966 resultados para Svanborg-Sjövall, Karin
We show that RsAFP2, a plant defensin that interacts with fungal glucosylceramides, is active against Candida albicans, inhibits to a lesser extent other Candida species, and is nontoxic to mammalian cells. Moreover, glucosylceramide levels in Candida species correlate with RsAFP2 sensitivity. We found RsAFP2 prophylactically effective against murine candidiasis.
The solubilization of lipid bilayers by detergents was studied with optical microscopy of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) composed of palmitoyl oleoyl phoshatidylcholine (POPC). A solution of the detergents Triton X-100 (TX-100) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was injected with a micropipette close to single GUVs. The solubilization process was observed with phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy and found to be dependent on the detergent nature. In the presence of TX-100, GUVs initially showed an increase in their surface area, due to insertion of TX-100 with rapid equilibration between the two leaflets of the bilayer. Then, above a solubility threshold, several holes opened, rendering the bilayer a lace fabric appearance, and the bilayer gradually vanished. On the other hand, injection of SDS caused initially an increase in the membrane spontaneous curvature, which is mainly associated with incorporation of SDS in the outer layer only. This created a stress in the membrane, which caused either opening of transient macropores with substantial decrease in vesicle size or complete vesicle bursting. In another experimental setup, the extent of solubilization/destruction of a collection of GUVs was measured as a function of either TX-100 or SDS concentration.
At low ionic strength dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) exhibits a broad phase transition region characterized by several superimposed calorimetric peaks. Peculiar properties, such as sample transparency, are observed only in the transition region. In this work we use differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), turbidity. and optical microscopy to study the narrowing of the transition region with the increase of ionic strength (0-500 mM NaCl). Upon addition of salt, the temperature extension of the transition region is reduced, and the number of calorimetric peaks decreases until a single cooperative event at T(m) = 23 degrees C is observed in the presence of 500 mM NaCl. The transition region is always coupled with a decrease in turbidity, but a transparent region is detected within the melting process only in the presence of up to 20 mM NaCl. The vanishing of the transparent region is associated with one of the calorimetric peaks. Optical microscopy of giant vesicles shows that bilayers first rupture when the transition region is reached and Subsequently lose optical contrast. Fluorescence microscopy reveals a blurry and undefined image in the transparent region, suggesting a different lipid self-assembly. Overall sample turbidity can be directly related to the bilayer optical contrast. Our observations are discussed in terms of the bilayer being perforated along the transition region. In the narrower temperature interval of the transparent region, dependent on the ionic strength, the perforation is extensive and the bilayer completely loses the optical contrast.
Dispersions of saturated anionic phospholipid dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) have been extensively studied regarding their peculiar thermostructural behavior. At low ionic strength, the gel-fluid transition is spread along nearly 17 degrees C, displaying several thermal events in the calorimetric profile that is quite different from the single sharp peak around 23 degrees C found for higher ionic strength DMPG dispersions. To investigate the role of charge in the bilayer transition, we carefully examine the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of DMPG dispersions at different concentrations, correlating the data with the corresponding differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) traces. Electrical conductivity together with electrophoretic mobility measurements allowed the calculation of the dependence of the degree of ionization of DMPG vesicles on lipid concentration and temperature. It was shown that there is a decrease in vesicle charge as the lipid concentration increases, which is probably correlated with the increase in the concentration of bulk Na(+). Apart from the known increase in the electrical conductivity along the DMPG temperature transition region, a sharp rise was observed at the bilayer pretransition for all lipid concentrations studied, possibly indicating that the beginning of the chain melting process is associated with an increase in bilayer ionization. It is confirmed here that the gel-fluid transition of DMPG at low ionic strength is accompanied by a huge increase in the dispersion viscosity. However, it is shown that this measured macroviscosity is distinct from the local viscosity felt by either charged ions or DMPG charged aggregates in measurements of electrical conductivity or electrophoretic mobility, Data presented here give support to the idea that DMPG vesicles, at low ionic strength, get more ionized along the temperature transition region and could be perforated and/or deformed vesicle structures.
