954 resultados para diploma
O presente estudo procura saber o que pensam e sentem os professores, auxiliares da acção educativa de uma Escola Básica Integrada (EBI), da região de Viseu, sobre a problemática da implementação da Ocupação dos Tempos Escolares – Aulas de Substituição – no 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, implementadas pelo Despacho nº 17387/2005, postas em prática no ano lectivo de 2005/2006. Enquadramos esta temática nas tendências de mudança e de reformas vividas com intensidade desde o Estado Novo até à actualidade, dando destaque ao trabalho docente e à sua intensificação. Revisitámos também o funcionamento das aulas de substituição e os pareceres sindicais e das Associações de Pais, face a esta problemática. Através de uma metodologia do tipo estudo de caso, cujo locus concreto foi a mencionada escola, que permite o cruzamento do método qualitativo com o quantitativo, procurámos saber como funcionam as aulas de substituição, como se processam as actividades desenvolvidas neste âmbito, quais as dificuldades de implementação, bem como as suas vantagens e desvantagens. Concluímos, pelos dados coligidos, que a implementação das aulas de substituição, segundo o referido diploma, não foram postas em prática de forma pacífica, tendo acarretado múltiplas querelas, quer por parte do corpo docente, quer do corpo não docente, dado que as práticas destes actores têm sido marcadas pela falta de diálogo com o poder central. Assim, verificámos que da teoria (legislação) à prática (vida escolar) há um desfasamento, o que implica mais diálogo entre as partes integrantes, anulando-se a instabilidade no que respeita à estruturação e funcionamento das aulas de substituição, o que, por outro lado, veio pôr os professores no centro de grandes controvérsias, desvalorizando-se, desta forma, a profissionalidade docente, acrescida de um mal-estar na organização escola.
No âmbito da dissertação apresentada à Universidade da Madeira para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa na área da Segurança Contra Incêndio em Edifícios, abreviadamente designada por SCIE, desde 1951 a 2008 e a sua aplicação como especialidade da Engenharia, designadamente ao nível da fenomenologia da combustão, no que concerne à evolução histórica dos organismos, legislação, normas técnicas e factos históricos marcantes ao nível socioeconómico. Foi feita uma abordagem às normas europeias e à sua transcrição para as normas portuguesas devido ao factor político com a entrada de Portugal na C.E.E. em 1986. Neste sentido, este trabalho pretende dar a conhecer a evolução da SCIE em Portugal e exemplifica a sua aplicação como especialidade obrigatória para o licenciamento de qualquer edifício, independentemente da sua Utilização-Tipo à excepção dos estabelecimentos prisionais, instalações das forças armadas, espaços destinados ao armazenamento de explosivos e pirotecnia. O estudo de caso escolhido foi de um edifício de utilização mista da 4ª Categoria de Risco. Identificaram-se as diferenças entre a legislação anterior e o novo Diploma, a evolução histórica e as medidas a implementar no estudo de caso, apresentado no (anexo II), de acordo com o novo quadro legislativo.
Demand for access to higher education to put in test the education Brazilian system in view of the surplus of selective processes of public universities, people without option to pay their studies at this education level. In this context, it has arisen the University for All(Universidade para Todos)Program, the ProUni, from Ministry of Education - MEC, created by the Federal Government in 2004, and that it aims the granting of full and partial scholarships in private higher education institutions, graduate courses in sequential specific training, low-income Brazilians students who do not have higher-level degree. Created by the Provisional Measure No 213/2004 and institutionalized by Law No. 11096 of January 13, 2005, the ProUni offers, however, the exemption of some taxes to those institutions that join the program. This is one of the privileged time for the study of Social Representations by offering the researcher, a living laboratory, natural environment, the confrontation between the established and new. In time like this people are challenged to incorporate the new system to the pre-existing one, aiming it through a strangeness of what was so familiar. It is through this game of social forces that we developed the present study with 196 entering higher education, of these are 116 of selective vestibular system and 80 of the ProUni selective system. We opt by the procedures for data collection in order to have access to the circulating senses, in addition to the streamlined responses. With foundation in Abric, we perform the test the Free Association of Words, then analysed by the software and by EVOC Content of the type theme as Bardin. Besides, we require of the subjects, a writing on the study object university later analysed by the software ALCESTE. The results point out to a representation strongly rooted in social factors such as more traditional socio-cultural elements: the beliefs, values, the symbols. It is unique in both groups of subjects: among those entering by the selective ProUni system, there was a stronger anchor in that it does not make inquiries about the program. At the same time, there is a stronger presence of objectivation, entering the selective vestibular system in order that they explained with a value judgement on the programme. It is suggested further studies considering the embryonic state of social representation, as recent as the social purpose that triggered. It would be relevant even the replication of the same research with other people in order to strengthen the power of the theorising of empiria available
