916 resultados para Sallust, 86-34 B.C.


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青稞,是我国藏区居民对裸大麦的称谓,它不仅是藏民的主要食粮、燃料和牲畜饲料,而且也是啤酒、医药和保健品生产的原料;青稞不仅为藏区人民的健康和经济发展做出了很大的贡献,而且对人类健康和社会经济的可持续发展都有重要的意义。青藏高原是我国及世界上青稞分布和种植面积最大的地区,资源极其丰富。虽然从经典遗传直到分子标记对我国大麦遗传多样性都有研究,但研究手段、数量仍然不够深入,对我国大麦资源遗传多样性研究的信息非常有限,不能很好地满足大麦遗传研究和育种应用的需要,尤其是对西藏栽培大麦的遗传多样性的研究还只是刚刚开始,关于栽培青稞多态性的研究报道很少。本研究采用SSR标记和蛋白质电泳两类技术,从SSR标记位点、单体醇溶蛋白、B组醇溶蛋白和淀粉粒结合蛋白(SGP)等四个方面对我国青藏高原栽培青稞的遗传多样性进行了综合评价。 SSR标记具有基因组分布广泛、数量丰富、多态性高、容易检测、共显性、结果稳定可靠、实验重现性好、操作简单、经济、易于高通量分析等许多优点,被认为是用于遗传多样性、品种鉴定、物种的系统发育、亲缘关系及起源等研究的非常有效的分子标记。本研究采用SSR标记分析了64份青藏高原栽培青稞的遗传多样性,同时评估SSR标记在我国大麦育种和品种鉴定中的应用潜力。选择了30个已知作图位点SSR标记,其中25个标记与重要性状的控制位点连锁紧密。选择的30个SSR标记,5个未得到很好的扩增产物,3个无多态性。22个多态性SSR标记位点中,每位点检测出等位基因2~15个,共检测出等位基因132个,平均每位点6.0 个。各多态位点检测出基因型为2~11种,位点HVM33的基因型最多。各多态位点的多态信息指数为0.16~0.91, 平均为0.65。根据PIC值选择了13个SSR标记用于我国青藏高原栽培青稞基因型鉴定,这些标记的PIC值为0.6以上。结合PIC值和基因型差异,选择了8个多态信息含量高的SSR标记,构建了高效指纹图谱,此图谱能把64份材料完全区分。 贮藏蛋白电泳分析是研究相关编码蛋白基因多态性的非常有效的方法。大麦单体蛋白与小麦醇溶蛋白相对应,具有丰富的多态性,可用于大麦遗传多样性、品种鉴定和群体进化等研究。本研究通过A-PAGE电泳技术研究了84份青藏高原栽培青稞的单体醇溶蛋白多态性。大麦单体醇溶蛋白图谱与小麦醇溶蛋白电泳图谱类似,所分离的蛋白清晰地分为ω-,γ-,β-和α-四个部分。青藏高原栽培青稞单体醇溶蛋白具有丰富的多态性,84份青稞材料中存在43条不同的蛋白带,75种组合带谱;其中67种为单一材料所独有,另8种则分别包含了2-3份材料。每份材料中拥有醇溶蛋白带为6-16条,含有6-10条单体醇溶蛋白带材料较多。西藏和四川材料群体单体醇溶蛋白多态性不同,具有区域特异性。西藏材料中发现了40条不同蛋白带,3条特异带,46 种蛋白组合;四川材料中出现了40种不同蛋白带,26种条带组合, 3条特异带。基于单体蛋白多态性的聚类与材料的来源有一定的相关性。A-PAGE单体蛋白具有丰富的多态性,可作为遗传研究和品种鉴定的标记。 大麦醇溶蛋白(hordein)是大麦籽粒的主要贮藏蛋白,与大麦的营养品质和加工品质密切相关,而且具有丰富的多态性,广泛用于品种鉴定、种质筛选、遗传多样性和亲缘关系研究。B组醇溶蛋白是主要的醇溶蛋白组份,约占总醇溶蛋白的80%,而且具有丰富的多态性。本研究采用SDS-PAGE分析了72份青藏高原栽培青稞B组醇溶蛋白的遗传多样性。青藏高原栽培青稞B组醇溶蛋白具有丰富的多态性,72份青稞材料中存在15种蛋白带,30种组合带谱,其中15种为单一材料所独有,另15种则分别包含了2-10份材料。每份材料中B组醇溶蛋白条带数为4-8条,含5、6条的材料较常见。不同来源的群体材料间B组醇溶蛋白组成存在差异,西藏青稞含有26种蛋白组合带谱,其中有19种特异带谱;四川群体中共发现11种蛋白组合带型,其中有4种特有带谱。两群体中都存在稀有条带。聚类分析将材料分成三组,材料聚类与材料来源地没有明显的相关性。 淀粉粒蛋白(Starch granule proteins, SGPs)是一类与淀粉粒结合的微量蛋白,一些淀粉粒蛋白具有淀粉生化合成中主要的酶蛋白功能,其变异会影响淀粉含量和特性,从而影响淀粉的应用。关于我国大麦淀粉粒组成研究还未见报道。本实验首次开创了我国大麦淀粉粒结合蛋白的研究工作。采用SDS-PAGE电泳技术研究了青藏高原栽培青稞的SGP组成,并分析了不同SGP组合间淀粉含量的差异,初步探索了所分离的SGP蛋白与淀粉合成的关系。66份青稞材料中分离了10种主要的SGP,其表观分子量为40-100KD,低于60KD的SGP带有7条,共有16种组合带谱;各SGP蛋白和组合带谱出现的频率存在差异,青藏高原青稞的SGP组成存在多态性。西藏青稞和四川青稞的SGP组成有很大差异,SGP组成具有地域差异性,西藏青稞含有12种蛋白组合带谱,其中有9种特异带谱;四川群体中共发现7种蛋白组合带型,其中有4种特有带谱;两群体中仅有3种共同的蛋白组合带谱。SGP蛋白特性将66份青稞分为三组, 即Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ,材料聚类与材料来源具有一定的相关性。不同组合带谱材料间淀粉含量差异显著性检验结果显示,不同带谱间材料的总淀粉含量、直链淀粉含量和支链淀粉含量有差异,带谱2(SGP1+3+7+9+10)和8(SGP1+2+4+6+8)的总淀粉含量及支链淀粉含量显著大于组合带谱3(SGP1+3+7+10)的总淀粉含量。组合带谱7(SGP1+2+6+8)的直链淀粉含量显著低于带谱11(SGP1+5+8)的直链淀粉。带谱SGP2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10可能参与淀粉合成,SGP9可能与高支链淀粉的合成相关。 