793 resultados para cotton nutrition
ABSTRACT Tractor traveling speed can influence the quality of spraying depending on the application technology used. This study aimed to evaluate the droplet spectrum, the deposition and uniformity of spray distribution with different spraying systems and traveling speeds of a self-propelled sprayer in two phenological stages of the cotton plant (B9 and F13). The experimental design was randomized blocks and treatments were three spraying techniques: common flat spray tips; tilted flat jet with air induction, at 120 L ha-1; and rotary atomizer disk, 20 L ha-1, combined with four traveling speeds: 12, 15, 18 and 25 km h-1, with four replications. Spraying deposition was evaluated for both leaf surfaces from the cotton plant apex and base (stage B9) and middle part of the plant (stage F13) with a cupric marker. A laser particle analyzer also assessed the droplet spectrum. The centrifugal power spray system produces more homogeneous droplet spectrum and increased penetration of droplets into the canopy in both phenological stages. Variation on the operating conditions necessary for increased traveling speed negatively influences the pattern of spraying deposits.
Yökerhon mainoskortti. Saksankielinen
Taloudellisen taantuman jälkeen yksi suurimmista puheenaiheista työväestön keskuudessa on tyytymättömyys suhteellisen pieniin yleisiin palkankorotuksiin tai jopa niiden puuttumiseen kokonaan. Vuonna 2013 ei näkyvissä ole sellaisia merkkejä talouskasvusta, että palkkoja voitaisiin merkittävästi korottaa yleisellä tasolla. Tämä seikka nostaa esille kokonaisvaltaisen kannustinjärjestelmän arvon eri organisaatioissa. Henkilöstön kokonaisvaltainen kannustinjärjestelmä on yksi väline, jolla voidaan motivoida, sitouttaa, kehittää ja johtaa nykyisen työelämän tietotyöntekijöitä taloudellisesti kannattavalla tavalla ja sitä kautta vahvistaa organisaation kilpailukykyä sekä paikallisilla että yhä globaalimmilla markkinoilla. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin konstruktiivisena tutkimuksena tarkoituksenaan henkilöstön kokonaisvaltaisen kannustinjärjestelmän luominen toimeksiantajayrityksen, Sport-Cotton Oy:n liikunta- ja hyvinvointiliiketoiminnan, tarpeisiin. Henkilöstön kokonaisvaltaisen kannustinjärjestelmän perustana ovat organisaation sille asettamat tavoitteet. Kannustinjärjestelmälle asetetut tavoitteet ja reunaehdot määrittelevät käytettävät kannustimet, mutta kannustinjärjestelmästä tekee kokonaisvaltaisen sekä aineettomien että aineellisten kannustimien hyödyntäminen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. Järjestelmä ei voi olla kiveen hakattu, sillä organisaatiot ja niiden toimintaympäristöt muuttuvat jatkuvasti. Esimerkiksi teknologisen kehityksen myötä työn luonne muuttuu ja markkinat globalisoituvat, mikä puolestaan voi merkittävästi vaikuttaa kannustinjärjestelmälle asetettuihin tavoitteisiin. Tutkimuksen mukaan henkilöstön kokonaisvaltainen kannustinjärjestelmä voidaan nähdä päivittäisen johtamisen työkaluna, joka on osa organisaation päivittäistä toimintaa. Henkilöstön osallistuminen kannustinjärjestelmän suunnitteluprosessiin on luonnollinen keino osallistaa ja sitouttaa henkilöstöä heihin vaikuttavaan uuteen asiaan ja usein sen mukanaan tuomaan muutokseen. Organisaation kannalta henkilöstön sitouttamisella prosessiin voidaan saavuttaa selkeitä hyötyjä.
The majority of cotton grown commercially in the world has white lint, but recently, there has been a growing interest in colored lint cotton in several countries, including Brazil. The use of naturally-colored fiber reduces chemical pollution. The objective of this paper was to evaluate cotton cultivar fiber yield in response to weed control via intercropping with gliricídia. Cultivars BRS-Verde (greenish fibers), BRS-Rubi (reddish brown fibers), BRS-Safira (brown fibers), and BRS-187 8H (white fibers) were submitted to the following treatments: no hoeing, two hoeings (at 20 and 40 days after transplanting), and cotton intercropped with gliricídia. In the intercropped treatment, gliricídia was planted between rows of cotton plants, using one seedling pit-1, in pits spaced 50.0 cm apart. Twelve weed species predominated in the experiment, many of them belonging to the Poaceae family. Weeds occurred at different frequencies and in a non-uniform manner in the experimental area. Cultivars did not influence weed dry matter. Intercropping with gliricídia reduced weed dry matter but did not prevent reductions in cotton fiber and seed cotton yield, which were higher in hoed plots. Cultivar BRS Safira had the highest fiber yield, but no differences were observed between cultivars regarding to seed cotton yield.