As a result of the prediction of irreversible changes on necessary conditions to maintain life, including human, on the planet, environmental education got the spotlight in the political scenario, due to social pressure for the development of individual and collective values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences towards environmental preservation. In Brazil, only in 1999 the right for environmental education was officially granted to people, having the status of essential and permanent component in the country s education. Since then, it has been Government s duty, in each federal branch, to plan actions to make it happen, in an articulate way in all levels and modalities of the education process, both formally and informally. This work of research has environmental education in the school as subject matter, and aims on analyzing social and political mediations established between this National Environmental Education policy and the contexts associated to the legislative production process, the political nature of the conceptions about environmental education that underlie Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) and also Rio Grande do Norte Government s actions and omissions related to the imperative nature of the insertion of environmental education in the schools ran by the state, during the ten years this law has been in force. The investigation of the subject matter was led by a social and historical understanding of the social and environmental phenomena, as well as of the education system as a whole, considering that only through a dialectical view we can see the real world, by destroying the pseudo-concreteness that surrounds the topic. While analyzing, we assumed that in face of the dominance of a social organization in which market regulations rule on environmental ones, by developing individual and collective critical conscience, environmental education can become a threat to dominant economical interests in exploiting natural resources. The results of this research suggest that as an educational practice to be developed in an integrated, continuous and permanent fashion in all levels and modalities of formal education, environmental education has not yet come to pass in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, due to the neglect and disrespect of the government when facing the need of promoting the necessary and legally appointed measures to make it present in the basic education provided by the state. The legislators silence when it comes to approving a regulation on environmental education essential to define policies, rules and criteria to teaching the subject in the state and the omission from the public administration regarding critical actions in order to integrate in public schools the activities related to the National Environmental Education Policy, represent a political decision for not doing anything, despite the legal demand for an active position. This neglecting attitude for the actualizing of strategically concrete actions, urgent and properly planned for the implementation of environmental education in schools in a multidisciplinary way, exposes the lack of interest the predominant classes have in such kind of education being made available, as it could be developed based on a critic political view, becoming a political and educational action against dominance. When analyzing the basic principles and fundamental goals in Law 9.795/99 (Brazil, 2009c) the development of a critic environmental education is really possible and concurs with the National Environmental Education Policy, reflecting the social and political mediations established between this public policy and the contexts associated to its legislative production process, which are responsible for approving a regulation which also represents the mind of the people about environmental protection above anything else
En esta investigación, se busca comprender los procesos de formación de pregrado del Curso de Cartas da UFRN, de estas representaciones sociales acerca de los estudiantes de enseñanza. Por lo tanto, el objetivo fue conocer y analizar las representaciones sociales de curso de pregrado UFRN Cartas sobre la enseñanza. Por lo tanto, se aplica la Técnica de Libre de Palabras Asociación (TALP) con 20 participantes, después de haber sido probados individualmente, utilizando como estímulo palabra "enseñar" y limitar el número de invocaciones a 03 palabras por participante. Esta técnica fue elegida porque es una técnica proyectiva que permite la reducción y racionalización permite acceder al campo semántico de las representaciones sociales, en nuestro caso, en la enseñanza del de pregrado do Curso de Cartas da UFRN. Por lo tanto, llegamos a total de 60 llamadas, análisis de frecuencia después de 41 y 24 después de un análisis del significado que se utilizaron en otro procedimiento aplicado en esta investigación, las calificaciones de Procedimiento de Múltiples Calificaciones (PCM). Estas palabras, sobre la base de las justificaciones de las evocaciones y significados que atribuyen participantes en la investigación, se dividieron en 4 campos semánticos: Campo 1: Aspectos técnicos de la enseñanza, Campo 2: aspectos volitivos, Campo 3: aspectos relacionales de la enseñanza y de Campo 4: Elementos del campo. El PCM se aplicó de forma individual, con 50 estudiantes. Para el análisis de los datos generados, utilizamos Análisis Multidimensional (MDS) para la Escala Multidimensional de Evaluación Análisis gratuito (MSA: Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis) y el análisis de clasificación selectiva de los espacios menores (SSA: Smallest Space Analysis). El mapa generado por el análisis de MSA fue dividido en tres regiones: Aspectos de los aspectos de enseñanza, capacitación