SSR标记位点、单体醇溶蛋白、B组醇溶蛋白、淀粉结合蛋白等四个方面的研究结果表明青藏高原SSR标记多态性、单体醇溶蛋白多态性、B组醇溶蛋白多态性和SGP多态性都非常丰富,与青藏高原是栽培青稞的多样性分布中心的观点一致。 青藏高原栽培青稞的SSR标记、单体醇溶蛋白、B组醇溶蛋白和SGP多态性表现出很大差异。SSR标记覆盖了整个基因组,多态性非常高。单体蛋白、B组醇溶蛋白、SGP蛋白是育种中非常关注的性状,他们只是代表基因组中的某一区域或位点,多态性相对较低。但单体蛋白多态性很高,84份材料中检测出43条不同蛋白带,75种不同的组合带谱。SSR标记技术和单体蛋白技术都是遗传多样性研究的有力工具,但单体蛋白技术不仅多态性高,而且经济、操作简便,是种质鉴定的理想方法。 对不同标记的多态性材料数据进行聚类,聚类图能为我们提供各材料间的遗传相似信息,为材料选择提供参考。但材料聚类与材料来源的地理区域的相关性表现不一致。SSR聚类和B组醇溶蛋白聚类与材料的来源地无相关性,而单体醇溶蛋白和SGP聚类与材料来源地有一定相关性,即西藏群体和四川群体分别有集中类群,这可能是人为选择的附加效应。 不同来源的群体材料的遗传多样性不同,具有区域特异稀有基因,加强不同地区间资源的交换和配合使用,有利于增加群体遗传多样性和新品种培育。 青藏高原栽培青稞的麦芽浸提性状、淀粉性状、病虫及裸粒等重要农艺性状控制位点存在丰富的变异,遗传基础宽广,可能蕴藏着多种不同的等位基因,是研究重要性状遗传特性、基因资源挖掘和遗传育种的宝贵资源库。 Hulless barley, due to its favorable attributes such as high feed value, good human nutrition,rich dietary fiber and ease processing, attracts people,s attention . Hulless barley plays a very important role in Tibetan life, used as essential food crop, main animal feed and important fuel. In addition to tsampa (roasted barley flour), a main food for Tibetan, hulless barley is also made into cake, soup, porridge, recent naked barley liquor and cornmeal. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is one of a few areas which plant naked barley widely in the world and also has a long growing history. Genetic diversity of the cultivated hulless barley in this region , however, has not been documented. The study of genetic diversity existing within this population is of particular interest in germplasm identification, preservation, and new cultivar development. This study analyzed the genetic diversity of the cultivated naked barley from Qinghai-Tibet plateau through the study of SSR marker loci and monomeric prolamins, B-horden and starch granule proteins. SSRs are present abundantly in genomes of higher organisms and have become a popular marker system in plant studies. SSRs offer a number of advantages, such as the high level of polymorphisms, locus specificity, co-dominance, reproducibility, ease of use through PCRand random distribution throughout the genome. In barley, several hundred SSRs have been developed and genetically mapped and can therefore be selected from specific genomic regions. The genetic diversity of 64 cultivated naked barley from Tibet and Sichuan was studied with 30 SSRs of known map location.Among the selected SSR markers, PCR products of 5 SSR markers were not obtained and 3 SSR marker loci were monomeric. A total of 132 alleles were identified at 22 polyomeric SSR loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 15, with an average of 6.0. The polymorphism information content values for the SSRs ranged from 0.08 to 0.94, with an average of 0.65. 