338 resultados para cache-oblivious
This study begins with a brief overview of tax immu nities in general, dealing with the concept, legal, doctrinal ratings and limits. Then enters into the reciprocal immunity, since its birth in the United States, its justifica tions, until her current developments in the Brazilian Supreme Court, which has expanded it quite considerably. That Court has extended to state owned enterprises, even if pa id by public prices or rates, or if acts somewhat away from its essential functions, es pecially if they are public services provider. Given this linkage, these are also treate d in own topic, grounded in newer doctrinal proposals and less attached to historical formalisms (see such Supremacy of Public Interest over Private one). Public services are approached in its diversity, oblivious to traditional monolithic nature and accu stomed to the modern doctrine of fundamental human rights. It deals also the princip les of free enterprise and free competition, given that the public service provider s have lived intensely in this environment, be they public or private agents. In d ialectical topic, these institutes are placed in joint discussion, all in an attempt to in vestigate their interactions and propose criteria less generic and removed from real ity, to assess the legitimacy of the mutual enjoyment of immunity by certain agents. Sev eral cases of the Court are analyzed individually, checking in each one the app lication of the proposed criteria, such logical-deductive activity and theory of pract ice approach. At the end, the conclusions refer to a reciprocal immunity less rhe torical and ideological and more pragmatic and consequentialist. It is proposed the end to the general rules or abstract formulas of subsumption, with concerns on the one h and the actual maintenance of the federal pact, and on the other by a solid econo mic order without inapt advantages to certain players, which flatly contradicts the co nstitutional premises.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the SEE sensitivity of a multi-core processor having implemented ECC and parity in their cache memories. Two different application scenarios are studied. The first one configures the multi-core in Asymmetric Multi-Processing mode running a memory-bound application, whereas the second one uses the Symmetric Multi-Processsing mode running a CPU-bound application. The experiments were validated through radiation ground testing performed with 14 MeV neutrons on the Freescale P2041 multi-core manufactured in 45nm SOI technology. A deep analysis of the observed errors in cache memories was carried-out in order to reveal vulnerabilities in the cache protection mechanisms. Critical zones like tag addresses were affected during the experiments. In addition, the results show that the sensitivity strongly depends on the application and the multi-processsing mode used.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
This dissertation studies the context-aware application with its proposed algorithms at client side. The required context-aware infrastructure is discussed in depth to illustrate that such an infrastructure collects the mobile user’s context information, registers service providers, derives mobile user’s current context, distributes user context among context-aware applications, and provides tailored services. The approach proposed tries to strike a balance between the context server and mobile devices. The context acquisition is centralized at the server to ensure the usability of context information among mobile devices, while context reasoning remains at the application level. Hence, a centralized context acquisition and distributed context reasoning are viewed as a better solution overall. The context-aware search application is designed and implemented at the server side. A new algorithm is proposed to take into consideration the user context profiles. By promoting feedback on the dynamics of the system, any prior user selection is now saved for further analysis such that it may contribute to help the results of a subsequent search. On the basis of these developments at the server side, various solutions are consequently provided at the client side. A proxy software-based component is set up for the purpose of data collection. This research endorses the belief that the proxy at the client side should contain the context reasoning component. Implementation of such a component provides credence to this belief in that the context applications are able to derive the user context profiles. Furthermore, a context cache scheme is implemented to manage the cache on the client device in order to minimize processing requirements and other resources (bandwidth, CPU cycle, power). Java and MySQL platforms are used to implement the proposed architecture and to test scenarios derived from user’s daily activities. To meet the practical demands required of a testing environment without the impositions of a heavy cost for establishing such a comprehensive infrastructure, a software simulation using a free Yahoo search API is provided as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the design approach in a most realistic way. The integration of Yahoo search engine into the context-aware architecture design proves how context aware application can meet user demands for tailored services and products in and around the user’s environment. The test results show that the overall design is highly effective,providing new features and enriching the mobile user’s experience through a broad scope of potential applications.
The study of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits (Higueruelas, Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Formations) of the South Iberian Basin (NW Valencia, Spain) reveals new stratigraphic and sedimentological data, which have significant implications on the stratigraphic framework, depositional environments and age of these units. The Higueruelas Fm was deposited in a mid-inner carbonate platform where oncolitic bars migrated by the action of storms and where oncoid production progressively decreased towards the uppermost part of the unit. The overlying Villar del Arzobispo Fm has been traditionally interpreted as an inner platform-lagoon evolving into a tidal-flat. Here it is interpreted as an inner-carbonate platform affected by storms, where oolitic shoals protected a lagoon, which had siliciclastic inputs from the continent. The Aldea de Cortés Fm has been previously interpreted as a lagoon surrounded by tidal-flats and fluvial-deltaic plains. Here it is reinterpreted as a coastal wetland where siliciclastic muddy deposits interacted with shallow fresh to marine water bodies, aeolian dunes and continental siliciclastic inputs. The contact between the Higueruelas and Villar del Arzobispo Fms, classically defined as gradual, is also interpreted here as rapid. More importantly, the contact between the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms, previously considered as unconformable, is here interpreted as gradual. The presence of Alveosepta in the Villar del Arzobispo Fm suggests that at least part of this unit is Kimmeridgian, unlike the previously assigned Late Tithonian-Middle Berriasian age. Consequently, the underlying Higueruelas Fm, previously considered Tithonian, should not be younger than Kimmeridgian. Accordingly, sedimentation of the Aldea de Cortés Fm, previously considered Valangian-Hauterivian, probably started during the Tithonian and it may be considered part of the regressive trend of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous cycle. This is consistent with the dinosaur faunas, typically Jurassic, described in the Villar del Arzobispo and Aldea de Cortés Fms.
Esta investigação objetiva rastrear cognitivamente as pessoas idosas que se encontram sob resposta social, Centro de Dia e Lar de Idosos, no concelho de Miranda do Corvo e utiliza como instrumentos de rastreio o Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) e o Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Concomitantemente esta investigação propõe-se relacionar três itens do domínio da linguagem, propostos por nós, com as habilitações. A população que frequenta as instituições investigadas, 224 pessoas com idades 65 anos, apresenta as seguintes características sociodemográficas: 179 mulheres (79,9%), média de idades de 83,76 anos ( = ±7,29) sendo que 93 (41,5%) não possuem qualquer grau de escolaridade. A avaliação efetuada, durante o período de 19 de Dezembro de 2011 a 7 de Maio de 2012, evidencia que as pessoas que frequentam/residem estas/nestas respostas sociais apresentam elevados níveis de défice cognitivo quando comparadas com a população inquirida no “Estudo do Perfil do Envelhecimento da População Portuguesa” (2010). A diferença mostrou ser estatisticamente significativa independentemente de se utilizarem as referências para cortes etários de 65, de 65-74 ou de 75 anos de idade. Segundo os resultados obtidos através da administração do MMSE verificamos que dos 144 inquiridos 55 (38,2%) têm défice cognitivo. Se acrescentarmos a estes inquiridos os restantes utentes/clientes com diagnóstico de demência reportado nos processos individuais e confirmado através de sintomatologia tanto por nós como pela equipa técnica dos equipamentos esta percentagem sobe para 135 pessoas, ou seja, 135 (60,3%) das pessoas nestas respostas sociais. Na avaliação efetuada através do MoCA verificamos que 140 (97,2%) dos idosos têm défice cognitivo. Se acrescentarmos a estes inquiridos os restantes utentes/clientes com diagnóstico de demência esta percentagem sobe para 220 pessoas, ou seja, 98,2% das pessoas nestas respostas sociais. Os resultados obtidos, independentemente da magnitude da diferença avaliativa nos dois instrumentos utilizados, facto que consideramos não ser alheio às