y asistencia técnica de los promotores de la profesionalización, la primera región que tiene una sub-regionalización llamada dimensión negativa. El mapa de la SSA análisis se dividió en dos partes y un subfaceta, llamado el aspecto faceta técnica de la enseñanza y la formación, la segunda faceta llamado Vínculo entre el campo y la enseñanza específica y su nombre subfaceta aspecto relacional. Del análisis del contenido de las justificaciones de la PCM, llegó a 5 categorías, a saber: Hacer la enseñanza, la faceta negativa, Escuela, Formación y faceta afectiva del profesor. El TALP aporta pruebas de que algunos de estos estudiantes ve la oportunidad de adquirir unos conocimientos en esta área, la formación en un nivel superior, como quieran, simplemente tienen un título universitario para realizar licitación abierta. El PCM nos ha hecho comprender que el contenido representacional en cuestión se configura desde el universo consensual conectado a la profesión y la formación. Por lo tanto, podemos decir que los titulares de licencias con respecto al tema estudiado anclar la representación social de "enseñar" a la imagen de ser un maestro y objetivar la imagen de la profesión
This dissertation examines the concept of the personalized teaching proposed by the physician and educator from Rio Grande do Norte Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, in his doctoral thesis "Mental Hygiene and Education," published in 1927. To do so, we start from the assumption that this thinker appropriated part of the educational theory formulated by Èdouard Claparède - specifically, in the case of the teaching concepts of the personalized teaching and comprehensive education designed by the Swiss intellectual - and, considering the Brazilian social reality of early twentieth century, reframed these concepts, adapting them to the country context. To implement the proposed idea, the bibliographical study was the option chosen, and so was done through a theoretical research which had as a reference authors whose studies referred to the Brazilian historical moment in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, our examined time frame. As for the understanding and the methodological analysis of discourse, seen as socially constructed, the Foucault postulations were studied under an analytical approach, in which the disciplinary society is analyzed from the relations of power and knowledge that exist in it. The main source of this research was the work of "Mental Hygiene and Education," published as a requirement to the obtainment of Luiz Antonio s medical degree by the Rio de Janeiro Medicine School. Thus, it was found that the conception of personalized learning to the comprehensive education of students, as proposed in the doctoral thesis of Luiz Antonio dos Santos Lima, was related to abnormalities of mental character that children could present. School education was thought in a way by the potiguar thinker that it could be applied as deep as the moral, intellectual and behavioral deviations of the individual were, making use of hygiene practices of the minds through a normalizing process towards a civilized and developed future of the Brazilian nation which would manage, watch and fix the thoughts of the school students
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O artigo esboça uma biografia de Anna Turan Machado Falcão. Nascida em 1862, em Igarapé Miri, Estado do Pará, foi a primeira médica paraense, formada em 1887, nos Estados Unidos da América. Após retornar ao Brasil e revalidar seu diploma na Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia, exerceu sua profissão no Pará, no Acre e em São Paulo, onde faleceu, em 1940.
We discuss in the work the importance of experiential activities for Physics Teaching in the first years at Elementary Education. For this we start from the experience provided by the Teaching Project Initiation under Pibid CAPES, linked to the Department of Education from the Institute of Biosciences and activities of the Graduate Diploma in Physics Supervised, at Rio Claro Campus, São Paulo State, in partnership with Basic Education schools of the city. Based on some patterns and studies on the Teaching of Science in Elementary Education and particularly in the Ferreira’s work with Instrumentation for Physics Teaching, Electrostatic was chosen as base theme. We opted for the use of didactic experiments that provided in its construction the utilization of low cost materials, easy access and portability. Teaching strategies were aimed at inserting experiential activities during Elementary School I (first and third years of elementary school), intending to rescue the trial of Physics Education and Science for Basic Education. These experimental teaching activities were analyzed in this paper from the perspective of playfulness. We argue that experimentation with recreational attributes when properly used provides the interaction of individuals with the knowledge of Physical Sciences
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
The Jimmie E. Nunnery Papers consists of correspondence, death certificates, certificate for administrator of estate, court petition for name change, birth certificates, other various certificates, photographs, high school diploma, plaques, marriage license, legal agreements, wills, newspapers, invitations to graduation, passport, property maps, genealogical information, school programs, recipes, church brochures, boy scout patches, report cards, drawings, records from the House of Representatives, stationary, SC legislative manuals, florist magazine, Kodak movie film, various books, American flag, recording tape, cemetery booklet, family bulletin, high school yearbook, and a scrapbook of time spent in the House of Representatives.