The synthetic lipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-3-phosphoglycerol (DMPG), when dispersed in water/NaCl exhibits a complex phase behavior caused by its almost unlimited swelling in excess water. Using deuterium ((2)H)- and phosphorus ((31)P)-NMR we have studied the molecular properties of DMPG/water/NaCl dispersions as a function of lipid and NaCl concentration. We have measured the order profile of the hydrophobic part of the lipid bilayer with deuterated DMPG while the orientation of the phosphoglycerol headgroup was deduced from the (31)P NMR chemical shielding anisotropy. At temperatures > 30 degrees C we observe well-resolved (2)H- and (31)P NMR spectra not much different from other liquid crystalline bilayers. From the order profiles it is possible to deduce the average length of the flexible fatty acyl chain. Unusual spectra are obtained in the temperature interval of 20-25 degrees C, indicating one or several phase transitions. The most dramatic changes are seen at low lipid concentration and low ionic strength. Under these conditions and at 25 degrees C, the phosphoglycerol headgroup rotates into the hydrocarbon layer and the hydrocarbon chains show larger flexing motions than at higher temperatures. The orientation of the phosphoglycerol headgroup depends on the bilayer surface charge and correlates with the degree of dissociation of DMPG-Na(+). The larger the negative surface charge, the more the headgroup rotates toward the nonpolar region.
We investigate the bilayer pre-transition exhibited by some lipids at temperatures below their main phase transition, and which is generally associated to the formation of periodic ripples in the membrane. Experimentally we focus on the anionic lipid dipalmytoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) at different ionic strengths, and on the neutral lipid dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). From the analysis of differential scanning calorimetry traces of the two lipids we find that both pre- and main transitions are part of the same melting process. Electron spin resonance of spin labels and excitation generalized polarization of Laurdan reveal the coexistence of gel and fluid domains at temperatures between the pre- and main transitions of both lipids, reinforcing the first finding. Also, the melting process of DPPG at low ionic strength is found to be less cooperative than that of DPPC. From the theoretical side, we introduce a statistical model in which a next-nearest-neighbor competing interaction is added to the usual two-state model. For the first time, modulated phases (ordered and disordered lipids periodically aligned) emerge between the gel and fluid phases as a natural consequence of the competition between lipid-lipid interactions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We present the multiplicity and pseudorapidity distributions of photons produced in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at root(s)NN = 62.4 and 200 GeV. The photons are measured in the region -3.7 < eta < -2.3 using the photon Multiplicity detector in the STAR experiment at RHIC. The number of photons produced per average number of participating nucleon pairs increases with the beam energy and is independent of (lie collision centrality. For collisions with similar average numbers of participating nucleons the photon multiplicities are observed to be similar for An + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at a given beam energy. The ratios of the number of charged particles to photons in the measured pseudorapidity range are found to be 1.4 +/- 0.1 and 1.2 +/- 0.1 for root(s)NN = 62.4 and 200 GeV, respectively. The energy dependence of this ratio could reflect varying contributions from baryons to charged particles, while mesons are the dominant contributors to photon production in the given kinematic region. The photon pseudorapidity distributions normalized by average number of participating nucleon pairs, when plotted as a function of eta-Y(beam), are found to follow a longitudinal scaling independent of centrality and colliding ion species at both beam energies. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work summarizes results obtained on membranes composed of the ternary mixture dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol (DOPG), egg sphingomyelin (eSM) and cholesterol (Chol). The membrane phase state as a function of composition is characterized from data collected with fluorescence microscopy on giant unilamellar vesicles. The results suggest that the presence of the charged DOPG significantly decreases the composition region of coexistence of liquid ordered and liquid disordered phases as compared to that in the ternary mixture of dioleoylphosphatidycholine, sphingomyelin and cholesterol. The addition of calcium chloride to DOPG:eSM:Chol vesicles, and to a lesser extent the addition of sodium chloride, leads to the stabilization of the two-phase coexistence region, which is expressed in an increase in the miscibility temperature. On the other hand, addition of the chelating agent EDTA has the opposite effect, suggesting that impurities of divalent cations in preparations of giant vesicles contribute to the stabilization of charged domains. We also explore the behavior of these membranes in the presence of extruded unilamellar vesicles made of the positively charged lipid dioleoyltrimethylammoniumpropane (DOTAP). The latter can induce domain formation in DOPG:eSM:Chol vesicles with initial composition in the one-phase region. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this article is to present a new method to predict the response variable of an observation in a new cluster for a multilevel logistic regression. The central idea is based on the empirical best estimator for the random effect. Two estimation methods for multilevel model are compared: penalized quasi-likelihood and Gauss-Hermite quadrature. The performance measures for the prediction of the probability for a new cluster observation of the multilevel logistic model in comparison with the usual logistic model are examined through simulations and an application.
