961 resultados para Set covering theory


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A brief introduction into the theory of differential inclusions, viability theory and selections of set valued mappings is presented. As an application the implicit scheme of the Leontief dynamic input-output model is considered.


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János Kornai’s DRSE theory (Kornai, 2014) follows the ex post model philosophy which radically rejects the ex ante set of conditions laid down by the dominant neoclassical school and the stringent limits of equilibrium, and defines its own premises for the functioning of capitalist economy. In other words, the DRSE theory represents an extremely novel trend among the various schools of economics. The theory is still only a verbal model with the following supporting pillars as the immanent features of the capitalist system: dynamism, rivalry and the surplus economy. (The English name of the theory uses the initial letters of the terms Dynamism, Rivalry, Surplus Economy). The dominance of the surplus economy, that is, oversupply is replaced by monopolistic competition, uncertainty over the volume of demand, Schumpeterian innovation, dynamism, technological progress, creative destruction and increasing return to scale with rivalry between producers and service providers for markets. This paper aims to examine whether the DRSE theory can be formulated as a formal mathematical model. We have chosen a special route to do this: first we explore the unreal ex ante assumptions of general equilibrium theory (Walras, 1874; Neumann, 1945), and then we establish some of the possible connections between the premises of DRSE, which include the crucial condition that just like in biological evolution, there is no fixed steady state in the evolutionary processes of market economy, not even as a point of reference. General equilibrium theory and DRSE theory are compared in the focus of Schumpeterian evolutionary economics.


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A high resolution study of the quasielastic 2 H(e, e'p)n reaction was performed in Hall A at the Thomas Jefferson Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia. The measurements were performed at a central momentum transfer of : q: ∼ 2400 MeV/c, and at a central energy transfer of ω ∼ 1500 MeV, a four momentum transfer Q2 = 3.5 (GeV/c)2, covering missing momenta from 0 to 0.5 GeV/c. The majority of the measurements were performed at Φ = 180° and a small set of measurements were done at Φ = 0°. The Hall A High Resolution Spectrometers (HRS) were used to detect coincident electrons and protons, respectively. Absolute 2H(e, e'p) n cross sections were obtained as a function of the recoiling neutron scattering angle with respect to [special characters omitted]. The experimental results were compared to a Plane Wave Impulse Approximation (PWIA) model and to a calculation that includes Final State Interaction (FSI) effects. Experimental 2H(e, e'p)n cross sections were determined with an estimated systematic uncertainty of 7%. The general features of the measured cross sections are reproduced by Glauber based calculations that take the motion of the bound nucleons into account (GEA). Final State Interactions (FSI) contributions were found to depend strongly on the angle of the recoiling neutron with respect to the momentum transfer and on the missing momentum. We found a systematic deviation of the theoretical prediction of about 30%. At small &thetas; nq (&thetas;nq < 60°) the theory overpredicts the cross section while at large &thetas; nq (&thetas;nq > 80°) the theory underestimates the cross sections. We observed an enhancement of the cross section, due to FSI, of about 240%, as compared to PWIA, for a missing momentum of 0.4 GeV/c at an angle of 75°. For missing momentum of 0.5 GeV/c the enhancement of the cross section due to the same FSI effects, was about 270%. This is in agreement with GEA. Standard Glauber calculations predict this large contribution to occur at an angle of 90°. Our results show that GEA better describes the 2H(e, e'p)n reaction.


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An abundance of research in the social sciences has demonstrated a persistent bias against nonnative English speakers (Giles & Billings, 2004; Gluszek & Dovidio, 2010). Yet, organizational scholars have only begun to investigate the underlying mechanisms that drive the bias against nonnative speakers and subsequently design interventions to mitigate these biases. In this dissertation, I offer an integrative model to organize past explanations for accent-based bias into a coherent framework, and posit that nonnative accents elicit social perceptions that have implications at the personal, relational, and group level. I also seek to complement the existing emphasis on main effects of accents, which focuses on the general tendency to discriminate against those with accents, by examining moderators that shed light on the conditions under which accent-based bias is most likely to occur. Specifically, I explore the idea that people’s beliefs about the controllability of accents can moderate their evaluations toward nonnative speakers, such that those who believe that accents can be controlled are more likely to demonstrate a bias against nonnative speakers. I empirically test my theoretical model in three studies in the context of entrepreneurial funding decisions. Results generally supported the proposed model. By examining the micro foundations of accent-based bias, the ideas explored in this dissertation set the stage for future research in an increasingly multilingual world.