13 SSR markers with the PIC value >0.6 have been selected for discrimination of Qinghai-Tibet naked barley genotypews. A finger Print map was developed through 7 SSR markers with the high PIC value. It could be used as an efficient tool for gene discovery and identification of gernplasm. Hordeins, the main storage proteins of the barley seed, are composed of momomeric and polymeric prolamins and divided into -A, B, C and D groups in order of decreasing electrophoretic mobility. Hordeins show high inter-genotypic variation and have been extensively used as markers for cultivar identification and analyzing the genetic diversity. This study analyzed the genetic diversity of B-hordein in 72 naked barley from Qinqhai-Tibet Plateau. Extensive diversity was observed. A total of 15 different bands and 30 distinct patterns were found. Jaccard's coefficient of similarity was calculated, and the accessions were divided into three main groups by cluster analysis using UPGMA. Differentiation among the populations from different collecting regions based on the polymorphism of B-hordein was investigated. Monomeric prolamins show high inter-genotypic variation and have been used as molecular markers for cultivar identification, analyzing the genetic diversity in collections and investigating the evolution processes and structure of populations However, the cultivated hulless accessions from Qinghai-Tibet Pateau in China have never been examined with respect to monomeric prolamins. This study analyzed the genetic diversity of monomeric prolamins (protein fraction corresponding to wheat gliadins) using the Acid -PAGE technique in eighty-four cultivated hulless barley from Qinqhai-Tibet Plateau in China. Extensive diversity was observed. A total of 43 different bands were found, of which 21 different bands were in the region of ω group, 8 in the region of γ, 8 in the region of β, and 6 in the region of α group. Among the 86 accessions, 75 distinct patterns were identified. The number of bands ranged from 6 to 16, depending on the variety. Jaccard’s coefficient of similarity was calculated, and the lines were grouped by cluster analysis using UPGMA. A dendrogram was obtained from the analysis of the groups and five main clusters were identified. No relationship between the distribution in the dendrogram and growth habits and origins of the cultivars could be detected. Starch