. Form III of the patent corresponds to hemihydrate II of this study. Form III is therefore not a polymorph of form I and form IV. What we have termed hemihydrate I in this study is obtained under a wide variety of conditions and it is also the only hemihydrate reported as such in the patent. Because the Etoricoxib molecule contains no conventional hydrogen bond donors, there cannot be any strong hydrogen bonds in the crystal structures of forms I and IV. The packing is accordingly characterized by weak hydrogen bonds of the C-H center dot center dot center dot O=S and C-H center dot center dot center dot N type. Thermal data were collected for form I, form IV and hemihydrate I to shed some light on relative stabilities. PXRD diffractograms show the transformation of form IV to form I at elevated temperature, indicating that form I is more stable than form IV. However, this transformation occurs only in samples of form IV that contain some form I; it does not occur in pure form IV. The formation of the two hemihydrates could follow from the known tendency of an acceptor-rich molecule to crystallize as a hydrate.


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Background: Genetic variants of NOD2 are linked to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) etiology. Results: DSS model of colitis in wild-type and inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) null mice revealed that NOD2-iNOS/NO-responsive microRNA-146a targets NUMB gene facilitating Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling. Conclusion: miR-146a-mediated NOD2-SHH signaling regulates gut inflammation. Significance: Identification of novel regulators of IBD provides new insights into pathophysiology and development of new therapy concepts. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a debilitating chronic inflammatory disorder of the intestine. The interactions between enteric bacteria and genetic susceptibilities are major contributors of IBD etiology. Although genetic variants with loss or gain of NOD2 functions have been linked to IBD susceptibility, the mechanisms coordinating NOD2 downstream signaling, especially in macrophages, during IBD pathogenesis are not precisely identified. Here, studies utilizing the murine dextran sodium sulfate model of colitis revealed the crucial roles for inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) in regulating pathophysiology of IBDs. Importantly, stimulation of NOD2 failed to activate Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling in iNOS null macrophages, implicating NO mediated cross-talk between NOD2 and SHH signaling. NOD2 signaling up-regulated the expression of a NO-responsive microRNA, miR-146a, that targeted NUMB gene and alleviated the suppression of SHH signaling. In vivo and ex vivo studies confirmed the important roles for miR-146a in amplifying inflammatory responses. Collectively, we have identified new roles for miR-146a that established novel cross-talk between NOD2-SHH signaling during gut inflammation. Potential implications of these observations in therapeutics could increase the possibility of defining and developing better regimes to treat IBD pathophysiology.


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Background: Dictamnus dasycarpus is widely used as a traditional remedy for the treatment of eczema, rheumatism, and other inflammatory diseases in Asia. The current study investigates the molecular mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of the ethanol extract of Dictamnus dasycarpus leaf (DE) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Methods: Nitric oxide (NO) production was assessed by Griess reaction and the mRNA and protein expressions of pro inflammatory cytokines, transcription factor, and enzymes were determined by real-time RT-PCR and immunoblotting analysis. Results: DE (0.5 and 1 mg/mL) suppressed the NO production by 10 and 33%, respectively, compared to the untreated group in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. DE (0.5 and 1 mg/mL) reduced the mRNA expression of key transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B by 7 and 24%, respectively compared to the untreated group in LPS activated macrophage. The pro inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor a and interleukin 1 beta were also decreased by DE treatment. Moreover, the protein expression of pro inflammatory enzymes, inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase 2 were also dramatically attenuated by DE in a dose dependent manner. Conclusions: These results suggest that Dictamnus dasycarpus leaf has a potent anti-inflammatory activity and can be used for the development of new anti-inflammatory agents.


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Macrophages regulate cell fate decisions during microbial challenges by carefully titrating signaling events activated by innate receptors such as dectin-1 or Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Here, we demonstrate that dectin-1 activation robustly dampens TLR-induced proinflammatory signature in macrophages. Dectin-1 induced the stabilization of beta-catenin via spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk)-reactive oxygen species (ROS) signals, contributing to the expression of WNT5A. Subsequently, WNT5A-responsive protein inhibitors of activated STAT (PIAS-1) and suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS-1) mediate the downregulation of IRAK-1, IRAK-4, and MyD88, resulting in decreased expression of interleukin 12 (IL-12), IL-1 beta, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha). In vivo activation of dectin-1 with pathogenic fungi or ligand resulted in an increased bacterial burden of Mycobacteria, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, or Escherichia, with a concomitant decrease in TLR-triggered proinflammatory cytokines. All together, our study establishes a new role for dectin-1-responsive inhibitory mechanisms employed by virulent fungi to limit the proinflammatory environment of the host.