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With the popularization of GPS-enabled devices such as mobile phones, location data are becoming available at an unprecedented scale. The locations may be collected from many different sources such as vehicles moving around a city, user check-ins in social networks, and geo-tagged micro-blogging photos or messages. Besides the longitude and latitude, each location record may also have a timestamp and additional information such as the name of the location. Time-ordered sequences of these locations form trajectories, which together contain useful high-level information about people's movement patterns.

The first part of this thesis focuses on a few geometric problems motivated by the matching and clustering of trajectories. We first give a new algorithm for computing a matching between a pair of curves under existing models such as dynamic time warping (DTW). The algorithm is more efficient than standard dynamic programming algorithms both theoretically and practically. We then propose a new matching model for trajectories that avoids the drawbacks of existing models. For trajectory clustering, we present an algorithm that computes clusters of subtrajectories, which correspond to common movement patterns. We also consider trajectories of check-ins, and propose a statistical generative model, which identifies check-in clusters as well as the transition patterns between the clusters.

The second part of the thesis considers the problem of covering shortest paths in a road network, motivated by an EV charging station placement problem. More specifically, a subset of vertices in the road network are selected to place charging stations so that every shortest path contains enough charging stations and can be traveled by an EV without draining the battery. We first introduce a general technique for the geometric set cover problem. This technique leads to near-linear-time approximation algorithms, which are the state-of-the-art algorithms for this problem in either running time or approximation ratio. We then use this technique to develop a near-linear-time algorithm for this

shortest-path cover problem.


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Major developments in the technological environment can become commonplace very quickly. They are now impacting upon a broad range of information-based service sectors, as high growth Internet-based firms, such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Airbnb, and financial technology (Fintech) start-ups expand their product portfolios into new markets. Real estate is one of the information-based service sectors that is currently being impacted by this new type of competitor and the broad range of disruptive digital technologies that have emerged. Due to the vast troves of data that these Internet firms have at their disposal and their asset-light (cloud-based) structures, they are able to offer highly-targeted products at much lower costs than conventional brick-and-mortar companies.


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Ballet and modern dance teachers often exhort students to ‘travel across the floor’ and ‘cover ground’. These instructions invoke metaphors of travel and mobility that capture an array of common assumptions about dance, space and movement. This essay examines the spatial and mobility discourses that these instructions simultaneously build upon and produce while exploring the seductiveness of technique’s promise of mastering space through the moving body. Threading auto-ethnography with critical theory and moving across different disciplinary fields and writing styles, I explore the ways in which these instructions leak outside the perimeter of the dance studio to feed into the narrative of a dancer’s extended physical, geographical and social mobility. Analysing the mobility and travel discourses of my dance training vis-à-vis poststructuralist theorizations of the subaltern power of the nomad and theories of space and place, I argue that this narrative becomes complicit in the construction of an idealized notion of artistic nomadism, which, in turn, aligns with current neoliberal logics organised around the production of mobile subjects.


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Background: Interprofessionalism, considered as collaboration between medical professionals, has gained prominence over recent decades and evidence for its impact has grown. The steadily increasing number of residents in nursing homes will challenge medical care and the interaction across professions, especially nurses and general practitioners (GPS). The nursing home visit, a key element of medical care, has been underrepresented in research. This study explores GP perspectives on interprofessional collaboration with a focus on their visits to nursing homes in order to understand their experiences and expectations. This research represents an aspect of the interprof study, which explores medical care needs as well as the perceived collaboration and communication by nursing home residents, their families, GPS and nurses. This paper focusses on GPS' views, investigating in particular their visits to nursing homes in order to understand their experiences. Methods: Open guideline-interviews covering interprofessional collaboration and the visit process were conducted with 30 GPS in three study centers and analyzed with grounded theory methodology. GPS were recruited via postal request and existing networks of the research partners. Results: Four different types of nursing home visits were found: visits on demand, periodical visits, nursing home rounds and ad-hoc-decision based visits. We identified the core category "productive performance" of home visits in nursing homes which stands for the balance of GPŚ individual efforts and rewards. GPS used different strategies to perform a productive home visit: preparing strategies, on-site strategies and investing strategies. Conclusion: We compiled a theory of GPS home visits in nursing homes in Germany. The findings will be useful for research, and scientific and management purposes to generate a deeper understanding of GP perspectives and thereby improve interprofessional collaboration to ensure a high quality of care.


