377 resultados para Thesaurus
Background: Ontologies have increasingly been used in the biomedical domain, which has prompted the emergence of different initiatives to facilitate their development and integration. The Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry consortium provides a repository of life-science ontologies, which are developed according to a set of shared principles. This consortium has developed an ontology called OBO Relation Ontology aiming at standardizing the different types of biological entity classes and associated relationships. Since ontologies are primarily intended to be used by humans, the use of graphical notations for ontology development facilitates the capture, comprehension and communication of knowledge between its users. However, OBO Foundry ontologies are captured and represented basically using text-based notations. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) provides a standard and widely-used graphical notation for modeling computer systems. UML provides a well-defined set of modeling elements, which can be extended using a built-in extension mechanism named Profile. Thus, this work aims at developing a UML profile for the OBO Relation Ontology to provide a domain-specific set of modeling elements that can be used to create standard UML-based ontologies in the biomedical domain. Results: We have studied the OBO Relation Ontology, the UML metamodel and the UML profiling mechanism. Based on these studies, we have proposed an extension to the UML metamodel in conformance with the OBO Relation Ontology and we have defined a profile that implements the extended metamodel. Finally, we have applied the proposed UML profile in the development of a number of fragments from different ontologies. Particularly, we have considered the Gene Ontology (GO), the PRotein Ontology (PRO) and the Xenopus Anatomy and Development Ontology (XAO). Conclusions: The use of an established and well-known graphical language in the development of biomedical ontologies provides a more intuitive form of capturing and representing knowledge than using only text-based notations. The use of the profile requires the domain expert to reason about the underlying semantics of the concepts and relationships being modeled, which helps preventing the introduction of inconsistencies in an ontology under development and facilitates the identification and correction of errors in an already defined ontology.
Controlled vocabularies are tools of representation of information necessary to standardize the content description and classification of information, making information systems consistent and also minimizing the dispersion of information. One of the most critical points of controlled vocabularies is the need to constantly update, in terminology and the computer system. The purpose of this paper is to share the experience of the Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas da Universidade de São Paulo - (SIBiUSP) in planning and developing an innovation plan for your Controlled Vocabulary, reporting their goals and actions. Such actions are in different stages of referral, so there are provisional results. The article also brings the description of his movements and the difficulties encountered as collaboration and knowledge for professionals that working and researching with the theme controlled vocabularies
L'oggetto del presente lavoro è la traduzione dal francese in italiano di “Femmes d'Afrique: bâtisseuses d'avenir”, una raccolta di “racconti di vita” di donne dell'Africa subsahariana. Sono proprio le donne le protagoniste del nostro studio: raccontano i soprusi, le violenze o le ingiustizie che hanno subito. Sono donne di successo che lottano affinché anche altre donne africane possano diventarlo. Prima di arrivare alla traduzione, si è compiuto un percorso riflessivo sul testo di partenza che porterà alla luce le condizioni di vita delle donne africane e permetterà la costruzione del Thesaurus delle donne d'Africa. Nel primo capitolo, verrà approfondito il tema principale del nostro lavoro: la condizione di vita delle donne dell’Africa subsahariana. In primo luogo, delineeremo il quadro generale della situazione attuale; in secondo luogo, ci occuperemo dei diritti fondamentali dell’uomo che vengono negati alle donne tramite la pratica di antiche usanze discriminatorie e lesive, quali le mutilazioni genitali femminili o la concessione in sposa delle bambine a uomini molto più grandi di loro. Nel secondo capitolo vengono presentate la storia e le missioni di alcune delle associazioni che lottano affinché le donne d’Africa vedano riconosciuti i propri diritti. Nel terzo capitolo, ci si focalizzerà sull’analisi dei racconti di vita. Partendo dalla definizione del genere testuale, analizzeremo la sezione “droits des femmes” scelta dal libro in esame e, infine, creeremo il Thesaurus delle donne d'Africa. Nel quarto capitolo, si delineerà un quadro generale della storia della traduzione e introdurremo gli studi di teoria della traduzione spiegando tre tipi di approcci alla materia. Infine, proporremo la traduzione e il commento di due lettere di presentazione e della sezione “droits des femmes”. Nelle conclusioni si ripercorrerà lo studio svolto cercando di metterne in evidenza i punti salienti. Infine, in appendice troveremo il testo di partenza della traduzione.
Discusses the cooperative effort between librarians and science faculty at Bucknell University in developing an effective library use education course for incoming undergraduate science and engineering students. Describes course structure and activities, and includes a library instruction bibliography. (five references) (EA)
A semantic approach towards political conflict first emerged in the 1930s and provides the methodological foundations for the description of political conflicts, in particular as the correlation between the language of description and reality. Any military or political confrontation presupposes axiological, conceptual and ideological confrontation. The form of adequate description can only be comprehended if the characteristic features of its language (structure) and thesaurus are revealed. Admitting the possibility of different descriptions implies the necessity of analysing this possible ambiguity, i.e. the characteristic features of the language which enable us to form various statements, including mutually exclusive ones. The insoluble task of finding a middle ground between the viewpoints of the conflicting parties should be replaced by soluble procedures of explaining and assessing the conflicting axiologies. For the description of conflict situations, when it is essential to represent various positions within a uniform system, an apparatus of model semantics seems to be the most appropriate one both for generating alternatives and for bringing them together in a modal system of a world in which procedures of transition from one world to another (i.e. the transworld compatibility between them) are also reflected. Reality is reconstructed not as a sort of middle ground between the mutually exclusive approaches nor as their sum, but as a result of the overlapping of various worlds and the procedures of transition from one state of affairs to another. The description of a conflict is therefore seen as a system of worlds connected by modal relations, with a system of worlds emerging as a reality to be described. This approach makes it possible to describe the processes from the points of view of the participating parties and, at the same time, to reveal their basic attitudes. The main idea of this research is shown by the problems analysed: the description of conflict as methodology; language and behaviour (general problems of semiotic description), the logico-semantic analysis of the notions of "problem and conflict", "Genesis and Chronology", "the recurrent model of the (historical) explanation and interpretation of the conflict". Zolyan used data on the Karabagh conflict to demonstrate the dependence of the structure of semio-cultural codes on current political development and considered post-soviet history as a semio-cultural problem. He sought to consider and reveal the logic of manipulations with history, and proposed the logic of preferences as a possible instrument for achieving compromise.
Ioannes Plantavitius Pausanus
Sammelbd.: Bd. 1 u. 2,1 in einem Digitalisat
digessit et edidit Aemilius Roediger
Der Freimann-Katalog enthält zwei Ausgaben mit Signaturen "L. Hebr. Lex. 12" und "L. Hebr. Lex. 26" in unterschiedlicher Bindung. Die Ausgabe mit der Signatur "L. Hebr. Lex. 26" enthält außerdem handschriftliche Anmerkungen von Emil Rödiger, der Gesenius' Werk ab Bd. 3,2 fortführte.
Mit handschriftl. Bemerkungen von Emil Roediger
Mit handschriftl. Anmerkungen von Emil Roediger
Mit handschriftl. Anmerkungen von Emil Rödiger
quem post Gesenii dec. comp. Aemilius Roediger
Mit handschriftlichen Anm. von Emil Roediger