998 resultados para Violência doméstica e familiar
Trata-se de um estudo descritivo do tipo exploratório que utilizou uma abordagem combinada quantitativa e qualitativa para caracterizar as famílias de crianças em situação de violência intrafamiliar, atendidas pela “Equipe de Proteção às Crianças Vítimas de Maus-tratos e Violência Sexual”, no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), no ano de 1999. A coleta de dados foi realizada por um roteiro estruturado elaborado pela pesquisadora, constituído de quatro dimensões pré-estabelecidos – sócioeconômica, estrutura e funcionamento familiar, situação atual do abuso do contexto familiar e história pregressa da família – preenchido através dos prontuários e protocolos das crianças atendidas no HCPA. Os dados quantificáveis foram analisados com auxílio da estatística descritiva, e os qualitativos pelo método de análise de conteúdo, segundo Bardin (2000). Assim formaram sete categorias: organização familiar, relacionamento familiar, percepção dos adultos sobre a criança vítima de violência, justificativas de utilização da violência, ações maternas frente à violência, motivos da procura do serviço de saúde e a trajetória da família na instituição hospitalar. A maioria das famílias pesquisadas possuíam precária inserção sócioeconômica com baixo nível de escolaridade, desempregadas, inseridas no mercado formal e/ou informal. Eram predominantes da região central de Porto Alegre, demonstrando uma diversidade de arranjos e fragilidade nas relações familiares, com confusão de papéis e disputa de autoridade. Algumas famílias registraram ausência da figura paterna Características importantes constatadas entre os adultos: progenitores adolescentes, jovens, vivendo responsabilidade de adulto, o elevado padrão do uso abusivo de drogas, presença de aleitamento materno e gravidez não desejada. Houve um predomínio de negligência em relação a outras formas de violência praticadas, sendo que o ato violento foi cometido de forma intencional, mas o agressor não apresentava justificativa para o fato. A mãe configurou-se como a maior agressora e, simultaneamente, a principal cuidadora da criança. Nesse estudo, a criança mais atingida foi a do sexo masculino, raça branca, evidenciando lesão e apresentando longo período de convivência com o agressor que sempre era alguém muito próximo a ela. As famílias envolvidas procuraram atendimento de forma espontânea, mas a queixa de violência estava implícita. A pesquisa permitiu contextualizar a violência como social e histórica, presente em larga escala na sociedade brasileira uma sociedade desigual na qual se pratica violência dentro da família contra a criança, legitimando uma forma de poder estruturante nas relações sociais e na interação com fatores individuais econômicos e culturais. Assim, verificou-se a fundamental importância da atuação do enfermeiro no enfrentamento da problemática questão da violência intrafamiliar contra a criança.
Este trabalho possibilitou conhecer a visão de adolescentes que sofreram maus tratos na família sobre os construtos vulnerabilidade e resiliência familiar, através do conceito de família, da identificação de indicadores de risco e de proteção intra e extrafamiliar e das suas expectativas de futuro. O método utilizado para coleta de dados foi o Grupo Focal. Foram realizados dois grupos com seis participantes cada, formados por adolescentes do sexo feminino com 12 a 17 anos abrigadas em uma instituição pública. Os dados foram interpretados pela Análise de Conteúdo. Cada grupo foi compreendido como um contexto ecológico diferente e, portanto, analisado e discutido separadamente. Conclui-se que há idealização do microssistema familiar e o predomínio e a severidade dos indicadores de risco sobre os de proteção, o que revela a vulnerabilidade dessas famílias frente aos eventos de vida e/ou causadores de stress. Em contrapartida, as expectativas de futuro dessas adolescentes e os momentos de insight promovidos pelo grupo apontam para a resiliência individual de algumas delas.
Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão dos principais modelos de ciclo de vida para posteriormente discutir a necessidade de um modelo específico para o ambiente brasileiro. Apesar de toda discussão sobre a crise na instituição família em função das amplas mudanças ocorridas na sociedade contemporânea, tais como o aumento dos domicílios unipessoais, das famílias chefiadas por mulheres, da média de idade ao se casar, de casais que convivem no mesmo domicílio sem necessariamente estarem casados, da participação da mulher no mercado de trabalho e do crescente poder de compra dos domicílios, o conceito "família" vem se flexibilizando para refletir as transições da rígida estrutura familiar nuclear para novos modelos familiares e os estilos de vida associados a eles. O desafio passa a ser um olhar minucioso para as necessidades específicas desta diversidade de arranjos familiares para uma melhor compreensão dos seus desejos e motivações, bem como as mudanças no decorrer dos vários estágios do ciclo de vida. O presente estudo procurou explorar o construto ciclo de vida familiar como uma importante ferramenta de segmentação, a partir da definição de padrões de consumo de acordo com os principais eventos da vida do individuo e da família. Para verificar a utilidade do modelo desenvolvido, será apresentado um teste feito a partir dos micro dados de uma pesquisa feita pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística em 2002 e 2003. Uma das grandes contribuições deste trabalho é o esforço em desenvolver uma teoria de Marketing, na área de segmentação de mercados, ancorada na realidade brasileira, ao invés de simplesmente copiar modelos desenvolvidos em outros países.
