877 resultados para dissolution mechanisms


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Phytomonas serpens are flagellates in the family Trypanosomatidae that parasitise the tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum L.), which results in fruits with low commercial value. The tomato glycoalkaloid tomatine and its aglycone tomatidine inhibit the growth of P. serpens in axenic cultures. Tomatine, like many other saponins, induces permeabilisation of the cell membrane and a loss of cell content, including the cytosolic enzyme pyruvate kinase. In contrast, tomatidine does not cause permeabilisation of membranes, but instead provokes morphological changes, including vacuolisation. Phytomonas treated with tomatidine show an increased accumulation of labelled neutral lipids (BODYPY-palmitic), a notable decrease in the amount of C24-alkylated sterols and an increase in zymosterol content. These results are consistent with the inhibition of 24-sterol methyltransferase (SMT), which is an important enzyme that is responsible for the methylation of sterols at the 24 position. We propose that the main target of tomatidine is the sterols biosynthetic pathway, specifically, inhibition of the 24-SMT. Altogether, the results obtained in the present paper suggest a more general effect of alkaloids in trypanosomatids, which opens potential therapeutic possibilities for the treatment of the diseases caused by these pathogens.


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We analysed the composition of phyllosilicate minerals in sediments deposited by the Rhone and Oberaar glaciers (Swiss Alps), in order to identify processes and rates of biogeochemical weathering in relation to glacial erosion. The investigated sediments are part of chronosequences consisting of (A) suspended, "fresh" sediment in melt water; (B) terminal moraines from the Little Ice Age (LIA; approximately 1560-1850); and (C) tilts of the Younger Dryas interval (YD; approximately 11'500y BP). Secondary weathering products associated with the suspended sediment have not been observed: we therefore exclude intermittent subglacial storage and weathering of this material and assume that the suspended sediment is directly derived from mechanically abraded bedrock. This implies that biogeochemical weathering processes started once the glacially-derived sediment was deposited in the proglacial area. The combination of a developing vegetation cover, the generally high permeability allowing the percolation of precipitation, and the chemical reactivity related to the dominance of fine-grained material (<63 pm) drives the weathering process and the initial Umbrepts present in LIA profiles undergo podzolisation and lead to the formation of Humods observed in YD profiles. Systematic XRD analyses of these chronosequences show a progressive decrease in biotite contents and a concomitant increase in pedogenically formed vermiculite with increasing sediment age. Biotite contents decrease by 25-50% in the upper 30 cm of the moraines after 145-275 yr in the proglacial environment. Biotite weathering rates are calculated using the difference in the biotite content between unweathered and weathered glacial sediments within the investigated profiles. The reactive mineral surface area is estimated geometrically, both with regards to the total relative surface (WRT) as well as to the relative edge surface (WRE). WRT Biotite weathering rates are estimated as 10(-13)-10-(15) mol(biotite) m(biotite)(-2) s(-1). WRE Biotite weathering rates are on the order of 10(-13)-10(-14) mol(biotite) m(biotite)(-2) s(-1). Biotite weathering rates obtained by this study are in the order of one magnitude higher in comparison to other published field-based weathering rates. Using biotite as an indicator, we therefore suggest that glacially-derived material in the area of the Oberaar and Rhone glaciers is generally subjected to enhanced biogeochemical weathering, starting immediately after deposition in the proglacial zone and subsequently continuing for thousands of years after glacier retreat.


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In parasites, host specificity may result either from restricted dispersal capacity or from fixed coevolutionary host-parasite adaptations. Knowledge of those proximal mechanisms leading to particular host specificity is fundamental to understand host-parasite interactions and potential coevolution of parasites and hosts. The relative importance of these two mechanisms was quantified through infection and cross-infection experiments using mites and bats as a model. Monospecific pools of parasitic mites (Spinturnix myoti and S. andegavinus) were subjected either to individual bats belonging to their traditional, native bat host species, or to another substitute host species within the same bat genus (Myotis). The two parasite species reacted differently to these treatments. S. myoti exhibited a clear preference for, and had a higher fitness on, its native host, Myotis myotis. In contrast, S. andegavinus showed no host choice, although its fitness was higher on its native host M. daubentoni. The causal mechanisms mediating host specificity can apparently differ within closely related host-parasite systems.