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Severe sepsis or septic shock is one of the rising causes for mortality worldwide representing nearly 10% of intensive care unit admissions. Susceptibility to sepsis is identified to be mediated by innate pattern recognition receptors and responsive signaling pathways of the host. The c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK)-mediated signaling events play critical role in bacterial infection triggered multi-organ failure, cardiac dysfunction and mortality. In the context of kinase specificities, an extensive library of anthrapyrazolone analogues has been investigated for the selective inhibition of c-JNK and thereby to gain control over the inflammation associated risks. In our comprehensive biochemical characterization, it is observed that alkyl and halogen substitution on the periphery of anthrapyrazolone increases the binding potency of the inhibitors specifically towards JNK. Further, it is demonstrated that hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions generated by these small molecules effectively block endotoxin-induced inflammatory genes expression in in vitro and septic shock in vivo, in a mouse model, with remarkable efficacies. Altogether, the obtained results rationalize the significance of the diversity oriented synthesis of small molecules for selective inhibition of JNK and their potential in the treatment of severe sepsis.


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Inflammatory arthritis is often manifested in finger joints. The growth of new or withdrawal of old blood vessels can be a sensitive marker for these diseases. Photoacoustic (PA) imaging has great potential in this respect since it allows the sensitive and highly resolved visualization of blood. We systematically investigated PA imaging of finger vasculature in healthy volunteers using a newly developed PA tomographic system. We present the PA results which show excellent detail of the vasculature. Vessels with diameters ranging between 100 mu m and 1.5 mm are visible along with details of the skin, including the epidermis and the subpapillary plexus. The focus of all the studies is at the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints, and in the context of ultimately visualizing the inflamed synovial membrane in patients. This work is important in laying the foundation for detailed research into PA imaging of the phalangeal vasculature in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.


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Malaria afflicts around 200 million people annually, with a mortality number close to 600,000. The mortality rate in Human Cerebral Malaria (HCM) is unacceptably high (15-20%), despite the availability of artemisinin-based therapy. An effective adjunct therapy is urgently needed. Experimental Cerebral Malaria (ECM) in mice manifests many of the neurological features of HCM. Migration of T cells and parasite-infected RBCs (pRBCs) into the brain are both necessary to precipitate the disease. We have been able to simultaneously target both these parameters of ECM. Curcumin alone was able to reverse all the parameters investigated in this study that govern inflammatory responses, CD8(+) T cell and pRBC sequestration into the brain and blood brain barrier (BBB) breakdown. But the animals eventually died of anemia due to parasite build-up in blood. However, arteether-curcumin (AC) combination therapy even after the onset of symptoms provided complete cure. AC treatment is a promising therapeutic option for HCM.


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Immune responses during fungal infections are predominately mediated by 5/15-lipoxygenases (LO)-or cyclooxygenase (COX)-2-catalysed bioactive eicosanoid metabolites like leukotrienes, lipoxins and prostaglandins. Although few host mediators of fungi-triggered eicosanoid production have been established, the molecular mechanism of expression and regulation of 5-LO, 15-LO and COX-2 are not well-defined. Here, we demonstrate that, macrophages infected with representative fungi Candida albicans, Aspergillus flavus or Aspergillus fumigatus or those treated with Curdlan, a selective agonist of pattern recognition receptor for fungi Dectin-1, displays increased expression of 5-LO, 15-LO and COX-2. Interestingly, Dectin-1-responsive Syk pathway activates mTOR-sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling cascade to stimulate the expression of these lipid metabolizing enzymes. Loss-of-function analysis of the identified intermediaries indicates that while Syk-mTOR-SHH pathway-induced 5-LO and 15-LO suppressed the Dectin-l-responsive pro-inflammatory signature cytokines like TNE-alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-12, Syk-mTOR-SHH-induced COX-2 positively regulated these cytokines. Dectin-1-stimulated IL-6, however, is dependent on 5-LO, 15-LO and COX-2 activity. Together, the current study establishes Dectin-1-arbitrated host mediators that direct the differential regulation of immune responses during fungal infections and thus are potential candidates of therapeutic intervention. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.