993 resultados para glycine-rich


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Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) was used to investigate the binding of 13 alkaloids to two GC-rich DNA duplexes which are critical sequences in human survivin promoter. Negative ion ESI-MS was first applied to screen the binding of the alkaloids to the duplexes. Six alkaloids (including berberine, jatrorrhizine, palmatine, reserpine, berbamine, and tetrandrine) show complexation with the target DNA sequences. Relative binding affinities were estimated from the negative ion ESI data, and the alkaloids show a binding preference to the duplex with higher GC content. Positive ion ESI mass spectra of the complexes were also recorded and compared with those obtained in negative ion mode.


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The GGA triplet repeats are widely dispersed throughout eukaryotic genomes. (GGA)n or (GGT)n oligonucleotides can interact with double-stranded DNA containing (GGA:CCT)n to form triple-stranded DNA. The effects of 8 divalent metal ions (3 alkaline-earth metals and 5 transition metals) on formation of these purine-rich triple-helix DNA were investigated by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-MS). In the absence of metal ions, no triplex but single-strand, duplex, and purine homodimer ions were observed in mass spectra. The triple-helix DNA complexes were observed only in the presence of certain divalent ions. The effects of different divalent cations on the formation of purine-rich triplexes were compared. Transition-metal ions, especially Co2+ and Ni2+, significantly boost the formation of triple-helix DNA, whereas alkaline-earth metal ions have no positive effects on triplex formation. In addition, Ba2+ is notably beneficial to the formation of homodimer instead of triplex.


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Die cast AZ91-xYmm (x = 0-0.8 wt.%) magnesium alloys with excellent tensile properties and corrosion resistance behavior were successfully prepared by a simple addition of yttrium-rich misch metal (Ymm) to AZ91. Influences of Ymm on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of AZ91 were investigated. The results showed that addition of Ymm to die cast AZ91 alloy could re. ne the microstructure including primary alpha-Mg and eutectic beta-Mg17Al12. When the content of Ymm reached 0.8 wt.% a small quantity of Al2Y phase would form. The tensile properties were improved greatly with addition of Ymm to AZ91. The creep rate of the AZ91-Ymm alloys, tested at 150 degrees C/50MPa, was one order of magnitude lower than that of AZ91. When addition of Ymm was more than 0.3 wt.%, the salt-spray corrosion resistance of AZ91-Ymm alloys could be 30-40 times of that of AZ91. The improvement of corrosion resistance with addition of Ymm was confirmed by the results of electrochemical polarization experiments. Mechanism of the improvement of mechanical properties and corrosion behavior caused by Ymm was also discussed.


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Die-cast Mg-4Al-4RE-0.4Mn (RE = Ce-rich mischmetal) and Mg-4Al-4La-0.4Mn magnesium alloys were prepared successfully and their microstructure, tensile and creep properties have been investigated. The results show that two binary Al-RE phases, Al11RE3 and Al2RE, are formed along grain boundaries in Mg-4Al-4RE-0.4Mn alloy, while the phase compositions of Mg-4Al-4La-0.4Mn alloy mainly consist of alpha-Mg phase and Al11La3 phase. And in Mg-4Al-4La-0.4Mn alloy the Al11La3 phase occupies a large grain boundary area and grows with complicated morphologies, which is characterized by scanning electron microscopy in detail. Changing the rare earth content of the alloy from Ce-rich mischmetal to lanthanum gives a further improvement in the tensile and creep properties, and the later could be attributed to the better thermal stability of Al11La3 phase in Mg-4Al-4La-0.4Mn alloy than that of Al11RE3 phase in Mg-4Al-4RE-0.4Mn alloy.


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In this work, we report a simple and effective investigation into adaptive interactions between guanine-rich DNA aptamers and amino acid amides by CE with electrochemical (EC) detection. Argininamide (Arm) and tyrosinamide (Tym) were chosen as model molecules. On a copper electrode, Arm generated a good EC signal in 60 mM NaOH at 0.7 V (vs Ag/ AgCl), while Tym. was detected well on a platinum electrode at 1. 3 V in 20 mM phosphate of pH 7.0. Based on their EC properties, the ligands themselves were used as indicators for the adaptive interactions investigated by CE-EC, making any step of labeling and/or modification of aptamers with indicators exempted. Hydrophilic ionic liquid was used as an additive in running buffer of CE to improve the sensitivity of Arm detection, whereas the additive was not used for Tym. detection due to its negative effect. Two guanine-rich DNA aptamers were used for molecular recognition of Arm and Tym. When the aptamers were incubated with ligands, they bound the model molecules with high affinity and specificity, reflected by obvious decreases in the signals of ligands but no changes in those of the control molecules. However, the ligands were hardly affected by the control ssDNAs after incubation. The results revealed the specific recognition of Arm and Tym. by the aptamers.