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An investigation was carried out into the genetic mechanisms responsible for multidrug resistance in nine carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosaisolates from different hospitals in Recife, Brazil. Susceptibility to antimicrobial agents was determined by broth microdilution. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed to detect the presence of genes encoding β-lactamases, aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes (AMEs), 16S rRNA methylases, integron-related genes and OprD. Expression of genes coding for efflux pumps and AmpC cephalosporinase were assessed by quantitative PCR. The outer membrane proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The blaSPM-1, blaKPC-2 and blaGES-1 genes were detected in P. aeruginosaisolates in addition to different AME genes. The loss of OprD in nine isolates was mainly due to frameshift mutations, premature stop codons and point mutations. An association of loss of OprD with the overexpression of MexAB-OprM and MexXY-OprM was observed in most isolates. Hyper-production of AmpC was also observed in three isolates. Clonal relationship of the isolates was determined by repetitive element palindromic-PCR and multilocus sequence typing. Our results show that the loss of OprD along with overexpression of efflux pumps and β-lactamase production were responsible for the multidrug resistance in the isolates analysed.


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Summary : Clinical evidence indicates that tumors recurring within previously irradiated fields are highly invasive and metastatic, suggesting a role of the tumor stroma in this effect. Angiogenesis plays a critical role in tumor progression. Ionizing radiation is known to induce apoptosis of angiogenic endothelial cells, while the effect on quiescent endothelial cells and de novo angiogenesis is not well characterized. We recently observed that irradiation of normal tissue prevents tumor- and growth factor-induced angiogenesis. The main aim of my thesis work was to characterize the mechanisms of radiation-mediated inhibition of angiogenesis. To this purpose we used a combination of in vivo and ex vivo studies on irradiated healthy tissue, and in vitro irradiation experiments using angiogenesis models and isolated endothelial cells. We found that irradiation did not induce endothelial cell apoptosis and did not disrupt quiescent vessels within irradiated skin. Radiation reduced the recruitment of leukocytes to angiogenic Matrigel plugs, but this effect was rather secondary to decreased angiogenesis, as exogenous addition of leucocytes to Matrigel plugs did not rescue the angiogenesis defects. To ascertain the direct effect of radiation on endothelial cells, we used the mouse aortic ring assay to test the sprouting capacity of irradiated endothelial cells ex vivo and in vitro, and found that irradiation completely suppressed endothelial cell sprouting. Using HUVEC cells, we showed that irradiation of quiescent confluent endothelial cells did not induce cell death but suppressed subsequent migration and cell proliferation and induced senescence. By Western blotting, we observed a rapid and sustained increase in p21 levels, previously shown to be activated by p53 in response to double strand break, and mediating senescence in human cells. Current experiments focus on the mechanism of sustained p21 upregulation and its role in reduced migration. Inhibition of endothelial cell migration and proliferation by radiation may explain reduced angiogenesis in tumors growing in previously irradiated fields.


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Hodgkin's lymphoma represents one of the most frequent lymphoproliferative syndromes, especially in young population. Although HL is considered one of the most curable tumors, a sizeable fraction of patients recur after successful upfront treatment or, less commonly, are primarily resistant. This work tries to summarize the data on clinical, histological, pathological, and biological factors in HL, with special emphasis on the improvement of prognosis and their impact on therapeutical strategies. The recent advances in our understanding of HL biology and immunology show that infiltrated immune cells and cytokines in the tumoral microenvironment may play different functions that seem tightly related with clinical outcomes. Strategies aimed at interfering with the crosstalk between tumoral Reed-Sternberg cells and their cellular partners have been taken into account in the development of new immunotherapies that target different cell components of HL microenvironment. This new knowledge will probably translate into a change in the antineoplastic treatments in HL in the next future and hopefully will increase the curability rates of this disease.


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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an emerging health concern in both developed and non-developed world, encompassing from simple steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis and liver cancer. Incidence and prevalence of this disease are increasing due to the socioeconomic transition and change to harmful diet. Currently, gold standard method in NAFLD diagnosis is liver biopsy, despite complications and lack of accuracy due to sampling error. Further, pathogenesis of NAFLD is not fully understood, but is well-known that obesity, diabetes and metabolic derangements played a major role in disease development and progression. Besides, gut microbioma and host genetic and epigenetic background could explain considerable interindividual variability. Knowledge that epigenetics, heritable events not caused by changes in DNA sequence, contribute to development of diseases has been a revolution in the last few years. Recently, evidences are accumulating revealing the important role of epigenetics in NAFLD pathogenesis and in NASH genesis. Histone modifications, changes in DNA methylation and aberrant profiles or microRNAs could boost development of NAFLD and transition into clinical relevant status. PNPLA3 genotype GG has been associated with a more progressive disease and epigenetics could modulate this effect. The impact of epigenetic on NAFLD progression could deserve further applications on therapeutic targets together with future non-invasive methods useful for the diagnosis and staging of NAFLD.