A greenhouse experiment was carried out from November 2006 to April 2007 at FCAV/UNESP, Brazil, aiming to study the dry mass production and the accumulation and distribution of macronutrients in Ipomoea quamoclit, an important weed for annual and perennial crops in Brazil. The plants were grown in seven liter pots with sand substrate, daily irrigated with Hoagland & Arnon nutrient solution. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates. The treatments corresponded to evaluation times at 14 day intervals, beginning 21 days after emergence (DAE). In each evaluation, the plants of four pots were analyzed in function of dry mass production and macronutrient content. I. quamoclit had a small dry mass and macronutrient accumulation at the beginning of the experimental stage, increasing after 77 DAE and reaching the maximum theoretical value at 146, 143, 140, 149, 142, 153, and 124 DAE, for dry mass, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, respectively. K and N were the macronutrients most accumulated by I. quamoclit plants.
A greenhouse trial was carried out from November 1995 to April 1996 at FCAV/UNESP, Brazil, aiming to study the dry matter production and the accumulation and distribution of macronutrients in Solanum americanum, an important weed for annual and perennial crops in Brazil. The plants were grown in seven liter pots with sand substrate, irrigated daily with Hoagland & Arnon nutrient solution. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates. The treatments corresponded to evaluation times at 14 day intervals, beginning 21 days after emergence (DAE). In each evaluation, the plants of four pots were analyzed for dry matter production and macronutrient content. S. americanum had a small dry matter and macronutrient accumulation at the beginning of the experimental stage, increasing after 77 DAE and reaching the maximum theoretical value at 142, 142, 164, 149, 140, 149 and 152 DAE, for dry matter, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, respectively. K and N were the most accumulated macronutrients for S. americanum plants.
Cotton is highly susceptible to the interference imposed by weed community, being therefore essential to adopt control measures ensuring the crop yield. Herbicides are the primary method of weed control in large-scale areas of production, and usually more than one herbicide application is necessary due to the extensive crop cycle. This study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of different chemical weed control systems for conventional cotton. The experiment took place in the field in a randomized block design, with twenty nine treatments and four replications in a split plot layout (adjacent double check). Results showed that triple mixtures in pre-emergence increased the chance of observing reductions in the cotton yield. To avoid reductions in crop yield, users should proceed to a maximum mixture of two herbicides in pre-emergence, followed by S-metolachlor over the top, followed by one post-emergence mixture application of pyrithiobac-sodium + trifloxysulfuron-sodium.
ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to evaluate the selectivity of fomesafen alone or in a tank mixture with other preemergent herbicides, with or without S-metolachlor application in early postemergence in cotton plant, cultivar DP 555 BG RR(r). The design utilized was a randomized complete block, organized in a split-plot arrangement, with four replications. For that, 24 herbicides were evaluated with fomesafen (0.45 and 0.625 kg ha-1), prometryn (1.25 kg ha-1), diuron (1.25 kg ha-1), trifluralin (1.8 kg ha-1), and S-metolachlor (0.77 kg ha-1), applied as preemergent, with or without S-metolachlor (0.77 kg ha-1) applied in early postemergence. The variables evaluated were: phytotoxicity, insertion height of the first reproductive branch, plant height, stand, number of reproductive branches per plant, number of bolls per plant, bolls weight, and productivity of cotton seed. Fomesafen alone or in a tank mixture with preemergent prometryn, diuron, trifluralin and S-metolachlor was selective to cotton plant. Preemergent fomesafen isolated application followed by the application of S-metolachlor in early postemergence was also selective. However, on average, preemergent tank mixtures applied in association with preemergent S-metolachlor early application was not selective to cotton crop.