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Control of crystal polymorph and size is very important in many application fields. Herein we demonstrate that Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of stearic acid (SA) and octadecylamine (ODA) can serve as templates and generate different polymorphs of glycine crystals. In the neutral aqueous solutions, gamma-glycine crystallizes on LB films of ODA while the polymorphic outcome becomes the (x-form on LB films of SA. These observed results could be explained by the electrostatic interactions and geometric lattice matching at the LB film/crystal interfaces, respectively. By keeping the appropriate supersaturation, we have successfully controlled the number of crystals grown on LB films; for example, in some certain cases, only one piece of crystal was grown on LB films in solution. Therefore, large crystals of centimeter size could be prepared. These experimental results suggest a new approach to produce an organic crystal with bulk scale.


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We describe the small-biomolecule ( glycyl glycine)-directed synthesis of single-crystalline silver nanoplates, and different experimental conditions have been explored for a more thorough understanding of the growth mechanism. The yield of silver nanoplates relative to the total number of nanoparticles formed was as high as similar to 80%. It was found that the ratio of glycyl glycine to AgNO3 was the key to forming Ag nanoplates.


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The suppression of diorganogermanium compounds on the Maillard reaction of histidine (His) and glycine (Gly) with glucose has been determined by fluorescence spectrum under physiological conditions. The title compounds show inhibition for the fluorescence intensity (FI) of glycosylated amino acids stronger than Ge-132.


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A lanthanum coordination compound with glycine {[La(Gly)3.2H2O].(ClO4)3}n (Gly = NH+ 3-CH2-COO-) was synthesized and obtained in the form of single crystals. Its X-ray crystal structure has been determined and the IR spectrum has been studied. Crystallo


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The first thermodynamic dissociation constants of glycine in 5, 15 mass % glucose + water mixed solvents at five temperatures from 5 to 45-degrees-C have been determined from precise emf measurements of a cell without liquid junction using hydrogen and Ag-AgCl electrodes and a new method of polynomial approximation proposed on the basis of Pitzer's electrolytic solution theory in our previous paper. The results obtained from both methods agree within experimental error. The standard free energy of transfer for HCl from water to aqueous mixed solvent have been calculated and the results are discussed.


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C-13 and H-1 NMR technique was used to study the interaction of Gly-Gly with heavy lanthanide cations Dy3+, Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+ and Yb3+ in aqueous solution. The stability constants for the 1:1 and 1:2 complexes of Gly-Gly with Ho3+ and Yb3+ were determined from the titration curves of chemical shift versus concentration ratio of lanthanide to Gly-Gly. The solution structure of the Ln-Gly-Gly complex was analyzed based upon the C-13 and H-1 lanthanide induced shifts and the results show that in the complex Gly Gly is coordinated to the lanthanide ion through the carboxyl oxygens with the backbone of the ligand in an extended state.


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Electrodeposition process of polycrystalline Cd-rich Hg_(1-z)Cd_xTe (x>0.5) in acidic bath of CdSO_4+HTeO_2~+HgCl_2 was investigated. The simultaneous electrodeposition technique of three kinds of ions at the same potential has been achieved. The XRD, SEM and EDAX analysis of the thin film electrodeposited on titanium substrate showed a typical cubic zinc blende polycrystalline structure and homogeneous dispersion. The photoelectrochemical behavior of (1-x)=0.09 polycrystalline thin film in a polysulfide re...


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Rare earth elements (RFEs) and major elements of 25 cobalt-rich crusts obtained from different depths of Mid-Pacific M seamount were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer and gravimetric method. The results showed that they were hydrogenous crusts with average Sigma REE content of 2084.69 mu g/g and the light REE (LREE)/heavy REE (HREE) ratio of 4.84. The shale-normalized PEE patterns showed positive Ce anomalies. The total content of strictly trivalent REEs increased with water depth. The Ce content and LREE/HREE ratios in Fe-Mn crusts above 2000 in were lower than those below 2000 m. The change in RE E with water depth could be explained by two processes: adsorptive scavenging by setting matters and behaviors of REE in seawater. However, the Ce abundance took no obvious correlation with water depth reflects the constant Ce flux. The Cc in crusts existed mainly as Ce(IV), implying that the oxidative-enriching process was controlled by kinetic factors.