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BACKGROUND Tapia's syndrome is an uncommon disease described in 1904 by Antonio Garcia Tapia, a Spanish otolaryngologist. It is characterized by concomitant paralysis of the hypoglossal (XIIth) and pneumogastric (Xth) nerves. Only 69 cases have been described in the literature. Typically, the reported patients presented with a history of orotracheal intubation. Common symptoms are dysphonia, tongue deviation toward the affected side, lingual motility disturbance, and swallowing difficulty. CASE PRESENTATION In the report, we describe three cases of Tapia's syndrome in three Caucasian patients who underwent surgery with general anesthesia. Two of these patients underwent neck abscess drainage, and the third had an open reduction of a shoulder fracture. The clinical symptoms of Tapia's syndrome appeared after extubation. All three of our patients recovered their lost function at 3 months after diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS We underline the importance of performing airway endoscopy and a specific program of swallowing rehabilitation for the proper management of Tapia's syndrome.


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Photoaging and photocarcinogenesis are primarily due to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which alters DNA, cellular antioxidant balance, signal transduction pathways, immunology, and the extracellular matrix (ECM). The DNA alterations include UV radiation induced thymine-thymine dimers and loss of tumor suppressor gene p53. UV radiation reduces cellular antioxidant status by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the resultant oxidative stress alters signal transduction pathways such as the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), the nuclear factor-kappa beta (NF-κB)/p65, the janus kinase (JAK), signal transduction and activation of transcription (STAT) and the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2). UV radiation induces pro-inflammatory genes and causes immunosuppression by depleting the number and activity of the epidermal Langerhans cells. Further, UV radiation remodels the ECM by increasing matrixmetalloproteinases (MMP) and reducing structural collagen and elastin. The photoprotective strategies to prevent/treat photoaging and photocarcinogenesis include oral or topical agents that act as sunscreens or counteract the effects of UV radiation on DNA, cellular antioxidant balance, signal transduction pathways, immunology and the ECM. Many of these agents are phytochemical derivatives and include polyphenols and non-polyphenols. The flavonoids are polyphenols and include catechins, isoflavones, proanthocyanidins, and anthocyanins, whereas the non-flavonoids comprise mono phenolic acids and stilbenes. The natural sources of polyphenols include tea, cocoa, grape/wine, soy, pomegranate, and Polypodium leucotomos. The non-phenolic phytochemicals include carotenoids, caffeine and sulphoraphance (SFN). In addition, there are other phytochemical derivatives or whole extracts such as baicalin, flavangenol, raspberry extract, and Photomorphe umbellata with photoprotective activity against UVB radiation, and thereby carcinogenesis.


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Summary : Control of pancreatic ß-cell mass and function by gluco-incretin hormones: Identification of novel regulatory mechanisms for the treatment of diabetes The ß-cells of islets of Langerhans secrete insulin to reduce hyperglycemia. The number of pancreatic islet ß-cells and their capacity to secrete insulin is modulated in normal physiological conditions to respond to the metabolic demand of the organism. A failure of the endocrine pancreas to maintain an adequate insulin secretory capacity due to a reduced ß-cell number and function underlies the pathogenesis of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The molecular mechanisms controlling the glucose competence of mature ß-cells, i.e., the magnitude of their insulin secretion response to glucose, ß-cell replication, their differentiation from precursor cells and protection against apoptosis are poorly understood. To investigate these mechanisms, we studied the effects on ß-cells of the gluco-incretin hormones, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) which are secreted by intestinal endocrine cells after food intake. Besides acutely potentiating glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, these hormones induce ß-cell differentiation from precursor cells, stimulate mature ß-cell replication, and protect them against apoptosis. Therefore, understanding the molecular basis for gluco-incretin action may lead to the uncovering of novel ß-cell regulatory events with potential application for the treatment or prevention of diabetes. Islets from mice with inactivation of both GIP and GLP-1 receptor genes (dK0) present a defect in glucose-induced insulin secretion and are more sensitive than control islets to cytokine-induced apoptosis. To search for regulatory genes, that may control both glucose competence and protection against apoptosis, we performed comparative transcriptomic analysis of islets from control and dK0 mice. We found a strong down-regulation of the IGF1 Rexpression in dK0 islets. We demonstrated in both a mouse insulin-secreting cell line and primary islets, that GLP-1 stimulated IGF-1R expression and signaling. Importantly, GLP-1induced IGF-1R-dependent Akt phosphorylation required active secretion, indicating the presence of an autocrine activation mechanism. We further showed that activation of IGF-1R signaling was dependent on the secretion of IGF-2 and IGF-2 expression was regulated by nutrients. Finally, we demonstrated that the IGF-Z/IGF-1R autocrine loop was required for GLP-1 i) to protect ß-cells against cytokine-induced apoptosis, ii) to enhance their glucose competence and iii) to increase ß-cell proliferation. Résumé : Contrôle de la masse des cellules ß pancréatiques et de leur fonction par les hormones glucoincrétines: Identification de nouveaux mécanismes régulateurs pour le traitement du diabète Les cellules ß des îlots de Langerhans sécrètent l'insuline pour diminuer l'hyperglycémie. Le nombre de cellules ß et leur capacité à sécréter l'insuline sont modulés dans les conditions physiologiques normales pour répondre à la demande métabolique de l'organisme. Un échec du pancréas endocrine à maintenir sa capacité sécrétoire d'insuline dû à une diminution du nombre et de la fonction des cellules ß conduit au diabète de type 1 et de type 2. Les mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant la compétence au glucose des cellules ß matures, tels que, l'augmentation de la sécrétion d'insuline en réponse au glucose, la réplication des cellules ß, leur différentiation à partir de cellules précurseurs et la protection contre l'apoptose sont encore peu connus. Afin d'examiner ces mécanismes, nous avons étudié les effets sur les cellules ß des hormones gluco-incrétines, glucose-dépendent insulinotropic polypeptide (G1P) et glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) qui sont sécrétées par les cellules endocrines de l'intestin après la prise alimentaire. En plus de potentialiser la sécrétion d'insuline induite par le glucose, ces hormones induisent la différentiation de cellules ß à partir de cellules précurseurs, stimulent leur prolifération et les protègent contre l'apoptose. Par conséquent, comprendre les mécanismes d'action des gluco-incrétines permettrait de découvrir de nouveaux processus régulant les cellules ß avec d'éventuelles applications dans le traitement ou la prévention du diabète. Les îlots de souris ayant une double inactivation des gènes pour les récepteurs du GIP et du GLP-1 (dK0) présentent un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline stimulée par le glucose et une sensibilité accrue à l'apoptose induite par les cytokines. Afin de déterminer les gènes régulés, qui pourraient contrôler à la fois la compétence au glucose et la protection contre l'apoptose, nous avons effectué une analyse comparative transcriptomique sur des îlots de souris contrôles et dKO. Nous avons constaté une forte diminution de l'expression d'IGF-1R dans les îlots dKO. Nous avons démontré, à la fois dans une lignée cellulaire murine sécrétant l'insuline et dans îlots primaires, que le GLP-1 stimulait l'expression d'IGF-1R et sa voie de signalisation. Par ailleurs, la phosphorylation d'Akt dépendante d'IGF1-R induite parle GLP-1 nécessite une sécrétion active, indiquant la présence d'un mécanisme d'activation autocrine. Nous avons ensuite montré que l'activation de la voie de signalisation d'IGF-1R était dépendante de la sécrétion d'IGF-2, dont l'expression est régulée par les nutriments. Finalement, nous avons démontré que la boucle autocrine IGF-2/IGF-1R est nécessaire pour le GLP-1 i) pour protéger les cellules ß contre l'apoptose induite par les cytokines, ii) pour améliorer la compétence au glucose et iii) pour augmenter la prolifération des cellules ß. Résumé tout public : Contrôle de la masse des cellules ß pancréatiques et de leur fonction par les hormones gluco-incrétines: Identification de nouveaux mécanismes régulateurs pour le traitement du diabète Chez les mammifères, la concentration de glucose sanguine (glycémie) est régulée et maintenue à une valeur relativement constante d'environ 5 mM. Cette régulation est principalement contrôlée par 2 hormones produites par les îlots pancréatiques de Langerhans: l'insuline sécrétée par les cellules ß et le glucagon sécrété par les cellules a. A la suite d'un repas, l'augmentation de la glycémie entraîne la sécrétion d'insuline ce qui permet le stockage du glucose dans le foie, les muscles et le tissu adipeux afin de diminuer le taux de glucose circulant. Lors d'un jeûne, la diminution de la glycémie permet la sécrétion de glucagon favorisant alors la production de glucose par le foie, normalisant ainsi la glycémie. Le nombre de cellules ß et leur capacité sécrétoire s'adaptent aux variations de la demande métabolique pour assurer une normoglycémie. Une destruction complète ou partielle des cellules ß conduit respectivement au diabète de type 1 et de type 2. Bien que l'augmentation de la glycémie soit le facteur stimulant de la sécrétion d'insuline, des hormones gluco-incrétines, principalement le GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) et le GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) sont libérées par l'intestin en réponse aux nutriments (glucose, acides gras) et agissent au niveau des cellules ß, potentialisant la sécrétion d'insuline induite par le glucose, stimulant leur prolifération, induisant la différentiation de cellules précurseurs en cellules ß matures et les protègent contre la mort cellulaire (apoptose). Afin d'étudier plus en détail ces mécanismes, nous avons généré des souris déficientes pour les récepteurs du GIP et du GLP-l. Les îlots pancréatiques de ces souris présentent un défaut de sécrétion d'insuline stimulée par le glucose et une sensibilité accrue à l'apoptose par rapport aux îlots de souris contrôles. Nous avons donc cherché les gènes régulés pas ces hormones contrôlant la sécrétion d'insuline et la protection contre l'apoptose. Nous avons constaté une forte diminution de l'expression du récepteur à l'IGF-1 (IGF-1R) dans les îlots de souris déficientes pour les récepteurs des gluco-incrétines. Nous avons démontré dans un model de cellules ß en culture et d'îlots que le GLP-1 augmentait l'expression d'IGF-1R et la sécrétion de son ligand (IGF-2) permettant l'activation de la voie de signalisation. Finalement, nous avons montré que l'activation de la boucle IGF-2/IGF-1R induite par le GLP-1 était nécessaire pour la protection contre l'apoptose, l'augmentation de la sécrétion et la prolifération des cellules ß.