A rapid increase in allergic diseases in Western societies has led to the conclusion that our modern lifestyle is a risk factor for immune dysregulation. Potential culprits and benefactors are searched among early dietary and microbial exposures, which may act to program later allergic disease. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of early maternal and child nutrition in reducing the risk of child allergy. The study population comprised of 256 mother – child pairs from families with a history of allergy participating in a randomized controlled dietary counseling and probiotic intervention (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12) study from early pregnancy onwards. The dietary counseling aimed for a diet complying with dietary recommendations for pregnant and lactating women, with special attention to fat quality. Maternal dietary counseling was reflected in cord blood fatty acids suggesting better essential fatty acid status in infants in the counseling group. Dietary counseling with probiotics or placebo had no effect on child allergy risk, but associations between maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding and child allergic outcomes were found in secondary analyses. During pregnancy, milk intake was related to decreased and cheese intake to increased risk of child atopic eczema. During breastfeeding, intake of vitamin C was related to increased risk of asthma and intake of egg was related to decreased risk of atopic eczema. The timing of introduction of complementary foods to infant’s diet was not associated with risk of atopic eczema, when adjusted with parental opinion of child allergic symptoms (i.e., potential reverse causality). In conclusion, the results demonstrate that infant fatty acid supply can be modified via maternal dietary changes. In addition, interesting associations of maternal diet with child allergy risk were discovered. However, no difference in the incidence of allergic diseases with dietary counseling was observed. This suggests that more potent dietary interventions might be necessitated to induce clinical risk reduction of allergy. Highrisk families can safely adhere to dietary recommendations for pregnant and lactating women, and the results support the current conception that no additional benefit is gained with delaying introduction of complementary feeding.
Encapsulated specialty oils commercialized in São Paulo state, Brazil, were evaluated for their identity (fatty acids profile) and compliance with nutrition labeling (fatty acids and Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) contents). Twenty one samples [flaxseed oil (6), evening primrose (5), safflower (8), borage (1), and black currant (1)] purchased from local markets or collected by the health surveillance agency were analyzed. The fatty acids and vitamin E contents were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and liquid chromatography with UV detector, respectively. Nine samples were adulterated (5 samples of safflower oil, 3 of flaxseed oil, and one of evening primrose). Among them, 3 flaxseed and 2 safflower oil samples were probably adulterated by the addition of soybean oil. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) was found in two safflower oils samples although the sale of oils with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is not permitted by the National Health Surveillance Agency in Brazil (ANVISA). Only two samples presented all values in compliance with nutrition labeling (one safflower oil sample and one borage oil sample). The results show that a continuous monitoring of encapsulated specialty oils commercialized in Brazil is necessary including a greater number of samples and sanitary surveillance.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary conditions of hospital nutrition and dietary services using external and internal auditors. Eleven hospitals were evaluated for their nutrition and dietary services using an evaluation checklist based on food safety requirements in the current legislation. The checklist was applied by an internal auditor (a technical supervisor) and an external auditor (a professional with experience in food services) between August and October 2011. According to the number of items on the evaluation checklist that were considered adequate, the hospital facilities were ranked as excellent, good, regular, bad, or very bad. The results obtained by the auditors were compared. According to these results, it can be said that most of the hospital nutrition and dietary services were rated as good for overall quality by the internal auditor, while the external auditor classified them as Regular. There was a clear difference between the evaluations of the auditors, both in terms of the number of items considered adequate and the overall requirements' average score. It can be concluded that hospital nutrition and dietary services should meet safety requirements in order to provide food. These facilities should have external audits conducted as a way to prevent routine problems from being perpetuated.
The effect of constant temperature on the germination rate and percentage of two cotton seed lots was determined using a thermogradient plate. A gradient of 10 ºC to 40 ºC was established across the plate so that temperatures changed 2 ºC for each 5 cm increment in length, resulting in sixteen different temperature treatments. The optimal temperature zone for germination was 28 ºC to 30 ºC. As temperature decreased from the optimal zone, the rate of germination also decreased but germination percentages during the 10-day period were significantly lower only below 20 ºC. As temperature increased above the optimal zone, the rate of germination decreased and the percentage of germination sharply decreased above 32 ºC - 34 ºC. As expected, high quality cotton seed performed better than medium quality seed for a low temperature range (16 ºC to 22 ºC), but the most intriguing results were observed for the high temperatures range (36 ºC to38 ºC). The germination of medium quality cotton seed was consistently higher than for high quality seed, especially at 38 ºC after the second day of evaluation. This response has not been reported in the literature and further research is needed to better understand the germination physiology of cotton seed at high temperatures.