958 resultados para elliptic curves


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A regional envelope curve (REC) of flood flows summarises the current bound on our experience of extreme floods in a region. RECs are available for most regions of the world. Recent scientific papers introduced a probabilistic interpretation of these curves and formulated an empirical estimator of the recurrence interval T associated with a REC, which, in principle, enables us to use RECs for design purposes in ungauged basins. The main aim of this work is twofold. First, it extends the REC concept to extreme rainstorm events by introducing the Depth-Duration Envelope Curves (DDEC), which are defined as the regional upper bound on all the record rainfall depths at present for various rainfall duration. Second, it adapts the probabilistic interpretation proposed for RECs to DDECs and it assesses the suitability of these curves for estimating the T-year rainfall event associated with a given duration and large T values. Probabilistic DDECs are complementary to regional frequency analysis of rainstorms and their utilization in combination with a suitable rainfall-runoff model can provide useful indications on the magnitude of extreme floods for gauged and ungauged basins. The study focuses on two different national datasets, the peak over threshold (POT) series of rainfall depths with duration 30 min., 1, 3, 9 and 24 hrs. obtained for 700 Austrian raingauges and the Annual Maximum Series (AMS) of rainfall depths with duration spanning from 5 min. to 24 hrs. collected at 220 raingauges located in northern-central Italy. The estimation of the recurrence interval of DDEC requires the quantification of the equivalent number of independent data which, in turn, is a function of the cross-correlation among sequences. While the quantification and modelling of intersite dependence is a straightforward task for AMS series, it may be cumbersome for POT series. This paper proposes a possible approach to address this problem.


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This work concerns the study of bounded solutions to elliptic nonlinear equations with fractional diffusion. More precisely, the aim of this thesis is to investigate some open questions related to a conjecture of De Giorgi about the one-dimensional symmetry of bounded monotone solutions in all space, at least up to dimension 8. This property on 1-D symmetry of monotone solutions for fractional equations was known in dimension n=2. The question remained open for n>2. In this work we establish new sharp energy estimates and one-dimensional symmetry property in dimension 3 for certain solutions of fractional equations. Moreover we study a particular type of solutions, called saddle-shaped solutions, which are the candidates to be global minimizers not one-dimensional in dimensions bigger or equal than 8. This is an open problem and it is expected to be true from the classical theory of minimal surfaces.


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In this work we develop and analyze an adaptive numerical scheme for simulating a class of macroscopic semiconductor models. At first the numerical modelling of semiconductors is reviewed in order to classify the Energy-Transport models for semiconductors that are later simulated in 2D. In this class of models the flow of charged particles, that are negatively charged electrons and so-called holes, which are quasi-particles of positive charge, as well as their energy distributions are described by a coupled system of nonlinear partial differential equations. A considerable difficulty in simulating these convection-dominated equations is posed by the nonlinear coupling as well as due to the fact that the local phenomena such as "hot electron effects" are only partially assessable through the given data. The primary variables that are used in the simulations are the particle density and the particle energy density. The user of these simulations is mostly interested in the current flow through parts of the domain boundary - the contacts. The numerical method considered here utilizes mixed finite-elements as trial functions for the discrete solution. The continuous discretization of the normal fluxes is the most important property of this discretization from the users perspective. It will be proven that under certain assumptions on the triangulation the particle density remains positive in the iterative solution algorithm. Connected to this result an a priori error estimate for the discrete solution of linear convection-diffusion equations is derived. The local charge transport phenomena will be resolved by an adaptive algorithm, which is based on a posteriori error estimators. At that stage a comparison of different estimations is performed. Additionally a method to effectively estimate the error in local quantities derived from the solution, so-called "functional outputs", is developed by transferring the dual weighted residual method to mixed finite elements. For a model problem we present how this method can deliver promising results even when standard error estimator fail completely to reduce the error in an iterative mesh refinement process.


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The Factorization Method localizes inclusions inside a body from measurements on its surface. Without a priori knowing the physical parameters inside the inclusions, the points belonging to them can be characterized using the range of an auxiliary operator. The method relies on a range characterization that relates the range of the auxiliary operator to the measurements and is only known for very particular applications. In this work we develop a general framework for the method by considering symmetric and coercive operators between abstract Hilbert spaces. We show that the important range characterization holds if the difference between the inclusions and the background medium satisfies a coerciveness condition which can immediately be translated into a condition on the coefficients of a given real elliptic problem. We demonstrate how several known applications of the Factorization Method are covered by our general results and deduce the range characterization for a new example in linear elasticity.


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In various imaging problems the task is to use the Cauchy data of the solutions to an elliptic boundary value problem to reconstruct the coefficients of the corresponding partial differential equation. Often the examined object has known background properties but is contaminated by inhomogeneities that cause perturbations of the coefficient functions. The factorization method of Kirsch provides a tool for locating such inclusions. In this paper, the factorization technique is studied in the framework of coercive elliptic partial differential equations of the divergence type: Earlier it has been demonstrated that the factorization algorithm can reconstruct the support of a strictly positive (or negative) definite perturbation of the leading order coefficient, or if that remains unperturbed, the support of a strictly positive (or negative) perturbation of the zeroth order coefficient. In this work we show that these two types of inhomogeneities can, in fact, be located simultaneously. Unlike in the earlier articles on the factorization method, our inclusions may have disconnected complements and we also weaken some other a priori assumptions of the method. Our theoretical findings are complemented by two-dimensional numerical experiments that are presented in the framework of the diffusion approximation of optical tomography.


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We consider the heat flux through a domain with subregions in which the thermal capacity approaches zero. In these subregions the parabolic heat equation degenerates to an elliptic one. We show the well-posedness of such parabolic-elliptic differential equations for general non-negative L-infinity-capacities and study the continuity of the solutions with respect to the capacity, thus giving a rigorous justification for modeling a small thermal capacity by setting it to zero. We also characterize weak directional derivatives of the temperature with respect to capacity as solutions of related parabolic-elliptic problems.


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Assuming that the heat capacity of a body is negligible outside certain inclusions the heat equation degenerates to a parabolic-elliptic interface problem. In this work we aim to detect these interfaces from thermal measurements on the surface of the body. We deduce an equivalent variational formulation for the parabolic-elliptic problem and give a new proof of the unique solvability based on Lions’s projection lemma. For the case that the heat conductivity is higher inside the inclusions, we develop an adaptation of the factorization method to this time-dependent problem. In particular this shows that the locations of the interfaces are uniquely determined by boundary measurements. The method also yields to a numerical algorithm to recover the inclusions and thus the interfaces. We demonstrate how measurement data can be simulated numerically by a coupling of a finite element method with a boundary element method, and finally we present some numerical results for the inverse problem.


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This thesis provides efficient and robust algorithms for the computation of the intersection curve between a torus and a simple surface (e.g. a plane, a natural quadric or another torus), based on algebraic and numeric methods. The algebraic part includes the classification of the topological type of the intersection curve and the detection of degenerate situations like embedded conic sections and singularities. Moreover, reference points for each connected intersection curve component are determined. The required computations are realised efficiently by solving quartic polynomials at most and exactly by using exact arithmetic. The numeric part includes algorithms for the tracing of each intersection curve component, starting from the previously computed reference points. Using interval arithmetic, accidental incorrectness like jumping between branches or the skipping of parts are prevented. Furthermore, the environments of singularities are correctly treated. Our algorithms are complete in the sense that any kind of input can be handled including degenerate and singular configurations. They are verified, since the results are topologically correct and approximate the real intersection curve up to any arbitrary given error bound. The algorithms are robust, since no human intervention is required and they are efficient in the way that the treatment of algebraic equations of high degree is avoided.