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Value and reasons for action are often cited by rationalists and moral realists as providing a desire-independent foundation for normativity. Those maintaining instead that normativity is dependent upon motivation often deny that anything called '"value" or "reasons" exists. According to the interest-relational theory, something has value relative to some perspective of desire just in case it satisfies those desires, and a consideration is a reason for some action just in case it indicates that something of value will be accomplished by that action. Value judgements therefore describe real properties of objects and actions, but have no normative significance independent of desires. It is argued that only the interest-relational theory can account for the practical significance of value and reasons for action. Against the Kantian hypothesis of prescriptive rational norms, I attack the alleged instrumental norm or hypothetical imperative, showing that the normative force for taking the means to our ends is explicable in terms of our desire for the end, and not as a command of reason. This analysis also provides a solution to the puzzle concerning the connection between value judgement and motivation. While it is possible to hold value judgements without motivation, the connection is more than accidental. This is because value judgements are usually but not always made from the perspective of desires that actually motivate the speaker. In the normal case judgement entails motivation. But often we conversationally borrow external perspectives of desire, and subsequent judgements do not entail motivation. This analysis drives a critique of a common practice as a misuse of normative language. The "absolutist" attempts to use and, as philosopher, analyze normative language in such a way as to justify the imposition of certain interests over others. But these uses and analyses are incoherent - in denying relativity to particular desires they conflict with the actual meaning of these utterances, which is always indexed to some particular set of desires.


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The thesis presents experimental results, simulations, and theory on turbulence excited in magnetized plasmas near the ionosphere’s upper hybrid layer. The results include: The first experimental observations of super small striations (SSS) excited by the High-Frequency Auroral Research Project (HAARP) The first detection of high-frequency (HF) waves from the HAARP transmitter over a distance of 16x10^3 km The first simulations indicating that upper hybrid (UH) turbulence excites electron Bernstein waves associated with all nearby gyroharmonics Simulation results that indicate that the resulting bulk electron heating near the upper hybrid (UH) resonance is caused primarily by electron Bernstein waves parametrically excited near the first gyroharmonic. On the experimental side we present two sets of experiments performed at the HAARP heating facility in Alaska. In the first set of experiments, we present the first detection of super-small (cm scale) striations (SSS) at the HAARP facility. We detected density structures smaller than 30 cm for the first time through a combination of satellite and ground based measurements. In the second set of experiments, we present the results of a novel diagnostic implemented by the Ukrainian Antarctic Station (UAS) in Verdansky. The technique allowed the detection of the HAARP signal at a distance of nearly 16 Mm, and established that the HAARP signal was injected into the ionospheric waveguide by direct scattering off of dekameter-scale density structures induced by the heater. On the theoretical side, we present results of Vlasov simulations near the upper hybrid layer. These results are consistent with the bulk heating required by previous work on the theory of the formation of descending artificial ionospheric layers (DIALs), and with the new observations of DIALs at HAARP’s upgraded effective radiated power (ERP). The simulations that frequency sweeps, and demonstrate that the heating changes from a bulk heating between gyroharmonics, to a tail acceleration as the pump frequency is swept through the fourth gyroharmonic. These simulations are in good agreement with experiments. We also incorporate test particle simulations that isolate the effects of specific wave modes on heating, and we find important contributions from both electron Bernstein waves and upper hybrid waves, the former of which have not yet been detected by experiments, and have not been previously explored as a driver of heating. In presenting these results, we analyzed data from HAARP diagnostics and assisted in planning the second round of experiments. We integrated the data into a picture of experiments that demonstrated the detection of SSS, hysteresis effects in simulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) features, and the direct scattering of the HF pump into the ionospheric waveguide. We performed simulations and analyzed simulation data to build the understanding of collisionless heating near the upper hybrid layer, and we used these simulations to show that bulk electron heating at the upper hybrid layer is possible, which is required by current theories of DAIL formation. We wrote a test particle simulation to isolate the effects of electron Bernstein waves and upper hybrid layers on collisionless heating, and integrated this code to work with both the output of Vlasov simulations and the input for simulations of DAIL formation.