O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar que o fenômeno social conhecido como violência infantil doméstica tem como finalidade principal disciplinar o corpo, educar os modos e controlar o comportamento, utilizando como recurso para atingir este objetivo, o desenvolvimento do sentimento de medo na criança, aterrorizando-a com diferentes práticas de torturas domésticas. Tais agressões físicas contra as crianças e os adolescentes fazem parte de um processo de transição da palmada onde a punição pedagógica que antes tinha objetivos disciplinares foi se transformando ao longo do tempo no que entendemos hoje como violência infantil. Para buscar explicações que pudessem ajudar a entender o desenvolvimento da violência infantil. Para buscar explicações que pudessem ajudar a entender o desenvolvimento da violência contra a criança e adolescente o trabalho vai utilizar como fonte livros e artigos publicados por autores que pesquisaram sobre o tema, representantes de diferentes áreas das ciências, entre elas, Sociologia, Pedagogia, História, Psicologia, Antropologia, Direito e Medicina. Do ponto de vista das políticas públicas, somente com a constituição de 1988 a criança passou a ser pensada como um sujeito de direito, com a criação do Estatuto da Criança e Adolescentes (ECA), demostrando a preocupação do Estado no avanço descontrolado dos casos de violência contra criança. Ainda na década de 90 a criação do Disque Denúncia - uma iniciativa do setor privado - trouxe grandes resultados para o alcance da justiça nesses casos.
Nós investigamos os fatores associados à violência escolar, a partir de um rico banco de dados inédito de registros de ocorrências escolares. Os crimes de furtos e roubos de bens e contra a pessoa, cometidos geralmente por agentes externos à escola, são explicados pelas condições socioeconômicas do entorno e pela riqueza disponível nas escolas. Já os atos violentos tipicamente cometidos por alunos – depredação, vandalismo, ameaças e agressões físicas e verbais – são explicados pela composição demográfica do corpo discente e pelo seu background familiar. Nós ainda apontamos dois efeitos ainda não investigados na literatura. O primeiro refere-se à qualidade do professor: a sua habilidade em estabelecer um bom relacionamento com os estudantes seria capaz de inibir o engajamento dos mesmos em atos violentos. Já o segundo fator mostra que a importância que os pais dão para os estudos e a parceria da família com a escola na formação dos estudantes também atuam positivamente sobre o bom comportamento de crianças e jovens.
The Women s experiences in the private sphere under the work s field changes the family relationship allowing them more freedom, autonomy and independence. The inequalities, socially built, homemade women s obligations results in discrimination, difficult to insert and recovery on female s job in a job s market, including low salary if compared with men s and difficult to services access in addiction a difficult daily life and in domestic sphere. The women s organisation in productive groups or economically solidary enterprises (ESE) torn possible the social economically organisations and politicians to promote deep changes in a domestically e socially relationship, positioning, for example, women s in publics areas and in the rout of emancipation. The objective of this search are understand men and women relationship in the family agriculture s field starts insert women in economically solidary enterprises (ESE) on Mulunguzinho s settlement (Mossoró/RN). The theoretical framework is inspirited Economical Solidary concept kind division s job and women s empowerment. This search had a qualitative character and exploration through case s study on Mulheres decididas a vencer s group. The secondary information was create through theoretical framework and information collected through semi-structured interviews based in interviews applied for women and yours respective husbands by criterion for women participation on productive activities of beekeeping culture of goat and sheep. This study turns possible conclude that the women s participations in productive groups in solidary economical change significantly their life and their family life. The group s organisations process, the training was received, the collective production, the marketing and the mobilized participation to move it all was fundamental for women share with their families partners some homemade and take care with the children. This finding confirm a different aspect not economical in solidary economy overcoming the monetary value in associative relationship observing principally individuals well-being and the concern with the form of reproduction this way of life in the associated
This work considers the comprehension of the intrafamiliar violence emphasizing violent mothers relationships with their children. The purpose is to understand the development of these relationships which turn into aggressive behavior of the mothers regarding family education. The research was carried out focusing on two aspects: analysis of the theoretical references and empirical research. The theoretical research was done through a bibliographic survey of subjects related to this study such as: the history of the family, motherhood and children, the intrafamiliar violence practiced by mothers against their children; as well as how those violent relationships emerge from family environment. We point out the Foucault s concept of discipline (FOUCAULT, 1975) and Caldeira s concept of circumscribed body (CALDEIRA, 2000). It was selected a sample of ten women to investigate the relationship between mother and son through a detailed interviews. Five mothers from this sample were denounced to the Tutelary Council and they were set in a so called Denounced Group. Similarly, the other five mothers, who live in the same social