959 resultados para Techniques: Image Processing
A common problem in video surveys in very shallow waters is the presence of strong light fluctuations, due to sun light refraction. Refracted sunlight casts fast moving patterns, which can significantly degrade the quality of the acquired data. Motivated by the growing need to improve the quality of shallow water imagery, we propose a method to remove sunlight patterns in video sequences. The method exploits the fact that video sequences allow several observations of the same area of the sea floor, over time. It is based on computing the image difference between a given reference frame and the temporal median of a registered set of neighboring images. A key observation is that this difference will have two components with separable spectral content. One is related to the illumination field (lower spatial frequencies) and the other to the registration error (higher frequencies). The illumination field, recovered by lowpass filtering, is used to correct the reference image. In addition to removing the sunflickering patterns, an important advantage of the approach is the ability to preserve the sharpness in corrected image, even in the presence of registration inaccuracies. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated in image sets acquired under strong camera motion containing non-rigid benthic structures. The results testify the good performance and generality of the approach
In this paper we present a novel structure from motion (SfM) approach able to infer 3D deformable models from uncalibrated stereo images. Using a stereo setup dramatically improves the 3D model estimation when the observed 3D shape is mostly deforming without undergoing strong rigid motion. Our approach first calibrates the stereo system automatically and then computes a single metric rigid structure for each frame. Afterwards, these 3D shapes are aligned to a reference view using a RANSAC method in order to compute the mean shape of the object and to select the subset of points on the object which have remained rigid throughout the sequence without deforming. The selected rigid points are then used to compute frame-wise shape registration and to extract the motion parameters robustly from frame to frame. Finally, all this information is used in a global optimization stage with bundle adjustment which allows to refine the frame-wise initial solution and also to recover the non-rigid 3D model. We show results on synthetic and real data that prove the performance of the proposed method even when there is no rigid motion in the original sequence
Changes in the angle of illumination incident upon a 3D surface texture can significantly alter its appearance, implying variations in the image texture. These texture variations produce displacements of class members in the feature space, increasing the failure rates of texture classifiers. To avoid this problem, a model-based texture recognition system which classifies textures seen from different distances and under different illumination directions is presented in this paper. The system works on the basis of a surface model obtained by means of 4-source colour photometric stereo, used to generate 2D image textures under different illumination directions. The recognition system combines coocurrence matrices for feature extraction with a Nearest Neighbour classifier. Moreover, the recognition allows one to guess the approximate direction of the illumination used to capture the test image
In this paper a colour texture segmentation method, which unifies region and boundary information, is proposed. The algorithm uses a coarse detection of the perceptual (colour and texture) edges of the image to adequately place and initialise a set of active regions. Colour texture of regions is modelled by the conjunction of non-parametric techniques of kernel density estimation (which allow to estimate the colour behaviour) and classical co-occurrence matrix based texture features. Therefore, region information is defined and accurate boundary information can be extracted to guide the segmentation process. Regions concurrently compete for the image pixels in order to segment the whole image taking both information sources into account. Furthermore, experimental results are shown which prove the performance of the proposed method
An unsupervised approach to image segmentation which fuses region and boundary information is presented. The proposed approach takes advantage of the combined use of 3 different strategies: the guidance of seed placement, the control of decision criterion, and the boundary refinement. The new algorithm uses the boundary information to initialize a set of active regions which compete for the pixels in order to segment the whole image. The method is implemented on a multiresolution representation which ensures noise robustness as well as computation efficiency. The accuracy of the segmentation results has been proven through an objective comparative evaluation of the method
This paper presents a complete solution for creating accurate 3D textured models from monocular video sequences. The methods are developed within the framework of sequential structure from motion, where a 3D model of the environment is maintained and updated as new visual information becomes available. The camera position is recovered by directly associating the 3D scene model with local image observations. Compared to standard structure from motion techniques, this approach decreases the error accumulation while increasing the robustness to scene occlusions and feature association failures. The obtained 3D information is used to generate high quality, composite visual maps of the scene (mosaics). The visual maps are used to create texture-mapped, realistic views of the scene
Photo-mosaicing techniques have become popular for seafloor mapping in various marine science applications. However, the common methods cannot accurately map regions with high relief and topographical variations. Ortho-mosaicing borrowed from photogrammetry is an alternative technique that enables taking into account the 3-D shape of the terrain. A serious bottleneck is the volume of elevation information that needs to be estimated from the video data, fused, and processed for the generation of a composite ortho-photo that covers a relatively large seafloor area. We present a framework that combines the advantages of dense depth-map and 3-D feature estimation techniques based on visual motion cues. The main goal is to identify and reconstruct certain key terrain feature points that adequately represent the surface with minimal complexity in the form of piecewise planar patches. The proposed implementation utilizes local depth maps for feature selection, while tracking over several views enables 3-D reconstruction by bundle adjustment. Experimental results with synthetic and real data validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach
A recent trend in digital mammography is computer-aided diagnosis systems, which are computerised tools designed to assist radiologists. Most of these systems are used for the automatic detection of abnormalities. However, recent studies have shown that their sensitivity is significantly decreased as the density of the breast increases. This dependence is method specific. In this paper we propose a new approach to the classification of mammographic images according to their breast parenchymal density. Our classification uses information extracted from segmentation results and is based on the underlying breast tissue texture. Classification performance was based on a large set of digitised mammograms. Evaluation involves different classifiers and uses a leave-one-out methodology. Results demonstrate the feasibility of estimating breast density using image processing and analysis techniques
In this paper we face the problem of positioning a camera attached to the end-effector of a robotic manipulator so that it gets parallel to a planar object. Such problem has been treated for a long time in visual servoing. Our approach is based on linking to the camera several laser pointers so that its configuration is aimed to produce a suitable set of visual features. The aim of using structured light is not only for easing the image processing and to allow low-textured objects to be treated, but also for producing a control scheme with nice properties like decoupling, stability, well conditioning and good camera trajectory
This paper presents the implementation details of a coded structured light system for rapid shape acquisition of unknown surfaces. Such techniques are based on the projection of patterns onto a measuring surface and grabbing images of every projection with a camera. Analyzing the pattern deformations that appear in the images, 3D information of the surface can be calculated. The implemented technique projects a unique pattern so that it can be used to measure moving surfaces. The structure of the pattern is a grid where the color of the slits are selected using a De Bruijn sequence. Moreover, since both axis of the pattern are coded, the cross points of the grid have two codewords (which permits to reconstruct them very precisely), while pixels belonging to horizontal and vertical slits have also a codeword. Different sets of colors are used for horizontal and vertical slits, so the resulting pattern is invariant to rotation. Therefore, the alignment constraint between camera and projector considered by a lot of authors is not necessary
Actualment, en l'àmbit mèdic, la ressonància magnètica, MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging, és un dels sistemes més utilitzats per a la realització de diagnòstics i el seguiment de l'evolució de malalties com l'esclerosi múltiple (EM). No obstant, la gran quantitat d'informació que proporciona aquesta modalitat té com a conseqüència una tasca feixuga d'anàlisi i d'interpretació per part dels radiòlegs i neuròlegs. L'objectiu general d'aquest projecte és desenvolupar un sistema per ajudar als metges a segmentar les imatges de MRI del cervell. S'ha implementat amb MATLAB. Durant tot el procés s'han utilitzat dades sintètiques, de la base de dades simulada BrainWeb, i reals, proporcionades pels grup de metges col•laboradors amb el grup VICOROB. El projecte s'emmarca dins d'un projecte de recerca del grup de Visió per Computador i Robòtica de la Universitat de Girona
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és integrar a la plataforma Starviewer ( plataforma informàtica de processament i visualització d’imatges mèdiques creada fruit de la col•laboració del Laboratori de Gràfics i Imatge (GILab) de la Universitat de Girona i l’Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge (IDI) de l’hospital Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona) per donar suport al diagnòstic un entorn de suport a la inserció de pròtesis, que permeti automatitzar al màxim les operacions que actualment es realitzen de forma manual. Hem de tenir en compte que, tot i que, la imatge més usada pel radiòleg es la radiografia (Rx) també treballa amb tomografia computada (TAC). El TAC dona una visió 3D de l’organisme, mentre que la Rx és 2D
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és ampliar la plataforma Starviewer integrant els mòduls necessaris per donar suport al diagnòstic de l’estenosi de caròtida permetent interpretar de forma més fàcil les imatges Angiografia per Ressonància Magnètica (ARM). La plataforma Starviewer és un entorn informàtic que integra funcionalitats bàsiques i avançades pel processament i la visualització d’imatges mèdiques. Està desenvolupat pel Grup d’Informàtica Gràfica de la Universitat de Girona i l’Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge (IDI) de l’hospital Dr. Josep Trueta. Una de les limitacions de la plataforma és el no suportar el tractament de lesions del sistema vascular. Per això ens proposem a corregir-ho i ampliar les seves extensions per a poder diagnosticar l’estenosi de caròtida
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte es dissenyar i implementar un entorn de suport al diagnòstic dels aneurismes. Aquest entorn s’haurà d’integrar en la plataforma Starviewer. La plataforma Starviewer és un entorn de processament i visualització de dades mèdiques desenvolupat conjuntament entre el Laboratori de Gràfics i Imatge de la UdG i l’ Institut de Diagnòstic per la Imatge de l’Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona. Aquesta plataforma ofereix les funcionalitats bàsiques per diagnosticar a partir d’imatges. Tot i les funcionalitats de la plataforma, en la versió actual no es suporta el processament avançat d’imatge d’angiografia. En aquest projecte ens proposem ampliar aquesta plataforma integrant els mòduls necessaris que permetin el processament d’angiografies usades en el diagnòstic dels aneurismes
Image registration is an important component of image analysis used to align two or more images. In this paper, we present a new framework for image registration based on compression. The basic idea underlying our approach is the conjecture that two images are correctly registered when we can maximally compress one image given the information in the other. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we show that the image registration process can be dealt with from the perspective of a compression problem. Second, we demonstrate that the similarity metric, introduced by Li et al., performs well in image registration. Two different versions of the similarity metric have been used: the Kolmogorov version, computed using standard real-world compressors, and the Shannon version, calculated from an estimation of the entropy rate of the images