is the major constituent of the cereal endosperm, comprising approximately 65% of the dry weight of the mature wheat grain. The starch formed in all organs of plants is packaged into starch granules, which vary widely between species and cultivars in size and shape. Wheat endosperm starch granules contain about corresponding to the main biosynthase of starch. This report firstly dealed with intraspecific variation of the major SGPs in cultivated naked barley from Qinghai-Tibet plateau. A total of 10 major SGPs were observed in the range of 40KD-100KD and 16 types of patterns were found. Based on the variation of SGPs, accessions studied were classified into 3 groups. A geographical cline of electrophoregram was observed. In addition, significance test of the difference of starch content among groups and types of patterns were done, and the results indicated those SGPs could be related to the content of starch. Diagram obtained through cluster analysis exhibited a structuration of diversity and genetic relationship among cultivated hulless accessions. In breeding program, parents with genetically distant relationship for hybridization will increase genetic diversity of progenies. In conclusion, cultivated naked barley from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China presents a high variability with respect to monomeric prolamins,SSR markers , B- hordeins and SGPs. The result of this study supports Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the center of cultivated hulless barley and the cultivated naked barley is considered to be a gene pool with large diversity and could be applied to breeding for cereal.


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目的 重离子和高剂量率6 0 Coγ射线照射离体人血建立染色体畸变的剂量 效应曲线 ;比较重离子1 2 C照射与6 0 Coγ射线照射诱发染色体畸变的相对生物效能。方法 重离子1 2 C和6 0 Coγ射线照射离体人血 ,吸收剂量率为 3Gy min ,吸收剂量为 1 0~ 8 0Gy。主要记录染色体型畸变的非稳定性畸变 ,对双着丝粒体和着丝粒环做曲线拟合 ,并检验回归系数的显著性和曲线的拟合度。结果 重离子1 2 C和6 0 Coγ射线照射离体血诱发的染色体畸变 (双 +环 ) ,在 0~ 8Gy范围内 ,呈良好的剂量 效应关系。1 2 C离子诱发染色体畸变的RBE值是不恒定的 ,它随吸收剂量增加而减少 ,在 0 3~ 8 0Gy范围内 ,RBE值 (Dγ Dc)从 2 6 2到 1 0 0 ,平均 1 5 8。结论 1 2 C离子对6 0 Coγ射线照射诱发染色体畸变 ,在照射剂量较低时 ,有较高的生物效应。


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本文采用 5 5MeV u1 2 C6+离子注入鬼臼衍生物之一———鬼臼乙叉甙 (VP1 6) ,针对它在临床上的缺点 ,试图利用重离子的能量转移和质量沉积对其分子组成与结构进行改造 ,以增加它的水溶性 ,提高疗效 ,减小毒性。实验样品在离子注入后 ,先后进行了紫外 (UV)、高效液相 (HPLC)和液质联用 (HPLC -MS)分析 ,并对癌细胞K5 6 2和HL- 6 0分别进行了药理活性测定 ,取得了初步结果和进行了简短讨论。


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2,2′-联吡啶在金电极上需长达10 h 左右才能达到吸附平衡和有足够量的分子来促进细胞色素 c 的电化学反应.需用长时间浸泡膜转移法,减小因促进剂分子吸附强度的变化而造成的差别.


