326 resultados para Timetable Restructure


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A concentração de seis elementos: Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Zn e Fe foi medida em sessenta e sete amostras de sumos de fruta 100 %, duas amostras de refrigerantes, dez amostras de concentrados de sumos e sete amostras de águas de diluição utilizadas no processamento dos sumos. As amostras de sumos representam numa prespectiva bastante abrangente o mercado Português de sumos de fruta 100 %. Os refrigerantes concentrados e águas de diluição foram cedidos por duas empresas fabricantes de sumos Portuguesas. As concentrações elementares foram medidas pelas técnicas de FAAS e GFAAS e foi medido também o grau Brix dos sumos. Os factores: fruta, percentagem de fruta, origem, agricultura, tratamento, embalagem, conservação e processo foram obtidos por informação do fabricante nos rótulos dos produtos e por contacto directo. Caracterizou-se o mercado em termos da concentração desses elementos e caracterizou-se a sua diluição comparando-a com valores de referência do mercado Europeu. Mediu-se o grau de associação entre os diversos parâmetros e a concentração final elementar dos sumos e utilizou-se a análise de agrupamentos, a análise de correspondência múltipla e a análise factorial para reestruturar a matriz de dados. Dos resultados obtidos, os sumos de fruta apresentam a seguinte ordem de grandeza nas suas concentrações elementares: Cd


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Este proyecto ha consistido en la realización de una aplicación web para cubrir una necesidad del centro universitario; la necesidad de gestionar los horarios y la asignación de aulas cada inicio de curso de una forma más automática de la que se usa en la actualidad. El objetivo principal ha sido que la aplicación fuera lo más intuitiva posible y que tenga una facilidad de uso que motivase su utilización. Para ello nos hemos decantado por una serie de características tanto visuales (distribución de la información, códigos de colores), como de uso (sistema de Drag&Drop). La aplicación tiene tres módulos principales: Un primer módulo para el manejo de los horarios, el cual nos permite la construcción de un horario para un grupo determinado evitando cualquier tipo de conflicto.El segundo módulo para la asignación de grupo a aulas, de forma que nos permite tener un control de los espacios del centro. El tercero y último, con una fuerte relación con el segundo, que en este caso se utiliza para asignar asignaturas optativas a aulas. Todo esto va acompañado por una variedad de páginas de información y de una vista administrativa para gestionar los datos necesarios para usar la aplicación. Una de las ventajas más importantes que tiene esta aplicación es la automatización a la hora de realizar todas las comprobaciones necesarias para hacer cualquier asignación. Debido a la envergadura del proyecto, optamos por realizar este proyecto conjuntamente entre tres personas para ser capaces de ofrecer un producto lo más completo posible sin salirnos de los límites de este trabajo de fin de grado.


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Due to the appreciation of family farming by the Brazilian Federal Government, the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension was induced to restructure and act in a more participative way, culminating in the National Policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (PNATER), changing the profile of technology transfer and knowledge (diffusionism) for an action that uses participatory methodologies focused on exchange of knowledge between farmers and technicians. The process of discussion of the trends of ATER brought the New ATER , with the recognition of agroecology as the main guidance. This research aimed to analyze methods of public ATER developed by institutions of Rio Grande do Norte, under the guidance of New ATER. The research is qualitative. Secondary data were collected through documental research and literature. Primary data were collected through a set of interviews applied to representatives of public institutions ATER, namely EMATER-RN, Diaconia and AACC and representatives of organizations that receive public ATER. The research showed the difficulties of EMATER-RN in implementing of New ATER due to lack of infrastructure and low adherence of the new form of technical assistance and rural extension. It was shown also that the AACC and Diaconia act with ATER through projects with implementation deadlines set, often interrupting ATER while communities are still in need of assistance


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The railway planning problem is usually studied from two different points of view: macroscopic and microscopic. We propose a macroscopic approach for the high-speed rail scheduling problem where competitive effects are introduced. We study train frequency planning, timetable planning and rolling stock assignment problems and model the problem as a multi-commodity network flow problem considering competitive transport markets. The aim of the presented model is to maximize the total operator profit. We solve the optimization model using realistic probleminstances obtained from the network of the Spanish railwa operator RENFE, including other transport modes in Spain