Intresset för medarbetarsamtal har vuxit under det senaste decenniet, men medarbetar-samtal har beforskats i lite utsträckning. En hypotes som vi har utgått från är att medarbetarsamtalet många gånger inte ges det utrymme som det borde för att gynna organisationen och individen. Studien syfte har varit att skapa kunskap kring vad ett medarbetarsamtal är i offentlig sektor. Det är en kvalitativ undersökning omfattande såväl en litteraturstudie, som en intervjuundersökning med enhetschefer och medarbetare för att få fram medarbetarsamtalets betydelse i den offentliga sektorn. Studien har visat att medarbetarsamtal idealt handlar om individen och organisationens utveckling och ska genomföras en gång per år. I praktiken har vi sett att det mer kommit att handla om att förbättra relationen mellan parterna och att vikten av att bli bekräftad av sin chef som medarbetare är stor. Hur medarbetarsamtalet var utformat varierade bland de enheter som ingick i studien men alla enheterna genomförde medarbetarsamtal en gång per år. Medarbetarsamtalet kan fungera som ett ledningsinstrument och även för att ta reda på behovet av förändring och utveckling inom organisationen. Studien har visat att medarbetarsamtal har relevans för det arbete som utförs på enheten. Dokumentation och uppföljning som görs under medarbetarsamtalet står till största del ledningen för. Litteraturstudien har visat att det saknas forskningsstudier kring området medarbetarsamtal.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera användningen av inlärningsstilar i ett klassrum. Vilka möjligheter till att använda flera olika inlärningsstilar tar eleverna samt vilka möjligheter som läraren ger. Vilka inlärningsstilar används allmänt i klassrummet och även specifikt under läs- och skriftspråkundervisningen. Undersökningen gjordes i en F-2 klass på en skola i mellersta Sverige. Metoden som användes var observation. Undersökningens resultat visade att läraren gav eleverna flera möjligheten att använda olika inlärningsstilar samt att eleverna vid ett flertal tillfällen själva tog initiativ till att använda sig av olika inlärningsstilar.
Syftet med litteraturstudien var att finna vilka faktorer som påverkar sjukvårdspersonal att inte tvätta sina händer samt vilka åtgärder som kan göras för att basal handhygien lättare skall efterlevas. Studien skulle även beskriva vilka vårdrelaterade infektioner som kan förekomma när handhygien inte utförs adekvat. En systematisk litteraturstudie med artiklar från stora delar av världen genomfördes. Totalt användes 19 artiklar i resultatet varav 3 artiklar även i introduktionen. Artiklarna söktes via databaserna ELIN@dalarna, Blackwell Synergy, PubMed och CINAHL, och var publicerade mellan 1995 – 2006 och skrivna på svenska eller engelska. Resultatet visade att en av orsakerna till bristande följsamhet var att sjukvårdspersonalen ansåg att det var för tidskrävande att följa fastställda handhygienrutiner. Resultatet visade vidare att attityder, kunskap och vilja samt ålder och antal verksamma år i yrket hade betydelse för följsamheten. Tidigare allergi då sjuksköterskorna lättare fick eksem på sina händer vid handhygien och handspritens och tvättfatens placering hade också betydelse. Läkare hade generellt lägre följsamhet än sjuksköterskor. Stafylococcus Aureus, Rotavirus och Hepatit A virus hade bäst överlevnad i vårdmiljö men de sjukhusrelaterade infektionerna skilde sig något åt beroende på i vilket land studierna gjorts.
The current paper presents a study conducted at At-Bristol Science Centre, UK. It is a front-end evaluation for the “Live Science Zone” at At-Bristol, which will be built during the autumn of 2004. It will provide a facility for programmed events and shows, non-programmed investigative activities and the choice of passive or active exploration of current scientific topics. The main aim of the study is to determine characteristics of what kind of techniques to use in the Live Science Zone. The objectives are to explore what has already been done at At-Bristol, and what has been done at other science centres, and to identify successful devices. The secondary aim is mapping what sorts of topics that visitors are actually interested in debating. The methods used in the study are deep qualitative interviews with professionals working within the field of science communication in Europe and North America, and questionnaires answered by visitors to At-Bristol. The results show that there are some gaps between the intentions of the professionals and the opinions of the visitors, in terms of opportunities and willingness for dialogue in science centre activities. The most popular issue was Future and the most popular device was Film.