and cultural context of the selected families assisted by the Tutelary Council, were set in the Non-Denounced Group. Therefore, we work with representations of the own interviewers about the meaning of the pedagogic socializing discipline in their lives. Our priority was the study of case carried out with the denounced families for physical violence and with the other group in order to develop a comparative analysis of both groups. Such methodological choice is explained by the interest for understanding the violence between mothers and children. It is common to all mothers not to consider aggressive their behavior against their children. We observe that physical punishment is considered a way to discipline children and teenagers, hence that is perceived as necessary to repress, to control, and to adapt them. Thus, it is considered a necessary practice for education. However, the reason that made the community denounced against the mothers of the Denounced Group was due to those did not correspond to an ideal example of what was expected to be a mother (they took drugs, alcohol, and had several sexual partners), that is denounces were not for the physical violence itself. Therefore, those mothers were not denounced because they were not morally able to manage their children s education. The community tolerates the punishment against children, but not the amorality of the women, and they were denounced for disregarding their role as mothers
This research has been implanted on thematic area education, politic and culture, based on line research and cultures practices aducatives histories approaches and literaries. on this situations, be involved around the kind of relations investigating about history cultural perspective, the thematic: woman, violence, body and education in women s daily victims of fisic, sexual and psychological violence. The research period happens end of 20th century beginning of 21th, specially between the 1999 until 2002. The survey shows influence of sexually device above body to reveal the root of violence in kinds of relations, be present in lifehistory of women aggressors the prisoners women and the women who permits aggressions the victims who accuse in the police station of woman. to preserv her privacy, i have been utilized in my register book pseudonym by flowers, to everyone. i have been defended my theory by familyrelations, be constitued in micro powerspaces and learn about sex, under the influence of violence in kinds of relations, creating negative bodywoman. shows bodyconceptions and sexuality by light thinking of the French philosopher Mr. Foucault Michel, in his opinion sexuality is a mechanisms by power, it is present on circular form at the society from all the institutions. I have been run over of Erich Fromm s lover theory. Those are fontain of newspapers, Police Protests, the prisoners women statement and the women who permits aggressions that them accuse aggressors of hers. I also utilize as fontain the Brazilian Penal Coole. At last I have decide about the flowers-women´s history, they have discourse who divulge the really importance of body as privileged by wisdom and truths, it was translated by own subjectivity, learned educations relacions, repetead in family breast and be responsible of the actions at signature in the presence of society. These relacions, were twice think and was problematic, their will be bring seeds of social transformations
It is a descriptive, exploratory study, quantitative comparative approach, whose general objective was to analyze the violence at school in a comparative way in the context of two schools in Natal / RN. The specifics were to identify the types of manifestations of violence in the contexts of public and private schools, to identify the position of the leadership, teachers and school staff during and after the occurrence of manifestations of violence in the school environment, to identify measures to prevent violence within of schools. The results show that 68 of the 121 participants (56.20%) were female and 53 (43.80%) were male, 38 (31.40%) were between 40 and 49, 85 (70.2%) lived in the south of Natal (RN), 46 (38.02%) specialization, 68 (56.20%) were Catholic, 63 (52.07%) married, 41 (33.88%) received between 03 and 05 and 68 minimum wages (56.20%) were teachers, 51 (42.15%) 02 employees (01,65%) and directors, 46 (38.02%) providers had between 05 and 14 years and 11 months experience in teaching 70 (57.85%) less than five years in the job, 68 (56.20%) worked between 20 hours and 40 hours per week, 81 (16.30%) worked in the 9th grade of elementary school II. As for the sizing of violence, 111 (91.74%) respondents witnessed episodes of this event who work in the institution, 100 (82.64%) witnessed verbal violence, 87 (71.90%) called for parents when some event happenedviolent that it caused injury to students, 66 (54.55%) believed that family violence is the main reason for young people practiced bullying, 44 (38.98%) reported daily episodes of bullying, 64 (52.89% ) the event happens in the courtyard. Of the 37 victims of violence at school, 22 (59.45%) suffered verbal abuse, 18 (48.65%) experienced violence once a week, 36 (97.30%) were attacked by students, 104 (85.95 %) are able to differentiate the bad acts of bullying behavior, 28 (23.14%) separated the involved coordination and communicated verbally, 23 (19.00%) stated that the coordination of schools talked with parents about the aggressive behavior of the student. Regarding the actions taken to minimize bullying, 69 (57.02%) participated in any professional education process, 47 (38.84%) was the educational process at another institution, 49 (71.01%) took courses lasting 12 to 24 hours, 59 (48.76%) stated that interaction with parents and family was the most stimulated by the school to try to minimize and prevent the event and 116 (95.87%) participated in meetings at the institutions surveyed , 58 (50.00%) responded that the meetings took place every two months and 121 (100.00%) reported having no refresher course on school violence in the schools surveyed. We conclude that violence in schools has been expressed in any social class and that professionals are poorly prepared to deal with the situation. So we hope that education professionals through the reading of our study may realize that school violence takes place in any institution affecting the lives of all who make up the educational universe. It is extremely important that these professionals always seek to empower through knowledge so that they can develop strategies to prevent and minimize the bullying to change the reality of the workplace