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聚合酶链反应(PCR)是体外 DNA 扩增技术,用于扩增确定长度的特异 DNA 片段或从少量复合性模板中扩增目的的 DNA 序列。随着聚合酶链式反应技术的不断革新和仪器设备的优化,聚合酶链式反应已经成为分子生物学领域中广泛应用的技术,并对以分子生物学为基础的相关领域产生重要影响。本文研究了利用聚合酶链式反应分别克隆黄海葵神经毒素基因和牙鲆孵化酶基因。海葵神经毒素是一类海洋多肽毒素,它们能广泛作用于可激动细胞的电压门控的钠离子通道,并且有心肌刺激活性。在所有已知海葵毒素中,来源于黄海葵的 Anthopleurin-B 拥有最强的心肌刺激活性,因此 Anthopleurin-B 被广泛认为是未来设计强心药物的理想分子模型。孵化酶是特异存在于鱼类胚胎孵化腺中的一种金属蛋白酶。由于孵化酶存在时空特异性,它被认为是从细胞水平和分子水平研究胚胎分化的良好探针,克隆其基因将促进胚胎发育与分化的系统研究。海葵组织存在大量的粘我糖物质,目前采用的许多标准方法提取海葵组织中核酸的效果均不理想。在已有的核酸提取方法的基础上,西文设计了一种新方案用于分离总 RNA 和基因组 DNA ,其要点为:用强变性剂异硫氰酸胍匀浆海葵组织,在一定离子强度下,用表面活性剂溴化十六烷基三甲基胺(CTAB)处理匀浆液,并有氯仿抽提,可将粘多糖从核酸溶液中分离;或在一定离子强度下,通过二乙胺乙基(DEAE)纤维素层析柱,将多糖和其它杂质分离。结果表明这种新组合的方法效果良好,获得的总 RNA 和基因组 DNA 在 260nm 和 280nm 紫外吸光度的比值分别为 1.96-1.97 和 1.73-1.75。同时总 RNA 的完整性良好,基因组 DNA 为大片段。根据黄海葵神经毒素 Anthopleurin-B C 末端氨基酸序列密码子简并度低的特点,本文设计了四种方案,用聚合酶链式反应扩增 Anthopleurin-B 的 cDNA 序列。其中用连接锚定聚合酶链式反应,即末端 DNA 快速扩增技术(RACE)成功扩增了 Anthopleurin-B 的全长 cDNA 序列,表明末端 DNA 快速扩增技术适合于较小的多肽或蛋白基因序列的扩增。本研究还修改了胚胎细胞总 RNA 标准提取和纯化方法,删除了胚胎细胞匀浆步骤,改为在缓冲溶液中,于 55℃ 用高浓度蛋白酶 K 裂解胚胎细胞,从而减少细胞核的破损,用苯酚/氯仿抽提将细胞核除去。获得的总 RNA 不受基因组 DNA 的污染,RNA 在 260nm 和 280nm 紫外吸光度的比值为 1.93-1.99 之间。用反转录聚合酶链式反应获得了目的基因序列,证明该方法切实可行。通过反转录聚合酶链式反应获得了牙鲆孵化酶部分 cDNA 克隆,经过 DNA 测序并且与青鳉孵化酶(HCE)比较,两者之间的以应 cDNA 序列的同源性分别为 86.0%, 推演氨基酸序列的同源性为 80.7%,由此可知,两者之间的同源性确实很高,因此,我们推测在硬骨鱼纲中,孵化酶基因可能是一类保守性很强的 DNA 序列。


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The topic of Dynamic reservoir model and the distribution of remaining oil after polymer injection of Shengtuo oilfield is a front problem of "the 11th Five-Year Plan" scientific and technological disciplines of Sinopec Corporation. Reservoirs in study area is distributary channel sandstone. After 34 years of water-injection exploitation and 7 years of polymer injection pilot experiments, a highly complex heterogeneous dynamic evolution has been occurred in macro and micro parameters of reservoir model, together with its flow field. Therefore, it’s essential to construct completed reservoir dynamic model for a successfully prediction of the distribution of remaining oil. With a comprehensive application of multidisciplinary theory and technique, using a variety of data and information to maximize the use of computer technology, combining a static and dynamic, macro and micro and 1~4D integration, the research reveals main features, evolution and mechanism, types of geological disasters and their destructivity of reservoir flow field, the macro field, the micro field, the flow field and reservoir development hydrodynamic geological function in different development periods after a long term of polymer injection in Es2 in Shengtuo oilfield. The principle innovation achievements obtained are: 1. Established A, B, C, D four flow units in target formations, revealed the various features and distribution of flow units. 2. Stated environmental pollution and geological disasters induced during oilfield exploitation in study area, and also explained their formation mechanism, controlling factors, destructivity and approaches to disaster reduction. 3. Established dynamic evolution of the macro parameter model, micro-matrix field, pore network field, clay minerals field, seepage dynamic evolution model of six different exploitation stages in study area, also revealed reservoir flow evolution, the law of evolution mechanism after polymer injection. 4. Established macro and micro distribution model of remaining oil after three mining polymer injection during different water cut periods in study area, revealed the formation mechanism and distribution of remaining oil. 5. Established remaining oilforecasting model in study area, and forecasted the formation and distribution of remaining oil in the following six years. 6. It is proposed that reservoir fluid dynamic geological processes are major driving forces for the evolution of different water cut periods, reservoir macro field after the polymer injection and micro seepage field. 7. Established a dynamic reservoir model, proposed matching theory, methods and technology for the description of the remaining oil characterization and prediction, which can deepen the theory and techniques of continental rift basin development geology. Key words: Polymer reservoir; Geological disasters; Dynamic model; Residual oil forecast


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Las cooperativas son entidades con una gran presencia económica y social en España, y tienen una gran influencia en la economía rural de las zonas donde están ubicadas. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es el análisis del uso de las nuevas tecnologías por parte de las cooperativas agroalimentarias, centrándose en las productoras de aceite de oliva para determinar los principales factores que condicionan su comportamiento en la Red. En el presente estudio se analizan sus sitios web y se determina qué tipo de información aporta, tanto datos generales como datos de comercialización. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se busca la relación que pueda existir entre el tamaño de la cooperativa, su actividad exportadora o la actividad de comercio electrónico con la presencia online, mediante una regresión logística. De esta manera podremos conocer si realmente la implantación de nuevas tecnologías en las cooperativas permite desarrollar una óptima actividad económica.


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El bajo rendimiento académico sigue siendo un problema de investigación de gran impacto social. Sin embargo, los resultados científicos no están teniendo repercusión en la mejora, ni en las políticas educativas. En este trabajo nos propusimos identificar, ordenar, analizar y extraer conclusiones sobre la producción española sobre rendimiento académico, con el fin de visualizarla y derivar problemas futuros objeto de investigación. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio de revisión en seis etapas, en el que se combinaron procedimientos metodológicos de investigación de síntesis y de investigación bibliométrica. Se identificaron las publicaciones en cuatro bases de datos españolas; posteriormente se analizaron y codificaron los datos extraídos alrededor de nueve indicadores: título, año, tipo de documento, editorial, autor, número autores, institución, comunidad autónoma y tema. Los resultados muestran una producción constante y creciente (1595 referencias), pero dispersa, tanto por el inmenso número de autores que publican, la mayoría con un solo trabajo, como por los lugares donde publican. Las temáticas más tratadas se refieren en primer lugar a modelos explicativos, diagnóstico y tratamiento; en segundo lugar se abordan los factores y variables determinantes del bajo y alto rendimiento académico; en tercer lugar se desarrollan estudios sobre legislación y de otras variables psicológicas y educativas en relación con el rendimiento. Este estudio supone una aproximación sintetizada de la producción sobre rendimiento académico en España, y un primer paso para investigaciones de síntesis posteriores, que nos permitan identificar buenas prácticas para el ejercicio de “prácticas basadas en la evidencia”, y otros problemas de investigación.


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There is conflicting evidence concerning lithium’s effect on renal function. The aim is to clarify whether lithium affects kidney function and at what stage of treatment any effect may occur. Systematic review identified 23 studies split into three groups on which meta-analysis was performed to identify the following: A) lithium’s effect on renal function in cross-sectional case-control studies, B) studies of renal function before and after commencement on lithium, C) studies of longer term effect in those already established on lithium therapy. Group A showed a statistically significant increase of 5.7 µmol/L in creatinine in the study population compared with controls. Group B showed a non-statistically significant rise in creatinine (2.9 µmol/L) after a mean follow-up of 86 months. Group C showed a statistically significant increase in creatinine of 7.0 µmol/L over a mean duration of 64 months. An increase in creatinine of an average of 1.6 µmol/L/year on lithium was also identified in this group. Any lithium-associated increase in serum creatinine is quantitatively small and of questionable clinical significance. However, routine renal function monitoring of patients on lithium is essential.


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Beliefs about personhood are understood to be a defining feature of individualism-collectivism (I-C), but they have been insufficiently explored, given the emphasis of research on values and self-construals. We propose the construct of contextualism, referring to beliefs about the importance of context in understanding people, as a facet of cultural collectivism. A brief measure was developed and refined across 19 nations (Study 1: N = 5,241), showing good psychometric properties for cross-cultural use and correlating well at the nation level with other supposed facets and indicators of I-C. In Study 2 (N = 7,623), nation-level contextualism predicted ingroup favoritism, corruption and differential trust of ingroup and outgroup members, while controlling for other facets of I-C, across 34 nations. We conclude that contextualism is an important part of cultural collectivism. This highlights the importance of beliefs alongside values and self-representations, and contributes to a wider understanding of cultural processes.


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With the introduction of budget airlines and greater competitiveness amongst all airlines, air travel has now become an extremely popular form of travel, presenting its own unique set of risks from food poisoning. Foodborne illness associated with air travel is quite uncommon in the modern era. However, when it occurs, it may have serious implications for passengers and when crew are affected, has the potential to threaten safety. Quality, safe, in-flight catering relies on high standards of food preparation and storage; this applies at the airport kitchens (or at subcontractors' facilities), on the aircraft and in the transportation vehicles which carry the food from the ground source to the aircraft. This is especially challenging in certain countries. Several foodborne outbreaks have been recorded by the airline industry as a result of a number of different failures of these systems. These have provided an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and current practice has, therefore, reached such a standard so as to minimise risk of failures of this kind. This review examines: (i) the origin of food safety in modern commercial aviation; (ii) outbreaks which have occurred previously relating to aviation travel; (iii) the microbiological quality of food and water on board commercial aircraft; and (iv) how Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points may be employed to maintain food safety in aviation travel.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a lifelong, inflammatory multi-organ disease and the most common lethal, genetic condition in Caucasian populations, with a median survival rate of 41.5 years. Pulmonary disease, characterized by infective exacerbations, bronchiectasis and increasing airway insufficiency is the most serious manifestation of this disease process, currently responsible for over 80% of CF deaths. Chronic dysregulation of the innate immune and host inflammatory response has been proposed as a mechanism central to this genetic condition, primarily driven by the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) pathway. Chronic activation of this transcription factor complex leads to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and mediators such as IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α. A20 has been described as a central and inducible negative regulator of NF-κB. This intracellular molecule negatively regulates NF-κB-driven pro-inflammatory signalling upon toll-like receptor activation at the level of TRAF6 activation. Silencing of A20 increases cellular levels of p65 and induces a pro-inflammatory state. We have previously shown that A20 expression positively correlates with lung function (FEV1%) in CF. Despite improvement in survival rates in recent years, advancements in available therapies have been incremental. We demonstrate that the experimental use of naturally occurring plant diterpenes such as gibberellin on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cell lines reduces IL-8 release in an A20-dependent manner. We discuss how the use of a novel bio-informatics gene expression connectivity-mapping technique to identify small molecule compounds that similarly mimic the action of A20 may lead to the development of new therapeutic approaches capable of reducing chronic airway inflammation in CF. 


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O trabalho de investigação que envolveu este livro foi financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projecto UID/HIS/04209/2013.