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The Train Timetabling Problem (TTP) has been widely studied for freight and passenger rail systems. A lesser effort has been devoted to the study of high-speed rail systems. A modeling issue that has to be addressed is to model departure time choice of passengers on railway services. Passengers who use these systems attempt to travel at predetermined hours due to their daily life necessities (e.g., commuter trips). We incorporate all these features into TTP focusing on high-speed railway systems. We propose a Rail Scheduling and Rolling Stock (RSch-RS) model for timetable planning of high-speed railway systems. This model is composed of two essential elements: i) an infrastructure model for representing the railway network: it includes capacity constraints of the rail network and the Rolling-Stock constraints; and ii) a demand model that defines how the passengers choose the departure time. The resulting model is a mixed-integer programming model which objective function attempts to maximize the profit for the rail operator


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The necessity of the insertion of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte in the world-wide commercial scene and its claim as the seat of political power, in ends of nineteenth and beginning of twentieth century, determined the direction of urban interventions undertaken by government to restructure the city. In that matter, there were several actions of improvements and embellishment in Natal, which had, as a starting point, the adequacy works of the port, located in the Ribeira quarter, with the aim of ending the physical isolation that reinforced its economic stagnation. Besides the problems faced in the opening bar of the Potengi River, and would complement the required improvements, other barriers demonstrate the tension established between the physic-geographic field and the man: the flooded and slope which connected Cidade Alta and Ribeira the first two quarters of the city.The execution of these works demanded knowledge whose domain and application it was for engineering. But, how the actions done for the engineers, in sense to transform natural areas into constructed spaces made possible the intentional conformation of the quarter of the Ribeira in a commercial and politician-administrative center, in the middle of the XIX century and beginning of the XX? Understand, therefore, the employment effects of technology on the physical-geographical Ribeira, is the objective of this work that uses theoretical and methodological procedures of Urban Environmental History, by analyzing the relationship between the environment and the man, mediated by knowledge and use of technologies. The documental research was used, as primary sources, the Messages of the Provincial Assembly Government that later became the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Norte reports and articles on specialized publications, in addition to local newspapers. The work is structured in five chapters. First, some comments about Urban Environmental History (Chapter 1) supplemented with analysis of the conceptual construction of nature in the Contemporary Era and its application in the city (chapter 02), the following chapters (03 and 04) deal with the rise of engineers as a active group in the Brazilian government frameworks and their vision about the nature inside the urban environment and it is studied how the professional technicians dealt with the improvement work of the harbor and in the shock with the natural forces. Other works that would complement this "project" of modernization and had had natural obstacles to be removed the Ribeira flood and slope constitute the subject of the fifth chapter. Finally, some final considerations retake the initial discussions aiming an association between the technique and the nature as junction elements inside the process of constitution of a Modern Natal


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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Face ao paradigma atual onde são constantemente impostas às entidades públicas medidas para a racionalização de recursos, os Estabelecimentos de Ensino Superior Público Universitário Militar não são exceção tornando-se cada vez mais premente a aposta numa gestão eficiente e eficaz. Neste âmbito, a Contabilidade Analítica assume de forma crescente um papel dominante na análise e controlo dos custos por atividade. O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada encontra-se subordinado ao tema “A Formação de Oficiais de Administração: Oportunidades, Especificidades e Contingências na senda de uma Carreira Profissional”. Assim, o objetivo geral do presente trabalho passa pelo cálculo do custos de formação dos alunos de Administração dos três ramos das Forças Armadas e desta forma, optar pelo modelo mais rentável economicamente. Para o cálculo do custo, de entre as inúmeras opções existentes relativamente a sistemas de custeio, baseámo-nos no método das Secções Homogéneas ou Centros de Custos. A estrutura do trabalho pode ser dividida em duas partes, a primeira de cariz teórico e a segunda uma vertente prática. A metodologia adotada teve como referência o método de investigação em Ciência Sociais, isto é, partindo de uma pergunta central de investigação, que origina perguntas derivadas, procuram-se respostas através da formulação, exploração e teste de hipóteses. De acordo com os resultados do presente estudo podemos verificar que é o modelo de formação utilizada na Academia Militar o mais rentável economicamente. Desta forma, dadas as evidentes afinidades científicas existentes entre os cursos seria pertinente uma reconfiguração da estrutura científica, durações e do perfil formativo dos diferentes cursos. Assim, uma reorganização que elimine redundâncias e promova a partilha de recursos possibilitará ganhos de eficiência na gestão e consequentemente redução de custos.