We aim to understand the social representations of man's aggressive behavior from the perspective of women in situations of domestic violence. This is a descriptive, exploratory and representational study, whose methodological approach falls into the qualitative category. We chose as a scenario for research, by the Reference Center for Citizen Women (CRMC), Natal / RN. The criteria for selection of participants were women who lived/live in situations of domestic violence, with affective or relationship bonding with the assailant, in psychological and emotional positions appropriated to the reality; that are being protected or assisted by the service listed above; whose aggressor is male. We adopted as data collection instruments: questionnaire, Drawing-Story (DE) and a field diary. For analysis of textual data, we decided to use the ALCESTE software conjugated to editing analyze and initial reading. Were investigated 20 women victims of domestic violence, whose author of the attacks was the husband/partner. We identified, from the respondents, that 70% (n = 14) of men with aggressive behavior also had a family history of violence and fragile family relationships. About the physical and emotional condition of the assailant at the time of violence, 50% (n = 10) of these men, regardless the use of alcohol, had often quarrelsome and/or nervous behavior, impatient and unpredictable humor facing a setback, worry or annoyance. Regarding the nature of violence, we observed that women were victims of all types of violence, however, the psychological prevailed in 100% of cases. The corpus "Men" has three classes, whose focuses are, respectively: resignation, denounce and violence/aggression, being possible categorizing them as well: Category 1: The imprisonment of women; Category 2: Violence and its meanings; Category 3: Breaking the violent cycle. We show that the social representations of man s aggressive behavior, from the women in situations of violence, are anchored in the social roles of men in family and society, becoming a dominant model of masculinity. It is aimed, on one hand, from the reproduction of what is already known and/or experienced by male aggressors in the family, as repetitions of behavior. And on the other, present themselves as a state of illness, addiction or psychopathy
Trata-se de relato de experiência de supervisão e atendimento de famílias que sofreram violência intrafamiliar, encaminhadas para atendimento psicológico após denúncia ou suspeita de abuso sexual infantil cometido por parentes próximos. O texto examina essa experiência à luz de reflexões surgidas nessa prática, diante dos conflitos, impasses e dificuldades vividos por profissionais e famílias envolvidos no problema. A abordagem de intervenção aqui proposta tem três características principais: 1) baseia-se no enfoque psicossocial 2) propõe o atendimento familiar conjunto, envolvendo toda a família, inclusive o agressor; e, 3)introduz a perspectiva de gênero, fator historicamente preponderante na construção de relações de violência e dominação-exploração dentro da família.
The purpose of this work is to map the family and community social supports for adolescents and young students from Bom Pastor Distric, West Zone of Natal/RN, as well as to describe how such resources are used by these individuaIs in that community. Social support refers not only to formal activities or organizations, but also to spontaneous or informal forms of support - friendship and solidarity nets available in the community, affective relations that are meaningful in the lives of children and young people. Our discussion is based on a research performed with 382 adolescents and young students from Jean Mermoz Public School (students from 5th to 11th grades, aged 13 to 14). We emphasized the situations of violence derived from family or community spheres faced by these students. In relation to this specific aspect, we observed the participants more frequently look for help from the informal social supports, mostly from their friends, which indicates that the formal ones are not considered to be effective instruments for social assistance. The search for informal social supports shows the relations informally established in the streets (for instance when they look for help from friends, rei atives or neighbors) have more effect and play an important role in which there are values and affections exchange. Thinking the strengthening of these social links is of extreme importance and leads to the weakening of the hegemonic logics focused on the production of subjects as private identities, and to the amplification of an ethics committed to the disassembly of a sociability anchored to fear, impotence, intolerance, discrimination, and reduction of spaces for circulating and confronting mechanisms of social exclusion. It is crucial that we concentrate our attention to building friendship as a system of reciprocity and affective exchanges, as a space for political actions and production of forms of lives that are potent against social anesthesia
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC