921 resultados para affect


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Adolescent athletes may be at risk of restricted growth and delayed maturation when intense training is combined with insufficient energy intake. Because catch-up growth commonly occurs when training is reduced or ceases, final adult stature is unlikely to be compromised. However, in athletes who have long-term, clinically delayed maturation, catch-up growth may be incomplete. By charting individual growth patterns, physicians, coaches, and athletic trainers can detect vulnerable periods when the training intensity should be reduced and energy intake may need to be increased.


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The present study examined the utilization of social comparison practices and the role of negative affect in predicting body dissatisfaction, problem eating, and muscle preoccupation among young children. Participants were 236 children aged between 8 and 10 years. Children's eating, exercising, and muscle concerns were examined using a modified version of the Children's Eating Attitudes Test (ChEAT), which included additional items pertaining to muscle bulk and exercising. Consistent with past findings, body mass index (BMI) was found to be the sole unique indicator of body dissatisfaction for both boys and girls. Utilization of social comparison practices with adults was the main unique indicator of the modified ChEAT factors for boys, while BMI was the main unique indicator of the modified ChEAT factors for girls. In addition, negative affect was associated with binging, food preoccupation, and social pressure to eat for boys and dieting and muscle preoccupation for girls. Findings are discussed in relation to previous studies with adolescents and adults.


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Firefighting foams (Class A foams) are an effective and widespread firefighting tool, and are frequently used in environmentally sensitive areas. They are known to be ecologically damaging in aquatic environments; however, their impacts at the plant species or ecosystem level are relatively unknown. Reports of shoot damage to plants, suppressed flowering and changes in plant community composition suggest that the environmental damage caused by their use may be unacceptable. Applications of four levels of foam to seedlings of seven Australian plant species, from five representative and widespread families, showed no detectable impacts on a range of vegetative growth characteristics. The results are encouraging for continued use of firefighting foam in sensitive natural habitats.


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Software reuse is an important topic due to its potential benefits in increasing product quality and decreasing cost. Although more and more people are aware that not only technical issues, but also nontechnical issues are important to the success of software reuse, people are still not certain which factors will have direct effect on the success of reuse. In this paper, we applied a causal discovery algorithm to the software reuse survey data [2]. Ensemble strategy is incorporated to locate a probable causal model structure for software reuse, and find all those factors which have direct effect on the success of reuse. Our discovery results reinforced some conclusions of Morisio et al. and found some new conclusions which might significantly improve the odds of a reuse project succeeding.


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Firefighting foam (Class A foam) is an effective and widespread frrefighting tool often used in environmentally sensitive areas. Although, firefighting foam is known to be ecologically damaging to aquatic invertebrates, application of 1.0% foam to heathland soils showed no detectable impacts on soil invertebrate orders sampled over several months. The results are encouraging for the continued use of Class A foam as a fire suppression technique in areas with high conservation value.


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Inequalities in health and wellbeing within low socioeconomic (SES)  environments are well documented. Factors inherent to the health care system itself, such as inaccessible, inflexible or inappropriate seroiceprovision, contribute to the poorer health status ofresidents oflow SES areas. This paper explores the issues ofseroice provision in low SES areas, documenting the perceptions of seroice providers about the seroice needs of residents, in order to understand the systemic factors that negatively impact on health and wellbeing. A total of54 health and welfare seroice providers from two adjacent low SES suburbs within regional Victoria were interoiewed using qualitative research methods. Keyfindings indicate that successful navigation of health care seroices by residents within these low SES environments is being impeded by issues ofaccess, a lack ofappropriate early interoention options or measures, and general resident disempowerment. Central to the improvement of seroice provision is the need for seroices to become economically, geographically and culturally accessible. In particular, the importance of community involvement in health planning and health promoting seroices must be reflected in the ethos ofseroice provision.


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The current study evaluated a program to improve the body image and positive and negative affect of children. Participants were 368 children aged 8–12 years. The results demonstrated that boys placed more importance on and were less satisfied with their muscles; girls were less satisfied with their weight and the importance of weight increased with increasing age. Children with a large BMI were less satisfied with their weight. Boys in the intervention group showed reduced levels of negative affect over time. Further research is required to develop prevention and intervention programs to lower the effects of body dissatisfaction and negative affect among children.


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Negative affect has been found to mediate the relationship between body dissatisfaction and bulimia. However, it is unknown if this relationship also applies to disordered eating, excessive exercise and strategies to increase muscle for men or women. The aim of this study was to investigate whether negative and positive affect mediate the relationship between body dissatisfaction, and these body change strategies. Respondents were 93 men and 97 women (age range: 18-25 years), who completed measures of body dissatisfaction, positive and negative affect and body change strategies to lose weight or increase muscles. Body dissatisfaction was associated with strategies to lose weight, dietary restraint and bulimia for both genders. Negative affect mediated the relationship between dissatisfaction with muscles and strategies to lose weight, dietary restraint and bulimia for women only. The results confirm previous findings related to the association between negative affect and disordered eating for women. They also demonstrate the need to further investigate the impact of negative affect on body change strategies, particularly among men, and those strategies related to increasing muscles.


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Shamanic journeying imagery arguably occurs across cultures and historical epochs. However, to what extent is the content of the journeying imagery a construction of the shaman's cultural milieu, belief structures, autobiographical memories, and so forth. The present article finds the literature inconclusive on this question. It is suggested that attempts to answer it face a fundamental methodological problem: how to detect contextual influences on imagery that the shaman cannot report on because they are outside his/her present consciousness and memory. The authors propose a partial solution: Watkins' (1971) Affect Bridge, a memory “uncovering” technique used in hypnosis. A non-hypnotic version of the technique developed by one of the authors for inquiry into shamanic journeying imagery is then described.


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This study develops the methodological framework advanced in Rock, Baynes, and Casey's (2005) experimental study of ostensibly shamanic journeying imagery in naïve participants. Specifically, the present study experimentally investigates the impact of the word landscape, featured in Harner's (1990) shamanic journeying to the Lower World instructions, on the number of landscape-related images reported; examines the origins of ostensibly shamanic journeying images; and maps the phenomenological state effects of shamanic journeying to the Lower World. Sixtyeight naïve participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: either the original or a revised version of Harner's (1990) instructions coupled with monotonous percussion drumming at 8 beats-per-second for 15 minutes, or sitting quietly with eyes open for 15 minutes. Each participant's subjective experience was retrospectively assessed using the Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory (PCI) (Pekala 1991) and a mental imagery checklist. Subsequently, participants were administered the Modified Affect Bridge for the purpose of exploring the origins of mental imagery experienced during the experimental conditions. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference between conditions with regard to the number of ostensibly shamanic journeying images reported, but not between treatment conditions with regard to the number of landscaperelated images reported. There were no significant relationships between condition and mental imagery derived from autobiographical memories. There were statistically significant differences between conditions with regard to the PCI dimensions of fear, altered state of awareness, and arousal.


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The hypothesis that fatigue during prolonged exercise arises from insufficient intramuscular glycogen, which limits tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) activity due to reduced TCA cycle intermediates (TCAI), was tested in this experiment. Seven endurance-trained men cycled at approximately 70% of peak O(2) uptake (Vo(2 peak)) until exhaustion with low (LG) or high (HG) preexercise intramuscular glycogen content. Muscle glycogen content was lower (P < 0.05) at fatigue than at rest in both trials. However, the increase in the sum of four measured TCAI (>70% of the total TCAI pool) from rest to 15 min of exercise was not different between trials, and TCAI content was similar after 103 +/- 15 min of exercise (2.62 +/- 0.31 and 2.59 +/- 0.28 mmol/kg dry wt for LG and HG, respectively), which was the point of volitional fatigue during LG. Subjects cycled for an additional 52 +/- 9 min during HG, and although glycogen was markedly reduced (P < 0.05) during this period, no further change in the TCAI pool was observed, thus demonstrating a clear dissociation between exercise duration and the size of the TCAI pool. Neither the total adenine nucleotide pool (TAN = ATP + ADP + AMP) nor IMP was altered compared with rest in either trial, whereas creatine phosphate levels were not different when values measured at fatigue were compared with those measured after 15 min of exercise. These data demonstrate that altered glycogen availability neither compromises TCAI pool expansion nor affects the TAN pool or creatine phosphate or IMP content during prolonged exercise to fatigue. Therefore, our data do not support the concept that a decrease in muscle TCAI during prolonged exercise in humans compromises aerobic energy provision or is the cause of fatigue.


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This study examined the influence of trait resilience and trait anxiety on self-esteem and investigated the mediating role of positive and negative affect in this relationship. Specifically, it was proposed that trait resilience and trait anxiety may exert indirect effects on self-esteem by promoting increased positive and negative affect, respectively. The final sample comprised of 240 participants (age, M = 21.55, SD = 4.16) who completed questionnaire measures of trait resilience (CD-RISC; Connor & Davidson, 2003), trait anxiety (STAI-T; Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983), affect (PANAS; Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988) and self-esteem (RSES; Rosenberg, 1965). Path analyses (AMOS), controlling for measurement error revealed significant indirect effects of trait anxiety and trait resilience on self-esteem via negative and positive affect. The indirect model provided a very close fit to the data; estimation of the full model (direct paths) did not yield a significantly better fit. It was concluded that the impact of trait anxiety and trait resilience on self-esteem may be due to their effects on regulating affective experiences which in turn may be more proximal predictors of individual feelings of self-worth.