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In this paper we use concepts from graph theory and cellular biology represented as ontologies, to carry out semantic mining tasks on signaling pathway networks. Specifically, the paper describes the semantic enrichment of signaling pathway networks. A cell signaling network describes the basic cellular activities and their interactions. The main contribution of this paper is in the signaling pathway research area, it proposes a new technique to analyze and understand how changes in these networks may affect the transmission and flow of information, which produce diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Our approach is based on three concepts from graph theory (modularity, clustering and centrality) frequently used on social networks analysis. Our approach consists into two phases: the first uses the graph theory concepts to determine the cellular groups in the network, which we will call them communities; the second uses ontologies for the semantic enrichment of the cellular communities. The measures used from the graph theory allow us to determine the set of cells that are close (for example, in a disease), and the main cells in each community. We analyze our approach in two cases: TGF-β and the Alzheimer Disease.


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We study the relations of shift equivalence and strong shift equivalence for matrices over a ring $\mathcal{R}$, and establish a connection between these relations and algebraic K-theory. We utilize this connection to obtain results in two areas where the shift and strong shift equivalence relations play an important role: the study of finite group extensions of shifts of finite type, and the Generalized Spectral Conjectures of Boyle and Handelman for nonnegative matrices over subrings of the real numbers. We show the refinement of the shift equivalence class of a matrix $A$ over a ring $\mathcal{R}$ by strong shift equivalence classes over the ring is classified by a quotient $NK_{1}(\mathcal{R}) / E(A,\mathcal{R})$ of the algebraic K-group $NK_{1}(\calR)$. We use the K-theory of non-commutative localizations to show that in certain cases the subgroup $E(A,\mathcal{R})$ must vanish, including the case $A$ is invertible over $\mathcal{R}$. We use the K-theory connection to clarify the structure of algebraic invariants for finite group extensions of shifts of finite type. In particular, we give a strong negative answer to a question of Parry, who asked whether the dynamical zeta function determines up to finitely many topological conjugacy classes the extensions by $G$ of a fixed mixing shift of finite type. We apply the K-theory connection to prove the equivalence of a strong and weak form of the Generalized Spectral Conjecture of Boyle and Handelman for primitive matrices over subrings of $\mathbb{R}$. We construct explicit matrices whose class in the algebraic K-group $NK_{1}(\mathcal{R})$ is non-zero for certain rings $\mathcal{R}$ motivated by applications. We study the possible dynamics of the restriction of a homeomorphism of a compact manifold to an isolated zero-dimensional set. We prove that for $n \ge 3$ every compact zero-dimensional system can arise as an isolated invariant set for a homeomorphism of a compact $n$-manifold. In dimension two, we provide obstructions and examples.


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Tropical forests have decreased drastically especially in the Peruvian Amazon. In Peru deforestation is caused especially by migrant people; building of houses and infrastructure, clearing land for agricultural purposes and illegal logging and mining. Deforestation results in hindering ecosystem vitality, boosting climate change and decreasing livelihood possibilities. As a counterpoint to cutting down trees there is reforestation, which refers to re-establishment of forest cover. Deforestation and reforestation can be analysed in the light of Forest Transition theory. According to it, due to economic growth, the amount forest cover first diminishes but then starts to increase as the economy in general strengthens. Thus, the research framework is set to this theory. In this study the focus is on analysing socioeconomically sustainable reforestation possibilities in the community of Tingana, Peru. It is situated in a municipal conservation area around which deforestation has been heavy. Land cover change is analysed from LandsatTM satellite images covering a 15 year time period, 1995–2010, in the surroundings of the study area. Semi-structured interviews have been done with a sample size of 25 people and shed light on the perspectives on forests, reforestation and economical activities. The synthesis created from the two methods gives information about the possibilities to enforce reforestation in Tingana and the phase of forest transition in the area. The results show that forest cover has decreased around the surroundings of Tingana leaving the conservation area isolated from larger forest areas. Knowing that forest cover has also decreased inside the conservation area due to agricultural expansion it is certain that fragmentation harms biodiversity causing changes in local climate, which can have knock-on effects for farming and local livelihoods. Therefore reforestation is welcomed when it ensures both conservation and financial benefits and when carried out on locals’ terms. Regarding conservation and incomes the best option would be to plant native timber species together with fruit production species to create agroforestry systems. Economically the community should aim towards an economy that relies on ecotourism as it already practiced in the area. Reforestation could increase ecotourism, which then could in turn increase reforestation via revenues. Regarding forest transition it is likely that forest re-establishment will occur if reforestation along with ecotourism is implemented on long time scale.