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Despite the scientific achievement of the last decades in the astrophysical and cosmological fields, the majority of the Universe energy content is still unknown. A potential solution to the “missing mass problem” is the existence of dark matter in the form of WIMPs. Due to the very small cross section for WIMP-nuleon interactions, the number of expected events is very limited (about 1 ev/tonne/year), thus requiring detectors with large target mass and low background level. The aim of the XENON1T experiment, the first tonne-scale LXe based detector, is to be sensitive to WIMP-nucleon cross section as low as 10^-47 cm^2. To investigate the possibility of such a detector to reach its goal, Monte Carlo simulations are mandatory to estimate the background. To this aim, the GEANT4 toolkit has been used to implement the detector geometry and to simulate the decays from the various background sources: electromagnetic and nuclear. From the analysis of the simulations, the level of background has been found totally acceptable for the experiment purposes: about 1 background event in a 2 tonne-years exposure. Indeed, using the Maximum Gap method, the XENON1T sensitivity has been evaluated and the minimum for the WIMP-nucleon cross sections has been found at 1.87 x 10^-47 cm^2, at 90% CL, for a WIMP mass of 45 GeV/c^2. The results have been independently cross checked by using the Likelihood Ratio method that confirmed such results with an agreement within less than a factor two. Such a result is completely acceptable considering the intrinsic differences between the two statistical methods. Thus, in the PhD thesis it has been proven that the XENON1T detector will be able to reach the designed sensitivity, thus lowering the limits on the WIMP-nucleon cross section by about 2 orders of magnitude with respect to the current experiments.


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L’obiettivo del presente lavoro di tesi è stato quello di analizzare i campioni di otoliti delle due specie del genere Mullus (Mullus barbatus e Mullus surmuletus) per mezzo dell’Analisi Ellittica di Fourier (EFA) e l’analisi di morfometria classica con gli indici di forma, al fine di verificare la simmetria tra l’otolite destro e sinistro in ognuna delle singole specie di Mullus e se varia la forma in base alla taglia dell’individuo. Con l’EFA è stato possibile mettere a confronto le forme degli otoliti facendo i confronti multipli in base alla faccia, al sesso e alla classe di taglia. Inoltre è stato fatto un confronto tra le forme degli otoliti delle due specie. Dalle analisi EFA è stato possibile anche valutare se gli esemplari raccolti appartenessero tutti al medesimo stock o a stock differenti. Gli otoliti appartengono agli esemplari di triglia catturati durante la campagna sperimentale MEDITS 2012. Per i campioni di Mullus surmuletus, data la modesta quantità, sono stati analizzati anche gli otoliti provenienti dalla campagna MEDITS 2014 e GRUND 2002. I campioni sono stati puliti e analizzati allo stereomicroscopio con telecamera e collegato ad un PC fornito di programma di analisi di immagine. Dalle analisi di morfometria classica sugli otoliti delle due specie si può sostenere che in generale vi sia una simmetria tra l’otolite destro e sinistro. Dalle analisi EFA sono state riscontrate differenze significative in tutti i confronti, anche nel confronto tra le due specie. I campioni sembrano però appartenere al medesimo stock. In conclusione si può dire che l’analisi di morfometria classica ha dato dei risultati congrui con quello che ci si aspettava. I risultati dell’analisi EFA invece hanno evidenziato delle differenze significative che dimostrano una superiore potenza discriminante. La particolare sensibilità dell’analisi dei contorni impone un controllo di qualità rigoroso durante l’acquisizione delle forme.


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In questa tesi si mostrano alcune applicazioni degli integrali ellittici nella meccanica Hamiltoniana, allo scopo di risolvere i sistemi integrabili. Vengono descritte le funzioni ellittiche, in particolare la funzione ellittica di Weierstrass, ed elenchiamo i tipi di integrali ellittici costruendoli dalle funzioni di Weierstrass. Dopo aver considerato le basi della meccanica Hamiltoniana ed il teorema di Arnold Liouville, studiamo un esempio preso dal libro di Moser-Integrable Hamiltonian Systems and Spectral Theory, dove si prendono in considerazione i sistemi integrabili lungo la geodetica di un'ellissoide, e il sistema di Von Neumann. In particolare vediamo che nel caso n=2 abbiamo un integrale ellittico.


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Little is known about the learning of the skills needed to perform ultrasound- or nerve stimulator-guided peripheral nerve blocks. The aim of this study was to compare the learning curves of residents trained in ultrasound guidance versus residents trained in nerve stimulation for axillary brachial plexus block. Ten residents with no previous experience with using ultrasound received ultrasound training and another ten residents with no previous experience with using nerve stimulation received nerve stimulation training. The novices' learning curves were generated by retrospective data analysis out of our electronic anaesthesia database. Individual success rates were pooled, and the institutional learning curve was calculated using a bootstrapping technique in combination with a Monte Carlo simulation procedure. The skills required to perform successful ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus block can be learnt faster and lead to a higher final success rate compared to nerve stimulator-guided axillary brachial plexus block.