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Introduction : Les particules de HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) ont des fonctions diverses notamment en raison de leur structure très hétérogène. Tout d'abord, les HDLs assurent le transport du cholestérol de la périphérie vers le foie mais sont également dotées de nombreuses vertus protectrices. Un grand nombre d'études démontre les mécanismes de protection des HDL sur les cellules endothéliales. Sachant que les patients diabétiques ont ses niveaux bas de HDL, le but de cette étude est d'investiguer les mécanismes moléculaires de protection sur la cellule beta pancréatique. Résultats : Une étude « microarray » nous a permis d'obtenir une liste de gènes régulés par le stress, comme la privation de sérum, en présence ou en absence de HDL. Parmi ces gènes, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à un répresseur de la synthèse protéique « cap » -dépendante, 4EBP1. Dans notre étude transcriptomique, les niveaux d'ARNm de 4E-BP1 augmentaient de 30þ% dans des conditions sans sérum alors que les HDLs bloquaient cette élévation. Au niveau protéique, les niveaux totaux de 4EBP1 étaient augmentés dans les conditions de stress et cette élévation était contrée par les HDLs. D'autres expériences de transfection ou d'infection de 4E-BP1 ont montrés que cette protéine était capable d'induire l'apoptose dans les cellules beta, imitant ainsi l'effet de la privation de sérum. Afin de déterminer le rôle direct de 4E-BP1 dans la mort cellulaire, ses niveaux ont été réduits par interférence ARN. Le niveau de mort cellulaire induit par l'absence de sérum était moins élevé dans des cellules à taux réduits de 4EBP1 par RNAi que dans des cellules contrôle. Conclusion : Ces données montrent que les HDL protègent les cellules beta suite à différents stress et que 4E-BP1 est une des protéines pro-apoptotiques inhibées par les HDL. 4E-BP1 est capable d'induire la mort cellulaire dans les cellules bêta et cette réponse peut-être réduite en diminuant l'expression de cette protéine. Nos données suggèrent que 4E-BP1 est une cible potentielle pour le traitement du diabète.


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Chemosensory receptors convert an enormous diversity of chemical signals from the external world into a common language of electrical activity in the brain. Mammals and insects use several families of transmembrane receptor proteins to recognize distinct classes of volatile and non-volatile chemicals that are produced by conspecifics or other environmental sources. A comparison of the signalling mechanisms of mammalian and insect receptors has revealed an unexpected functional distinction: mammals rely almost exclusively on metabotropic ligand-binding receptors, which use second messenger signalling cascades to indirectly activate ion channels, whereas insects use ionotropic receptors, which are gated directly by chemical stimuli, thereby leading to neuronal depolarization. In this review, we consider possible reasons for this dichotomy, taking into account biophysical, cell biological, ecological and evolutionary influences on how information is extracted from chemosensory cues by these animal classes.