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The analysis of fluid behavior in multiphase flow is very relevant to guarantee system safety. The use of equipment to describe such behavior is subjected to factors such as the high level of investments and of specialized labor. The application of image processing techniques to flow analysis can be a good alternative, however, very little research has been developed. In this subject, this study aims at developing a new approach to image segmentation based on Level Set method that connects the active contours and prior knowledge. In order to do that, a model shape of the targeted object is trained and defined through a model of point distribution and later this model is inserted as one of the extension velocity functions for the curve evolution at zero level of level set method. The proposed approach creates a framework that consists in three terms of energy and an extension velocity function λLg(θ)+vAg(θ)+muP(0)+θf. The first three terms of the equation are the same ones introduced in (LI CHENYANG XU; FOX, 2005) and the last part of the equation θf is based on the representation of object shape proposed in this work. Two method variations are used: one restricted (Restrict Level Set - RLS) and the other with no restriction (Free Level Set - FLS). The first one is used in image segmentation that contains targets with little variation in shape and pose. The second will be used to correctly identify the shape of the bubbles in the liquid gas two phase flows. The efficiency and robustness of the approach RLS and FLS are presented in the images of the liquid gas two phase flows and in the image dataset HTZ (FERRARI et al., 2009). The results confirm the good performance of the proposed algorithm (RLS and FLS) and indicate that the approach may be used as an efficient method to validate and/or calibrate the various existing equipment used as meters for two phase flow properties, as well as in other image segmentation problems.


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The present doctoral thesis studies the association between pre-colonial institutions and long-run development in Latin America. The thesis is organised as follows: Chapter 1 places the motivation of the thesis by underlying relevant contributions in the literature on long-run development. I then set out the main objective of the thesis, followed by a brief outline of it. In Chapter 2, I study the effects of pre-colonial institutions on present-day socioeconomic outcomes for Latin America. The main thesis of this chapter is that more advanced pre-colonial institutions relate to better socioeconomic outcomes today - principally, but not only, through their effects on the Amerindian population. I test such hypothesis with a dataset of 324 sub-national administrative units covering all mainland Latin American countries. The extensive range of controls covers factors such as climate, location, natural resources, colonial activities and pre-colonial characteristics - plus country fixed effects. Results strongly support the main thesis. In Chapter 3, I further analyse the association between pre-colonial institutions and present-day economic development in Latin America by using the historical ethnic homelands as my main unit of analysis. The main hypothesis is that ethnic homelands inhabited by more advanced ethnic groups -as measured by their levels of institutional complexity- relate to better economic development today. To track these long-run effects, I construct a new dataset by digitising historiographical maps allowing me to pinpoint the geospatial location of ethnic homelands as of the XVI century. As a result, 375 ethnic homelands are created. I then capture the levels of economic development at the ethnic homeland level by making use of alternative economic measures --satellite light density data. After controlling for country-specific characteristics and applying a large battery of geographical, locational, and historical factors, I found that the effects of pre-colonial institutions relate to a higher light density --as a proxy for economic activity- in ethnic homelands where more advanced ethnic groups lived. In Chapter 4, I explore a mechanism linking the persistence of pre-colonial institutions in Latin America over the long-run: Colonial and post-colonial strategies along with the ethnic political capacity worked in tandem allowing larger Amerindian groups to "support" the new political systems in ways that would benefit their respective ethnic groups as well as the population at large. This mechanism may have allowed the effects of pre-colonial institutions to influence socioeconomic development outcomes up to today. To shed lights on this mechanism, I combine the index of pre-colonial institutions prepared for the second chapter of the present thesis with individual-level survey data on people's attitudes. By controlling for key observable and unobservable country-specific characteristics, the main empirical results show that areas with a history of more advanced pre-colonial institutions increase the probability of individuals supporting present-day political institutions. Finally, in Chapter 5, I summarise the main findings of the thesis, and emphasise the key weaknesses of the study as well as potential avenues for future research.