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Communities, neighborhoods, and other environments are currently immersed in a series of situations and problems that have favored the deterioration of social, cultural and spiritual values, which are essential for harmony with oneself, others, and the environment. Stereotypes have captured minds and settings have been reduced to indoor spaces, hemmed in by security bars and protective devices.  Peace, fraternity and happiness are diminishing.  It is at this point that the social, spiritual and professional work of specialists in the recreational field contributes to rescue and restructure society. Traditional games and singing games are then the tools used to facilitate relationships, contribute to the learning process, and exhibit skills.  They are fundamental in a person’s life since they are a social and cultural expression of how humans have adapted to their environment (Maestro, 2005).  They do not take ethnicity, age, sex or social conditions into consideration.  Traditional games are also a way of promoting health, improving motor, cognitive and emotional skills and a means of encouraging creativity and imagination and developing a sense of rhythm.  Their goal is to attain a state of personal well-being.  They are a way to release tension and accumulated energy and to get away from the daily routine.  They represent a bridge to learn about oneself, the environment, values, habits, and traditions. In this document, readers will learn how traditional games are transmitted, what their characteristics are, why they are an important tool in today’s society, how they are prepared, and how they can be revived and preserved.


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En Colombia, mediante la Ley 1508 de 2102, se estableció el régimen jurídico de las Asociaciones Público Privadas (APP) y con la aprobación de la Ley 1682 de 2013, se regularon los proyectos de infraestructura de transporte. Con la presente tesis se pretende demostrar la figura del Diálogo Competitivo como procedimiento incompleto e insuficiente, apropiado así por nuestro régimen jurídico en la Ley de APP, visto desde la perspectiva de la Unión Europea, especialmente de los modelos español, inglés y francés, porque carece de la mayoría de sus elementos característicos. Posteriormente se realiza una crítica al Diálogo Competitivo colombiano desde la perspectiva de la Unión Europea, ya que se evidencia en la figura interna su precariedad frente a un procedimiento debidamente definido y organizado como el de la Unión Europea. Entre las instituciones jurídicas adoptadas por la Ley de APP, se encuentra el Diálogo Competitivo, que es un procedimiento, verificado en la etapa de estructuración de los contratos APP de iniciativa pública, cuyos antecedentes registran el mayor reconocimiento internacional en la Unión Europea (UE). Ésta introdujo esa figura a su régimen jurídico, a través de la Directiva 2004/18/CE, a su vez derogada por la Directiva 2014/24/UCE. La tesis culmina con una serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones que se estiman útiles para repensar y reestructurar el Diálogo Competitivo en los proyectos de infraestructura vial en Colombia, tarea que le corresponde al Congreso Nacional, pues así lo ha dispuesta la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado.


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Declarative techniques such as Constraint Programming can be very effective in modeling and assisting management decisions. We present a method for managing university classrooms which extends the previous design of a Constraint-Informed Information System to generate the timetables while dealing with spatial resource optimization issues. We seek to maximize space utilization along two dimensions: classroom use and occupancy rates. While we want to maximize the room use rate, we still need to satisfy the soft constraints which model students’ and lecturers’ preferences. We present a constraint logic programming-based local search method which relies on an evaluation function that combines room utilization and timetable soft preferences. Based on this, we developed a tool which we applied to the improvement of classroom allocation in a University. Comparing the results to the current timetables obtained without optimizing space utilization, the initial versions of our tool manages to reach a 30% improvement in space utilization, while preserving the quality of the timetable, both for students and lecturers.