características sociodemográficas da coorte geracional que frequenta este tipo de respostas, atestam a prevalência do défice cognitivo nas instituições que acolhem pessoas idosas. Assim, propomos que as respostas sociais implementem programas de estimulação cognitiva para a conservação e melhoria das capacidades cognitivas dos idosos. / This investigation aims to track cognitively older people who are under social response, Day Centre and Home for the Aged, in the municipality of Miranda do Corvo and used as screening tools for the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Concomitantly this research proposes three items relate domain language, proposed by us, with qualifications. The people who attend the institutions surveyed, 224 people aged ≥ 65 years, presents the following sociodemographic characteristics: 179 women (79.9%), mean age of 83.76 years (σ = ± 7.29) being 93 (41.5%) do not have any schooling. The assessment carried out during the period from 19 December 2011 to May 7 2012, shows that people who attend / they reside / these social responses show high levels of cognitive impairment when compared with the population surveyed in the "Study Profile Aging of the Population Portuguese "(2010). The difference proved to be statistically significant regardless of whether the reference to use of cuts age ≥ 65, ≥ 75 or 65-74 years old. According to the results obtained by administering the MMSE found that 55 of the 144 respondents (38.2%) had cognitive impairment. If we add to these the remaining respondents users / clients with dementia reported in individual cases and confirmed by symptoms both by us and by the technical team of equipment that percentage goes up to 135 persons, ie, 135 (60.3%) of people in these social responses. In the evaluation conducted by MoCA found that 140 (97.2%) of the elderly have cognitive impairment. If we add to these the remaining respondents users / clients diagnosed with dementia this percentage rises to 220 people, or 98.2% of the people in these social responses. The results, regardless of the magnitude of the difference in the two evaluative instruments used, that we consider not to be oblivious to the sociodemographic characteristics of the generational cohort that attends this type of answers, attest to the prevalence of cognitive impairment in institutions for elderly people. Thus, we propose that the answers implement social cognitive stimulation programs for the conservation and improvement of cognitive abilities of the elderly.
De nos jours, les séries télévisées américaines représentent une part incontournable de la culture populaire, à tel point que plusieurs traductions audiovisuelles coexistent au sein de la francophonie. Outre le doublage qui permet leur diffusion à la télévision, elles peuvent être sous titrées jusqu’à trois fois soit, en ordre chronologique : par des fans sur Internet; au Québec, pour la vente sur DVD en Amérique du Nord; et en France, pour la vente sur DVD en Europe. Pourtant, bien que ces trois sous titrages répondent aux mêmes contraintes linguistiques (celles de la langue française) et techniques (diffusion au petit écran), ils diffèrent dans leur traitement des dialogues originaux. Nous établissons dans un premier temps les pratiques à l’œuvre auprès des professionnels et des amateurs. Par la suite, l’analyse des traductions ainsi que le recours à un corpus comparable de séries télévisées françaises et québécoises permettent d’établir les normes linguistiques (notamment eu égard à la variété) et culturelles appliquées par les différents traducteurs et, subsidiairement, de définir ce que cache l’appellation « Canadian French ». Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre des études descriptives et sociologiques. Nous y décrivons la réalité professionnelle des traducteurs de l’audiovisuel et l’influence que les fansubbers exercent non seulement sur la pratique professionnelle, mais aussi sur de nouvelles méthodes de formation de la prochaine génération de traducteurs. Par ailleurs, en étudiant plusieurs traductions d’une même œuvre, nous démontrons que les variétés de français ne sauraient justifier, à elles seules, la multiplication de l’offre en sous titrage, vu le faible taux de différences purement linguistiques.
La constitución política en su artículo primero ha establecido el modelo político en el cual se enmarca el Estado Colombiano, precepto que por su prevalencia normativa, se convierte en fundamento de todo actuar y que se expresa así: Colombia es un Estado social de derecho, organizado en forma de República unitaria, descentralizada, con autonomía de sus entidades territoriales, democrática, participativa y pluralista, fundada en el respeto de la dignidad humana, en el trabajo y la solidaridad de las personas que la integran y en la prevalencia del interés general. La introducción de este nuevo modelo político implica un cambio radical en la forma de concebir el Estado, ante la pérdida sacramental del texto legal entendido como emanación de la voluntad popular y la mayor preocupación por la justicia material y por el logro de soluciones que consulten la especificidad de los hechos (M.P. BARÓN, Ciro., 1992), situación que conviene un cambio de pensamiento en la elaboración de las normas y que a partir, de 1991 debe consultar su impacto en la solución de los problemas que aquejan la sociedad. Consecuente con lo anterior, el sistema tributario, no puede ser ajeno a los postulados incluidos en el artículo primero de la constitución política atrás citado, y en tal sentido la Asamblea Constituyente, aunque en su momento no acogió las recomendaciones dadas por el Instituto Colombiano de Derecho Tributario, en el sentido de incluir un artículo que dijera que los tributos debían fundarse en la capacidad económica del sujeto pasivo, si consagró en su artículo 363 que el sistema tributario debía fundarse en los principios de equidad y progresividad, entre otros (BRAVO, 1997). Es aquí donde se centra el presente proyecto de investigación, que busca indagar por el principio de progresividad, que por efecto metodológicos se limitara a las pyme, específicamente en la pequeña empresa, aquella con planta de personal entre once (11) y cincuenta (50) trabajadores y activo total entre quinientos un (501) y menos de cinco mil un (5.001) salarios mínimos legales mensuales vigentes. Estas personas jurídicas, se ven abocadas a una fuerte carga impositiva directa, en el cual el impuesto de renta recobra relevancia, haciéndose necesario analizar su impacto a las luces de la nueva reforma, a efecto de vislumbrar la efectiva materialización del principio de progresividad o por si el contrario los recientes cambios normativos han contradicho el mandato impuesto en la Constitución política en cuanto al respeto que debe contener toda norma en materia tributaria, en cuanto al principio objeto de estudio.
The life cycle of software applications in general is very short and with extreme volatile requirements. Within these conditions programmers need development tools and techniques with an extreme level of productivity. We consider the code reuse as the most prominent approach to solve that problem. Our proposal uses the advantages provided by the Aspect-Oriented Programming in order to build a reusable framework capable to turn both programmer and application oblivious as far as data persistence is concerned, thus avoiding the need to write any line of code about that concern. Besides the benefits to productivity, the software quality increases. This paper describes the actual state of the art, identifying the main challenge to build a complete and reusable framework for Orthogonal Persistence in concurrent environments with support for transactions. The present work also includes a successfully developed prototype of that framework, capable of freeing the programmer of implementing any read or write data operations. This prototype is supported by an object oriented database and, in the future, will also use a relational database and have support for transactions.
Applications are subject of a continuous evolution process with a profound impact on their underlining data model, hence requiring frequent updates in the applications' class structure and database structure as well. This twofold problem, schema evolution and instance adaptation, usually known as database evolution, is addressed in this thesis. Additionally, we address concurrency and error recovery problems with a novel meta-model and its aspect-oriented implementation. Modern object-oriented databases provide features that help programmers deal with object persistence, as well as all related problems such as database evolution, concurrency and error handling. In most systems there are transparent mechanisms to address these problems, nonetheless the database evolution problem still requires some human intervention, which consumes much of programmers' and database administrators' work effort. Earlier research works have demonstrated that aspect-oriented programming (AOP) techniques enable the development of flexible and pluggable systems. In these earlier works, the schema evolution and the instance adaptation problems were addressed as database management concerns. However, none of this research was focused on orthogonal persistent systems. We argue that AOP techniques are well suited to address these problems in orthogonal persistent systems. Regarding the concurrency and error recovery, earlier research showed that only syntactic obliviousness between the base program and aspects is possible. Our meta-model and framework follow an aspect-oriented approach focused on the object-oriented orthogonal persistent context. The proposed meta-model is characterized by its simplicity in order to achieve efficient and transparent database evolution mechanisms. Our meta-model supports multiple versions of a class structure by applying a class versioning strategy. Thus, enabling bidirectional application compatibility among versions of each class structure. That is to say, the database structure can be updated because earlier applications continue to work, as well as later applications that have only known the updated class structure. The specific characteristics of orthogonal persistent systems, as well as a metadata enrichment strategy within the application's source code, complete the inception of the meta-model and have motivated our research work. To test the feasibility of the approach, a prototype was developed. Our prototype is a framework that mediates the interaction between applications and the database, providing them with orthogonal persistence mechanisms. These mechanisms are introduced into applications as an {\it aspect} in the aspect-oriented sense. Objects do not require the extension of any super class, the implementation of an interface nor contain a particular annotation. Parametric type classes are also correctly handled by our framework. However, classes that belong to the programming environment must not be handled as versionable due to restrictions imposed by the Java Virtual Machine. Regarding concurrency support, the framework provides the applications with a multithreaded environment which supports database transactions and error recovery. The framework keeps applications oblivious to the database evolution problem, as well as persistence. Programmers can update the applications' class structure because the framework will produce a new version for it at the database metadata layer. Using our XML based pointcut/advice constructs, the framework's instance adaptation mechanism is extended, hence keeping the framework also oblivious to this problem. The potential developing gains provided by the prototype were benchmarked. In our case study, the results confirm that mechanisms' transparency has positive repercussions on the programmer's productivity, simplifying the entire evolution process at application and database levels. The meta-model itself also was benchmarked in terms of complexity and agility. Compared with other meta-models, it requires less meta-object modifications in each schema evolution step. Other types of tests were carried out in order to validate prototype and meta-model robustness. In order to perform these tests, we used an OO7 small size database due to its data model complexity. Since the developed prototype offers some features that were not observed in other known systems, performance benchmarks were not possible. However, the developed benchmark is now available to perform future performance comparisons with equivalent systems. In order to test our approach in a real world scenario, we developed a proof-of-concept application. This application was developed without any persistence mechanisms. Using our framework and minor changes applied to the application's source code, we added these mechanisms. Furthermore, we tested the application in a schema evolution scenario. This real world experience using our framework showed that applications remains oblivious to persistence and database evolution. In this case study, our framework proved to be a useful tool for programmers and database administrators. Performance issues and the single Java Virtual Machine concurrent model are the major limitations found in the framework.
Facebook joue un rôle déterminant dans la montée fulgurante en popularité des RSN sur Internet. Tout le fonctionnement de la plateforme repose sur la connexion aux comptes des autres membres. La popularité de Facebook doit beaucoup au partage public et réciproque des informations personnelles de ses usagers. Ce type de renseignement était jusqu’à présent réservé aux personnes appartenant à un cercle restreint de proches et d’intimes. Toutefois, les listes de contact des utilisateurs Facebook ne sont pas uniquement constituées d’amis proches, mais plutôt d’un ensemble de relations interpersonnelles – formé de connaissances, de collègues, d’anciens camarades de classe, etc. Les membres Facebook divulguent ainsi souvent leur intimité à un auditoire qui peut être qualifié de public en raison de sa taille et de sa diversité d’origine. Les recherches quantitatives sur le sujet sont nombreuses, néanmoins le point de vue de réels utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux numériques est très peu connu. Cette étude exploratoire vise les expressions visibles de l’intimité sur les réseaux sociaux numériques, tels que Facebook, et s’intéresse plus particulièrement à l’apparition d’une nouvelle forme d’intimité exclusive aux réseaux sociaux numériques. Pour ce faire, 15 entretiens individuels ont été menés auprès d’une population à forte utilisation de Facebook : les étudiantes universitaires de 18 à 24 ans. À l’aide des notions d’espace public, d’espace privé, d’intimité, d’extimité et de visibilité, ce mémoire explore la représentation que l’utilisateur se fait de l’envahissement du territoire de l’intimité par les réseaux sociaux. On y explique l’apparition d’une possible nouvelle forme d’intimité – engendré par les réseaux sociaux numériques – grâce au mouvement des frontières entre les espaces privés et publics. Selon les résultats présentés dans ce mémoire, les utilisateurs Facebook emploient un certain nombre de stratégies pour se protéger des effets négatifs de la diffusion de leur vie privée, tout en divulguant suffisamment d’information pour assurer l’entretient de leur relation avec leurs amis. Leur vie privée est donc publique, mais seulement pour leurs propres réseaux. L’intimité sur Facebook s’affiche aisément, selon des degrés déterminés par la communauté d’utilisateurs, alors qu’elle reste cachée dans la vie de tous les jours.
Cache-coherent non uniform memory access (ccNUMA) architecture is a standard design pattern for contemporary multicore processors, and future generations of architectures are likely to be NUMA. NUMA architectures create new challenges for managed runtime systems. Memory-intensive applications use the system’s distributed memory banks to allocate data, and the automatic memory manager collects garbage left in these memory banks. The garbage collector may need to access remote memory banks, which entails access latency overhead and potential bandwidth saturation for the interconnection between memory banks. This dissertation makes five significant contributions to garbage collection on NUMA systems, with a case study implementation using the Hotspot Java Virtual Machine. It empirically studies data locality for a Stop-The-World garbage collector when tracing connected objects in NUMA heaps. First, it identifies a locality richness which exists naturally in connected objects that contain a root object and its reachable set— ‘rooted sub-graphs’. Second, this dissertation leverages the locality characteristic of rooted sub-graphs to develop a new NUMA-aware garbage collection mechanism. A garbage collector thread processes a local root and its reachable set, which is likely to have a large number of objects in the same NUMA node. Third, a garbage collector thread steals references from sibling threads that run on the same NUMA node to improve data locality. This research evaluates the new NUMA-aware garbage collector using seven benchmarks of an established real-world DaCapo benchmark suite. In addition, evaluation involves a widely used SPECjbb benchmark and Neo4J graph database Java benchmark, as well as an artificial benchmark. The results of the NUMA-aware garbage collector on a multi-hop NUMA architecture show an average of 15% performance improvement. Furthermore, this performance gain is shown to be as a result of an improved NUMA memory access in a ccNUMA system. Fourth, the existing Hotspot JVM adaptive policy for configuring the number of garbage collection threads is shown to be suboptimal for current NUMA machines. The policy uses outdated assumptions and it generates a constant thread count. In fact, the Hotspot JVM still uses this policy in the production version. This research shows that the optimal number of garbage collection threads is application-specific and configuring the optimal number of garbage collection threads yields better collection throughput than the default policy. Fifth, this dissertation designs and implements a runtime technique, which involves heuristics from dynamic collection behavior to calculate an optimal number of garbage collector threads for each collection cycle. The results show an average of 21% improvements to the garbage collection performance for DaCapo benchmarks.
Due to the growth of design size and complexity, design verification is an important aspect of the Logic Circuit development process. The purpose of verification is to validate that the design meets the system requirements and specification. This is done by either functional or formal verification. The most popular approach to functional verification is the use of simulation based techniques. Using models to replicate the behaviour of an actual system is called simulation. In this thesis, a software/data structure architecture without explicit locks is proposed to accelerate logic gate circuit simulation. We call thus system ZSIM. The ZSIM software architecture simulator targets low cost SIMD multi-core machines. Its performance is evaluated on the Intel Xeon Phi and 2 other machines (Intel Xeon and AMD Opteron). The aim of these experiments is to: • Verify that the data structure used allows SIMD acceleration, particularly on machines with gather instructions ( section 5.3.1). • Verify that, on sufficiently large circuits, substantial gains could be made from multicore parallelism ( section 5.3.2 ). • Show that a simulator using this approach out-performs an existing commercial simulator on a standard workstation ( section 5.3.3 ). • Show that the performance on a cheap Xeon Phi card is competitive with results reported elsewhere on much more expensive super-computers ( section 5.3.5 ). To evaluate the ZSIM, two types of test circuits were used: 1. Circuits from the IWLS benchmark suit [1] which allow direct comparison with other published studies of parallel simulators.2. Circuits generated by a parametrised circuit synthesizer. The synthesizer used an algorithm that has been shown to generate circuits that are statistically representative of real logic circuits. The synthesizer allowed testing of a range of very large circuits, larger than the ones for which it was possible to obtain open source files. The experimental results show that with SIMD acceleration and multicore, ZSIM gained a peak parallelisation factor of 300 on Intel Xeon Phi and 11 on Intel Xeon. With only SIMD enabled, ZSIM achieved a maximum parallelistion gain of 10 on Intel Xeon Phi and 4 on Intel Xeon. Furthermore, it was shown that this software architecture simulator running on a SIMD machine is much faster than, and can handle much bigger circuits than a widely used commercial simulator (Xilinx) running on a workstation. The performance achieved by ZSIM was also compared with similar pre-existing work on logic simulation targeting GPUs and supercomputers. It was shown that ZSIM simulator running on a Xeon Phi machine gives comparable simulation performance to the IBM Blue Gene supercomputer at very much lower cost. The experimental results have shown that the Xeon Phi is competitive with simulation on GPUs and allows the handling of much larger circuits than have been reported for GPU simulation. When targeting Xeon Phi architecture, the automatic cache management of the Xeon Phi, handles and manages the on-chip local store without any explicit mention of the local store being made in the architecture of the simulator itself. However, targeting GPUs, explicit cache management in program increases the complexity of the software architecture. Furthermore, one of the strongest points of the ZSIM simulator is its portability. Note that the same code was tested on both AMD and Xeon Phi machines. The same architecture that efficiently performs on Xeon Phi, was ported into a 64 core NUMA AMD Opteron. To conclude, the two main achievements are restated as following: The primary achievement of this work was proving that the ZSIM architecture was faster than previously published logic simulators on low cost platforms. The secondary achievement was the development of a synthetic testing suite that went beyond the scale range that was previously publicly available, based on prior work that showed the synthesis technique is valid.
De nos jours, les séries télévisées américaines représentent une part incontournable de la culture populaire, à tel point que plusieurs traductions audiovisuelles coexistent au sein de la francophonie. Outre le doublage qui permet leur diffusion à la télévision, elles peuvent être sous titrées jusqu’à trois fois soit, en ordre chronologique : par des fans sur Internet; au Québec, pour la vente sur DVD en Amérique du Nord; et en France, pour la vente sur DVD en Europe. Pourtant, bien que ces trois sous titrages répondent aux mêmes contraintes linguistiques (celles de la langue française) et techniques (diffusion au petit écran), ils diffèrent dans leur traitement des dialogues originaux. Nous établissons dans un premier temps les pratiques à l’œuvre auprès des professionnels et des amateurs. Par la suite, l’analyse des traductions ainsi que le recours à un corpus comparable de séries télévisées françaises et québécoises permettent d’établir les normes linguistiques (notamment eu égard à la variété) et culturelles appliquées par les différents traducteurs et, subsidiairement, de définir ce que cache l’appellation « Canadian French ». Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre des études descriptives et sociologiques. Nous y décrivons la réalité professionnelle des traducteurs de l’audiovisuel et l’influence que les fansubbers exercent non seulement sur la pratique professionnelle, mais aussi sur de nouvelles méthodes de formation de la prochaine génération de traducteurs. Par ailleurs, en étudiant plusieurs traductions d’une même œuvre, nous démontrons que les variétés de français ne sauraient justifier, à elles seules, la multiplication de l’offre en sous titrage, vu le faible taux de différences purement linguistiques.