979 resultados para Sports Club
International sport governing bodies (ISGBs) are built on the foundations of freedom of association and traditionally enjoy a large degree of autonomy in their decision-making. Their autonomy is increasingly confined, however, and their hierarchical self-governance is giving way to a more networked governance, in which different stakeholders exert power in different ways and in different contexts in a complex web of interrelationships. Taking a rationalist perspective on the autonomy of ISGBs, this article demonstrates that ISGBs are deploying strategies to safeguard their waning governing monopoly over international sport. Opting for an inductive approach, the authors present four possible conceptualizations of autonomy as applied to ISGBs, namely political autonomy, legal autonomy, financial autonomy and pyramidal autonomy. For each dimension, they describe the different strategies ISGBs wield in order to safeguard different dimensions of their autonomy. This article uses governance theories to hypothesize that the autonomy of ISGBs can be understood as 'pragmatic autonomy' since ISGBs only cede certain aspects of their autonomy under particular circumstances and when being subject to specific threats. Acting in a rationalist manner, they are able to keep control over governance developments in sport by using indirect and more subtle forms of governance.
Cet article a pour but d'identifier et de mieux comprendre les liens entre les motivations des pratiquantes de sports de remise en forme, les troubles du comportement alimentaire (TCA) et les troubles psychologiques associés (i.e., insatisfaction corporelle, dépendance à l'exercice physique). Au total, 1270 pratiquantes ont répondu à un questionnaire et 40 ont participé à un entretien semi-directif. Les motivations de perte de poids et/ou modification de l'apparence corporelle sont en lien avec les TCA et l'insatisfaction corporelle. La dépendance à l'exercice physique n'est pas systématique chez les femmes avec TCA. Les pratiquantes de sports de remise en forme motivées uniquement par la perte de poids et/ou la modification de l'apparence sont plus à risques dans levdéveloppement des TCA. The aim of this study was to identify and to better understand links between females' motives in fitness sports, eating disorders (ED) and associated psychological disorders (i.e. body dissatisfaction, exercise dependence). In all, 1270 women were asked by questionnaire and 40 by semi-structured interview. Weight loss/body appearance change motives are related to ED and body dissatisfaction. Exercise dependence are not systematic in women with ED. Fitness sports are at risk in the development of ED for women motivated only by weight loss/body appearance change motives
En aquest projecte es vol explorar en el mercat per trobar una bona solució open source de business intelligence que permeti als dirigents d'un club de fitness millorar la gestió dels seus centres i respondre's algunes preguntes que s'han començat a fer sobre el funcionament del seu negoci, el qual intueixen que ha patit un retrocés de beneficis i de confiança dels seus socis. La finalitat del treball ha estat crear un data warehouse que s'ajustés a les dades de què disposen, transformar-les mitjançant processos ETL i crear cubs OLAP per explotar-les amb eficàcia des de la plataforma de BI escollida.
El següent document correspon a la memòria del projecte fi de carrera d’Enginyeria Informàtica en què hi podem trobar l'explicació del disseny i la implementació de l'aplicació següent: gestió d’un club de bàsquet sobre la plataforma Android. Aquesta memòria correspon a un projecte desenvolupat per una persona en solitari. S'hi exposen tres parts clarament diferenciades: la justificació de l’elecció d’Android, el disseny i la implementació de l’aplicació. La implementació conté funcions com ara la pissarra per a l’entrenador, jugades interactives i la creació d’actes digitals.
Recerca centrada en l’anàlisi de característiques concretes de l’educació inclusiva en un entorn d’educació no formal, com és el futbol base. El criteri que s’ha utilitzat per realitzar l’anàlisi són els agrupaments. Des de l’educació inclusiva es promouen els agrupaments heterogenis, una forma d’agrupar a l’alumnat tenint en compte les seves diferències, per tal d’enriquir-se entre tot l’alumnat i treure profit d’elles. A la vegada aquest agrupament es caracteritza per fomentar la igualtat d’oportunitats en l’aprenentatge dels alumnes. En canvi, al futbol base predominen els agrupaments homogenis, distribuint als jugadors segons el seu nivell en diferents equips. A la recerca es fa una comparació entre l’opinió de diferents membres involucrats en el món del futbol base de dues entitats esportives, un club de futbol, on es fan els grups de forma homogènia, i una escola de futbol, on es fan els agrupaments de forma heterogènia. Els resultats mostren que realitzant agrupaments homogenis no s’assegura que tots els jugadors tinguin les mateixes oportunitats d’aprenentatge i que el nivell competencial dels jugadors en edat de formació pot ser un element que fomenti desigualtats en el seu procés d’aprenentatge esportiu.
