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In order to understand the growth and compaction behaviour of chalcopyrite (copper concentrate), batch granulation tests were carried out using a rotating drum. The granule growth exhibited induction-type behaviour, as defined by Iveson and Litster [AIChE J. 44 (1998) 15 10]. There were two consecutive stages during granulation: the induction stage, during which the granules are gradually being compacted and little or no growth occurs, and the rapid growth stage, which starts when the granules have become surface wet and are rapidly growing. In agreement with earlier findings. an increased amount of binder liquid shortened the induction time. The compaction behaviour was also investigated. A displaced volume method was adopted to determine the porosity of the granules. It was shown that this technique had a limitation as it was unable to detect the reduction of the volumes of the granule pores after the granules had become surface wet. Due to this, some of the measurements were not suited for fitting a three-parameter empirical model. Attempts were made to determine whether the rapid growth stage started with the pore saturation exceeding a certain critical value, but due to the scatter in the porosity measurements and the fact that some of the measurements could not be used, it was not possible to determine a critical pore saturation, However, the porosity measurements clearly demonstrated that the porosity of the granules decreased during the induction stage of an experiment and that when rapid growth occurred, the granules had a pore saturation was around 0.85. This value was slightly lower than unity, which is most likely due to trapped air bubbles. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Recent studies have shown that phox homology (PX) domains act as phosphoinositide-binding motifs. The majority of PX domains studied show binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-monophosphate (Ptdlns(3)P), an association that allows the host protein to localize to membranes of the endocytic pathway. One issue, however, is whether PX domains may have alternative phosphoinositide binding specificities that could target their host protein to distinct subcellular compartments or allow their allosteric regulation by phosphoinositides other than PtdIns(3)P. It has been reported that the PX domain of sorting nexin 1 (SNX1) specifically binds phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3) (Zhong, Q., Lazar, C. S., Tronchere, H., Sato, T., Meerloo, T., Yeo, M., Songyang, Z., Emr, S. D., and Gill, G. N. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99,6767-6772). In the present study, we have shown that whereas SNX1 binds PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3 in protein:lipid overlay assays, in liposomes-based assays, binding is observed to PtdIns(3)P and phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(3,5)P-2) but not to PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3. To address the significance of PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3 binding, we examined the subcellular localization of SNX1 under conditions in which plasma membrane PtdIns(3,4,5)P-3 levels were significantly elevated. Under these conditions, we failed to observe association of SNX1 with this membrane. However, consistent with the binding to PtdIns(3)P and PtdIns(3,5)P-2 being of more physiological significance was the observation that the association of SNX1 with an early endosomal compartment was dependent on a 3-phosphoinositide-binding PX domain and the presence of PtdIns(3)P on this compartment. Finally, we somal association of SNX1 is important for its ability to regulate the targeting of internalized epidermal growth factor receptor for lysosomal degradation.
We use published and new trace element data to identify element ratios which discriminate between arc magmas from the supra-subduction zone mantle wedge and those formed by direct melting of subducted crust (i.e. adakites). The clearest distinction is obtained with those element ratios which are strongly fractionated during refertilisation of the depleted mantle wedge, ultimately reflecting slab dehydration. Hence, adakites have significantly lower Pb/Nd and B/Be but higher Nb/Ta than typical arc magmas and continental crust as a whole. Although Li and Be are also overenriched in continental crust, behaviour of Li/Yb and Be/Nd is more complex and these ratios do not provide unique signatures of slab melting. Archaean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs) strongly resemble ordinary mantle wedge-derived arc magmas in terms of fluid-mobile trace element content, implying that they-did not form by slab melting but that they originated from mantle which was hydrated and enriched in elements lost from slabs during prograde dehydration. We suggest that Archaean TTGs formed by extensive fractional crystallisation from a mafic precursor. It is widely claimed that the time between the creation and subduction of oceanic lithosphere was significantly shorter in the Archaean (i.e. 20 Ma) than it is today. This difference was seen as an attractive explanation for the presumed preponderance of adakitic magmas during the first half of Earth's history. However, when we consider the effects of a higher potential mantle temperature on the thickness of oceanic crust, it follows that the mean age of oceanic lithosphere has remained virtually constant. Formation of adakites has therefore always depended on local plate geometry and not on potential mantle temperature.
Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) signalling is important in the initiation and regulation of osteogenesis. Although mutations in FGFR1, 2 and 3 genes are known to cause skeletal deformities, the expression of FGFR4 in bony tissue remains unclear. We have investigated the expression pattern of FGFR4 in the neonatal mouse calvaria and compared it to the expression pattern in cultures of primary osteoblasts. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that FGFR4 was highly expressed in rudimentary membranous bone and strictly localised to the cellular components (osteoblasts) between the periosteal and endosteal layers. Cells in close proximity to the newly formed osteoid (preosteoblasts) also expressed FGFR4 on both the endosteal and periosteal surfaces. Immunocytochemical analysis of primary osteoblast cultures taken from the same cranial region also revealed high levels of FGFR4 expression, suggesting a similar pattern of cellular expression in vivo and in vitro. RT-PCR and Western blotting for FGFR4 confirmed its presence in primary osteoblast cultures. These results suggest that FGFR4 may be an important regulator of osteogenesis with involvement in preosteoblast proliferation and differentiation as well as osteoblast functioning during intramembranous ossification. The consistent expression of FGFR4 in vivo and in vitro supports the use of primary osteoblast cultures for elucidating the role of FGFR4 during osteogenesis.
The role of PACs (primary adsorption centers) in the mesopore (i.e., transport) region of activated carbons during adsorption of polar species, such as water, is unclear. A classical model of three-dimensional adsorption on finite PACs is presented. The model is a preliminary, theoretical investigation into adsorption on mesopore PACs and is intended to give some insight into the energetic and physical processes at work. Work processes are developed to obtain isotherms and three-dimensional sorbate growth on PACs of varying size and energetic characteristics. The work processes allow two forms of adsorbed phase growth: densification at constant boundary and boundary growth at constant density. Relatively strong sorbate-sorbent interactions and strong surface tension favor adsorbed phase densification over boundary growth. Conversely, relatively weak sorbate-sorbent interactions and weak surface tension favor boundary growth over densification. If sorbate-sorbate interactions are strong compared to sorbate-sorbent interactions, condensation with hysteresis occurs. This can also give rise to delayed boundary growth, where all initial adsorption occurs in the monolayer only. The results indicate that adsorbed phase growth on PACs may be quite complex.
The potential to use a GnRH agonist bioimplant and injection of exogenous LH to control the time of ovulation in a multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) protocol was examined in buffalo. Mixed-parity buffalo (Bubalus bubalis; 4-15-year-old; 529 13 kg LW) were randomly assigned to one of five groups (n = 6): Group 1, conventional MOET protocol; Group 2, conventional MOET with 12 It delay in injection of PGF(2alpha); Group 3, implanted with GnRH agonist to block the pre-ovulatory surge release of LH; Group 4, implanted with GnRH agonist and injected with exogenous LH (Lutropin(R), 25 mg) 24 h after 4 days of superstimulation with FSH; Group 5, implanted with GnRH agonist and injected with LH 36 h after superstimulation with FSH. Ovarian follicular growth in all buffaloes was stimulated by treatment with FSH (Folltropin-V(R), 200 mg) administered over 4 days, and was monitored by ovarian ultrasonography. At the time of estrus, the number of follicles greater than or equal to8 mm. was greater (P < 0.05) for buffaloes in Group 2 (12.8) than for buffaloes in Groups 1 (8.5), 3 (7.3), 4 (6.1) and 5 (6.8), which did not differ. All buffaloes were mated by AI after spontaneous (Groups 1-3) or induced (Groups 4 and 5) ovulation. The respective number of buffalo that ovulated, number of corpora lutea, ovulation rate (%), and embryos + oocytes recovered were: Group 1 (2, 1.8 +/- 1.6, 18.0 +/- 13.6, 0.2 +/- 0.2); Group 2 (4, 6.1 +/- 2.9, 40.5 +/- 17.5, 3.7 +/- 2.1); Group 3 (0, 0, 0, 0); Group 4 (6, 4.3 +/- 1.2, 69.3 +/- 14.2, 2.0 +/- 0.9); and Group 5 (1, 2.5 +/- 2.5, 15.5 +/- 15.5, 2.1 +/- 2.1). All buffaloes in Group 4 ovulated after injection of LH and had a relatively high ovulation rate (69%) and embryo recovery (46%). It has been shown that the GnRH agonist-LH protocol can be used to improve the efficiency of MOET in buffalo. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was threefold: first, the study was designed to illustrate the use of data and information collected in food safety surveys in a quantitative risk assessment. In this case, the focus was on the food service industry; however, similar data from other parts of the food chain could be similarly incorporated. The second objective was to quantitatively describe and better understand the role that the food service industry plays in the safety of food. The third objective was to illustrate the additional decision-making information that is available when uncertainty and variability are incorporated into the modelling of systems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE - To assess the timing of fetal growth spurt among pre-existing diabetic pregnancies (types 1 and 2) and its relationship with diabetic control. To correlate fetal growth acceleration with factors that might influence fetal growth. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - This retrospective study involved all pregestational diabetic pregnancies delivered at a tertiary obstetric hospital in Australia between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1999. Pregnancies with major congenital fetal anomalies, multiple pregnancies, small-for-gestational-age pregnancies (90th centile for gestation) were compared with babies with normal birth weights. RESULTS- A total of 101 diabetic pregnancies were included. Diabetic mothers, who had LGA babies, had significantly higher prepregnancy body weight and BMI (P < 0.05). There were no differences in maternal age or parity among the two groups. There were also no differences in the first-, second-, and third-trimester HbA(1c) levels between the two groups. The abdominal circumference z-scores were significantly higher for LGA babies from 18 weeks and thereafter. The differences increased progressively as the gestation advanced. Maximum difference was noted in the third trimester (30-38 weeks). CONCLUSIONS - Fetal growth acceleration in LGA fetuses of diabetic mothers starts in the second trimester, from as early as 18 weeks. In this study, glucose control did not appear to have a direct effect on the incidence of LGA babies, and such observation might result from the effects of other confounding factors.
Keratinocyte Growth factor (KGF) is an epithelial cell growth factor of the fibroblast growth factor family and is produced by fibroblasts and microvascular endothelium in response to proinflammatory cytokines and steroid hormones. KGF is a heparin binding growth factor that exerts effects on epithelial cells in a paracrine fashion through interaction with KGF receptors. Preclinical data has demonstrated that KGF can prevent lung and gastrointestinal toxicity following chemotherapy and radiation and preliminary clinical data in the later setting supports these findings. In the experimental allogeneic bone marrow transplant scenario KGF has shown significant ability to prevent graft-versus-host disease by maintaining gastrointestinal tract integrity and acting as a cytokine shield to prevent subsequent proinflammatory cytokine generation. Within this setting KGF has also shown an ability to prevent experimental idiopathic pneumonia syndrome by stimulating production of surfactant protein A, promoting alveolar epithelialization and attenuating immune-mediated injury. Perhaps most unexpectantly, KGF appears able to maintain thymic function during allogeneic stern cell transplantation and so promote T cell engraftment and reconstitution. These data suggest that KGF will find a therapeutic role in the prevention of epithelial toxicity following intensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy protocols and in allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
Placental growth hormone (PGH) progressively replaces pituitary growth hormone in the maternal circulation from mid-gestation onwards in human pregnancy. Our previous investigations have shown that placental growth hormone concentrations correlate well with foetal growth. Despite the apparent correlation between PGH and birthweight, the physiology of its secretion during pregnancy has not been well defined. We investigated the response of maternal serum PCH to oral glucose loading in pregnant women (n = 24) who demonstrated normal glucose tolerance at a mean gestation of 29 weeks. Mean (SEM) fasting PGH concentrations were high (36.9 [6.4] ng/ml). No suppression of PGH was noted at one, two or three hours after a 75 g oral glucose load. Similarly, no changes were noted in growth hormone binding protein or in calculated free PGH over the course of the glucose tolerance test. As expected, insulin concentrations rose sixfold and insulin like growth factor binding protein 1 concentrations fell by 20% with glucose loading. Cot-relation analysis showed maternal weight, BMI, fasting serum glucose serum insulin to be significantly correlated with the babies' birthweight. Our results support the proposition that PGH concentrations in maternal serum are not Suppressed by oral glucose loading in non-diabetic mothers.
The intracellular mechanisms that determine the response of neural progenitor cells to growth factors and regulate their differentiation into either neurons or astrocytes remain unclear. We found that expression of SOCS2, an intracellular regulator of cytokine signaling, was restricted to mouse progenitor cells and neurons in response to leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF)-like cytokines. Progenitors lacking SOCS2 produced fewer neurons and more astrocytes in vitro, and Socs2(-/-) mice had fewer neurons and neurogenin-1 (Ngn1)-expressing cells in the developing cortex, whereas overexpression of SOCS2 increased neuronal differentiation. We also report that growth hormone inhibited Ngn1 expression and neuronal production, and this action was blocked by SOCS2 overexpression. These findings indicate that SOCS2 promotes neuronal differentiation by blocking growth hormone-mediated downregulation of Ngn1.
Antibodies have the potential to be therapeutic reagents for malaria. Here we describe the production of a novel phage antibody display library against the C-terminal 19 kDa region of the Plasmodium yoelii YM merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1(19)). In vivo studies against homologous lethal malaria challenge show an anti-parasite effect in a dose dependent manner, and analysis by plasmon resonance indicates binding to the antigen is comparable to the binding of a protective monoclonal antibody. The data support the lack of a need for any antibody Fc-related function and hold great significance for the development of a therapeutic reagent for malaria. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Plasma concentrations of growth hormone (GH) were measured in the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) pouch young from 25 through to 198 days post-partum (n=71). GH concentrations were highest early in pouch life (around 100 ng/ml), and thereafter declined in an exponential fashion to reach adult concentrations (10.8 +/- 1.8 ng/ml; n=21) by approximately 121-145 days post-partum, one to two months before the young is weaned. Growth hormone-binding protein (GHBP), which has been shown to modify the cellular actions of GH in eutherian mammals, was identified for the first time in a marsupial. Based on size exclusion gel filtration, possum GHBP had an estimated molecular mass of approximate to 65 kDa, similar to that identified in other mammalian species, and binding of I-125-labelled human GH (hGH) was displaced by excess hGH (20 mug). An immunoprecipitation method, in which plasma GHBP was rendered polyethylene glycol precipitable with a monoclonal antibody to the rabbit GHBP/GH receptor (MAb 43) and labelled with I-125-hGH, was used to quantitate plasma GHBP by Scatchard analysis in the developing (pooled plasma samples) and adult (individual animals) possums. Binding affinity (K-a) values in pouch young aged between 45 and 54 and 144 and 153 days post-partum varied between 1.0 and 2.4 x 10(9)/M, which was slightly higher than that in adult plasma (0.96 +/- 0.2 x 10(9)/M, n = 6). Binding capacity (B-max) values increased from non-detectable levels in animals aged 25-38 days post-partum to reach concentrations around half that seen in the adult (1.4 +/- 0.2 x 10(-9) M) by about 117 days post-partum and remained at this level until 153 days post-partum. Therefore, in early pouch life when plasma GH concentrations are highest, the very low concentrations of GHBP are unlikely to be important in terms of competing with GH-receptor for ligand or altering the half-life of circulating GH.