The objective of this study is to resolve how customer retention is managed in Finnish health and fitness clubs, and how is this comparable with the theoretical aspects of customer retention. It is also discussed how the process leading to customer retention is handled, and what the essential elements of customer retention and loyalty are specifically in the health and fitness club industry. In addition, it is discussed to what extent do health and fitness club companies implement the elements of customer retention in their businesses. Finally, there is discussion about the relationship and priority between the behavioral and attitudinal methods of creating retention in the companies. The data was collected by interviewing the management of six health and fitness clubs from different geographical regions in Finland. Results indicated that the most important constructs concerning customer retention were switching barriers, pricing strategy, competitive aspect, corporate image, service quality, employee retention, and customer satisfaction. In addition, the implementation of customer retention was found to vary between different sized companies and companies from different geographical locations. Moreover, it was discovered that the companies put more effort in constructs that are considered to create customer loyalty instead of retention.
In this thesis an electric propulsion system is designed on a device level using Cadence ORCAD. The vehicle belongs to the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sci-ences and it is to compete in the Automotive X-Prize competition held in the USA. In this thesis the electric propulsion system and related electric safety measures are designed. Also electro-magnetic compatibility and interferences present in the system are examined by examining the birth mechanisms and transmission paths of interference. Per device effects of interference and solutions to minimize them were examined and proposed. Suitability of permanent magnet synchronous machines for passenger vehicle use was examined by examining the torque production capability of the motor and the torque requirements of the vehicle. Also a short overview of history of electric vehicles is given.
Musiikkiohjelma ja ruokalista.
Yökerhon mainoskortti. Saksankielinen
There are few studies that approach the epidemiology of deaths in racehorses in a broad manner. The majority focus on a specific affection or procedure. Brazil does not have a program instituted for the monitoring of deaths of horses. By means of a descriptive study in association with a multivariate analysis method, an epidemiologic profile was determined for deaths related to musculoskeletal (MS), gastrointestinal (GI), respiratory (RES) systems, neurologic origin (NEU) and sudden death (SD) for the years of 2002 to 2008, at the Octavio Dupont Veterinary Hospital-Rio de Janeiro (ODVH). Males comprised the majority of deaths and that deaths were related to, decreasing order, MS>GI>SD>NEU>RES, with respect to general mortality rate per large group of determined causes (TSPMr). The majority of deaths registered included horses aged four to five years (ID4-ID5). We observed the following correspondence relations: (3-year period = SM - ID>5 - SD; ID>5 - GI; ID4-5 - MS; SF - ID<4 - RES/ NEU); (4-year period = SM - ID>5 - GI; SF - ID<4 - NEU; ID4-5 - MS; GI - ID>5). The present study points out the importance and necessity of epidemiologic studies of lesions in horses, based on diagnosis for the recognition of predisposing factors and prevention.
It has become a popular method in marketing campaigns to use well-known and admired personalities to promote products. A famous person can draw attention to the brand and change consumers’ perceptions of the brand. The research problem of this study was to offer guidelines on how to use athlete endorsement effectively in brand positioning. This research tried to illustrate how athlete endorsement is a vital brand building factor. Athletes have been found to have special credibility, so this research concentrated on the sports goods industry. Furthermore, athlete endorsement has become a natural part of communicating a sports brand. Athletes highlight the performance of the brand to the consumers. The study was conducted as a qualitative research applying case study method. The two case companies selected for this study were Adidas and Puma. The main findings of the empirical research corresponded to the theoretical framework of the study. Brand positioning strategies in the sports goods industry often include athlete endorsement to some extent. Large multinational companies try to attract the best athletes to promote their brand. The key to successful brand positioning is to have a good product with the right personalities to promote it. However, large multinational companies may face difficulties in localizing their marketing efforts. As a result, global campaigns may not be lucrative everywhere. The role of an expert in an athlete’s sport has resulted in increasing credibility in promoting brands. Creating a superior product in consumers’ minds creates competitive advantage. A top athlete may be linked with superior equipment. After considering the goals of the positioning strategy, companies need to plan their brand awareness process, brand image and brand values. Then, athletes need to be selected based on their characteristics to meet the criteria. Sport sponsorship is a way to support the message delivered through athlete endorsement. Athlete endorsement and sport sponsorship complement the marketing communications mix of a brand. Additionally, companies raise brand awareness and communicate brand image through the athlete. Thus, athletes may earn more money through the sponsorship deals and even feature the advertisements after their professional career. Key words
The goal of this Master’s Thesis is to investigate the typical perceptions of health club exercise among middle-aged women. This study is conducted for a Finnish health club Viva Wellness Club due to their interest to examine the perceived barriers of middle-aged women to exercise at their health club. In addition, the behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, motivation and facilitating factors concerning health club exercise are studied. The social aspect of health clubs as social environments is taken into account. The study is conducted qualitatively with semi-structured interviews Eight customers from Viva Wellness Club are interviewed. The findings revealed that the consumers perceived health club exercise as important, effective, diverse and convenient. Despite the fact that some differences were found, the perceptions about exercise in general concurred with the contestants’ perceptions about health club exercise. The perceived barriers to health club exercise encompassed lack of time, tiredness, health restrictions, weather, family commitments and feelings of embarrassment about one’s appearance and condition.